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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Yo yo yo! Wait up! What's goin' on!" Kendrick called out to one family that were packing their car a mere ten feet away from them. A man, the father, sighed and walked over to them. Soon enough, his two kids hopped out of the car. They were Daniel's age, perhaps, a boy and a girl, twins. They stood at either side of him and hugged him while he spoke to Kendrick and Conner.

".. I know that this looks bad. I understand that, and I don't want you to--.." He sighed and looked over his shoulders at the leaving cars. ".. We... A family here--.. They lost their son last night. A teen boy. They watched the kid get torn to pieces by one of those--.. things!" He said, his voice shaking more towards the end as he held his children close. ".. They left straight away--.. People are scared, guys... but from what everyone was saying, it's not anything to do with what you guys did, if anything, they were talking about how you might have actually saved a few extra people... It's the kids, man. They woke up and saw all of these bodies, all the dead creatures just lying in the streets... They didn't want to stay. These two here were crying for over an hour this morning... I--.. A lot of people didn't want to face you guys, because they knew how much effort you've put in to keeping them safe. They weren't strong enough to tell you, and to be honest--.. I'm struggling as well..." He whimpered. He looked away and took a deep breath as some tears broke out of his eyes and rolled down his face. ".. I'm sorry." He blurted in a whisper. (@Beowulf)
Adelaide smiled at the word coffee. A warm shower, a bed, coffee. Oh yes, she was very much going to like it here. "So Chef, do you have a real name or do you really just go by Chef?" Adelaide asked as she welcomed herself to a cup of the warm, dark liquid. She held the cup between her hands and blew on it gently in an attempt to cool it down. (@DrTrollinski )
Walking up to the man, Connor rested a hand on his shoulder. And in an understandig and reasonable voice, he says "I understand. You are free to leave. But will it be any better out there? No protection and just you and your family. Deaths happen, I know from experience. But here, we all have a much better chance of those that we love not dying before their time. If you still wish to leave, just tell the others about what I've said."

Alex sat up in bed with a soft yawn looked at Hunter. ".. Did you get a chance to take a shower last night?" He asked her. (@Soul OMU)


He froze for a moment and almost dropped the small knob of butter he had on the edge of a knife. ".. I--.. Just Chef, dear. Just Chef." He said. He quickly looked away and went to the stove and placed the pans down on top of it; he threw some butter into each one and then turned the gas on - he put the bacon in one, and the sausages in the other. The sausages were skinless, but still good. ".. What about you? What's your name?" He asked in an attempt to change the subject away from himself. (@october_rain)


"Conner, sir... If I would, I'd stay here and help, but--.. One man went out there today to look for something. He hasn't come back yet. For all you know, those things could be burrowing themselves under the town, and will all these people gone... I don't know. I'd hate to see you die as well. All of you. None of you deserve it, because you're good men... I know that one day, if it ain't here, it'll be somewhere else - one day, you'll have influence and a dictatorship over a place like this. You've got a purpose in this shit - you're stronger than any of us ever were, and we all do respect you for that..." He sighed and paused for a moment before setting his hands on his kids' heads, he cracked a faint smile as he looked between them both. ".. We're thinking of heading further north, one of the spotters that went out not too long ago saw a group up at a mall in Woodruff, which ain't all far from here. We're thinking of checking that out." He smiled and then took hold of his hand to shake it. "You take care of yourself. Life's all about moving on. I know from experience." He smiled and winked at him, and then looked down at the kids. "Okay, guys... You say goodbye to Conner and Kendrick, okay? Thank them as well, they've been good to us." He said, both kids ran up to Kendrick and hugged him.

"Thank you, Kendrick... We're gonna' miss ya'..." The girl muttered. Kendrick was a mess; he crouched down and hugged them both back before resting his hands on their shoulders.

"There's no need to thank me, kids... Oh, I'm gonna' miss you too..." He gave a broken smile. ".. You take care of your daddy for me, and make sure you both stay strong." He said, they both smiled and nodded and then walked to Conner. They did the same and hugged him.

"We'll miss your lessons, Conner... They were good." The boy said simply, smiling. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
Alex sat up in bed with a soft yawn looked at Hunter. ".. Did you get a chance to take a shower last night?" He asked her. (@Soul OMU)

He froze for a moment and almost dropped the small knob of butter he had on the edge of a knife. ".. I--.. Just Chef, dear. Just Chef." He said. He quickly looked away and went to the stove and placed the pans down on top of it; he threw some butter into each one and then turned the gas on - he put the bacon in one, and the sausages in the other. The sausages were skinless, but still good. ".. What about you? What's your name?" He asked in an attempt to change the subject away from himself. (@october_rain)


