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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
"I mean--.. Like... 'Like me' like me. You know what I mean...? Do you 'like me' in that sort of way...?" He asked. He was trying not to pull his own hair out right now - This was the first time he'd ever actually had a conversation like this with a girl. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blinks a bit and feels her cheeks heat up a bit. "O-oh, y-yeah I know what you mean and... Yes... I do 'like you' in that way if your asking." She said softly, a hint of nervousness in her voice, holding his hands. (@DrTrollinski)
A sobbing of a young child suddenly broke out from under the bed in the room. It was a child's bedroom, no doubt - blue-themed room with toys and other stuff scattered about. On the wall there were pictures of rocket ships and over cool stuff that you'd find in space, like meteorites and so on. Judging by the smell, this poor kid had been here a while. It was lucky that the water works and sewage works were still functional around here, because this was going to be a mess.

Well. When I say 'around here'. I mean the entire country - everywhere has running water and sewage works, but the water isn't safe to drink. No one knows why. (@Soul OMU)
Tom coughed and woke up groggily, "What the fuck." He tried using his bad arm, and then collapsed on it, "Fucking shit eating cocksucker." He groaned and rolled to the other side and got up, he remembered getting shot, and not liking it. He looked around for a moment confused as to how he had gotten back into the hospital. And he wondered why he felt high. He hadn't felt this since is 2nd deployment. "I know this buzz."
".. Stay still..." Eric whimpered as he continued to carefully stitch up the entry wound. That was done, eventually. He then rolled Tom onto his good side and began to stitch the exit wound as well. ".. How are you feeling?" He sniffled. (@DrCompton)
"You could say it's bigger. If you consider a deer big." he replied, a grin slowly splitting his face. "Mind these things are different from a squirrel or hare. You have to take your time with them. You got to aim for something important. And in my opinion they are a bit easier to track. They leave bigger prints in the ground and their dropping point you to them." As he was talking, he began to walk in a random direction. The way he saw it, they'd stumble across something eventually.

(@DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
A sobbing of a young child suddenly broke out from under the bed in the room. It was a child's bedroom, no doubt - blue-themed room with toys and other stuff scattered about. On the wall there were pictures of rocket ships and over cool stuff that you'd find in space, like meteorites and so on. Judging by the smell, this poor kid had been here a while. It was lucky that the water works and sewage works were still functional around here, because this was going to be a mess.
Well. When I say 'around here'. I mean the entire country - everywhere has running water and sewage works, but the water isn't safe to drink. No one knows why. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blushes a bit more and hides her face in shoulder. "Don't give me that look!" She said while hiding her face a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
"Like someone shot me. Where did you get the morphine? How much did you give me?" Tom quit moving once he realized Eric was stitching him "Where is Carl? Has he seen me?"
Chris approached slowly and knelt down towards the child, he slowly shifted his assault rifle down and looked at the child. He was a mess, dirty, needed a bath, someone definitely to take responsibility of him. He glanced at the photo of the child and mother, it was obviously the soldiers, he decided that the child was coming with him no matter what. He need to do this my conscience would be cleared. He reached into my coat pocket and took out a chocolate bar and offered it to the child as he said out loud. " Im a friend. "
"Oh, cool! I've always wanted to hunt a deer!" Daniel said cheerfully. "I used to watch hunters on the TV, and stuff... they hunt deer most the time." He said, smiling as he held the rifle by his chest and continued walking alongside him. (@Soul OMU)


".. No, no Carl hasn't seen you--.." Eric sniffled and used his clean hand to wipe his eyes. ".. I'll take you to see him once you're fixed up. He doesn't need to see you like this." He said. God, the tears were really flowing. It'd be hard for Tom to tell whether or not he's crying because of what he said to him, or because of the fact that they almost lost Tom. Well, it'd be kind of hard to tell anyway, seeing as he's off his head on morphine. Eric did his best and took the stitches slowly, one at a time. (@DrCompton)


"Don't hurt me!" He bawled out. "Please, don't hurt me, don't hurt me..." He sobbed as he rolled onto his stomach and put his hands over his head. Despite him crying, there were no tears. That was a sign of near-dangerous dehydration levels. He was dirty, thirsty, and most probably hungry. Judging by the smell of that woman, it was obvious that it's been like this for a couple of days. (@Rifleman)
DrTrollinski said:
"Oh, cool! I've always wanted to hunt a deer!" Daniel said cheerfully. "I used to watch hunters on the TV, and stuff... they hunt deer most the time." He said, smiling as he held the rifle by his chest and continued walking alongside him. (@Soul OMU)

".. No, no Carl hasn't seen you--.." Eric sniffled and used his clean hand to wipe his eyes. ".. I'll take you to see him once you're fixed up. He doesn't need to see you like this." He said. God, the tears were really flowing. It'd be hard for Tom to tell whether or not he's crying because of what he said to him, or because of the fact that they almost lost Tom. Well, it'd be kind of hard to tell anyway, seeing as he's off his head on morphine. Eric did his best and took the stitches slowly, one at a time. (@DrCompton)


