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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Hunter waiting and smiles a bit in amusement at his choice of words and the line of sweat on his forehead. "Right..." she said as she ran her hand against his forehead before showing him the moisture on her hand. (@DrTrollinski)
"That's just..." He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "I didn't struggle, I promise." He laughed a little and then lead her inside and over to where the pistol counter was. "Take your pick." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)
"I recommend something that uses a magazine for you. It'll be easier to load and practice with." He said. (@Soul OMU)
"This, for example." He said as he picked up a Glock 18 and handed to her alongside a magazine of bullets. "It uses magazines that you can load straight away. With revolvers, you need to load each bullet individually." He shrugged and smiled at her. (@Soul OMU a)
"Good." He said. He picked up a few more magazines of ammo and then took her by the arm to lead her out back. "Pull the slide back to cock the gun and then we'll fire some practice shots." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
"Okay... Explain to me where you go wrong with shooting. Like, explain every part to me, every part that you remember." He said. (@Soul OMU a)
"It's not like water is to hard to find. You just have to know where and what to look for, for the clean stuff. One tell-tale sign that it's bad are cattails, they grow in poisonous water." he said, talking just for the sake of doing it. Where were they headed anyway? They just got in a car and decided to head in a direction.

(@DrTrollinski I can only run for so long without having to be recharged. Guten nacht as the Germans say.)
"Must be the way you're positioning yourself. We'll find a way around it." He said softly as he scratched his chin. "I'll get some targets set up and then we'll give it a shot." He said. (@Soul OMU, @Beowulf - this is my last post. Goodnight.)
Alex went around and set up some wooden targets on the range for a few minutes and then went back to Hunter's side. He looked at her and then took a deep breath as he turned around to look down the shooting range; he took her by the arm and then positioned her in the correct place. ".. Okay. Take a couple of shots and we'll see how you do." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


"I ain't talkin' about that, Conner." Kendrick chuckled and looked in the rear-view mirror at Daniel. ".. I'm sayin' that he should ease up on the water so that we don't have to stop every half hour for him to pee." He added with another laugh; Daniel went slightly red in embarrassment and said nothing as he leaned up against Dominic. Dominic ruffled his hair and nodded.

"Yeah, I can agree on that one. It was always the same on family road-trips... Wasn't it, buddy?" He said, Daniel sighed.

"Yeah..." He buried his face in Dominic's chest and took a deep breath. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
"Eh... I'll live, my stomach's still a bit off, but it's not as bad as yesterday, no way." He said with a soft sigh. He smiled. ".. Yeah, I'm sure they'd go to the park with you - I might tag along if I feel up to it." He said, he looked out of the window and then lied down on the couch as Tom spoke; he laughed at his second question. ".. Heh, no, dad... We didn't get up to anything. The most exciting thing I did last night was take a shower in her bathroom." He paused for a moment. ".. And no, that wasn't a euphemism." He joked before laughing a little. "It was a little awkward this morning, though. When we woke up, I was pretty much lying on top of her - don't ask how." He sighed in shyness and shrugged. (@DrCompton) (@DrCompton)
Tom smiled, "there is some yogurt in the fridge. Watch Carl for a little bit I'm gonna walk around town for a few minutes, then stop by Scarlets and see if they'd want to go..." He looked at Eric again, "I'd be gone for 30 minutes most likely."
"Alright, sure." Eric said, he patted Tom on the shioulder and then went to sit in the kitchen with Carl. He didn't feel like eating anything right now, so he sat there and watched Carl eat while the sun beamed in through the window. "Hey, bro..." He said.

"Hi, Eric!" He smiled at him and ate some more yogurt. ".. I missed you last night. Where were you?" He asked.

"Aww... I was next door at Jenna's house, buddy... She was worried about staying here last night, so I went to stay with her."

"Worried? Why? This place is great!"

"It sure is, it's just that some people are a little nervous, that's all. It's scary to move to a new place, sometimes." He smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Carl smiled warmly at him and then took a deep breath.

".. Have you seen your room? I was gonna' have it but it's for you." He smiled.

"No, you can show me in a little while. Dad's just gone out to ask Scarlet about the park and all that, okay?" He said, Carl nodded and smiled before continuing to eat his yogurt, a smile glued to his face. (@DrCompton)
Tom got up and started walking to his neighbors , thinking of what he would say to the redhead to convince her to join him on an outing with his adopted sons.

"Hey scarlet! Wanna come to the... No.... Hey Red! .... No... Hey Scarlet, do you and Jenna Want to come to the park with me and the boys? Jesus Christ Tom, get it together."

Tom stood infront of their door, and rang the door bell. @Soul OMU
(And now we shall play the waiting game @GunzABlazinz - This is here for when you're ready to hop back in.)


