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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom coughed as Alex helped him in, then pulled away, shambling toward where they kept the medicine. "Shit..." He dropped his loaded pistol and kept walking, coughing.
Chris sighed, another fallen comrade, he shouldnt of died this way. He slowly stood up and gripped his assault rifle tightly, aiming for the soldiers head, a second of hesitation as he fired a single round, it hit him hard. He knelt down again and took the soldiers dogtags hoping he could get them to his family. He stood up, glanced around and moved on down to the first room floor.
"It all depends. You think you can handle a larger caliber gun?" he asked, implying that they may hunt something bigger then a squirrel or hare. "If you are, go grab a Winchester, thought I saw one in there, and a couple rounds then come right back to me."

(@DrTrollinski )
Chris moved out through the building back into the broad daylight as it blinded him for a moment. A breath of relief hit him, but he had to move on he moved out, hoping he could find this soldiers home and find someone.
"Stop!" Eric yelled, he slammed the doors closed and dashed the bag over to Tom. "Get down." He said, he gently helped Tom down to the ground and made sure he was lied flat, that was when he ripped the bandages from his chest and used a piece of gauze with wound sterilizer on it to clean the entry and exit wound; he quickly brushed away the tears and then pulled out a morphine auto-injector and rammed it into Tom's thigh - finally, morphine, pain relief at long last. This gave Eric the chance to do what he needed to do. He treated Matty once already with a wound similar to this one, so he didn't imagine it'd be much harder here. The smell of the blood made him feel sick, and the sight of it made him light-headed, but he couldn't let a member of his family die like this. He'd have revenge, without a doubt.

He carefully threaded the material through the needle and sighed, his hand shaking as he inched closer to Tom's wound. ".. Dad, you're gonna' stay with me, for fuck's sake." He blurted in a shaky whisper as he began stitching the entry wound. He wasn't even thinking about what he was saying. His emotions were doing the talking.

William had met his father numerous times at school evenings and such - He could tell straight away that this guy wasn't his biological father. There was no resemblance, but clearly Eric cared about this guy just as much as he did his real dad. (@GunzABlazinz) 
The streets were quiet, but the gunshot had already began to lure the dead. There was a horde of maybe thirty or forty shambling towards him - if he was going looking for people, he was going to need a car. There were the garages to the right that looked untouched, so he may have had some luck there if he was a took. A Humvee would suffice, no doubt. (@Rifleman)
[Ooc:idk where deane street is.]

Chris quickly cleared out the hmmvw, it was actually in decent condition, a mere supply hmmvw but got the job done. He quickly climbed inside and fliped the switch to ready, as the engine glow plugs had to be warmed up. He quickly flipped the switch to start as the engine began to fire up as the vehicle shook. He placed his rifle next to him and closed the door. He took off towards Deane street. The respect had to be paid for the fellow soldier.
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Daniel was ecstatic. He ran to the storage room and grabbed a Winchester with several bullets before sprinting faster than his legs could even handle, right back to Conner's side. "A bigger gun? Does that mean we're hunting something bigger, too?!" He asked, grinning. (@Beowulf)


(It's like... North-West from the base by a few blocks. @Rifleman)
(Tan house i assume @DrTrollinski )

Chris pulled up to the Tan household, it was still on military property, and military homes were nice, he learned from his childhood. He put the vehicle in park and shut off the engine, he grabbed his assault rifle and sighed for a second, he said quaintly, " Here we go. " He pulled the door lever and stepped out and looked around the scene was grim, but the houses were still intact, still recognizable by the various colors and signs indicating the house numbers. Smoke from the airfield continued to pume up above, the situation was crap. He stepped up to the door and opened it slowly into the ever ensuming dark house, as a blinding light begins to emit from his flashlight on the side of his rifle. " I would kill for some nvg's. "
All curtains were closed in the house, which showed that whoever was here was making an effort not to be seen by anything. There was a noise of something falling over somewhere upstairs. Sounded somewhat close, which indicated that the smashing was within one of the rooms that was nearest to the set of stairs - there was no indication that anything bad had happened here. No blood, no broken windows, nothing. The smashing was the only thing that stopped this from being paradise. (@Rifleman)
Hunter pulls up to the mall and gets out of the truck, quite angry and annoyed with Trent as she heads in and to where the food is to finally get something to eat, grabs a can of beans and opens it before taking a spoonful and closing her eyes. "Finally...food!" She said while eating more.(@DrTrollinski) (@Vyork Ashfin)
Trent walked into the mall and into the sleeping area. "Five minutes." He said to himself before falling onto a cot and attempting to pass out. A few minutes later he got up and walked towards the bathrooms. "Cant even sleep..." He shook his head and punched a wall.
Alex wanted to leave Eric to it. He knew that he wouldn't let him help - he knew Hunter had gone off to the food storage room, so he went to join her. He was tired of all the commotion. He went in and sat opposite her, sighing. ".. Thanks for your help today--.. I never got the chance to thank you. You helped save Tom's life, and I don't even know how to repay that." He said, a half-smile stretching across his lips. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Alex wanted to leave Eric to it. He knew that he wouldn't let him help - he knew Hunter had gone off to the food storage room, so he went to join her. He was tired of all the commotion. He went in and sat opposite her, sighing. ".. Thanks for your help today--.. I never got the chance to thank you. You helped save Tom's life, and I don't even know how to repay that." He said, a half-smile stretching across his lips. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter looks at him. "Your welcome Alex." She said softly while eating her beans. "besides you would have done the same." She said while putting her can down to look at him. (@DrTrollinski)
Chris quickly aimed his rifle towards the doorway of the room where the smashing was. He approached slowly, quietly. He sees a closed door, he gets within a kick distance of the door and lets loose a kick and watches as the door snaps open, quickly his reflexes snap as he grabs and aims his rifle.
"Of course I would have, yeah." He said, smiling as he bowed his head to look at the ground. He thought to himself for a moment while interlocking his fingers continuously in his lap. ".. There was something I wanted to talk to you about, but... I never got the chance." He said. (@Soul OMU)


