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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Carl sniffled and then looked up at him, a smile instantly shooting across his face. He suddenly hugged Tom tight and rested his head against him. ".. I thought you were gonna' die..." He whimpered, holding him close. (@DrCompton)
"Me? No way pal. I already told you Im never gonna die, remember?" He coughed a little and smiled holding onto Carl, Tom fell back asleep.
Carl smiled. ".. I've gotta' show you the picture I drew." He said, he began fumbling around in his pocket but then realized that Tom had drifted back off. He decided to join him on that and hugged him tight once again. He was happy that Tom was alive, very happy, but he wasn't going to let Tom go out by himself again, no way! He smiled thoughtfully as he nuzzled his head against Tom's chest and closed his eyes - he'd take a little nap with him, seeing as he was tired anyway. (@DrCompton)
Hunter sighs softly. "Of course it is... You'd have to be crazy to have a child in the middle of this... Unless you know for sure that the world can be saved and rid of all the Zeds... And... Better for the group? If that's what you think... Also... When we were coming back... I saw a small car... Two people... I'm not sure if they are hostile because they didn't do anything to me or Trent when we passed.." (@DrTrollinski)
".. I don't know. I think children in this environment is fine, as long as you have what you need to keep them safe... And as long as you don't let this whole thing get to their heads and you raise 'em right, you should be fine. It's half the reason I want to move to a small town - I want the kids somewhere safe. A life in a mall's better than nothing, but I think the children would appreciate living in a house again." He chuckled softly and rested his head up against her own, squeezing her hand. "What's that about a car? Two people? Where did they go? Did you see?" He asked her. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit while leaning against him. "I suppose so... And I think it would do everyone good to be honest..." she said softly while looking out over the horizon, head resting on his shoulder, holding his hand lightly. "I think they went over towards the apartments... But I'm not sure since we were pretty far from them...." she said softly while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Then we'll wait. We don't need to pick fights with anyone until we know what they're about." He said with a curt nod, his arm falling around her body and pulling her closer to him. ".. And yeah, the town would do everyone some good. I think Eric needs it a lot as well - as a teenage boy, you need your own bedroom, if you get what I'm talking about." He chuckled softly under his breath. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter nods slightly as she listens before blushing a bit as he pulls her closer. "Yes I do..." she said and leaned against him. "I think they were checking us out as well... Seeing if we were dangerous.." she said softly while leaning against him. (@DrTrollinski)
"That's good. If they were looking for friendly people then we have nothing to worry about." He said, shrugging while taking a deep breath. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter nods slightly while leaning against him. "...The other person in the car I think was a young girl... 14 I think... I'm not sure since I think she was asleep..." she said softly while closing her eyes a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
Chris took out a beverage bag from the MRE package and some flavored base( kool aid ) and emptied the base into the bag, then he took his Camelbak hose, sparingly what clean water he had left, he poured enough into the bag and shook it up, handing the red kool aid to him after.
Nathan snatched the drink up and gulped it down within seconds. Sweet relief. Finally, he'd had something to drink and now he wasn't feeling so dehydrated anymore. He felt more awake and less tired and drowsy; he looked Chris up and down and then smiled. The kid seemed to have at least gained some sort of liking of Chris, so that and alongside the fact that Chris now had his name was a good start. "What's your name?" He asked softly, eating some of the MRE again. (@Rifleman
(@Rifleman - Are you able to reply atm?
"Nathan huh." Chris chuckled for a second before saying. "Cute name. The name is Chris." As he opened up a smile towards the young kid. Atleast he was clean and recognizable, i couldnt let this kid get into harms way. Chris wondered if the kid knew anything about whoever did the attack, about who deserved to be hunted down for all those souls lost. Was this why the military couldnt set up a contingency plan cause they were being attacked?
".. Thanks..." He smiled shyly and ate the remainder of his food. "Chris is a cute name, too." He complimented in a slightly playful way, his eyes glistening while he looked around the house. ".. Are we gonna' be driving again? And--.. You said your sister's out there, don't you wanna' go and find her, too?" He thought for a moment. ".. But--.. can we go and find my mommy and daddy first? I wanna' see 'em again..." He frowned softly. (@Rifleman)
".. I see..." He sighed gently and set his head back against the wall of the hut, using his free hand to scratch his chin. ".. We'll see how things go. We outnumber them by many if they decide to try and attack - if they're friendly, we let them in." He said, smiling. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit as she leans against him and closes her eyes. "Alright...This is nice... Being up here..." she said softly while looking up at him and smiling a tiny bit at him and rubs his stubbly chin slightly. "Looks like something is getting stubble..." (@DrTrollinski)
