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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
(Shot me how to shoot?)
"Well. Maybe I can. Me and my dad used to hit the range sometimes - Hell, it was difficult to try and stop Carl from crying when he begged to come with us." He chuckled a little and hugged her with one arm. ".. I'll give it a shot. I bet you'll do fine - You just need some... 'special mentoring.'" He smiled and kissed her again. (@Soul OMU)


".. I've had the most sleep here, so I'll drive. You guys can rest it up." Kendrick smiled. He was holding Daniel in a piggyback hold now. He walked over to the car and eased him down to the ground, followed by looking at him and ruffling his hair. "Hop in, big guy. You can sit in the back with dad. You still tired?" He asked. Daniel shook his head a little.

".. Kinda, but I'll be okay." He smiled and then scrambled into the car. At least he was staying happy. They waited for Dominic who walked out with his suitcase rolling behind him and tears rolling down his cheeks; Kendrick looked at him for a minute and then slapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on, Doc. Things are gonna' be fine, don't worry." He said, Dominic nodded and sniffled.

"Yeah, I hope so." He replied as he hauled the case into the back of the station wagon and then climbed in beside Daniel; he made sure they were both strapped up and then watched as Kendrick got into the driver's seat and began to drive away from the town.

"Shit, man. Can't believe it ended like that." He said softly as the car rolled away from the once thriving community. (@Beowulf)
(shut up. >.> I thought I wrote show, i fixed it.)

Hunter rolls her eyes a bit and smiles partially. "I suppose I do need some mentoring... but good luck since three people have tried and failed so far.. your odds are looking slim." she said while smiling at him. (@DrTrollinski)
"We'll see. I'm a pretty amazing guy, there's nothing I can't do." He joked softly, followed by hugging her again and nuzzling his face against her own. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide pulled her gaze away from the stove and smiled at the girl who entered. "It's nice to meet you Janice. I'm Adelaide." She took a small sip of her coffee. It was still awfully hot, but it warmed her tongue and sent her taste buds into a frenzy. "So have you two known each other long?" Adelaide asked glancing between Chef and Janice. (@DrTrollinski @DrBola )
A few minutes later Chef had cooked up the breakfast for both Adelaide and Janice. He'd cooked skinless sausages, bacon, eggs, and tomatoes. He placed them both down on the side and then smiled at them both while grabbing a stool and sitting down on it, sighing in tiredness. ".. Help yourself, ladies." He smiled at them both. (@october_rain, @DrBola)

(Food's there for them :P )

"No, no. She arrived last night while you were all sleeping." Chef replied with a gentle smile. "It's nice to finally know your name, Adelaide." He said with a soft nod. (@october_rain, @DrBola)
Janice inspects the plate that has been placed in front of her, smelling the aroma of the food. "Ahhh, smells delicious, thanks chef!" proclaimed Janice. "So Adelaide, are you alone? How long have you been here?" said Janice softly.

She then behind to tuck into her food. (@october_rain)
Adelaide pulls a stool over and sits down. "Thank you for this, Chef." She said with a smile before turning her attention to Janice. She shakes her head and pokes at her food with a fork. "No. There's a pretty fair sized group I'm with. We only arrived yesterday afternoon." She takes a small bite of the eggs. They sent a flood of warmth through her mouth. (@DrTrollinski @DrBola )
"That's nice to hear, its good to be with others. Being alone takes it toll on you, you know? Well anyway tell me about yourself Adelaide" said Janice as she polished off the remained food on her plate.

Janice then placed her knife and fork in the middle of the plate and pushed the plate away from her slightly. "That was tasty, thanks again chef". (@october_rain)
Adelaide smiles and nods. "Yeah. I'm really lucky to have found them... well, technically they found me." Adelaide paused. She licked her lips and looked around the room, focusing on minor things. "There's nothing to tell. I'm just... Adelaide." She shrugged and took another bite of her food hesitantly. (@DrBola @DrTrollinski )
DrTrollinski said:
".. I've had the most sleep here, so I'll drive. You guys can rest it up." Kendrick smiled. He was holding Daniel in a piggyback hold now. He walked over to the car and eased him down to the ground, followed by looking at him and ruffling his hair. "Hop in, big guy. You can sit in the back with dad. You still tired?" He asked. Daniel shook his head a little.
".. Kinda, but I'll be okay." He smiled and then scrambled into the car. At least he was staying happy. They waited for Dominic who walked out with his suitcase rolling behind him and tears rolling down his cheeks; Kendrick looked at him for a minute and then slapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on, Doc. Things are gonna' be fine, don't worry." He said, Dominic nodded and sniffled.

"Yeah, I hope so." He replied as he hauled the case into the back of the station wagon and then climbed in beside Daniel; he made sure they were both strapped up and then watched as Kendrick got into the driver's seat and began to drive away from the town.