"Don't hurt me!" He bawled out. "Please, don't hurt me, don't hurt me..." He sobbed as he rolled onto his stomach and put his hands over his head. Despite him crying, there were no tears. That was a sign of near-dangerous dehydration levels. He was dirty, thirsty, and most probably hungry. Judging by the smell of that woman, it was obvious that it's been like this for a couple of days. (@Rifleman)
Hunter huffs while holding his hands. "You know exactly what look cuz your giving it right now!" She said while looking up at him. (@DrTrollinski)
He sighed and leaned forward on instinct. His lips connected with hers in a gentle kiss for five seconds that felt like hours. He gulped and slowly pulled away from her face, his hands trembling a little while holding her own. He did his best to sport the same smile - he was just getting ready for a hand to go across his face. (@Soul OMU)
" Im not here to hurt you, Im here to help. " He got up as he approached the kid and picked him up. He said quickly trying to reassure the kid. " Dont worry kid, Im the good guy, lets get you cleaned up. " He cautiously glanced around the room, maintaining his surroundings.
DrTrollinski said:
He sighed and leaned forward on instinct. His lips connected with hers in a gentle kiss for five seconds that felt like hours. He gulped and slowly pulled away from her face, his hands trembling a little while holding her own. He did his best to sport the same smile - he was just getting ready for a hand to go across his face. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blushes in surprise at the kiss and closes her eyes for a moment before looking at him as he pulled away, she lightly squeezed his hands gently. "Hey... It's okay..." She said softly while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski)
The child was shaking. And I mean really shaking. The poor thing could barely stand by himself. His eyes were sunken and he looked like he hadn't slept for a week - his PJ pants were just completely stained with his bodily waste, and the lower part of his PJ shirt was as well - he clung onto Chris' arm when he realized that he may not be all that bad. He was just unable to talk now, but he was so desperate for a wash, something to drink, and something to eat. Hell, this would have been easier if the soldier had told Chris his son's name before he died. (@Soul OMU)
"YEah..Good idea pal." He groaned a little, "God I both hate and love this feeling.. Im just.. so useless right now. Fucking shit." He sighed, "I love you Eric.. You and Carl.. If I had boys, I'd want them to be just like you two, you know? You've... you've really stepped up, grown up.. Became a man, the man I knew you could be."
DrTrollinski said:
The child was shaking. And I mean really shaking. The poor thing could barely stand by himself. His eyes were sunken and he looked like he hadn't slept for a week - his PJ pants were just completely stained with his bodily waste, and the lower part of his PJ shirt was as well - he clung onto Chris' arm when he realized that he may not be all that bad. He was just unable to talk now, but he was so desperate for a wash, something to drink, and something to eat. Hell, this would have been easier if the soldier had told Chris his son's name before he died. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit as she looks him in the eyes, holding his hands lightly. Her hands are slightly rough like his own but are slightly softer as she watches him. (@DrTrollinski)
It was good that Eric had finished the stitching when he said that, because things could have gone very wrong. He promptly burst out into tears and dropped everything in his hands; he avoided his freshly stitched wound and then hugged Tom tight, his head set on his good shoulder. "Oh, Jesus Christ. I love you too. We both do..." He sobbed. "I guaran-fuckin'-tee that if we had to pick a new dad, it'd be you, alright?" He sobbed more weakly now and just hugged him in the most father-son way, his face against his chest. ".. I don't like seeing you get hurt. Please stop." He blubbered. (@Soul OMU)
Eric held him until he went to sleep. He sighed and pulled away from him, wiping his eyes. "Yo, Mister--.. Mister Griffin." He nodded at William. ".. Bandage up his shoulder for me... I need a minute." He took a shaky deep breath while he stood up and wiped his eyes. (@GunzABlazinz)


He held one of her hands and slowly lead her out of the store room and up to the roof where he sat with her behind the hut. It was a nice sunny day with an even nicer view. Excluding the undead. ".. I can see why you spend a lot of time up here." He smiled and dropped an arm around her shoulders. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah." The male took the bandages and leaned down next to Tom, Eric's newfound father. "This is your father...?" He asked cautiously making sure not to jump to the conclusion that it was not. He was rough with the bandaging, not that he meant to simply he had only bandaged himself and not another human for a few years. After finishing his bandaging William returned to his train of thought, this was not Eric's father, whoever he was the boy and him seemed to have a strong connection as Eric had just tortured Ataka with no regret or grief but now cried over his new father's pain.
Chris said towards the child. " Want to go somewhere and get you cleaned up? Lets go do that buddy. " He quickly wrapped a single arm around the kid and lifted him up and carried him outside towards the hmmvw.
".. Thanks, man..." He faintly patted him on the shoulder. ".. And--.. He's not my... He's not my bio dad, but--.. He's the only dad I've got now." He sighed a little and then looked back at William. "We ain't in middle school any more." He said as he took some medical adhesive patches and some wound sterilizer. He pretty much forced the shirt off of William's body and began cleaning the wounds that his katana had inflicted. ".. What's your first name? I remember from the register that it started with a 'W', but that's all I know - I don't want to be walkin' around callin' you 'Mister Griffin' for the rest of eternity." He cracked a faint smile as he placed the adhesive patches over the cuts and then began unrolling the bandages. (@GunzABlazinz)


"W-w-w-where are we gonna' go?" He asked in a weak whimper, rubbing his eyes. ".. Can't--.. can't we use the bath in--.. in my house?" He sobbed. It was a plausible idea, but the thought of the kid seeing his mother's dead body didn't exactly sound very appealing, did it? (@Rifleman)

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