He read over the note and sighed before putting it down. ".. They left, went to a place that has power." He looked shocked for a moment as he gently set the letter back down on the counter top. ".. Argonne... I know where that place is. Our best bet is to check there, I'd say." He said, scratching the back of his head. "This place gives me the creeps, so I'm up for heading there." He said, his wife merely nodded in agreement. ".. Either of you kids need to use the bathroom before we leave? From what I know it's quite a drive and I'd rather not stop." He said, the girl nodded. ".. Okay, let's go find the restrooms and we'll wait for you and leave straight after." He said and then lead them all out. They took her to restroom and waited outside for her before going back to the car and speeding off. Next stop, Argonne.
DrTrollinski said:
(And now we shall play the waiting game @GunzABlazinz - This is here for when you're ready to hop back in.)

He read over the note and sighed before putting it down. ".. They left, went to a place that has power." He looked shocked for a moment as he gently set the letter back down on the counter top. ".. Argonne... I know where that place is. Our best bet is to check there, I'd say." He said, scratching the back of his head. "This place gives me the creeps, so I'm up for heading there." He said, his wife merely nodded in agreement. ".. Either of you kids need to use the bathroom before we leave? From what I know it's quite a drive and I'd rather not stop." He said, the girl nodded. ".. Okay, let's go find the restrooms and we'll wait for you and leave straight after." He said and then lead them all out. They took her to restroom and waited outside for her before going back to the car and speeding off. Next stop, Argonne.
(Sorry guys!)

Hunter nods slightly before firing off a few shots, each one no where near the target, and whatever ones were barely grazed the edge of the target. (@DrTrollinski)

Scarlet blinks since she was cleaning out the rotten food in the fridge by burning it when the door bell rang and made her way over to get it after washing her hands. She opened the door to see Tom standing there. "Hey Tom... What's up?" She asked casually while looking at him, Jenna currently in her room braiding her hair before making her way out to look around at all the other rooms. (@DrCompton)
Tom stared at her for a moment, opening his mouth but not saying anything. "Uhhhhhhhhh"

"Talk! Talk you moron!"

".. Okay." He sighed and then stood behind her, his arms wrapping further around her body from her back. He adjusted her elbows a little and then tilted her aim in just the slightest so it was a little more suitable. ".. Take steady breaths, don't breathe to deeply. Just pace yourself nicely, and stop the breaths just before you shoot, it'll help you aim better." He explained softly as he stepped backwards. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet raises a brow while looking at him. "Good Morning.. Everything alright with the boys?" She asked while tilting her head slightly.



Hunter nods slightly as she looks at the targets onces more before taking a breath and firing, still barely grazing the outer area. (@DrTrollinski)
"Eric... I'm done. Do you wanna' see your room now?!" He asked in excitement as he jumped up and tugged on Eric's arm. Eric sighed but smiled and stood up from his seat and allowed himself to be dragged upstairs and down the hallway - this house was nice so far, but when he came into the room that was apparently his, his face lit up with a smile. The walls were a nice blue and the floor was covered by a cool blue carpeting; on the walls there were posted of certain bands and of video-games, too. Whoever was in this room before had it all - Nirvana, Johnny Cash, Eric Church, Zac Brown Band, and--

Oh god. There was a Justin Bieber poster. He cringed when he saw it and instantly ran up and tore it down from the wall. He tossed it aside and then smiled. That's better. He looked around again - the room had a double bed, something he never had the pleasure of having to himself before, a computer in the corner right of the door, and opposite the bed was a table with different compartments, but it was about the same level as the bed - the table had a flatscreen TV on it, and a big one, like the one in the living room - in some of the compartments he could see consoles, both new and old - there was the Xbox One, the PS4, the PS3, the Xbox 360, the Nintendo Wii - There was a lot, alongside hundreds of games that were stored on the shelving units that hung above the TV. The computer in the corner looked pretty beastly, too, but he didn't expect any of this gear to work. Still, it was a nice room. He ran up and hugged Carl tight.

"Thanks, bro... I love it." He smiled at him and Carl grinned.

"Okay! Let's go find daddy now 'cause we're going to the park!" He said, and then he grabbed Eric by the hand and pulled him into his own room. "I gotta' get dressed first." He said, and then began to pull clothes from his bag; he ripped his shirt off over his head and took off his PJ pants as well, then he slapped on his new clothes with some socks and shoved some Velcro-sealed sneakers on. Then he ran, dragged Eric out, and they both began walking towards Scarlet's house. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton


".. Both eyes open, Hunter. Line it up as if you're trying to draw a line down the center of your face. Look down the sight, prepare yourself, and act as if that target is something dangerous. Something that's about to cling onto you or me and tear us apart - You need to see your target as something you need to hit, not something you want to hit." He said, lowering his hands and spreading her legs apart by a couple more centimeters. "Nice and easy." He said in encouragement. (@Soul OMU)

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