"Shit, man. Can't believe it ended like that." He said softly as the car rolled away from the once thriving community. (@Beowulf)
An hour or so passed with Daniel snacking on candy and drinking any water he was allowed to have. Seeing as all the roads were clear of traffic, and had been for months, it was easy to get into Minnesota in such a short amount of time.

"Kendrick... Can we stop...? I need to pee..." Daniel moaned, Kendrick and Dominic both sighed.

"Wait until we get to a gas station, okay? We need gas, anyway." He said, Daniel sighed and leaned back in his chair. (@Beowulf
Muttering something in his sleep, sounded a bit like just wait you can go later, Connor rolls over into a more comfortable position. It may, however, not be to comfortable for those also in the back seat with him.

Dominic sighed and carefully moved Conner's legs a little so that they weren't cramping him and Daniel up too much. ".. Sleeping like a baby." He said quietly before chuckling. He held Daniel close for a moment and watched him - his legs were bouncing up and down in discomfort. "How much further, Kendrick?" He asked.

"Literally pullin' up to one right now, Doc." He said. Woohoo. Finally. Daniel felt himself relax a little more, but he still needed to go. Kendrick pulled up by the gas pumps, turned off the car engine, and then looked into the back. "Alright, here we are. Conner, you need anythin'?" He asked. Daniel and Dominic were already long on their way into the gas station mini-mart. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
"Eh... I'll live, my stomach's still a bit off, but it's not as bad as yesterday, no way." He said with a soft sigh. He smiled. ".. Yeah, I'm sure they'd go to the park with you - I might tag along if I feel up to it." He said, he looked out of the window and then lied down on the couch as Tom spoke; he laughed at his second question. ".. Heh, no, dad... We didn't get up to anything. The most exciting thing I did last night was take a shower in her bathroom." He paused for a moment. ".. And no, that wasn't a euphemism." He joked before laughing a little. "It was a little awkward this morning, though. When we woke up, I was pretty much lying on top of her - don't ask how." He sighed in shyness and shrugged. (@DrCompton)
(@DrCompton - I'm waiting on you to help move this on, man. Where you been?)
(I'm sorry, but sitting up until 3am hasn't been very fun so far.)

(Also, for our side of the RP, I'm going to move things on. We need Dry here but he's not on until tomorrow, so I'll do what I can.)
(It's not your fault. It's just that for ninety percent of the day, I've been paranoid as shit and I'm thinking that I've just got people conspiring against me, and when I've got my RL friends screwing me over, it's all a bit stressful... I've just been sitting here for so long, and now the person I was talking to has gone offline, so I'm more upset than anything, I'm tired, and I've got a chest infection that won't leave me alone.)

"Well... I'll go get Caitlyn up and then we'll take her and leave her at the diner to have some breakfast while we check out a shooting range." He smiled and lead her out of the room so that they could go and wake Caitlyn up. He and Hunter helped her get changed into some clean clothes, and then Alex sent her to use the bathroom if she needed to as well as to brush her teeth. Once she was done, Alex took hers and Hunter's hand and then walked down the street to the diner - He left her with Adelaide and Chef, and noticed that a new person was there - she seemed friendly enough, so he said nothing at first. He took Hunter's hand and walked down the street with her - the gun store and shooting range had been seen at this end of the town, this way any stray bullets would just fire off into the hillside, so this was the safest place for it to be. (@Soul OMU)
(Sorry, didn't realize you responded already.)

Connor woke up with a start, a small snore cut short. Looking around, he sees that they had reached a simple gas station. And the even stranger part of it all was, he had been asked what he had wanted. "If you can find some cosmic brownies, I'll be set." he replied, remembering a boyhood snack.

(@DrTrollinski don't respond to this right now, get some sleep and then respond.)
DrTrollinski said:
(It's not your fault. It's just that for ninety percent of the day, I've been paranoid as shit and I'm thinking that I've just got people conspiring against me, and when I've got my RL friends screwing me over, it's all a bit stressful... I've just been sitting here for so long, and now the person I was talking to has gone offline, so I'm more upset than anything, I'm tired, and I've got a chest infection that won't leave me alone.)
"Well... I'll go get Caitlyn up and then we'll take her and leave her at the diner to have some breakfast while we check out a shooting range." He smiled and lead her out of the room so that they could go and wake Caitlyn up. He and Hunter helped her get changed into some clean clothes, and then Alex sent her to use the bathroom if she needed to as well as to brush her teeth. Once she was done, Alex took hers and Hunter's hand and then walked down the street to the diner - He left her with Adelaide and Chef, and noticed that a new person was there - she seemed friendly enough, so he said nothing at first. He took Hunter's hand and walked down the street with her - the gun store and shooting range had been seen at this end of the town, this way any stray bullets would just fire off into the hillside, so this was the safest place for it to be. (@Soul OMU)
(Oh bae... *holds*Why would anyone on here be conspiring against a wonderful person like you? Your such a sweetheart and try to put others before you from what i have seen.)

