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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Calm down, I'm not goin' to hurt you." He stayed where he was, though. Who knew what a terrified kid would do when pressed? "I took care of that thing, it isn't going to hurt anyone." Once more trying to calm him down.

".. Don't go out and get hurt no more..." He said, looking into Tom's eyes. He meant well, because he had a fairly wide smile on his face when he said it. He was bored, and he used to Tom playing with him whenever he got bored - they'd either play fight, or he'd end up getting pinned and tickled half to death. There was usually something Tom would do to keep him entertained.


Daniel slowly rose up from his seat and shakily ran over to the bathroom across the room. He left the door open because he didn't have time to close it when he collapsed to his knees in front of the toilet and put his head down it. He held onto the sides and just started vomiting - his whole body was shaking even more now. It must have been so horrible for a kid so young to witness something so horrific. (@Soul OMU) 
(@DrCompton - Top one's for you.)
"Ever play Tic Tac Toe pal?" He sat up and found another piece of paper and grabbed two crayons for them and sat back down next to Carl.
Sherry looked at the child, releasing Chris from her clutches. " Look at you, your precious you know that! " She approached Nate without a care in the world as she picked him up and looked at him. " Who are you, young man! " She chuckled as she blushed towards the young child, Chris leaned back against the wall his mind still trying to comprehend what his eyes saw.
Realizing there wasn't much he could do, Connor just sat there. Think about it, what could he do? Daniel was throwing up in the toilet, no doubt from having to see that monster. The best thing for him was to just empty himself.

"Uh-huh... Me and Eric used to play it when our old parents were at work." He smiled as he took hold of one of the crayons and held it in anticipation. Well. The 'old parents' statement sort of answered any questions Tom had about where he stood in terms of how little Carl viewed him. (@DrCompton


Nathan was taken aback but he gave a shy and warm smile once he was picked up. He looked her in the eyes, blushing manically. ".. I'm Nathan..." He smiled at her. "What's your name?" He asked her, shyly. (@Rifleman)


It might have been the shock, the image of all the exposed muscles and tendons, or maybe even the thought of nearly dying back there. That forest was haunted, or at least he thought so. He thought they'd found a nest there, or something.

After a few minutes of on-and-off vomiting, he finally stopped and flushed the toilet; he wiped his mouth with his sleeve but then collapsed down against the door and curled up into a ball. He buried his face in his knees and started bawling. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Don't go out and get hurt no more..." He said, looking into Tom's eyes. He meant well, because he had a fairly wide smile on his face when he said it. He was bored, and he used to Tom playing with him whenever he got bored - they'd either play fight, or he'd end up getting pinned and tickled half to death. There was usually something Tom would do to keep him entertained.

Daniel slowly rose up from his seat and shakily ran over to the bathroom across the room. He left the door open because he didn't have time to close it when he collapsed to his knees in front of the toilet and put his head down it. He held onto the sides and just started vomiting - his whole body was shaking even more now. It must have been so horrible for a kid so young to witness something so horrific. (@Soul OMU) 
(@DrCompton - Top one's for you.)
Hunter looks at him. "Yes I've seen those people.. Why do you think I'm out here? I was talking to them..." She said while looking at Eric. "Hey bud." She said as she looked back at Alex. Jenna peeks out the door, "Hunter...? They part of your group?" She asked softly as Scarlet went to pack up their stuff and noticed the horde. "Shit..." She said and quickly finished before making her way down. (@DrTrollinski)
Yep, he was definitely at a lost at what to do. I said he had been a father, never said how good he was at being one. Anyway, at a lost of doing anything better, he goes and sits right next to him. "I know what you saw was terrifying, even I was scared. I don't expect you to just stop cryin' because I said I was scared. But you have to listen to me, we have to get over our fears. I am terrified of spiders, never liked them. But, I couldn't function that way, so I controlled it. You understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

(@DrTrollinski )
".. For Christ's sake." Eric muttered. He unsheathed the sword and sighed as they began to get closer. "We can't lead them back to the mall. We can't make too much noise, or it'll just bring more in." He sighed and looked around, shaking his head. "We'll do meet and greet later, but there's... I don't know, thirty or forty here." He added. (@Soul OMU)


He didn't say anything, he just turned and hugged him tight. He was in a really bad state right now. He looked like he could have used a glass of water and maybe some sort of candy to calm him down a little - that always works for young kids, most of the time. He pressed his head against the side of Conner's chest and continued sobbing, his hands gripping his jacket. (@Beowulf)
Connor returned the hug whole heartedly. 'Wonder if he would like any food?' he thought to himself. After a while, he voiced his question. "Hey buddy, you want something to eat?"