"Conner, sir... If I would, I'd stay here and help, but--.. One man went out there today to look for something. He hasn't come back yet. For all you know, those things could be burrowing themselves under the town, and will all these people gone... I don't know. I'd hate to see you die as well. All of you. None of you deserve it, because you're good men... I know that one day, if it ain't here, it'll be somewhere else - one day, you'll have influence and a dictatorship over a place like this. You've got a purpose in this shit - you're stronger than any of us ever were, and we all do respect you for that..." He sighed and paused for a moment before setting his hands on his kids' heads, he cracked a faint smile as he looked between them both. ".. We're thinking of heading further north, one of the spotters that went out not too long ago saw a group up at a mall in Woodruff, which ain't all far from here. We're thinking of checking that out." He smiled and then took hold of his hand to shake it. "You take care of yourself. Life's all about moving on. I know from experience." He smiled and winked at him, and then looked down at the kids. "Okay, guys... You say goodbye to Conner and Kendrick, okay? Thank them as well, they've been good to us." He said, both kids ran up to Kendrick and hugged him.

"Thank you, Kendrick... We're gonna' miss ya'..." The girl muttered. Kendrick was a mess; he crouched down and hugged them both back before resting his hands on their shoulders.

"There's no need to thank me, kids... Oh, I'm gonna' miss you too..." He gave a broken smile. ".. You take care of your daddy for me, and make sure you both stay strong." He said, they both smiled and nodded and then walked to Conner. They did the same and hugged him.

"We'll miss your lessons, Conner... They were good." The boy said simply, smiling. (@Beowulf)
Hunter shakes her head as she yawns and slowly rolls of bed, landing on the floor with a thump. "Ow..." She said softly as she slowly got up and stretched.
".. I was planning on taking one now, but you can go first, if you want." Alex offered as he also stretched his back and gave a deep yawn. (@Soul OMU)
"Alright then." He said before wandering off into the bathroom connected to the bedroom; he disappeared inside and left the door open a little before taking off his clothes and getting into the shower. The water was amazing. It was hot. Something he hadn't felt in such a long time - this was just plain incredible and he wanted it to never end, but of course it did, after five minutes he hopped out and walked back out into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his clothes in his arm. ".. You can shower now, if you want." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)
"Life, I guess... I don't know what else there is we could do. You got any bright ideas?" He asked as he dried himself off and began to get dressed. (@Soul OMU)
"It does my old bones good to hear that, lad. If we get out of this, I'll come and tell you." That last part he said to the father of the two children. He also returned their hugs, he wasn't going to be rude.

Janice blinks heavily as she rubs her eyes, she sits up against the wall grabbing the blanket from on top of her, folding it into a neat square. Janice then gets on to her knees and reaches forward, grabbing her bag loosening the tension on the pull knot opening the bag, she then places the blanket into the bag. Janice grabs the pull string on the bag pulling it in tight closing the bag, she then picks it up and places her right arm through the strap throwing it over her shoulder. Janice then uses the wall next to her to help her self get to her feet, she then uses her left hand to run her fingers through her hair neatening it.

She then walks towards the door, reaching forward grasping the handle, turning it and pushing the door open. Janice then walks out of the room closing the door behind her, she then walks through a hallway into the main dining area. She looks into the kitchen then says loudly "..Chef, are you here?" (@DrTrollinski)
Hunter gives a soft moan when she feels the hot water against her skin. "Shit... Uh No I don't... God this is nice..." she said as she started to wash herself before doing her hair then rinsing it out and turning off the water and stepping out. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Okay, Conner..." The boy muttered and then walked with his sister to go back to the car. They climbed in and put their seatbelts back on. The father of the two shook Conner's hand once more and then shook Kendrick's hand as well. ".. There's a lot of people gone, guys. I think there's only two or three left, and those are the guards from last night." He sighed. ".. I recommend you go elsewhere and start fresh. It'd do you all some good... I know Dominic and his boy made it out alright, so they'd probably be up for grabbing everything you can from here and leaving." He sighed again and then went back to the car; once he was in he looked out of the window and rolled it down. ".. Thank you for everything, guys... I mean it. Thank you. Stay safe out there." He said before rolling the window up. Everyone in the car waved to them as they drove off.

Kendrick took a deep breath. ".. I think we should go tell Dominic." He said. (@Soul OMU)


(@DrCompton - Yo, doc. You around?)
"..No, no just came to say hello, who's your friend?" said Janice, while nodding towards the women. Janice looks the women up and down and smiles at her. (@DrTrollinski)
"Fair enough... We could go and check out some of the stores in town. Maybe the gun store. We can give everyone a personal firearm to have in their nightstand, or something." Alex suggested with a shrug while he lied back on the bed. (@Soul OMU)


".. I'm not entirely sure. I haven't found out just yet." Chef chuckled a little and then got some more food from the fridge - it was the same as what he was preparing for Adelaide. He'd make Janice sausages, bacon, eggs, and tomatoes. (@october_rain)
"Might as well. Go tell him and I'll be over at the store house picking over what everyone left behind. Might find an unused car while I'm at it." he said as he walked off in the direction of the store house.

