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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Uhm--.." He looked around the room and took a quiet gulp. ".. Can you go check the closet and then come give me a hug? I don't like the closet..." He murmured as he pointed over to it. ".. And--.. Are you gonna' stay in here tonight?" He asked in slight worry. Despite all the excitement, a sudden move to a new house and getting a new room must end up being quite daunting for a young child, especially when it comes to bedtime. (@DrCompton)
"Yeah bud. Im gonna shower and come right back in here and snuggle up with you." He got up and walked toward the closet, turning on the light, he showed Carl it was empty. Once Carl was okay with it being empty Tom turned the light off and came back to Carl, hugging him and kissed the top of his head, "I'll only be gone for a little bit. I'll leave the lights on and what not to the bathroom, but knock before you come in okay? I dont want you to give me a heart attack." He smiled at Carl.
He smiled at Tom and giggled a little. ".. It's okay, I'll wait here for you to get back." He said, he hugged him tight and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. He was used to getting his cheek or forehead getting kissed by Tom and by his old parents, so he figured it'd be nice to return the favor. He set his head on Tom's shoulder for a moment and then lied back down in the bed, snuggling up with his teddy bear while rolling his eyes to look up at Tom. ".. Don't be too long, daddy. I'll wait for ya'." He said with a soft smile. (@DrCompton)
Tom got up and left the lights like he said he would and started the shower in the master bathroom. He looked around what he had assumed was the Husband's side of the sink and found what he wanted, grooming supplies. Tom undressed and stood under the shower and groaned. The water was almost too hot, but that didn't matter to Tom as he stood under it. He shaved first, shaving the stubble he had gathered up, then buzzed his hair back down. It hadn't grown a lot since Carl had cut it last, but it felt good. Once Tom was done shaving, he stuck his head out of the shower and looked around, listening to see if he could hear anyone walking around. He was still paranoid a little. Then he did what any male would do if they couldn't find the time to do before. After he was finished he dried off and sighed, he felt good. He pulled on shorts and a t-shirt and walked back to Carl's room, shutting the lights off as he did. He crawled into bed with Carl, and set his pistol on the nightstand next t the bed. He trusted Carl knew better than to touch a gun, and he was a light sleeper anyways, so Carl moving to play with it would wake him up. Tom put his arm over Carl and held him.
Carl smiled a little and snuggled up close to him. The house was quiet. Dead quiet. In fact, the whole town was, and that was the only thing that seemed strange to Carl. He was used to some sort of noise when he was lying in bed at night, and even over the four months he'd noticed it but didn't really complain, seeing as during the colder months they had the sounds of strong winds during the night, and he could hear everyone else breathing as well. This time it was different. There was no wind, and he could barely hear Tom breathing either.

".. Daddy--.. It's really quiet." He said in observation as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. His hug became tighter and he looked over his shoulder to look at the window, the curtains were closed, so there was nothing but a dim moonlight looking in on them. ".. I remember a long time ago I could hear cars driving past the house when I was in bed... and at the mall there was wind and stuff..." He said, his head finally resting on the pillow. ".. Or there was rain... rain was a nice noise, 'cause it..." He stopped and yawned. ".. It helped me sleep... all those sounds helped me sleep, 'cause I don't like it when it's really quiet, because it's so quiet that it doesn't sound quiet..." He mumbled. That was the best way he could explain it - he was talking about the weird sort of silence, where you could pretty much hear how quiet it was, despite there being no sound travelling through the air. (@DrCompton)
Tom looked up, then got up, he turned the ceiling fan which made some noise, "That better bud?" Tom looked at Carl, as he crawled back into the bed, "Maybe tomorrow we can look around for a noise maker or something to help you out, but thats a task for tomorrow." He pulled Carl up against him and closed his eyes.
".. Yeah, that's better, daddy..." He yawned and smiled gently. Tom was good at being thoughtful and smart like that - What would Carl do without him? He closed his eyes over and listened to the gentle whirring of the ceiling fan - it was going to help lull him to sleep. Usually, before all this happened, he'd have the soft voice of one of his parents or Alex reading him a bedtime story to help do that, but seeing as it was late, and Tom probably didn't want to read a book, he'd have to settle for this noise instead, which was fine. When he started to feel drowsy he curled up more beside Tom and took a deep breath. ".. 'Night, daddy--.. Love you..." He murmured as he began to drift off. (@DrCompton
(Time-skip to the following morning shortly, guys.)
(Damn, three words :D You just set a new record, Doc.)