(@DrTrollinski )
Scarlet took out her sniper. "I can try to get a few from our spot upstairs on the fourth floor..." She said as she took it off her back. Jenna took out her sawed off shotgun. "Guess I'll take the floor then." She said and faced the horde. Hunter took out her pistols. (@DrTrollinski)
"No. No guns! You'll make too much noise and you'll lure 'em in from everywhere! Didn't you heat me just say that?!" He yelled. He turned as they began to get closer and used both hands to swing the sword at three of them that came up to him. They weren't fast, so it was easy to cut the three of them down. "Someone kite them around so their backs are to me! We can get 'em that way!" He said. (@Soul OMU)


Daniel gave a slow nod and used Conner to climb to his feet. He said as he wandered off back to the couch and collapsed onto it. (@Beowulf)
Jenna rolls her eyes and gets her knife out, Scarlet raises an eyebrow but says nothing as Hunter gets her machete. "I'll kite." She said and quickly started racing off, to get their attention towards her, being a bit loud but not too loud to draw more attention. (@DrTrollinski)
As soon as they began turning away Eric looked at Jenna. "We'll be fastest. Move in with me and start with the ones right at the back. We'll work our way through them." He said, he then ran up to the hind of the horde and started hacking away at the undead, dropping them like flies. (@Soul OMU)
"Alright then. I'll go make you something good." Getting to his feet, he goes to the kitchen to look for something to cook up. Searching through the cupboards, he did eventually find something. Mac'n'cheese, a classic.

(@DrTrollinski )
Jenna looks at him and nods, starts slashing at the heads with her knife, holding it tightly so she wouldn't lose it, Hunter currently running as distraction to keep their focus, making noise while Scarlet gets out a few knives as well and looks at Alex. "We have quite a bit of canned food in the back that we got from our old town." (@DrTrollinski)
Sherry looked at the young boy for a second then placed him down on his feet. She then stood up and said to Nate. " Im Sherry. That mans sister...." She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead, and said. "Nice to meet you Nate, Your adorable! " She got back up and smiled at him.
Nick had, upon seeing the fact her severed veins unevenly hung out of her wrist, torn a piece of his shirt to wrap around her elbow area. He led her, urging her to calm her breathing and stay very calm when they got near the walkers; they coated themselves heavily in the guts. The reason he wrapped it higher than the wound itself was because he intended to cut it there when they got ahold of a proper weapon; the reason being that a jagged rock did nothing to give her a clean cut that could heal easily. Her mangled arm was absolutely horrendous, and he ended up tearing off more cloth from his flimsy shirt to give her a makeshift wrap for the very tip of it; so as to spare their eyes from the wound, and her blood loss was sure to be the biggest battle on their journey. It hadn't been long into their trudge that they had encountered zombies, which merely passed by them; it took every ounce of strength in Nick not to cry, to panic, he could feel his heart skipping beats and his jaw quiver as he passed the rotting flesh. One had even turned to he and Tina, nearly catching on that they were human; probably from the scent of fresh blood, but it hadn't taken more than a few seconds for the creature to be deterred by something else. Many more of these moments came, every now and then they'd kill one when it was alone; smearing the gore across their bodies, because it was working- and they didn't want to risk that it would fade away.

Tina's bloodloss began to result in what seemed to be pre-shock symptoms, and Nick hoisted her tired frame onto his back; so she could focus her energy on just holding onto him with her good arm while the other hung limp at his side. Her weight was enough to make his kneecaps start to ache when they really got moving, the adrenaline having worn off and everything became pain. Every step was harder to take, but he kept taking them; his slow steady demeanor only helping him blend in even more so. Truth to be told, he felt that it was harder to move as he kept going. Her gentle breath on his neck stirred some forlorn memory in him, it was comforting and startling at the same time; it reminded him of simpler times when he could have long nights with lovers and not think about the future. "You hangin' in there?" Nick rasped. The sky was dark; but they had to keep moving. To where, he wasn't sure; but they couldn't stop or they could die. Unless they slept in guts and had some way of knowing Tina wouldn't die in her sleep, then they couldn't keep moving without something going horribly wrong. Nick didn't mind, he couldn't sleep if he wanted to; while his face was gaunt and bruised from lack of sleep, he was far too paranoid to even consider it.


