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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Oh shit...um ya got it" Sputnik ran on along the left side of the roof towards where the tomahawk came from. (@Soul OMU )
"I don't know honestly. It's all some weirs shit. After this, everything changed Trev. I used to be Mister "Ladies Man" but now, I guess I'm the opposite. Theres still quite a few a lot, it's just that the towns quiet. We only visit once in a while to each other." Luke pulled out his pocket knife, and started moving his fingers on the flat edge.
"Riiiiiiight... When you say the opposite, you mean you bat for the other team, or...?" He asked, a soft grin on his face to show that he was joking but also being serious at the same time. (@Korean Ghoul)
".. Hm. Alright." He said, within another five (well, actually seven) they arrived at the outskirts of the national guard. Trevor pulled up onto the side of the road and flicked the engine off, pulling the keys from the ignition. "I need you to wait here, okay? I'll run in and check the place out, if it's safe, I'll come back and drive you in." He explained. (@Korean Ghoul)
Luke wanted to go in. No doubt about it. But he felt that Trevor knew this place best. "Alright. Don't die in there man. Then I'm next."
"HOLD ON I HAVE SOMETHING FOR THAT!" Sputnik ran to the supply cash and grabbed morphine....gauze....tweezers. "Im a little rusty...but we have to remove foreign particles....you hold him down!" Sputnik pointed to hunter then walked towards Eric and holstered his gun. "Do not worry ill give you morphine so it wont hurt."

(@Soul OMU )
"Heh, when have you ever seen a redneck die?" He asked, he locked the car up after hopping out and then whipped out his gun, sprinting off and springing the fence into the compound. The place was quiet. Far too quiet. He was unnerved, but there were some places he had to check first - the mess hall. There had to be food and water there, and that was the primary thing that had to be done. (@Korean Ghoul)


Tears were pouring down his cheeks. "Oh, Christ, you're fucking kidding, right?!" He sobbed. (@Vyork Ashfin)
".. He fell off at least nine meters and got shot in the chest. He's not getting up." Eric spluttered, saliva drooling down his chin. He was starting to go into shock as his blood from his arm emptied onto the snow. (@Soul OMU, @Vyork Ashfin, @DrCompton)
Lucas watched carefully. He couldnt stay put. He slowly unlocked the door, and told Ali to be quiet. He pulled out his knife, and followed Trevor slowly.
Sputnik wipes the the blood off of Eric's arm and injects the morphine. "Get over here!" He yells at hunter. "He is going to die if you don't help!"
Trevor walked into the mess hall and looked around. It was completely quiet. He went into the kitchen and there were boxes upon boxes of food and water, all canned and bottled. There were also MRE's. (@Soul OMU)
"First im going to pull out the dirt and pieces of the arrow head out." Sputnik proceeds to do so and applies gauze when he is finished. "There the wound is cleaned and covered....we need to move him ill grab his legs you get the arms but be careful." He pointed to hunter and then grabbed Eric's legs.
"JESUS CHRIST!" He screamed, tears continuing to roll down his face. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WOULD HELP!" He yelled, he quickly passed out after squirming and blubbering; he slumped down while being carried. (@Soul OMU, @Vyork Ashfin)
"Do we have a place to move him...he will die in the snow." Sputnik pockets the gauze and morphine then the tweezers.

( @Soul OMU )
Trevor span on one foot and aimed the gun directly at him, gasping in terror. He sighed when he realized who it was. ".. Jesus Christ... I could have blown your fuckin' head off, man." He said, lowering the gun and tucking it into his holster. "Look at what we've got here." He motioned his hand over all of the boxes, grinning. (@Korean Ghoul)
"Damn. All this food is enough to feed town. Let's pack it." Lucas was about to lift up the food, when he heard footsteps. "Oh shit..."

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