The night drifted on quickly for everyone seeing as they all had proper beds and their own homes; most of them had their privacy, and the select few had their loved ones at their side or a little one to take care of. In the morning, they still found themselves fast asleep with no trouble - no one had broken in, their houses hadn't been burnt down in the middle of the night, none of the kids were missing, and no one was sickened during the night by the food they ate - It was all fine. They had some time to sleep in, as well - it got to around 9am before people started waking up. This undead-free and untouched town was exactly the same as it was before - no life for miles, and no danger for even further. (@october_rain, @Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)


Eric and Jenna had had no disturbances during the night; in fact, the only thing that came close to a disturbance was when Eric got up in the middle of the night to relieve his bladder. In the process of getting out of bed, he lightly kicked Jenna by accident, but didn't really do it hard enough to wake her up. In the morning, a couple of hours earlier, Eric got up for the same reason and went to the bathroom connected to the bedroom once again. He had some stomach pain, and he wanted to go to his own home before he tested to see if his bowels were still upset - he certainly wasn't going to impress Jenna if he nuked her bathroom with smell this early in the morning. He went back to the bed and went back to sleep - come nine o'clock, he was sprawled out and half of his upper body had draped over her, his face right beside her own. (@Soul OMU


Carl woke up at about nine o'clock and scrambled out of bed to, you guessed it, head to the bathroom to pee. He wasn't aware that Tom was a light sleeper, so he just squirmed out of his arms and jumped off the bed, followed by dashing out of the room. The sunlight of the Spring was nice - it was warm and bright, and offered a very nice color palette to all of the rooms that it could touch. That included Carl's bedroom. He was barely awake, but he went to the bathroom and did he what he had to before coming back to the bedroom and walking to the window - he didn't look to see if he'd woken Tom up, but he slowly pulled the curtains open and looked out of it - he had a nice view of the town and some of the hillsides that went beyond it. It was beautiful and relaxing, so he tiptoed up and leaned onto the windowsill to just take in all of the detail that surrounded them. (@DrCompton


After a long night of fighting and making sure that everything was safe, the morning finally crept around to them. Dominic had gathered Conner, Kendrick, himself, and his son all into their apartment where he locked the doors and positioned them all on the couch or the armchair. Daniel had quickly fallen asleep in his father's arms, and Kendrick had only managed to get some sleep since the sun came up, which wasn't all that long ago. Dominic had had no sleep whatsoever. He was scared. He was panicked. He didn't know if those things were going to come back, and he knew that he'd have nothing left to live for if he lost Daniel during the night. (@Beowulf)


Brad hadn't seen any more of those creatures during the night, but he made sure that himself, Delaney, and the dog were locked away in the bedroom. Brad held Delaney close in the bed with one arm while he held his revolver in his free hand, just in case. He wanted her to get some sleep, because if she didn't, the pregnancy would start to weight her down - the last thing she needed when the baby was getting close was some sort of illness to rid her from getting out of bed. Brad wanted her strong, and he knew he could take one sleepless night - he'd done it plenty of times before, once for three nights in a row. When the morning came around he knew that whatever was out there had gone, so he'd managed to sleep for the past hour or so. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


(@Rifleman - If you want, your side of this RP doesn't have to skip just yet. We can resume where we left off or we can say that the woman took Nate into the base to show him around and get him something to eat, etc, etc. It's up to you, man. I'll let you write the timeskip for this side of things if you want to go ahead with it.)
DrTrollinski said:
(Damn, three words :D You just set a new record, Doc.)
The night drifted on quickly for everyone seeing as they all had proper beds and their own homes; most of them had their privacy, and the select few had their loved ones at their side or a little one to take care of. In the morning, they still found themselves fast asleep with no trouble - no one had broken in, their houses hadn't been burnt down in the middle of the night, none of the kids were missing, and no one was sickened during the night by the food they ate - It was all fine. They had some time to sleep in, as well - it got to around 9am before people started waking up. This undead-free and untouched town was exactly the same as it was before - no life for miles, and no danger for even further. (@october_rain, @Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)


