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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Eric felt a burst of rage go through him and he quickly closed his eyes while he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet rushing through his skull. His brains were carried out of the top of his head and splattered up the back of the counter behind him, blood pouring all over the floor. Eric said nothing as he slowly rose up and tucked the gun back into his pants. Alex was mind-blown.

"ERIC. WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?!" Alex shrieked, Eric blankly looked at him and shrugged.

"If he wants to kill us, can't let him have another chance." He brushed by Hunter, Tom, and Alex and then began walking towards the exit of the mall again. ".. I'm heading out to take a look for this outpost. Now, it can't be far from here. Wisconsin's nothing but snow and a few towns - shouldn't take us long to find, if not that then we should be able to find a warehouse of some sort." He explained as he turned and began walking backwards. "Any of you coming?!" He asked. Alex sighed and looked at them both.

"You go with him, guys... I'll stay here and get... this cleaned up." He nodded at the body. (@Soul OMU, @Vyork Ashfin - This gives you a chance to make your new character as I need to wait for the replies from both of them. :) )
Hunter nods as she walks through the mess calmly as she makes it to Eric's side. "Let's get going then. We're burning daylight." She said while strapping her rifle to her back.
Mabel's footsteps were quiet, and not easily read because most travelers these days had such unsteady paces and bursts of near-running. She, however, mentally overcame most challenges of the apocalypse; She was surprisingly active, at the peak of her health in her early thirties. She was a teacher; both private and public, dabbling between jazz and health. Almost all her students, from the rejects to the valedictorians, adored her; she was a ray of sunshine, who turned to be surprisingly helpful. Sometimes her methods of teaching her students was a bit ridiculous, as she'd jump around and urge them to be active and in optimal health mentally and physically. She had students with crippling anxiety join her army of support and self-love messages; it wasn't hard for many people to fall in love with her once they got over the fact their teacher was standing on a table yelling that they shouldn't be afraid of learning about sex and drugs and mental health.

She, surprisingly, had been separated from her original group; not in some gory dramatic battle, but in everyone getting lost when they tried to search. It was heartbreaking, but she did not cry; she knew they would be okay. Her main man in the apocalypse had been a slightly older, maybe mid-to-late thirties, science teacher who took his 1 year old daughter on his back with him. Mabel had barely had enough time to get any of her necessities before she was forced to band up with the people at their teacher-meeting, she had made them stop for Turtle the cat, and her fellow teachers had each stopped for something if they didn't go with their own families. With them had been a pot-bellied math teacher, senile English writer, and a middle-aged foreign language specialist; they had a little less than a solid setup, which was why she couldn't even pretend to be surprised when they got separated so easily. The only thing burning in the back of her mind was that poor 1 year old, with her poor father; traveling in these conditions by, what she assumed to be, foot.

Mabel knew she had to find somewhere to stay, her body starting to ache as she came to a boarded up mall. A supply-run wouldn't exactly be anything other than beneficial at this point. What did she have? Sample-sized everything? A cat? Her extensive knowledge of human nature, health, and jazz? She tapped on the window, hoping that it was loud enough for a person to hear- but quiet enough for any walkers to ignore it. Her long pencil skirt, brushing her kneecaps, was filthy; but she was thankful for her big boots and thick ice-skating tights to cover for it. She had an undershirt and a sweater and a coat, still managing to look relatively nice despite having been out for so long; she had clothes with her, but just hadn't changed in anything other than athletics. Today just happened to be bitterly cold, and she had to take what she wore the day she got on the road. Turtle stirred from her slumber, snugly fit in the hiking backpack; enjoying the dark warm and quiet quarters. She didn't like being jostled too much, but the blanket of clothes and supplies was pleasant.

