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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Adelaide stared at Matty and Alex in horror. "You two aren't actually suggesting that somebody leaves? Or is it that you would kick them out? Leave them to die on the streets? To become one of those...one of those - things?!" Her voice rose in anger, her fists clenching at her sides. "You cannot be serious. This is sick!" Adelaide jumped up from where she sat on the floor and walked as quickly as she could away from the room. Her heart thundered against her chest in frustration. She felt like screaming. They couldn't do that.. could they? (@DryPunishment)
"We can only hope that they are ok and haven't run into any more of these." Connor said as he lifted one of the arms to get a look at the things claws. They had the potential to be good knife blades, but he hadn't gone over that edge yet. "What do you think caused this thing to come about? The virus had to have mutated it, no other explanation. But how did it het here?"

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"Does it keep more people fed? What if I left? Get one can and a bottle of water and keep you guys from starving?"

He sounded very determined.

"I can't let you guys starve. And I'm too much of a liability with my bummed arm. Can't let Caitlyn...I...I can survive on my own. It's not a big deal."

He saw Adelaide jump.

"Calm down. I won't force anyone out of here. And Tom,where do you suppose we'll find materials?"

"There has to be a solution besides you leaving Matt! Christ, we cant throw our own to the wolves when the going gets tough. And I mean, hell, we all knew this day would come." He looked at Matt and frowned.
"For Christ's sake." Alex sped out of the room and went after her. "Adelaide! I never said that! You're putting words in my mouth here, so just stop!" He yelled at her. "The whole reason I put in rationing is because I don't want people to leave. Don't you get that?!" He asked. (@october_rain)


"Everyone just shut up." Eric said, he stood up. "If people want to leave, we can't stop them, but I am not throwing away the weeks of work we've put into this place. You're all acting like there's no food left on earth - I can find at least ten cans in one morning when I go out, it's not a struggle, but yet we're at each other's throats about it - Speak to Alex. He said something about a small town earlier on, but until then, can we just... y'know... stop?" He asked, he realized that he was a bit aggressive and then sat down opposite Tom and Carl again. Carl tried to keep in good spirits and pulled out the drawing he did earlier on and unfolded it before placing it on the table in front of Tom. It was a drawing of four people. One small, one a little taller, and the other two were around the same height.

"Do you like it?" He asked quietly, smiling. (@DryPunishment)

The ACUs stained by dirt and blood, the tag US Army on her right, her last on her left. She sighed a breath of fresh air and glared off into the distance as she tracked a hmmvw that drove by her hideout in Syracuse, could it be? Fort Drum was a bust, a disaster area, the hope of survivors clearly was not anywhere to be found. Someone hit that base hard. So maybe she thought that the culprits were inside the hmmvw. She hesitated for a second as she held her bolt action rifle close to her shoulder and shuddered for a second as she stepped outside and scanned the area. It was dark... It was dangerous... But if she was quiet... She was safe...

It was a city home instead she climbed up through the second floor window and crouch down to silence her movements as she entered the bedroom. There she made her way down to the livingroom, and stared at two souls that laid on the floor, cuddled together. Her heart stopped..... Was it a dream....
Caitlyn looked at him. She asked him.

"But why?"

Matty looked at her.

"So you can eat,honey. I don't want you to starve,baby."

He turned back to Tom.

"But I'll just drag you down with me if I get...besides. I can't even hold my gun right anymore."

@DrCompton @DrTrollinski
Chris's head fell backwards and then shot up at the moment, his paranoia shot up as he grabbed his assault rifle and aimed it around the room with his flashlight on, the fire turned to burning cinders. He saw nothing, but Nathan as he held him, he was petrified.... " Whats wrong buddy. Noones here, but us. " He smiled towards the kid as he lowered the assault rifle for a second.
"It looks great Pal." Tom looked at it briefly, this dismissed it, "Still that doesn't change the fact that we need to start making plans about leaving this mall eventually anyways. Living off beans is no way to leave. Eventually we're going to get real sick from it... We need other sources of food, and a farm is the best place for that."
Adelaide stopped and turned. "Of course I get not wanting them to leave! I get the rationing, too." She yelled back. "You know that Matty was practically asking for your permission to leave and that's exactly what he's going to do. We can't let him or anybody else even think of just leaving. They'll die." She rushed to get the words out and shook her head. Her eyes stung with the threat of tears. "I'm so tired of people dying." She whispered, a tear rolling gently down her cheek. (@DrTrollinski )
(We'll notice eventually. Don't worry @Soul OMU)

".. I've gotta' go pee..." He whimpered. ".. I don't wanna' go upstairs alone." He added, looking around in nervousness. (@DryPunishment)