Eric and Jenna had had no disturbances during the night; in fact, the only thing that came close to a disturbance was when Eric got up in the middle of the night to relieve his bladder. In the process of getting out of bed, he lightly kicked Jenna by accident, but didn't really do it hard enough to wake her up. In the morning, a couple of hours earlier, Eric got up for the same reason and went to the bathroom connected to the bedroom once again. He had some stomach pain, and he wanted to go to his own home before he tested to see if his bowels were still upset - he certainly wasn't going to impress Jenna if he nuked her bathroom with smell this early in the morning. He went back to the bed and went back to sleep - come nine o'clock, he was sprawled out and half of his upper body had draped over her, his face right beside her own. (@Soul OMU


Carl woke up at about nine o'clock and scrambled out of bed to, you guessed it, head to the bathroom to pee. He wasn't aware that Tom was a light sleeper, so he just squirmed out of his arms and jumped off the bed, followed by dashing out of the room. The sunlight of the Spring was nice - it was warm and bright, and offered a very nice color palette to all of the rooms that it could touch. That included Carl's bedroom. He was barely awake, but he went to the bathroom and did he what he had to before coming back to the bedroom and walking to the window - he didn't look to see if he'd woken Tom up, but he slowly pulled the curtains open and looked out of it - he had a nice view of the town and some of the hillsides that went beyond it. It was beautiful and relaxing, so he tiptoed up and leaned onto the windowsill to just take in all of the detail that surrounded them. (@DrCompton


After a long night of fighting and making sure that everything was safe, the morning finally crept around to them. Dominic had gathered Conner, Kendrick, himself, and his son all into their apartment where he locked the doors and positioned them all on the couch or the armchair. Daniel had quickly fallen asleep in his father's arms, and Kendrick had only managed to get some sleep since the sun came up, which wasn't all that long ago. Dominic had had no sleep whatsoever. He was scared. He was panicked. He didn't know if those things were going to come back, and he knew that he'd have nothing left to live for if he lost Daniel during the night. (@Beowulf)


Brad hadn't seen any more of those creatures during the night, but he made sure that himself, Delaney, and the dog were locked away in the bedroom. Brad held Delaney close in the bed with one arm while he held his revolver in his free hand, just in case. He wanted her to get some sleep, because if she didn't, the pregnancy would start to weight her down - the last thing she needed when the baby was getting close was some sort of illness to rid her from getting out of bed. Brad wanted her strong, and he knew he could take one sleepless night - he'd done it plenty of times before, once for three nights in a row. When the morning came around he knew that whatever was out there had gone, so he'd managed to sleep for the past hour or so. (@TheHarlequinnCat)


(@Rifleman - If you want, your side of this RP doesn't have to skip just yet. We can resume where we left off or we can say that the woman took Nate into the base to show him around and get him something to eat, etc, etc. It's up to you, man. I'll let you write the timeskip for this side of things if you want to go ahead with it.)
Hunter had been woken up partially from him leaving and had curled up where he had been laying since it was warmer there. She yawned a bit as she curled up tightly and snuggled against him when he came back.


Jenna yawns a bit as she slowly starts to wake and blinks in confusion on how he got there, like hoe he managed to sprawl out all over her and was that close to her, she blushed lightly and scooted back a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex rolled over and looked at her with a smile. ".. Hey, Hunter... Good morning." He said softly. He leaned in and pecked her lips with a soft kiss and then lied back again. (@Soul OMU)


Eric woke up when she started shuffling and he saw how close he was too her. Oh Jesus. He went a bright pink despite still being only half awake. He shuffled back to his side of the bed as well and then looked towards the window and out through the crack in the curtains - he took a gentle deep breath and then looked back at her. ".. Sorry about that--.. I move around a lot in my sleep.." He muttered before clearing his throat. (@Soul OMU)
Tom opened his eyes before Carl left the room to use the restroom. He blinked a couple of times and rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He watched Carl walk around and open the curtains. Tom sat up and stretched, he stood, "I'll be right back bud." He shuffled to the restroom and used it, placing a hand against the wall to support himself.
DrTrollinski said:
Alex rolled over and looked at her with a smile. ".. Hey, Hunter... Good morning." He said softly. He leaned in and pecked her lips with a soft kiss and then lied back again. (@Soul OMU)

Eric woke up when she started shuffling and he saw how close he was too her. Oh Jesus. He went a bright pink despite still being only half awake. He shuffled back to his side of the bed as well and then looked towards the window and out through the crack in the curtains - he took a gentle deep breath and then looked back at her. ".. Sorry about that--.. I move around a lot in my sleep.." He muttered before clearing his throat. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles tiredly as she pecks him on the lips back. "Morning Alex.." She said and leaned against his side.