Hunter smiles a bit while nods as she gets up and helps Alex with Caitlyn through getting her dressed, bathroom and brushing her teeth. Once they dropped her off with Adelaide at the dinner, she held his hand lightly as they walked off towards the gun store and the shooting range. (@DrTrollinski)
(I'll live, Beowulf. I'll be going to bed soon, don't worry.)

"Will do." Kendrick shouted back. Dominic had checked the place out and then unlocked the gas station bathroom for Daniel, whom of which rushed inside and got to what he needed to do. Dominic leaned up against the door and watched Kendrick meander around.

".. I've checked the place. You're good."

"Thanks, Doc." He said, he then began digging around for any food he could salvage. Some beef jerky, some water, and some cosmic brownies like Conner had asked for. It was better than nothing, for sure. Dominic waited for Daniel to be done in the restroom and then backed away from the door when he was ready to come out; Daniel smiled at him and then walked to where Kendrick was- he managed to find a couple of candy bars and then looked back towards the door. ".. Ease up on the water while we're on the road, son." Kendrick said to him as he ruffled his hair; he nodded his head towards the door and walked out with Daniel and Dominic to return to the car; he chucked the cosmic brownies onto Conner's lap and then placed the other stuff down in the passenger seat. "Let's roll." He said as he began driving again. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
(I'll live, Beowulf. I'll be going to bed soon, don't worry.)
"Will do." Kendrick shouted back. Dominic had checked the place out and then unlocked the gas station bathroom for Daniel, whom of which rushed inside and got to what he needed to do. Dominic leaned up against the door and watched Kendrick meander around.

".. I've checked the place. You're good."

"Thanks, Doc." He said, he then began digging around for any food he could salvage. Some beef jerky, some water, and some cosmic brownies like Conner had asked for. It was better than nothing, for sure. Dominic waited for Daniel to be done in the restroom and then backed away from the door when he was ready to come out; Daniel smiled at him and then walked to where Kendrick was- he managed to find a couple of candy bars and then looked back towards the door. ".. Ease up on the water while we're on the road, son." Kendrick said to him as he ruffled his hair; he nodded his head towards the door and walked out with Daniel and Dominic to return to the car; he chucked the cosmic brownies onto Conner's lap and then placed the other stuff down in the passenger seat. "Let's roll." He said as he began driving again. (@Soul OMU)
(*Hugs tightly*I would never do that... I know you probably heard that a million times but I'm serious.. Also I think you would be a Shiny Flaafy or Mareep if I find one I will call it after you. :) )

Hunter smiles a bit and squeezes his hand back. "Let's just start with the pistol first."
(I appreciate it. The thing is now, I'm paranoid that I've made other people paranoid by making them think that I'm talking about them when I'm not. This really is a vicious circle, isn't it? xP)

He smiled and lead her up to the door of the gun store. He tried to push it open. Locked. He tried pulling it for good measure. Still locked. Okay then. ".. Shit--.. Hunter, got a hair pin on you, or something? These locks look like they're twenty-odd years old, so they shouldn't be hard to crack. It's all a matter of moving pins about." He paused for a moment and looked at the lock. ".. I think." He added. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
(I appreciate it. The thing is now, I'm paranoid that I've made other people paranoid by making them think that I'm talking about them when I'm not. This really is a vicious circle, isn't it? xP)
He smiled and lead her up to the door of the gun store. He tried to push it open. Locked. He tried pulling it for good measure. Still locked. Okay then. ".. Shit--.. Hunter, got a hair pin on you, or something? These locks look like they're twenty-odd years old, so they shouldn't be hard to crack. It's all a matter of moving pins about." He paused for a moment and looked at the lock. ".. I think." He added. (@Soul OMU)
(Well If I ever did something I think I would have noticed cuz I'm sure you wouldn't be talking to me if I did and I'm calling my next shiny pokemon after you! feel honored!)

Hunter gives him a look. "What just cuz i'm a girl I should have hair pins on me?" she huffed and put her hands on her hips before sighing and taking one off her shirt. "fine here..." she said as she passed it to him. (@DrTrollinski)
"Don't be like that. I've seen plenty of guys with hairpins." He chuckled softly and bent the hairpin back and then crouched down in front of the lock. ".. This should open up, nice and easy..." He said softly. Safe to say, it didn't open up nice and easy. In fact, it took him fifteen minutes of toying with it. "Aha!" He shouted as the lock clicked. He pushed the door open and smiled at her. ".. Piece of cake." He joked, he had sweat lining his forehead, but he was proud that he got it open. (@Soul OMU)

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