"Hey..." Alex looked at her and walked up, taking a deep breath. ".. I know." He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it. ".. No one else has to die, and we will find a way around it - he was just discussing possibilities, but his decision isn't final. We're all panicked. No one likes the idea of starving. If we move to a town like I said, we'll be fine, but you need to keep strong for me, okay? You're not the only one that'll suffer if you don't." He smiled softly at her as he used his free hand to brush the tear off of her cheek. He pulled her into a shielding and friendly hug, sighing. ".. I know that you probably lost a lot when this all started off. We all did - I don't want to second-guess that, but I never really asked you about... what life was like before all this. Adelaide... I promise you I'll do whatever I can to stop him from going out there, okay?" He said to her, gently rubbing her back. (@october_rain)
"Nick. Don't let go. I can't...I'm too dizzy. Can't...ugh..."

She felt her head go in all directions. Tina tightly gripped Nick and tried to keep on moving. Slowly she regained some control.

Okay,not as dizzy. Just a little better.

"Thanks..." she muttered.

Chris slowly grumbled. " Alright... Lets go. " Getting up shrugging his shoulders real quick, shifting his assault rifle across his back. He picked the kid up and carried him up the stairs into the bathroom where Chris set him down. " Here you go buddy, Ill be right here. " He stepped back and looked around where he looked around, continuously his guard down.
Matty rubbed his nose bridge and then he sat down again.

"I haven't been feeling too well as of late."

Caitlyn hugged him,but remained silent.

He hugged he back with his right hand.

@DrTrollinski @DrCompton
Nathan shot into the bathroom and quietly closed the door over. The lock was heard going across the door, and then he was finally given the chance to relieve himself. He needed to go pretty badly. What would he do if he didn't have Chris there? He'd probably relieve himself under the bed again. Or he'd be dead. Both possibilities weren't pleasant.

Maybe a few blocks down, some gunshots went off. Nathan heard them and gasped, but he didn't say anything. They were far away, and he couldn't exactly do anything while he was busy using the toilet. (@october_rain)


"What do you mean 'not well'?" Eric asked, one eyebrow raised. "We've got medicine. More than enough. We can treat you." He said, frowning fully now. (@DryPunishment)
"Been getting all these nonsensical nightmares and couldn't really sleep well. I'm sure you noticed the fact that I take longer to wake up than usual...those things happened before this outbreak happened,but now it's more intense. Not sure what medicine could fix it. I also get migrenes."

He looked at Eric with a worried face. He was not the cool ex-SAS guy he knew. Matty had gotten thinner and weaker due to sedemantarism. He was a mess.

Meanwhile, inside a small supermarket...

"Dominic, please... You need to do something."

"What the hell am I going to do about that thing?!" He screamed back in response. They'd been attacked by some monster while they were in town, but right now, they were trapped by it. Luckily some kind folk had boarded up the place before they left it behind, so they were fortified, for now. Across the other end of the store, Kendrick was talking to one other man that had come out with them - the thirteen-year-old boy who was with them was actually in tears. He was lost and unsure of what to do. He was starting to regret ever walking outside the gate. ".. Hey..." Dominic said to him, patting him on the shoulder and then hugging him with one arm in a friendly manner. "Keep strong, kiddo. We're getting out of--"

"Oh, SHIT! It's coming back!" The man beside Kendrick yelled, Kendrick readied his gun, but by then it was too late. The creature shoved its hand through the boards and impaled the man that was stood right beside him. He slowly turned and looked at Kendrick as blood spewed from his mouth, but before he could do so much as even gasp a word, the creature had stuck its head through the window and took off his own with its ferocious jaws and teeth. It was insane. Kendrick screamed and fired at it, causing it to retreat with the body alongside it. The kid with them was full-on bawling now, and everyone else was panicked as Kendrick came running back to them, pretty much screaming for them to get behind something and get ready.


".. I don't know. Doc's not here, so we'll have to make do. Let's get inside this puppy." The man said as he pulled his hunting knife from its holster and brought it down on the dead monster's head. He began to very slowly cut through the bone. There was a lot of bone there, more than usual. "Jesus H Christ..." He mumbled as he continued to slice through the bone. (@DryPunishment)
Adelaide pursed her lips. A lot had happened in the last few months, but most of it was not worth talking about. The bit that was Adelaide didn't want to talk about. "No, I'm fine." She leaned back against the wall and gazed around the hallway, letting silence take over. After several minutes Adelaide nudged Alex's knee with her own. "So, you and Hunter, eh?" (@DrTrollinski )
Delaney didn't seem to notice Brad's distress, just exhausted from her very existence; especially with the pregnancy holding her down. She was completely asleep, only mumbling something incoherent when his weight shifted the bed and he got back in. She lie on her back, it looked rather strange; but she'd learned to accept sleep when it came, regardless of how she was positioned. She'd slept in the cramped passenger seat for too long, it felt nice to spread out on the big bed; even if she happened to swat at Brad every now and then. While he thought of his lost children, she vaguely dreamt of happier times; some fantasy world where she had a beautiful baby boy, with wild curls and her father's eyes. Her father's-... Suddenly she stopped, she hardly remembered the man's eyes. How wonderful and dutiful a wife she was, to bear the child of her husband's friend. Delaney mumbled again, pulling the blankets closer towards her chest; she could envision everything so clearly in her mind, a perfect life that was ruined by only her own mistakes.


