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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(On Brad and Delaney's side, did you get the RP that's going on? They just heard a loud roar - If you're still getting involved with the group at the mall, they've gone to Argonne and had Matty's funeral there - they have power, gas, and running water, and they're all getting settled into houses now. Any other questions? @Soul OMU)
Janice slowly raises her head, her eyes squinted as she looks into the distance. She looks at a sign in the distance trying to make out what it says. As she becomes closer to the sign she reads the words "Town of Argonne" to herself. Janice begins to increase the pace of her walking speed as she heads towards the town. The sound of canned food clanking together is heard from her backpack as she walks.

As Janice draws closer to the town she stops for a moment, exhaling fulling then breathing in deeply as she examines her surroundings. She notices the quiet of the surroundings so attempts to break it by whistling an upbeat Latino tune.

"Aghhhhh" could be heard from a zombie on the floor on the road beside Janice. Janice stops dead in her tracks and turns towards the half mangled zombie. She looks at it and sees its legs are missing and bloods is spewing from the wounds. Without hesitating Janice tighens her grip on her cleaver rushing towards the zombie raising her cleaver then swinging forcefully for it head. The cleaver connects, entering the skull of the undead, ending its second life. As the cleaver connects bone, brains, hair and blood explode everywhere, spraying up her arm and onto the road. Janice then forcefully pulls her cleaver out of the skull, moving it towards the corpses shirt, wiping it against it removing the blood from the blade. She then raises her head and looks around inspecting the area for any more un-dead. She sees nothing in the area.

Janice leaves the corpse and carries on walking towards the town, she loosens her grip on the cleaver and manoeuvres her free hand towards her head, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead then wipes her moist hand on her stained worn jeans. As Janice enters the town she notices the emptiness of the town. She looks around for life and movement at first glance she doesn't spot anything. Janice then lets out a loud shout "Anybody here". She waits for some movement or a reply.
The town of Argonne was clean of undead now. All of the houses were untouched and some lights were on in some of the houses - the lights were something that they hadn't seen for the past four months of this shit going down. The most noticeable light was the light of a diner not too far down the street. It was in the North of the town - the lights of some houses were on, like mentioned before, but it perhaps may have been better to not bother any of the residents there just in case they were 1. Sleeping, or 2. Hostile. Regardless, bothering them didn't seem like a plausible plan, but as she got closer to the diner, she couldn't help but notice that there was the faint sound of Italian classical music playing from within. (@DrBola)
Janice waits a moment and hears no response. As she continues to walk into the town she notices a few houses with the lights switched on. She pauses for a moment looking at the houses for a while. She decides on investigating them later so she keeps on walking. As she ventures deeper into the town she hears the sound of Italian classical music coming from somewhere. She picks up some speed and begins to triangulate the source of the music. She rushes around for a while looking at multiple buildings. Janice finally locates the source of the music, she looks up at a diner she notices the sign, it reads "Ed's diner". She slowly walks towards the door of the dinner, reaching towards the handle of the door with her left hand, she grips the handle turning it slightly, as she does this she slips her cleaver behind the waistline of her jeans and pulls her shirt over it concealing it. She opens the door fully, stumbling in closing the door behind her. She looks around the diner and says loudly "Hey anyone in here!". (@DrTrollinski)
DrTrollinski said:
(On Brad and Delaney's side, did you get the RP that's going on? They just heard a loud roar - If you're still getting involved with the group at the mall, they've gone to Argonne and had Matty's funeral there - they have power, gas, and running water, and they're all getting settled into houses now. Any other questions? @Soul OMU)
Jenna is the one to open the door and look at him. "Hey Eric." she said softly as she rubbed her eye, tiredness evident in her whole body. She opened the door wider and let him in as she closed the door and she made her way up the stairs and to the first room on the right. Scarlet was currently down in the basement doing something but Jenna didn't know what since the first thing she had done was pick her room and settle down, while waiting for Eric.

Hunter with Alex, currently changing in the bathroom, a bit nervous to sleep in the same bed as Alex to be honest. (@DrTrollinski)
A big man slowly wandered out from the kitchen, his food-stained chef's apron seeming to be the main highlight of his figure. He looked the woman up and down and gently smiled at her, taking a deep breath as he took his seat behind the breakfast bar. In the kitchen, just before the door closed, Janice could see food. Not canned food, but real food - fresh meat and vegetables, as well as eggs and even milk - this place seemed to be so unaffected by the outbreak - there was no blood on the roads, no broken windows, no kicked in doors - it was all pristine.

