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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"That sniper is probably friendly...i know someone who works in this city and does the same thing."Trent holsters his gun and looks around. "So who left the mall alone? Come on please tell."
"Carl is with Matty, for Christ sakes. If we didn't come out here, you'd be dead." Eric muttered. "You've got others to look out for, too. But you still managed to get yourself on death's door." He stood up and shook his head. He was upset by how blunt and thoughtless Tom just was - He loved Carl more than anything, and to be called irresponsible was too much for him to accept; he sheathed his katana and took a shaky sigh. "I left Carl with Matty and Adelaide. He's fine. I'm sorry for giving a shit." He speed-walked forward and turned off down the alley that Alex was talking about.

"Eric!" Alex called out. There was no stopping him. "ERIC! Come back!" He yelled again. He sighed. Eric had taken off on his own. Maybe now wasn't the most appropriate time to start talking about who was in the wrong here? He glared at Trent. "Are you fucking kidding me? He's the one who shot Tom! You think he's friendly?! What fucking section of the army do you come from where shooting at someone is friendly?!" He said, he looked to William and sighed. This was another responsibility Eric had left with them. He made sure Tom or anyone else couldn't run after Eric. They didn't need to get separated from anyone else. (@Soul OMU, @GunzABlazinz)
Scarlet passes by a sign that says Woodcuff and glances over at Jenna who is fast asleep in her seat, she sighed and smiled a bit before focusing on the road again.

Jenna fast asleep in her seat as her aunt drives.

Hunter watches Eric go and sighs slightly. "He's a teenage boy... He needs to cool down..." She said to herself more then anyone. (@DrTrollinski)
"I should have never gotten attached to your damn Family." Tom sagged against the wall and sat down. He was sweating more, he looked terrible, he leaned over and coughed, almost to the point of vomiting. "Christ."
William only winced in pain as his arms moved and blood poured from the wound, but he complied with Eric's commands, he was still deep within thought and regret. As he moved along the killer side of him inspected each person he had just met, one injured, the others were young and armed to the teeth. He slide into the car, hopefully none of the people who had just appeared saw the body of a young girl and her father.
"Well.... you are all civilians breaking protocol. Someone who breaks protocol is to be removed for potentially spreading the disease. And i actually should be following that rule but.....i have gotten attached to you all." Trent smiles and shakes his head. "Maybe i can talk to him?"
Outskirts of Westover Airforce Base, Chicopee MA

Chris sighed as he approched the torn down fences that walled the air force base that was rumored to be a safe zone. Fort Devens was even more of a mess in upstate MA, these were national guard bases with reinforced steel walls and barbed wire fences, how did they go down so easily.

Rather he kept his eyes open as he stepped over the crushed section of fences and walls and stepped onto the pavement, he was wide open for attack from any direction, now that this base was a bust and the signs of actual survivors getting even more scarce hes beginning to wonder what the hell happened to New England and theres gotta be someone out here. Up ahead he sees a just recently build barracks used by the MPs in the area to maintain security of the base, now a survivors here sign draped across the front from one window to another. He approached the door hesitantly scanning the area around him and looked through the glass panel door that was all but shattered, and barricaded, whoever was here, didnt want anyone getting in. Quickly he pressed on around the side of the building to the fire escape ladder and climbed up to the third floor balcony and climbed in, the power was off, and the bases backup generators must of been out of fuel for a while, so he didnt hesitate to turn on his flashlight attached to the rail of his m4.

In reality he didnt know what to expect here he saw blood splattered on the floor going in various directions, so he shifted his hand toward the fire selector switch and knelt down to feel the blood if it was fresh, it wasn't. His worst fears could of been true here too, this base could of been a bust, he was trying to make his way out west towards New York with some hope of finding his sister. She was attending West Point at the time, and you would think they would of kept such a secure location like that safe... Right?
"Civillians, army, don't mean shit any more. Get in the car." He said, he got Tom into the front seat and then made sure everyone else squeezed into the back. "I swear to god, Tom. I ain't telling Eric and Carl that you've died. Stay with me. You're probably just in shock. The bleeding isn't severe and the wound's been plugged, it's been cleaned, too. You look a little green - when we get back, we're getting you morphine, water, and some stitches." He said, breaking the panel away from the car and tearing some of the wires open. It took a little while, but the car eventually started up - Alex began speeding back. "Fuck me... Mister... Griffin, right? Hell, I never thought I'd see your face again. You're one of the lucky people to make it through all of this, eh?" He said, speeding as fast as he could to get back to the mall. It took maybe a minute of driving, but by the time they were there, Eric was already stood just inside the doorway of the main entrance with a small bag at his side - the doors were opened and ready to be blocked off again. "We need to move. And I mean ASAP." He said, he jumped out and helped Tom out of the side door, and so began the thirty meter walk to the mall entrance. (@GunzABlazinz, @Soul OMU, @Vyork Ashfin)