"...Oh, well nice to meet you, I'm Janice" said Janice softly as she smiled at the woman.

Janice walks slowly over to the counter, as she pulls back one of the seats sitting on it. Janice moves to the right slightly sliding her backpack of her shoulder, dropping it onto the floor. *A loud bang of tins hitting each could be heard as the bag hit the floor*.

Janice then looks at chef and inspects what he is doing, then scratches her head slightly. (@october_rain)
DrTrollinski said:
"Fair enough... We could go and check out some of the stores in town. Maybe the gun store. We can give everyone a personal firearm to have in their nightstand, or something." Alex suggested with a shrug while he lied back on the bed. (@Soul OMU)

".. I'm not entirely sure. I haven't found out just yet." Chef chuckled a little and then got some more food from the fridge - it was the same as what he was preparing for Adelaide. He'd make Janice sausages, bacon, eggs, and tomatoes. (@october_rain)
Hunter shrugs slightly. "Maybe... I'm personally not good with firearms and would rather have a knife under my pillow instead of a firearm in my drawer..." she said as she blew at her bangs.
Conner found enough food and water left for the four of them. There was a note attached.

"Dear, Conner, Dominic, Kendrick, and Daniel.

We're sorry for leaving and we took what we needed, but we all came together and made sure there was enough here to last you guys at least another weak. We're so sorry that it came to this, but we all wish you the best.

- The community of Minocqua."

Kendrick ran back upstairs to Dominic's place and looked at him, sighing. ".. Everyone's left, Dom. I think we're leaving, too. I'm not sure how much food and water people left, but we can't stay here... Want me to go wake Daniel up while you gather your stuff?" He asked. Dominic looked shocked and upset for a moment but soon gulped and stood up, nodding.

".. Please do." He choked before wandering to his room. Kendrick sighed and then went through to Daniel's room where he crouched down beside his bed and gently shook his wrist.

".. Hey, Daniel... Wake up, son." He muttered, Daniel slowly awoke and looked at him.

".. Kendrick...? What's goin' on? Is my dad okay?" He asked in worry, Kendrick held his hand and nodded.

"He's fine, kid... We need to leave, okay? I need you to get up and get dressed. Think you can do that?" He asked, Daniel yawned.

"Can you help?" He asked, Kendrick nodded and got some clothes from his dresser before going back to him and helping him get changed from his PJ's to the clothes. Daniel had gotten closer to Kendrick over the past few months, so he didn't mind him doing this. He was quite a cool guy, maybe like the uncle he never had, or something. He didn't know what Conner was. Maybe a grandfather, or something. Or another uncle.

Once they were done, Daniel was still pretty tired so Kendrick carried him out of the building and down to the street to wait for Conner. (@october_rain, @Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit in amusement as she kisses him on the lips lightly in return. "I suppose so... Maybe you can show me how to shoot better... Cece, Riley and my dad all tried... but uh none have succeeded." she said as she looked at him. (@DrTrollinski)
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Connor pulled up in an old station wagon and got out. "I found this." he said and held up the note. "It says we got enough food for a week. From what I got, I could believe it." he said and handed the note to whoever wanted to see it. "One of you drive, I still need some sleep."

(@DrTrollinski )
(Shot me how to shoot?)

"Well. Maybe I can. Me and my dad used to hit the range sometimes - Hell, it was difficult to try and stop Carl from crying when he begged to come with us." He chuckled a little and hugged her with one arm. ".. I'll give it a shot. I bet you'll do fine - You just need some... 'special mentoring.'" He smiled and kissed her again. (@Soul OMU)


".. I've had the most sleep here, so I'll drive. You guys can rest it up." Kendrick smiled. He was holding Daniel in a piggyback hold now. He walked over to the car and eased him down to the ground, followed by looking at him and ruffling his hair. "Hop in, big guy. You can sit in the back with dad. You still tired?" He asked. Daniel shook his head a little.

".. Kinda, but I'll be okay." He smiled and then scrambled into the car. At least he was staying happy. They waited for Dominic who walked out with his suitcase rolling behind him and tears rolling down his cheeks; Kendrick looked at him for a minute and then slapped him on the shoulder.

"Come on, Doc. Things are gonna' be fine, don't worry." He said, Dominic nodded and sniffled.

"Yeah, I hope so." He replied as he hauled the case into the back of the station wagon and then climbed in beside Daniel; he made sure they were both strapped up and then watched as Kendrick got into the driver's seat and began to drive away from the town.

"Shit, man. Can't believe it ended like that." He said softly as the car rolled away from the once thriving community. (@Beowulf)

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