"Welcome to the diner. How can I be of assistance?" He asked softly. (@Soul OMU)


Once Alex had given Caitlyn her bath he made sure he tucked her into a comfy position in one of the rooms with a single bed. The walls were painted a cream color - it wasn't very idea for a four-year-old girl, but a room was a room. He read her a bedtime story until she fell asleep and then planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

".. Goodnight, Caitlyn..." He said in a whisper. He turned a small little lamp on that was beside her bed - it was dim, so it was more of a nightlight in case she woke up. At least she wouldn't be in the dark if she did. He went out of the room, turned the main light off, closed the door, and then went to find Hunter in the bedroom that they were going to be sleeping in. It was a nice room with a double bed, nightstands, velvet curtains, and a body-sized mirror alongside some dressers and a wardrobe for clothes.

He went up and gently set a hand on her shoulder, followed by giving her a soft kiss on her cheek - he didn't kiss her on the lips this time. It was too late to start getting intimate. He just wanted to snuggle up in bed with her and go to sleep. ".. Hey, Hunter... You okay?" He asked. (@Soul OMU - Why is she nervous to sleep with him? xP) 

DrTrollinski said:
"We can't leave you!" One man yelled as he ducked down and aimed the rifle into the darkness. The others soon joined him, but the one who was completely terrified and torn ran away and fled to the nearest building to lock himself away. He'd been almost driven insane by what had gone on tonight. The men who remained were the ones who had come to like Conner through the lessons that they attended. They saw him as vital to the survival of the town, so there was no way that they were abandoning him. They stood strong and looked death in the eye, all because they were loyal. ".. We need to try and outsmart them!" Another man yelled as he fired a bullet randomly into the forest. This caused a bit of a ruckus and some shrieks were heard bouncing around the forest. (@Beowulf)
Janice eyed up the man looking at his stained apron, then diverting her eyes around the diner noticing the fresh produce and immaculate setting.

Hello, I just... just heard the music, I came to investigate. I'm Janice" said Janice as she smiles back at the man. (DrTrollinski)
DrTrollinski said:
A big man slowly wandered out from the kitchen, his food-stained chef's apron seeming to be the main highlight of his figure. He looked the woman up and down and gently smiled at her, taking a deep breath as he took his seat behind the breakfast bar. In the kitchen, just before the door closed, Janice could see food. Not canned food, but real food - fresh meat and vegetables, as well as eggs and even milk - this place seemed to be so unaffected by the outbreak - there was no blood on the roads, no broken windows, no kicked in doors - it was all pristine.
"Welcome to the diner. How can I be of assistance?" He asked softly. (@Soul OMU)


Once Alex had given Caitlyn her bath he made sure he tucked her into a comfy position in one of the rooms with a single bed. The walls were painted a cream color - it wasn't very idea for a four-year-old girl, but a room was a room. He read her a bedtime story until she fell asleep and then planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

".. Goodnight, Caitlyn..." He said in a whisper. He turned a small little lamp on that was beside her bed - it was dim, so it was more of a nightlight in case she woke up. At least she wouldn't be in the dark if she did. He went out of the room, turned the main light off, closed the door, and then went to find Hunter in the bedroom that they were going to be sleeping in. It was a nice room with a double bed, nightstands, velvet curtains, and a body-sized mirror alongside some dressers and a wardrobe for clothes.

He went up and gently set a hand on her shoulder, followed by giving her a soft kiss on her cheek - he didn't kiss her on the lips this time. It was too late to start getting intimate. He just wanted to snuggle up in bed with her and go to sleep. ".. Hey, Hunter... You okay?" He asked. (@Soul OMU - Why is she nervous to sleep with him? xP) 
Jenna smiles tiredly. "I'm doing okay... how about you? You holding up alright?" she asked as she walked over and sat beside him.


Hunter jumped a bit and looked at him slightly. "Huh? Oh hey Alex... Yeah I'm fine, why do you ask?" she said softly while looking at him over her shoulder. (First time sleeping with a guy. xD )

"Ah..." Chef smiled back and looked at her. ".. I'm Chef... I didn't see you with the other people that arrived today, so I assume you're alone... Please, can I offer you something to eat?" He asked in a soft tone as he gently tapped his index finger on the surface of the breakfast bar. (@Soul OMU)


".. I got Caitlyn all tucked into bed. She's fast asleep now." He smiled at her and gently caressed the side of her body. "Am I good father material yet?" He said as a joke alongside a chuckle. He kicked his shoes off and then went over and collapsed onto the bed, laughing in amazement. ".. Hunter, this is great. A real bed. Come join me." He said to her with a nod as he set his head back on his pillow. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement and tiredness. "Sure... I don't mind." she said as she pointed to the door. "first door on the right." she said as she yawned a bit and laid down.