"Yeah, I ask the same question as the other guy. Are we gonna' get a live demonstration on building this, if so, when?" Another man asked while inspecting Conner and the chalk board up and down. (@Beowulf)
Within the car William looked to Alex, his eyes were bloodshot and his shirt had blood caked to it. "Yeah...." He gave a weary smile and looked away. Once the car stopped he followed Eric. "What can I do to help...?" His voice was shaky, about to break any second.
Chris's worst fears became a reality as a morbid vision became real, his footsteps echoed as he walked into a room, it was the day room where soldiers relaxed, enjoyed themselves, and rather the display of various bodies, guardsmen, active or reserve all piled in this room showed the situation that it was, someone killed these survivors, there was a dayroom on each floor, he had to continue on with his hope of someone being alive.

Chris stepped forward his mind plagued by the forces at work here, because the flesh eaters in no way caused this destruction. Rather he began to wonder if there was a military left at all trying to contain the situation. He was tired of walking, he walked 16 miles today, he was trying to find a vehicle that specifically ran off diesel, that way it could be converted into using reusable fuel so he could get to New York and find his sister. The walls of the barracks, the staircases, the rooms all had a feeling of emptiness after the horrors of that one day room. As he approached the second floor staircase entrance he wasnt prepared mentally for what next. He lowered his rifle and opened the door slowly as he felt a force knock him back, a flesh eater ran into the door instead of him, closing it instantly. Chris as he fell backwards grabbed his assault rifle and aimed it at the door way firing a set of two shots through the door near what he thought should of been the head. He felt the trickle of warm blood creep up to his boots as be backed up trying to not get infected, he opened the door as hard as he could moving the body back, it was lifeless, but just to make sure he put another round into the brain. He let out a quick sigh of relief, before continuing on down the hallway coming up to a locked door of the second floor day room.
(Oh, my bad. Must have missed that one.)

The man soon came back with a nice coil of rope draped over his shoulder. There was enough of it, in fact, there was more than enough - the rope was actually weighing this guy down. He dropped that down in front of Conner and nodded to him before returning to his seat with a smile. (@GunzABlazinz)
"Now that we got the rope, we need a log. The best place to find those is out in the forest. Come on now." Picking up the rope, and grunting slightly under the weight, he waddles towards the front of the school then to the gate entrance. "Find a nice big one, doesn't have to be perfectly round either mind. It just has to be heavy, and a stick that can hold it's weight."
Chris wondered if he should even try to break the door open, thats if they didnt already put debris behind it in the first place anyways. It was worth a shot i guess. Chris stepped back and really gave it all his strength with his kick as the door snapped open and the lock broke. He smiled as the sound of the door crashing against the wall, one of the doors even broke out of its hinges and fell down and smashed against the floor. He aimed his M4 into the room, using the flashlight to illuminate the darkness. What he found next was unbelievable.
There were many other men in uniform in this room. They weren't alive, though. There were perhaps two-dozen men here, all of them dead - they'd either been shot in their heads, or their hands were tied behind their backs and their throats were slit. It took a real monster to do something like this. In the corner of the room there was one man, he was dressed in uniform just like the rest of them, but he had been shot in the stomach. Why was he the only one that was spared?