(I'm gonna hold off on our 'rescue' until you post your new character, k? :) So they can be involed)


@DrTrollinski I'm gonna write your reply soon
"Welcome home. We only have a month's worth of supplies left." He sighed, looking at the three managing the horde. He watched from all angles, but he saw something sprinting down the street towards them. What the...?

"Ho-ly shit... What the fuck is that?! Eric! ERIC! WATCH YOUR LEFT!" He yelled, Eric only just heard him and looked off to his left to see one of the creatures with the long claws and teeth sprinting down on all fours towards Jenna. There was some distance between him and her, but Eric went for it anyway. He sprinted forward and speared her, most likely knocking some of the air out of her, but there was no time to stop - this thing was out for blood. He dragged her to her feet after the thing pounced straight over them and began dragging her towards a building. "No time to stop - Run!" He urged. He shot off towards the multistory department store and dragged her inside, followed by shutting the door over. They had no time. It was right on their tail, they could only keep running. (@Soul OMU)


(Give me a bit more to go on. I can't really think of a way to reply to that @Beowulf)


"Thanks... You're nice, too." He complimented in a simple-minded way. This was nice, he'd made new friends who were going to look after him and that made him really happy. (@Rifleman
(@TheHarlequinnCat - ASAP - I'm off to bed soon :) )
When Delaney awoke, she hardly reacted; she'd grown used to it. She simply stroked his face, watching him very intently, and whispered "It's all in the past, Brad..." She leaned close enough to leave a kiss on his temple before rolling back over to go back to sleep. She knew he must have a lot of fear growing in him, while it seemed that her fear was fading and turning to survival; they were beginning to change each other, for better or worse she wasn't sure. As she began to drift back into slumber, hearing his cries get softer, she felt something heavy jump onto the bed; the dog curling up at their feet. This all felt so surreal, as if she was just going through some wild neverending dream; the world was over, she didn't know this man existed a few months ago, and didn't expect a dog until that day- or a baby until shit really hit the fan.

Chris walked up to the door, and glared out the windows for a second into the broad daylight. He opened up the door and looked outside for a second before a moment of terror as gunshots started ringing off in the distance. Chris grabbed his shemagh and raised it up to his nose and stepped outside. Sherry, grabbed Nates hand and ran down the stairs in paranoia as the gunshot rang off. She watched as Chris stepped outside putting a silencer on his M4. She held Nates hand and said, " Stay with me ok. " She soon followed after Chris clutching her bolt action rifle.
(Extending it here.)

Finished making the Mac'n'cheese, he gets a nice plateful for Daniel and brings it out to him. Handing him the plate and a fork, he sits next to him once more. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" he asked after a long silence.

(@DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
"Welcome home. We only have a month's worth of supplies left." He sighed, looking at the three managing the horde. He watched from all angles, but he saw something sprinting down the street towards them. What the...?
"Ho-ly shit... What the fuck is that?! Eric! ERIC! WATCH YOUR LEFT!" He yelled, Eric only just heard him and looked off to his left to see one of the creatures with the long claws and teeth sprinting down on all fours towards Jenna. There was some distance between him and her, but Eric went for it anyway. He sprinted forward and speared her, most likely knocking some of the air out of her, but there was no time to stop - this thing was out for blood. He dragged her to her feet after the thing pounced straight over them and began dragging her towards a building. "No time to stop - Run!" He urged. He shot off towards the multistory department store and dragged her inside, followed by shutting the door over. They had no time. It was right on their tail, they could only keep running. (@Soul OMU)


(Give me a bit more to go on. I can't really think of a way to reply to that @Beowulf)


"Thanks... You're nice, too." He complimented in a simple-minded way. This was nice, he'd made new friends who were going to look after him and that made him really happy. (@Rifleman
(@TheHarlequinnCat - ASAP - I'm off to bed soon :) )
Jenna's eyes widened slightly as she saw the creature and managed to keep up with Eric while running with him, once they got in she looked around for something to block the door quickly before sees the desk and shoving against it hard to try and move it.

Hunter watched as the creature went after them and narrowed her eyes. "No! Damn it!" She hissed slightly as she started hacking at what was left of the horde that was coming towards her as Scarlet nodded slightly could only watch as that creature went after his niece and the young man. "Fuck... Another one? Damnit." (@DrTrollinski)

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