Hunter smiles a bit while leaning into his touch a bit and laughs softly as he flops on the bed. "You are and i'm coming..." she said softly as she made her way over. (@DrTrollinski)
Eric trotted across the bedroom to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. He was glad that that was there, that way he could talk to Jenna while he was in the shower, providing she could hear him right. He pushed the door over and left a tiny crack in it so that the sound would travel from the bathroom and into the bedroom a little easier. The first thing he did was strip off all of his clothes, then he stepped into the shower and turned it on - the hot water instantly poured down on him.

"Woo!" He said in sudden surprise. The hot water was so relaxing, and just to feel it running down his body and washing his hair was the best feeling he'd felt in months. It sure beat cold sponge baths. He washed himself for a minute and then called out, his eyes closed to avoid getting water in his eyes. ".. Hey, Jenna...! How you settling in now? You feel any better about the place?!" He called out to her. His voice echoed around the bathroom, but it was loud enough for her to hear. (@Soul OMU


He rolled over and faced her and then pulled the blanket over them both. ".. She's such a sweet little thing, isn't she? A good girl. The little speech she gave at Matty's cremation was very... mature." He smiled at her and gently took hold of one of her hands. (@Soul OMU)
Janice strolls towards the counter while scratching her head. "I'm alone, been like it for a while, its nice to see another actual person". Says Janice.

She takes a seat at the counter, inspecting the assortment of produce on the counter. Janice blurts outs "I'm actually pretty hungry" smiling at Chef. "Can you make me your speciality please". Janice moves her hand out offering a handshake to Chef, while grinning.
Jenna yawns a bit while curling up on her bed. "I'm... settling fine... it's alright.." she said softly while curling up under the covers slightly while listening.


Hunter smiles a bit and held his hand. "She is... and she is quite mature for her age.." she said softly while yawning a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
He briefly shook her hand and then nodded, smiling. ".. A lot of my produce was taken up by the group that arrived here earlier, but I've got something that may be appealing to you." He smiled and wandered back off into the kitchen; a few minutes later he walked back through with a bowl and spoon and placed them in front of her. In the bowl there was chicken soup - fresh chicken, fresh carrots, and fresh potatoes, all in a chicken broth made up of the succulent juices. It was hot, too. ".. Enjoy, Janice." He smiled and sat back down. (@Soul OMU)


".. Yeah, mature as she may be, she's still just a little kid..." He sighed a little and looked into Hunter's eyes while he lifted one hand and gently stroked her cheek with the side of one finger. ".. She needs people there for her. I'm just glad that she's with us, and that life's actually starting to look a little more normal now.." He smiled and darted his eyes about the room. ".. If you had told me a month ago, that at this time, we'd be lying in a bed in our own house together... I'd have called you crazy." He chuckled a little under his breath. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit while yawning again, curling up in her bed. "Yeah.. Looks like it. I wasn't going to let you sleep on the floor anyways." she mumbled while falling asleep.


Hunter smiles a bit in amusement. "I suppose that's fair... for both points..." she said softly while leaning against his touch slightly and sighing softly in content. (@DrTrollinski)
Janice looks down at the bowl in front of her, smelling the steam coming from it. She pauses for a moment allowing the aroma to have its full affect. She exhales strongly. Janice coughed slightly clearing her throat, turning her head towards Chef. "How do you have fresh foods, its like you haven't been affected?" questioned Janice.

Janice turns back towards the bowl, reaching forward with her right hand gripping the spoon curling her fingers and placing her thumb on the top of the handle. She then begins to scoop some broth into her mouth. She swallows the broth, then says "This is some nice soup, you must be a good chef", while chuckling. She then carries on eating the food.
Eric was soon enough done in the shower. Once he was cleaned he quickly hopped out and dried himself off and then slipped into his underwear; he walked back through to the bedroom and threw himself onto the bed - smooth, Eric. He didn't seem like he was planning on getting into bed quietly. He buried himself under the covers and then looked at Jenna. ".. Sorry that I'm just in my underwear here. I didn't bring any PJ's with me or anything like that." He chuckled softly and pulled the blanket up to his chin while running his eyes over her face. The moonlight really made her hair look good. (@Soul OMU)