Regardless of that, the smell was abysmal. (@Rifleman)


Everyone stuck as a group and wandered a short distance into the forest. The log was easy to find due to the fact that they'd been cutting trees down to serve as firewood, of which was used to cook wild game. Four or five men carried the log back to where Conner was stood and set it on the ground in front of him, followed by that, they merged back with the rest of the class. (@Beowulf)
Hunter starts the truck and starts driving back towards the mall with Trent, muttering under her breath in annoyance, grumbling slightly as the mall comes into sight, she noticed another car moving and stopped. "...Car off to our right... not sure if they are hostile are not... don't even think of shooting... you've done enough damage." she hissed under her breath at Trent as the smaller car kept going, obviously not noticing them as they go on past. (@Vyork Ashfin)

Scarlet eyed the truck slightly as she drove and drove slower as she kept an eye on them, Jenna yawned a bit and shifted in her seat while Scarlet stroked her hair lightly while continuing to drive slowly while going out of Hunter's sight.
And Connor had found a decent stick strong enough to support the weight. "One of you, tie a loop in the rope." he said as he dropped the rope. Taking out his knife, he begins to winnow down one end. Once he was happy with what he got, he waited for the rope to be passed back to him. Putting the loop around the thinner end of the rope, he asks them to lift one end high enough to put it on top of the stick. "There, all set up. Now, if someone would just like to jerk that rope and you will get your demonstration."

(@DrTrollinski )
The young boy who had asked a question previously ran up without hesitation and pulled on the rope with both hands, frowning in anticipation and excitement as he did so. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
There were many other men in uniform in this room. They weren't alive, though. There were perhaps two-dozen men here, all of them dead - they'd either been shot in their heads, or their hands were tied behind their backs and their throats were slit. It took a real monster to do something like this. In the corner of the room there was one man, he was dressed in uniform just like the rest of them, but he had been shot in the stomach. Why was he the only one that was spared?
Regardless of that, the smell was abysmal. (@Rifleman)

Chris entered the room, the flashlight gleaming through the darkness as if it shrouded him inside this horror show of a building. He heard breathing, crying, a young soldier not much older than he was, alive in the corner. Chris hesitantly aimed the rifle at him and saw that he was alive and moved his hand to shield the light from hurting his eyes. He was clearly not a flesh eater, maybe he would know who had done this. He approached the man, he was a specialist, the rank tab on the center of his chest and then the wound on his stomach, the way he looked he wasnt going to make it much longer.

Chris approached the soldier and knelt down, next to his leg, he began to speak his voice echoing through the gas mask, as he moved his hands to unzipper his acu blouse and treat the bullet wound. He knew the man wasnt going to make it, he didnt know how much he had left, but these soldiers deserve payback.

" Soldier, can you talk? "
The rope was pulled, the stick supporting the log was pulled away, and the log fell. That was it, it just fell. "There's your demonstration. Nothing much to it really. What? You were expecting something else? I explained what would happen to you at the colony."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. I--.. My family--.." He choked, some blood spewing from his mouth; he shakily reached into his pocket and pulled out a small picture of a young boy, no older than four, and a woman around the same age as himself. The boy had blonde hair, a blue-green eye color, quite slim-built - normal for a kid that age. He placed the picture in Chris' hand and coughed again. ".. Some--.. Some people... guns... five or six of 'em... they--.." He choked and wiped some blood from his mouth. ".. They killed us all... military-grade, silenced guns... black clothes." He coughed some more blood, more violently this time. ".. My wife and son--.. a few blocks out from here... twenty-two Deane Street... Please--.. get them to safety." He coughed. "And shoot me... I don't want to--.. be one of... those things..." His voice slowly quietened down and he slumped onto the floor, his breath shallow as the pool of blood circling him only got bigger. This incident must have happened no more than twenty minutes ago.

Kudos to this military branch for holding out over four months. Clearly there were some people that didn't like that, and there was the chance that these guys would still be around. But then there was the other request by the soldier. A dying soldier's last wish was to know that his family was going to be in safe hands. It would only be right to at least do as he asked, especially after he had to witness all of his friends and colleagues die brutal deaths. (@Rifleman


They actually all looked quite intrigued by it all. Amazing how a man can do that with his hands, right? The child walked back over to the group and looked up at Conner, smiling. ".. Is there anythin' else?" He asked softly. (@Beowulf)
"Nope, that's all I got for today." Connor said patting the young boy on the head. "I do have a few plans for the next few days, however. So make sure you show up, and show up early this time."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Okay, sir!" He chirped, followed by dashing off inside the town again. He was lively, a lot like Daniel. Speaking of him, Daniel walked up and stood beside Conner, tugging on his sleeve again.

"Conner, do we have time to go huntin' today?" He asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. (@Beowulf)

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