@DryPunishment did you see my reply/)
Trenton, New Jersey


Lucas sank down onto his knees, and buried his face into his hands. Tears starting to fall onto the ground as if the ocean was in his body. The bloody motherfucker. He had seen his friend... Nich... Stab the girl he loved. Cameron. The most beautiful girl in the world. Saw her dead. Blood flowing. She had the disease... But why. The bloody bastard Nich. The grass was dry, now wet with Luke's tears. His dog whined with him. "FUCK YOI NICH!" Luke screamed in agony. Cameron's body was in front of him, and he crawled toward it. He put his head on her chest. "I'm sorry..." He sniffled. He stuttered. "I... I... Ugh..." He cried for longer, and sucked up his tears. He carried her body over to the cemetery. There happened to be a dug up place, and he carefully let down her body. Her blood stained on his hands, but he swore to never watch it. Nich was the bloody bastard. This all happened in front of his eyes. He didn't want to remember it. Wherever Nich was, he would find him. The bloody disease was a bastard. Fuck him. Lucas headed back home, with no one. His dog walked behind him, and the backpack was a strain. The world seemed normal, except it was like a quarantine. Lucas sat on the couch, and launched on the T.V. He could feel the tears wanting to come out.
Alex heard a knock on the window and jumped up, instantly pulling out the American Joe Colt M1911. Eric and Hunter and Tom were already long-gone, so he had a chance here. He slowly creaked the window open and peaked down from below it. He saw a woman standing there, a woman he recognized and someone who he'd never imagined to see ever again. He couldn't help but burst into laughter - it was his health teacher.

"Missus Bonnefoy?! HAHA!" He said in sheer shock as he forced the window open fully. "Jesus Christ. You're ALIVE?!" He added in a yell. Any walkers in the area had certainly heard them now. (@TheHarlequinnCat - Reply to Brad and Delaney's side when you get the chance. It's starting to get deep :D )


"WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" Trevor yelled as he sped his jacked up Humvee down the street in some place in Trenton, New Jersey. This was his new favorite toy, robbed from the all so wonderful military that were operating in the area. Trevor was a straight up young American redneck jackass. He was batshit crazy, but he knew what he was doing, and he was more teched out than your average soldier. He saw one young man disappear into a house. Christ, what was there to do there any more? Water wasn't safe to drink, everyone was dead, power was out, but yet the sewer systems seemed to work all over. Conspiracy theory? Illuminati? Who knew. Whatever. He screeched to a flaming halt outside the house and leaned back in his chair, smiling to himself as he whipped out a rolled up cigarette and blazed it up. (@Korean Ghoul)
Lucas sniffled. He heard a damn car turn on. "Oh shit..." He unpacked his Swiss army knife, and slowly crept to the window. He saw a Redneck bastard. Smoking in front of his house? "DAMN NO" Lucas opened the door, and his boxer started to bark and burst at the car. Lucas ran behind Ali, and he held his knife, ready to attack. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh, what's wrong, Sushi dick? Real American motors got you all riled up?!" He shouted through the window, laughing wildly. He rolled down the window for maybe and inch and then dropped the cigarette out of it. He glanced around the quaint neighborhood and chuckled under his breath. "Fuck me, you must get bored around here- You like miserable, kiddo. And I can tell it ain't 'cause of me. Where's your parents? They dead like everyone else in the world? I know the pain." He leaned back in his chair a little more and flicked the engine off. (@Korean Ghoul)
"HEY! ALI! DOWN!" Lucas caught Ali before any damage was done. "This place is dead. My parents, my brothers... The girl I love... Only a few bloody bastards I want dead. This place is all done. Perfect though, no zombies up in my ass. Shops closed, free food. Break down the window, get the shit from 7-11. What're you doing here?"
(@Vyork Ashfin - I'd rather it be non-military, but you can go ahead with that as long as the character isn't someone who acts invincible and can do anything to anyone and has no fear. As long as they portray proper human emotions and strengths I'm fine with it.)