"I'm sure..." He smiled and then shuffled up a little closer to put one arm over her; he gently kissed her again. He looked saddened for a moment as his eyes moved away and looked down. ".. Hunter--.. I'm sorry if I've let you down over the past couple of days... I've just been under a lot of stress and I've been worried about everything going on with everyone, and then I've been trying to keep Caitlyn happy as well as making sure that Tom's doing alright with Eric and Carl... I'm sorry if I've upset you at all." He sighed. (@Soul OMU


".. We essentially were. We're in the middle of nowhere, my dear... Civilization barely touches us." He smiled at her. He wasn't going to reveal the rumors behind the town still having gas and power. That was a secret he'd take with him to the grave if he had to. (@DrBola)
".. The undead are miles out from here... Raiders have never seemed to bother us. The perfection must have scared them away." He said in a half-serious and joking tone, an uncomfortable sparkle coming to his eyes. ".. At first there were two. Me and the farmer. Then the new people that arrived today brought the numbers to... twelve, I believe." He said before taking a deep breath. (@DrBola)
Jenna blinks a bit and blushes a bit. "It's fine..." she said softly while looking away slightly and yawns softly while curling up tighter in her covers, smiling tiredly.


Hunter snuggles closer slightly and blinks slightly as she looks at him. "...I'm not upset at you.." she said softly while looking at him and stroking his cheek lightly while placing her hand on his cheek lightly. (@DrTrollinski)
"...This must be a close nit community with such a small amount of people living in it. Do you people all live together or claim an unused house and settle down there?".

Janice then puts the spoon into the empty bowl, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Janice then turns her attention to Chef. "Thanks for the delicious meal." said Janice smiling at him. "Tell me about your self, what's your name?" (@DrTrollinski)
"You know... I know I promised you that I'd come here tonight, but even if I hadn't, I probably would anyway." He smiled and paused for a moment. ".. At least tomorrow we'll get to sleep in. I can almost be certain that if I was back next door, I'd have Carl jumping on me at seven in the morning." He chuckled quietly under his breath and yawned. ".. You still feelin' anxious about this place?" He asked in more of a whisper.


".. I'm glad... that'd be the last thing I'd want to do... I've managed to upset most of the people we're with, and honestly... I don't know what I'd do if I had a massive dispute with you as well." A half-smile fell upon his lips. (@Soul OMU)


"As far as I know, they've taken a house and they're staying there. They all have their own homes, but I'm not sure where. You can't comfortably fit ten people under one roof." He chuckled softly and smiled. He seemed to crack a little at the question of his name. ".. My--.. Well, my name's Chef, dear..." He said quietly. (@DrBola

DrTrollinski said:
"We can't leave you!" One man yelled as he ducked down and aimed the rifle into the darkness. The others soon joined him, but the one who was completely terrified and torn ran away and fled to the nearest building to lock himself away. He'd been almost driven insane by what had gone on tonight. The men who remained were the ones who had come to like Conner through the lessons that they attended. They saw him as vital to the survival of the town, so there was no way that they were abandoning him. They stood strong and looked death in the eye, all because they were loyal. ".. We need to try and outsmart them!" Another man yelled as he fired a bullet randomly into the forest. This caused a bit of a ruckus and some shrieks were heard bouncing around the forest. (@Beowulf)
"Ahh... I see you want it you claim it I guess." Replied Janice. She then tilted her head slightly while looking at Chef with a stern look "What's your real name honey?". (@DrTrollinski)
DrTrollinski said:
"You know... I know I promised you that I'd come here tonight, but even if I hadn't, I probably would anyway." He smiled and paused for a moment. ".. At least tomorrow we'll get to sleep in. I can almost be certain that if I was back next door, I'd have Carl jumping on me at seven in the morning." He chuckled quietly under his breath and yawned. ".. You still feelin' anxious about this place?" He asked in more of a whisper.

".. I'm glad... that'd be the last thing I'd want to do... I've managed to upset most of the people we're with, and honestly... I don't know what I'd do if I had a massive dispute with you as well." A half-smile fell upon his lips. (@Soul OMU)


"As far as I know, they've taken a house and they're staying there. They all have their own homes, but I'm not sure where. You can't comfortably fit ten people under one roof." He chuckled softly and smiled. He seemed to crack a little at the question of his name. ".. My--.. Well, my name's Chef, dear..." He said quietly. (@DrBola
Jenna smiles a bit and snuggles against him. "I'm glad to know... Anyways i'm glad you came..." she said softly while yawning and curling up against him and slowly falling asleep.


Hunter smiles tiredly and snuggles against him. "I doubt we will... Anyways we should try to get some rest..." she said softly and curling up. (@DrTrollinski)

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