There was a woman standing behind the bed. She wasn't alive. She was undead, but in the center of her chest there was a bullet hole. Heart shot, dead instantly. This poor woman was murdered, just like the soldiers - She was the one from the picture that the soldier gave to Chris; her beautiful blonde hair was now tainted with dried blood. The son of the soldier was nowhere to be seen. (@Rifleman)
DrTrollinski said:
"Of course I would have, yeah." He said, smiling as he bowed his head to look at the ground. He thought to himself for a moment while interlocking his fingers continuously in his lap. ".. There was something I wanted to talk to you about, but... I never got the chance." He said. (@Soul OMU)

There was a woman standing behind the bed. She wasn't alive. She was undead, but in the center of her chest there was a bullet hole. Heart shot, dead instantly. This poor woman was murdered, just like the soldiers - She was the one from the picture that the soldier gave to Chris; her beautiful blonde hair was now tainted with dried blood. The son of the soldier was nowhere to be seen. (@Rifleman)
Hunter blinks while looking at him. "Huh? Well shot, you can tell me." She said while listening and leaning forward slightly and clasping her hands in front of her. (@DrTrollinski)
"It's--.." He hesitated. "I don't know... It'll make me look fuckin' weird if I try and talk about it." He said, taking a deep breath seeing as he felt almost deprived of air. ".. It's--.. A lot of people have said some stuff, and..." He looked away and shook his head, his words stuck in his throat. (@Soul OMU) 

DrTrollinski said:
(Wait. I thought the dog was a boy according to Brad, and now it's a girl? Wut? o_o Oreo isn't really a girlish name for a dog. I'm just pointing that out :D )
"Heh, I guess he (#genderconfusion) can." He chuckled gently under his breath and then gently rubbed the dog's chest. It was indeed a German Shepherd, and out here, it was possibly a hunter's dog which would definitely come in handy. It was just in dire need of a wash, that was all. And maybe some food and something to drink - a dog was fine on dirty water, most of the time. That was a thing that Brad never got about dogs - they could eat and drink almost anything that was from the nature, and yet they'd never really appear to get sick or anything like that. It was odd. Brad continued to pet the dog and a warm smile eventually came onto his face. "Oreo, eh? You know how to make people smile, don't you?" He chuckled again and the dog just wagged its tail in a mindless manner. It licked his arm and then turned to Delaney again, sniffing her body up and down - it could only reach as far as her stomach, of course.
Chris slowly entered the room and aimed for the ladies head as she glanced at the blinding light. He fired another round. Damn another civilian, another soldier whos respect cant be paid. He felt that he was a monster, someone who couldnt keep promises, especially since the world has gone to shit. Then I began to think. Who had done this in the first place
DrTrollinski said:
"It's--.." He hesitated. "I don't know... It'll make me look fuckin' weird if I try and talk about it." He said, taking a deep breath seeing as he felt almost deprived of air. ".. It's--.. A lot of people have said some stuff, and..." He looked away and shook his head, his words stuck in his throat. (@Soul OMU) 

Hunter looking at him and tilts her head slightly as she watches him. "It's okay... Take your time Alex..." She said softly while putting one of her hand's on both of his. (@DrTrollinski)
As soon as the gunshot went off a little yelp was heard from a room down the end of the hallway. Was there a survivor among all of this death and chaos? There were quick footsteps on the floor of the said room and then a lot of shuffling. Whoever it was wasn't very good at being discreet. As Christ neared the room, the smell of urine and feces became increasingly stronger. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
As soon as the gunshot went off a little yelp was heard from a room down the end of the hallway. Was there a survivor among all of this death and chaos? There were quick footsteps on the floor of the said room and then a lot of shuffling. Whoever it was wasn't very good at being discreet. As Christ neared the room, the smell of urine and feces became increasingly stronger. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter lightly holding his hands, her hands are warm against his. "Like you? Y-yeah I like you, why?" She asked softly while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski)
"I mean--.. Like... 'Like me' like me. You know what I mean...? Do you 'like me' in that sort of way...?" He asked. He was trying not to pull his own hair out right now - This was the first time he'd ever actually had a conversation like this with a girl. (@Soul OMU)
Chris opened the door hesitantly pointing his M4 around the room as he stepped in to investigate the noise. Hopefully someone else..

Alive amongst the chaos of this shattered world, my mind was abrupt, im sure of it almost everyone was dead.

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