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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Bursting out in laughter, silence forgotten, Connor helps Daniel up onto his feet. "Nice shot. I wouldn't say you had to kneel down, but it works either way. Little fella didn't even feel it I bet. Now that was just a small part. You get to carry it back. Then you'll get to skin it, gut it, and cook it. Teach a little of that as well. Might as well go the full 9 instead of half assing it, don't tell your dad I said that."
"No, no... Eric said he shot at you? He say anything else interesting?" He asked.

"Yeah, he said something about a store and a password before he passed out." Eric explained, hopping up onto the counter beside him and sitting there while looking down at his face. ".. I think I broke his nose." He admitted.

"Wait for him to wake up. We've got bandages and gauze downstairs in the pharmacy but it's nothing advanced. If it gets too bad, we'll have an amputation on our hands." Alex sighed. "Treat him, I've got some questions for him." He said, sighing. (@DrCompton)


"Yeah, sure..." He slowly walked over to the squirrel body and looked down at it, and then looked back up at Conner. ".. Have we got a bag or somethin' to put it in?" (@Beowulf)
Jay snapped awake and looked at the splint on his leg. Jay stretches and looks over at Eric. "Where am i..what happened to me..... OH YOU FUCKER!" He attempts to get up but falls off the counter hitting his head. "Oh my god....why does this keep happening to me!" Jay attempts to get up but cant use his left leg {The one that's splinted}
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"Did I have a bag to put it in when I wasn't in the colony? No, I carried it. Grab it by the tail, the blood could be put into a nice soup but I doubt it'll add much to it. If you don't want to though, I understand." As he said the last part, he walked over to the carcass and stood waiting for his reply. He was just a kid still, so he didn't expect him to really want to carry a dead squirrel without it's head

(@DrTrollinski )
Eric jumped off the counter and sat on his chest, holding the collar of his shirt tightly. ".. Listen to me, dickweed. You put us through a lot and almost killed us - We've helped you, now you're going to help us." He snarled at him, Alex walked up and pulled Eric away from him, frowning. (@DrCompton, @Vyork Ashfin)


".. Uh..." He sighed. "Yeah, I'll carry it... I don't want no blood in a soup, though... That's gross." He stated as he stuck his tongue out in disgust. He slowly leaned over and hesitantly grabbed the dead squirrel by the tail, picking it up - boy was he happy he was wearing thick leather gloves. He looked up at Conner and forced a smile, holding it far away from his side so the blood didn't get on him. (@Beowulf)
Tom pulls out his pistol and presses it against the back of Jay's head. "Listen you fucking moron, your leg is broke, you have an open fracture, I've treated you to the best of my ability, but I swear to god if you give me a reason to kill you I will not hesitate. Do not mistake my kindness as a weakness, I am doing this as a favor for the people who took me in." He looked over at Alex and Eric, "Make sure no one else comes to this side, I dont want him know how many, and who, we have." Then Tom focused back on Jay, "So you and I are going to play a game. The more you tell me, the less fun it'll be for me, understood?"

(My replying make become little to none over the next few hours so I apologize in advance if that happens)
Jay flips over and wrestles the gun out of toms hand. "No me and you are going to play a game and you will hate it!" He now has the gun aiming at tom. "Now get on your stomach and put your hands on your head! before i fire a bullet into your leg.... then you will know what im feeling."
Eric pulls out his gun while standing behind him and aims it at the hand with the gun. He doesn't even hesitate and fires a shot into it, most likely completely crippling it. Either way. He did some damage doing that.

"ERIC!" Alex yelled. Thank Christ the gun was silent.

"Shut up!" He looked down at Jay. "You ungrateful piece of shit..." He placed one foot down on his throat, gently increasing the pressure as time went on. (@Vyork Ashfin
(Sorry. Had a bit of confusion)
"You'd be surprised how good it is. Got a lot of nutrients in it." he replied to the sticking out of the tongue. Reaching the gates, he once more waves to the guards and enters. "To the kitchens." he said, leading the way. Once he reached the kitchens, Marybell (or jus marry) the fillapino lady that said she could make anything taste good. "'Ello Maybell." he said, giving her a nod.
She nodded at him, smiling.

"What have we gotta' do now?" Daniel asked as he went to the far kitchen unit and set the squirrel down on it, scrunching his face up in slight disgust. (@Beowulf)
Jay lets out gurgles as he has his throat crushed. "Save....{Choking}......the....{Choking}......shipment......{Choking}" His eyes start to roll into the back of his head as he is slowly killed.
Eric took his foot off of his throat and then kicked his gun aside, sitting on his chest once again and delivering a harsh slap to his cheek. "Listen to me, asshole! You've got about another thirty seconds before I pick up that gun and put a bullet in your fucking head. Tell me, what the FUCK are you talking about?! Because I haven't just wasted the last month doing nothing for things to end up being lost to a PRICK like you, got that?! TALK TO ME. WHAT SHIPMENT?!" He screamed, slamming the back of his head against the floor. (@Vyork Ashfin, @DrCompton)
Jay cleared his throat and smiled. "Well how do you think i got military equipment?" He laughed and said, "Without me how will you survive, and what will your group think...child"
Hunter snorts. "Like we need you? We've been doing just fine on our own you old coot." She said while narrowing her eyes and wiping the blood off the bud of her rifle.
Eric grunted in irritation. "Tell me." He picked up his gun and placed it against the knee of his good leg. "We've managed just fine so far, and trust me..." He leaned in close to whisper to him. ".. If you don't tell me where this shipment is, I'll make sure that you never walk again." He snarled, gently patting Jay's head in an intimidating manner. ".. So, what's it going to be?" He asked. Alex looked at him but said nothing. (@Vyork Ashfin)
Hunter leans back on the wall she's leaning against, her eyes are blank and souless at the moment.

Riley wandering about the mall, carrying her gun closely and has a machete on her hip, looking for something important.
"There are no shipments on the ground at the moment but if you could get me a radio ill call in one from my superior officers...... if you looked in my jacket it shows that i was in the military." Jay nods towards his jacket
"Bullshit. That isn't how the military works, pal. You think all of their shipments are in the air? Bullshit. All squadrons are going to have supply posts and stock houses on the ground somewhere - the military doesn't grow in the fucking sky. You really are a retard, do you know that? You think we need your help? Think we need you to call in some reinforcements to have us all shot? Yeah... Okay, pal." He said, shaking his head as he gently began to squeeze the trigger. He hadn't shot yet. (@Vyork Ashfin - Do you accept the killing of the character? With the injuries he's sustained there's little to no chance of survival without efficient medical treatment, and even after that he'd be essentially useless ^-^ You're free to create another character right away if you agree to it. It'd just be more realistic that way, seeing as Jay's sort of gambled away any chance he had with this group already xD )
(Of course you can :) We'll finish off the RP between these two first, though :)
(@Vyork Ashfin - Reply when you get the chance and I'll finish this up as quick as possible and you can make your new character.)
".. You see, my friend. For the past month I've been lying on a hardly-comfortable bed wasting away and feeling sorry for myself. Now. It's not hard to figure out where you've come from, and even if we can't, we can find storages not only that are civilian, but also military. Sure, it might take time, but..." He chuckled and gently shook his head; he quickly snatched the gun up and pressed the barrel of the silencer tightly up against his chin. ".. That's life, isn't it?" His smile faded. "You got any last words or commendations you'd like to give?" He asked in a whisper. (@Vyork Asfin) 
(@Vyork Ashfin)

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