Chris sighed heavily, he didnt really want to tell the boy that his family is gone... Just like that. Instead he got up and hugged the boy and gently placed his father dogtag and the photo in his hand. " I'm sorry... " He felt a tear shed from his eye, he didnt know how the kid would react, this boys father was taken from him, by me... Rather he looked back to that promise he made to the dying young soldier before he moved on. Damn it him more like a freight train than anything else. Then he thought about his sister as he stopped. " I know... I can find my sister. " She has to be alive among the ensuming chaos around her.
The boy didn't know what to think. He looked at the dogtag for a few minutes and then at the photo. He finally realized that something bad had happened and then tightly hugged Chris, his face buried in his chest as he burst into tears and sobs. He kept a tight grip on the dog tag and the photo as well. (@Soul OMU)
Chris fell backwards as he held the young boy and grabbed the back of his head. He whispered softly into his ear. " Im sorry.... Im sorry." He could say that a million times and that wouldnt make things right. He felt anguish within himself instantly. Continuing to tell the boy. " Im sorry. " It made the situation in his mind even worse. This boy is his sole responsibility, he had to protect him.
DrTrollinski said:
The boy didn't know what to think. He looked at the dogtag for a few minutes and then at the photo. He finally realized that something bad had happened and then tightly hugged Chris, his face buried in his chest as he burst into tears and sobs. He kept a tight grip on the dog tag and the photo as well. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit slowly while lightly stroking his chin slightly. "Depends... how big or long of a beard are you thinking huh?" she said while looking at him, brings her other hand up to stroke his cheek. (@DrTrollinski)
DrTrollinski said:
(Wait. I thought the dog was a boy according to Brad, and now it's a girl? Wut? o_o Oreo isn't really a girlish name for a dog. I'm just pointing that out :D )
"Heh, I guess he (#genderconfusion) can." He chuckled gently under his breath and then gently rubbed the dog's chest. It was indeed a German Shepherd, and out here, it was possibly a hunter's dog which would definitely come in handy. It was just in dire need of a wash, that was all. And maybe some food and something to drink - a dog was fine on dirty water, most of the time. That was a thing that Brad never got about dogs - they could eat and drink almost anything that was from the nature, and yet they'd never really appear to get sick or anything like that. It was odd. Brad continued to pet the dog and a warm smile eventually came onto his face. "Oreo, eh? You know how to make people smile, don't you?" He chuckled again and the dog just wagged its tail in a mindless manner. It licked his arm and then turned to Delaney again, sniffing her body up and down - it could only reach as far as her stomach, of course.
(@Soul OMU)
"Bet you they don't show you them following the deer's trail for hours. And did they show you dropping the deer in one shot? Because if you don't hit them right they'll keep going and you have to follow them until they drop. Hunting deer isn't just going out and shooting it, it's an attrition war. It's trying to wear you out without even knowing it." Connor, thinking he had suffeciently told him what was ahead, was silent for a while. The he remembered one last thing. "Oh, and mind the antlers. If you're close enough they'll gut you. Their hooves(?) are pretty sharp to, they can cut you open pretty easily."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Okay, so--.. I gotta' stay away from 'em a bit and hit the right place? Like--.. You need to hit the heart or something, right?" He whispered in question, carefully looking around the light green and blossoming forest. This place sure was beautiful at this time of year. "What kinda' tracks do they have? I've never seen one before." He added. (@Beowulf)
Nick grabbed her arm firmly, his brilliant blue eyes vacant as he whispered "You have to get up." He didn't yank her, but just held onto her until she was able to use him as an anchor to pull herself up again. He was incredibly still, already subconsciously beginning to block out the traumatic images of the hanging tree, then with one look back at her he said softly "We can't stop now.." They wouldn't be looking back from this point on, without becoming those corpses; cut open like pigs for the butcher. He felt his own stomach roll in turns over itself time and time again, but didn't have much anything to puke; two dry heaves and he was back on the move, blocking out the growing scent of rotting flesh. Why it was so empty, he couldn't be sure; but it seemed that Nick was actually pulling through better than anyone else could've. He was tense, alert, and his eyes scanned the horizon efficiently; eyes falling to the back fence once again. "We could either try to dig our way out, climbing it isn't possible with the barbed wire on top, or we could...." He heard the roaring sounds of moaning, accompanied by what he assumed to be the battle cries of the Wellington folk fighting what sounded like a hoard. "Tina..." He breathed, starting his plan over again, "We could either dig our way out... Or we could disguise ourselves with.." He looked to where the corpses hung, a few turned ones shot dead against the grass, "and... Try to walk out the front gates." He knew it sounded crazy, so much that they would probably be safer trying to burrow their way out; but no matter what, they needed to have some mechanism to survive the long tread out of here.