Levi hadn't gotten much a reaction other than silence, but he eventually complied and went inside; making sure to bring at least a melee weapon with him before entering the nice home. It was old, cozy; it must've been some kind of crazy to hole up, and he assumed they may have stayed in the shed or barn for most of their time. He noticed that everyone was quiet, ignoring the gentle tugs from the little girl; they were waiting for him to snap. But the silence didn't bother him; he could show them just how calm he was, he wouldn't twitch a muscle or ask them why they didn't answer... He would just wait for them to talk first. You could say that the 3 hours went by dreadfully long, but he heard a strange knock before the door creaked open.

(@DryPunishment I think that West should be with your new character and maybe one of @DrTrollinski 's NPCs bringing in food/etc)


Tina hadn't seemed so well after coming up with a plan, it was all Nick from there. In the three hours that passed, they had moved slowly but surely. Nick essentially got her to come with him to the hanging tree, ignoring the maggots that oozed out of every pore in the corpses; or the fact it smelled like year old meat left hanging in the sun. The bodies were already gutted, so it didn't take much more than nerve to reach in the intestines to take handfuls of guts and rub them on their skin. Nick vomited up bile, the overwhelming stench making him furthermore squeamish; not to mention the fact they were already in a time crunch. He was so sickeningly nervous, his hands trembling; but he was determined to get out of here. Tina seemed to be more of a tagalong at this point, up until they ran to the back gate and started clawing under the fence; taking their start at the section with soft soil, just freshly tilled under. It was obviously to fill in some sort of gap that had formed, but was still soft enough for them to just push it aside. He stopped to listen, perking up as Tina finished pushing enough soil away for him to weasel his way under. Adrenaline pulsed through his body and vomit churned up in his stomach, he smelled like a deadman; the blood beginning to crust on his sticky red face. Ducking, he wriggled through the hole; taking the first leave since it was his idea. Essentially, his thin longsleeve shirt was ripped down the back; claw marks revealing his old wounds. Wincing at the pain, Nick pulled himself the rest of the way through; he'd just barely fit, his entire back scratched from the chainlink's edges. She had gotten stuck, on the other hand; he was dealing with the undead on one side; unable to make any hasty movements, and she was stuck. They were able to make it out, Nick killed one more walker to freshen up the guts on them, just in case. Then came the true test of their strength, they began their journey.

@DryPunishment (because of the timeskip I had to kind've just do it... I don't know if you still want Tina to lose her arm? If you want that to happen we could have it be something where on the way out they make too much noise or someone freaks out for a second; Tina gets bit, and Nick cuts it clean off?)
"Tried them...don't work. Also tried sleeping pills. They put me,to sleep,but then I can't wake up from the nightmares. Frickin' torture. I wake up in the morning I can't even remember them. Last week I woke up in sleep paralysis. Couldn't move anything else but my eyes. Saw all kinds of shadows passing by and looking at me...could have sworn they..."

He stopped.

"I am too weak. I can't go on like this."

Sherry came out of the darkness as soon as the kid closed the door behind chris, punching him in the shoulder. " You asshole! Where have you been! You put me through this whole shit alone! " Chris fell backwards and just stared at her as his pupils widened. It was a ghost, or it was her, but it couldnt of been.... No way..... Sherry approached him as he laid on the ground staring at him as she lowered her arm to greet him. Then she hugged him tightly. " Promise me you wont leave.... Chris...." Chris froze for a second, his eyes gripped the darkness, but for one moment the light hit him. As he held one arm around her and said. " I wont... "
"If I didn't know better, I'd say this guy didn't have a brain." Connor said as he watched the knife slowly work it's way through the creatures skill. "I don't think anything small could get through that. Give me a bit of the bone, I want to see something." Taking a piece, he sets it on the table. 'Now where is, ah.' finding a hammer, he picks it up and hits the piece as hard as he could. It didn't look like anything much happened, a few hairline cracks but that was it.

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