He looked at him for a moment and a half-grin went across his face. "You want people dead, eh? Where do we find 'em?" He asked. (@Korean Ghoul)
Luke frowned. This guy didn't seemed trustable. But if this could work... Dynamic duo, Asian and redneck. "Hey, if I'm tagging with you, my dog has to come with us. He'll get used to you. I hope anyway. Go two blocks down, make a right, then the first left you see, go down, second house on the left." Lucas opened the car door.
"Ah, fuck it. Get the mutt in the back, you ride up front - Holy shit. This would make one hell of a good movie or a sitcom. Fuckin' Asians and rednecks pairing up to kill some motherfuckers. Ain't that just a picture perfect world?" He said, grinning. Once he and the dog were in he started up the roaring engine and instantly began speeding off down the street. "What's your name, kid? And how old are you?" He asked, looking at his young complexion for a split-second. (@Korean Ghoul)
"Names Luke. Bruce Lee in town. Dogs name is Ali. I'm 14. On my own for weeks I guess. Till now." Luke scratched his head. He kept looking back to see if Ali was still there. "Now. What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?"
"You mean you ain't guessed? Trevor. All the way from oily old Texas. I'm twenty-four and I've been on my own since long before this shit-storm kicked off." He smiled and looked at where they were. They'd gone up one block. "So. What's the beef you've got with these assholes? They take a... A fuckin' family heirloom, or some shit'?" He asked, taking a deep breath through his nose. The vehicle smelt of tobacco, but it was better than not having a vehicle at all. (@Korean Ghoul)
Sputnik fired up the helicopters propeller and took off towards Wisconsin to drop supplies for civilians. The supplies consisted of medical equipment and various foods. He reached the outskirts of Wisconsin, the heli was so loud it probably alerted everyone in the city that it was coming. And it would bring alot of fans that Sputnik had built up.
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"I thought my friend was my friend. Only to kill the girl I love... Cameron. She was beautiful. The most beautiful girl who was walked this bloody earth. Until he stabbed her. I want him dead Trevor. Shot down. Stabbed. His family is Alive. You and my dog will take em. I'll take Nich." Lucas growled. @DrTrollinski
Sputnik flew through the city and racked up kills with the guns on his chopper that were strong enough to tear through buildings. He continuously looked for a proper drop point. What looked good was the mall so he flew above the mall and landed on the roof.
"Then listen to yourself. Think 'bout what you just said to me. 'I want him shot down, stabbed, you and the dog take the family.' - You honestly think that you're no more of a murderer than he is if you try and put that plan into a spinning gear?" He asked. "I certainly ain't a murderer, so let me ask again... Are you a murderer, Luke?" He added. (@Korean Ghoul)
"Now we skin it. I'll do it this time, you're looking a bit green." Gently nudging him out of the way, Connor grabs a knife. "First of all, you cut the skin around the feet and tail. Then, you cut straight dow it's belly. From there you basically just connect the cuts and peel it off. There, a skinned squirrel. Usually, I take the skin off the head to but since he doesn't have one we can ignore that. Then you gut it. You take your knife, and stick it in him. Gotta be careful you don't cut anything else that's inside. I don't prefer crab and it's last breakfast on my squirrel. Then, tah dah, your done." As he spoke, he skinned and gutted it, a little show and tell.
".. Oh... I get it. Okay... Am--.. Am I gonna' try that with the next one we catch?" He asked, his hands linked by his chest. (@Beowulf
(I'm going to bed. I'll respond in the morning.)
"Depends really. Do you want to do the next one? It doesn't matter, I like stretching my legs as it is." This he said as he unconciously rubbed where the bullet went through his leg. "It isn't that gard once you know what you're doing. And you stop feeling so queasy after a bit to. Maybe next time. But right now, it's on to cooking. Get what you think you'll need while I get a fire going." Almost as soon as the sentence was out of his mouth, he wearily got down and began the process of starting a fire.

(@DrTrollinski going to bed g'night.)

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