Jenna blushing badly while hiding her face a bit. "I-it's okay..." She said softly while glancing at him a bit.


Scarlet slowly wakes and yawns before getting up and going down to the kitchen. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. Okay, daddy." Carl murmured. He went away from the window after a few minutes and started digging through the drawer of the dresser in the room. He found a few trinkets and other stuff that didn't really concern him; then he found a photo within it, buried under some clothes. He took a deep breath as he looked over it and then went over to sit on the edge of the bed, facing the doorway. Once Tom got back he waited for him to sit down beside him again and then snuggled up to him while showing him the picture. ".. Daddy--.. Do you think these are the kids that lived here before?" He asked. The picture was a boy that looked a bit older than Carl, and under one of his arms was a little girl that looked younger than him - in the background there were trees and hills, and the sun was shining. (@Soul OMU)


".. Yeah, yeah--.. Right..." He cleared his throat again and then got out of bed and stretched, being careful to make sure his underwear were still in the right place and weren't falling down or revealing too much to Jenna. He yawned and his muscle on his stomach tensed, as well as that on his arms. He picked up his jeans from the floor and slipped them on, followed by the t-shirt. "So... How did you sleep?" He asked, a little shyly. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Okay, daddy." Carl murmured. He went away from the window after a few minutes and started digging through the drawer of the dresser in the room. He found a few trinkets and other stuff that didn't really concern him; then he found a photo within it, buried under some clothes. He took a deep breath as he looked over it and then went over to sit on the edge of the bed, facing the doorway. Once Tom got back he waited for him to sit down beside him again and then snuggled up to him while showing him the picture. ".. Daddy--.. Do you think these are the kids that lived here before?" He asked. The picture was a boy that looked a bit older than Carl, and under one of his arms was a little girl that looked younger than him - in the background there were trees and hills, and the sun was shining. (@Soul OMU)

".. Yeah, yeah--.. Right..." He cleared his throat again and then got out of bed and stretched, being careful to make sure his underwear were still in the right place and weren't falling down or revealing too much to Jenna. He yawned and his muscle on his stomach tensed, as well as that on his arms. He picked up his jeans from the floor and slipped them on, followed by the t-shirt. "So... How did you sleep?" He asked, a little shyly. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit. "Yeah... I slept quite well." She said softly as she rested against him lightly.


Jenna blushing lightly as she slowly gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to take a bath or a shower. "I Uh slept well, you?"

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".. Yeah--.. Got up once during the night for the bathroom, but other than that, slept like a baby." He chuckled softly and spoke to her while she went into the bathroom. "Nice to finally have a bed, eh?" He said with a smile. (@Soul OMU)
"Uh yeah.. probably pal." Tom rustled Carl's hair and started downstairs. He looked through the stuff, a lot of the food had been left here. Some of it had gone bad, like the milk, but some of it was still fresh. Tom took out a yogurt container and looked at the experation date. "You like Yogurt pal?" Tom looked at Carl.
"Uh-huh, I like yogurt." He smiled and went over to the small table in the kitchen where he sat down on it and got ready to eat. ".. Is Eric gonna' be home soon?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
"Uh Im not sure." He grabbed two containers and stirred them up, and handed one to Carl. Tom sat across from him started to eat, "Wanna see if this place has a park? Im sure they do." He scratches his jaw. Tom was thinking about how he could convince Scarlet to come with Carl and Tom to the park. Now that Tom didn't have to worry about food, or a horde, he found himself thinking about simple things.
"Yeah! That'd be cool!" He smiled and began eating his yogurt. ".. It's a nice day out there, so we can play and it ain't gonna' be cold." He said simply as he shoved some more yogurt into his mouth. ".. I'm glad we're here. We've got comfy beds and the town's small and quiet." He said with a grin. (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Yeah--.. Got up once during the night for the bathroom, but other than that, slept like a baby." He chuckled softly and spoke to her while she went into the bathroom. "Nice to finally have a bed, eh?" He said with a smile. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit and laughs softly as she strips down in the bathroom to bath. "Yeah.. I mean a mattress is almost the same as a bed... Anyways I'll see you later." She said softly while soaking. (@DrTrollinski)

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