(@DryPunishment... @DrTrollinski I'm trying not to powerplay Wellington, because I know that's not fair; but I'm still trying to send the story forward ^^" DID YOU SEE THE WALKING DEAD PREMIERE LST NIGHT?)


Levi, in the meantime, had been on the motorcycle; which got quiet once he really started moving, and he found that it was a more efficient method of travel; he was less detectable and even if he had less protection, he could weave around things and shoot his gun while moving without having to maneuver his car. It was an upgrade as far as speed and beaten down trails went, since he was able to take thinner paths and take curves faster without worrying about his big clunky car. He was retracing his steps mentally, to that farmhouse on the large plot of land; it looked stable enough, more so because it was where the herds had already passed through. The low flat land allowed them visibility of the creatures, but he knew he had to move fast because they would be moving out soon; evidently it was just a winter hideaway. The ex-writer was beginning to get close when he noticed that one of their cars was missing already; he pulled his motorcycle over on the property, hand still ready to grab a weapon and attack if he needed to. Still on his bike, he waited for someone to notice him instead; just in case he needed to get away quickly, West had been amicable enough but he didn't exactly strike Levi as someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill to protect his group. Instead of the farm boy coming out, instead he saw a woman with a tiny black girl hiding behind her; clearly not her daughter, but still protecting her. "I'm looking for... West." Levi awkwardly stated, hoping that he wasn't sending himself on some sort of wild goose chase.

"He's out hunting right now... What do you want?" She cautiously asked, stepping closer; the little girl trailing in her shadow.

(@DrTrollinski feel free to NPC someone, I just had to put some dialogue :P )


(Idk Oreo sounded like a girl name to me ^^" I don't really care it can be a boy)

Delaney shrugged pleasantly, not exactly taking in what Brad said; instead she continued to unpack, barricading every now and then as she went along. The Kansas woman breathed in the fresh air every time she opened a window; having to clean out so many corners that had just blossomed with dust, and throw out food so moldy it wasn't even recognizable. It took a while, Brad helping in between; they both worked effectively around each other, exchanging small talk when they crossed paths. He worried about her doing too much as she got heavier in her pregnancy, but she waved him off with a scoff and continued; saying that she had to be of some use, especially considering the last few months of pregnancy would be the hardest. The dog didn't mind them, sitting down watching them cautiously; but his tail would bat when they addressed him by his name, sneaking a morsel or two of food if they had it on them. 
(Sorry it took me hella long to reply ^^" I had my laptop open but I was busy until 1130 last night... So I've been like cleaning this morning :D ... Okay but like Tyreese is my favorite next to Carol. We need a Tyreese for this RP u_u he is ust... amazzzing LIKE OMG THAT WAS SO BADASS GUYS)

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