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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Chef. My name is Chef." He said with a curt nod. "That's what this town knows me by, that's what the group know me by, and 'Chef', is what you shall know me by, my dear." He said softly as he stood up and poured himself and Janice a cup of coffee from the coffee machine behind him; he set it down in front of her and then sipped his own. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah, let's try and avoid that, no matter what - If we have issues, we'll talk about it - simple." He smiled softly at her and then hugged her while putting his head down on his pillow. He shut his eyes once he felt safe and once he felt Hunter was close enough, then he began to drift off in a somewhat quick manner. He loved being back in a bed again. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Chef. My name is Chef." He said with a curt nod. "That's what this town knows me by, that's what the group know me by, and 'Chef', is what you shall know me by, my dear." He said softly as he stood up and poured himself and Janice a cup of coffee from the coffee machine behind him; he set it down in front of her and then sipped his own. (@Soul OMU)

"Yeah, let's try and avoid that, no matter what - If we have issues, we'll talk about it - simple." He smiled softly at her and then hugged her while putting his head down on his pillow. He shut his eyes once he felt safe and once he felt Hunter was close enough, then he began to drift off in a somewhat quick manner. He loved being back in a bed again. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles in her sleep as she wraps an arm around him as well while she sleeps.


Hunter smiles a bit and nods as she snuggles closer before slowly falling into a deep and calm sleep. (@DrTrollinski)
"...Hmm alright Chef, thanks for the coffee." said Janice as she begins to drink some of it. "Do you know where I can aqquire a firearm and some ammunition? I don't really feel protected with no weapon".

Janice places her palms around the mug, wrapping her fingers around it keeping her hands warm. (@DrTrollinski)
".. As far as I know, the gun stores are all locked up. You may want to speak to the other group tomorrow morning, but I recommend that you don't cause a disturbance tonight. This town is perfectly safe, so I can assure you that you'll be fine until they find access to more weapons." He said surely as he gulped down a little more of his coffee. (@DrBola)
"Alright bud, Lets go find those pajamas and get tucked in." Tom had brought in their bags before he had entered he re-entered the diner to have dinner with Carl. He opened the suitcase up and found the pajamas and tossed them to Carl, "Get dressed before you catch a cold, alright pal?" He smiled and stretched, "Im gonna use the rest room real quick while you do that." He walks into the batroom and closes the door
"...Stores?, you still have functioning shops, what do you use for currency?" queried Janice.

Janice moves her arm flat on the counter, scratching it. *A tattoo resembling a sun could be seen on her arm as well as medium length scar.* (@DrTrollinski)
Carl quickly threw on the pajamas and jumped on the spot in excitement. This was just great. He ran to the bathroom door and knocked on it a couple of times. ".. I'm gonna' go choose a room and wait for you there, daddy!" He called out. Tom could tell just by his voice that he was wearing a huge grin on his face - Carl pretty much pounced off down the hallway to the room that was second-closest to the end and looked inside. No, no... This was far more suited for Eric, although he liked the blue paint. He prayed that the next room along would have blue walls as well. He ran inside and scanned across it. Plain. Amazing. Blue walls, blue curtains, a bookshelf with different kinds of books, a whole box full of toy cars in the corner, and a bed that had pillow cases and sheets with spaceships on them. This was perfect for him! Hell, this room was designed for him, without a doubt - he thought a word of thanks in his head to whatever boy had this room before, and thanked him for leaving it in such good shape. He left the light on and ran over and sprung into bed, his teddy bear in his arms. He curled up under the covers and grinned while scanning the room and waiting for Tom to get back. The only part he didn't really like about this room was the closet in the corner, that was kind of spooky, so he'd get Tom to check that once he got back. (@DrCompton
"No, no.. They're not functioning, I'm just saying... many major stores got locked up before everyone left. Right now, the community here has only just started." He explained while sipping his coffee. (@DrBola)
".. Mostly, yes... It's my life and purpose, Janice." He chuckled and finished off his coffee. ".. Sometimes people come through here and stopped by for breakfast, they never stayed, though..." He sighed. ".. They didn't like how... unnatural this place was after the outbreak. They said it was too good to be true and left before something bad happened." He went silent and then looked around the diner. "Come to think of it, I really could use a change of venue." He said. (@DrBola

DrTrollinski said:
Brad had gone out earlier in the day with the dog to look for tonight's dinner. He managed to find something - it was a young wild boar. They didn't have anywhere to store the excess meat, but they'd eat well tonight without a doubt, especially when they served up some canned vegetables with that. Brad had just finished cooking the meat, and it was pretty much pulled pork - very succulent, nonetheless. The dog had the fatty and less appealing scraps, but you didn't catch him arguing one bit. They were sat in the living room on either armchair - Brad had pulled his chair closer to Delaney's so that he could be only a couple of feet away from her - this way he could talk to her, and such.
".. This is going well so far, isn't it?" He said to her, smiling as he ate a little bit of the pork. Before she could even respond, there was a very loud roaring how in the distance of the forest. Brad froze and slowly turned to look out of the window and into the pitch blackness that was the forest. Oreo was eating his food on a plate by the door, but as soon as the roar went off he instantly got up and dashed to Brad's side with his tail between his legs. He lied down on the floor and started shaking. ".. Okay. What the fuck was that...?" Brad muttered quietly as he set his plate down on the coffee table. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"A change of venue, like a redecoration or a complete change?" Janice replied. "Coming to think of it I haven't claimed anywhere, so do you mind if I crash with you tonight, I won't be any bother". Janice looked at Chef smiling, she then looking into the kitchen. "Do you want me to wash this bowl up?" said Janice. (@DrTrollinski)
"No, no... Allow me to do the dishes." He smiled and picked the bowl up from in front of her. "And of course. You're free to stay here for the night, if you wish." He said to her before wandering off into the kitchen and placing the bowl and coffee cups down in the sink; he ran some hot water and then began to wash them with a dish cloth. (@DrBola)
"Alright, thanks". I going to go to sleep now, thanks for the food and drink, I will see you morning." said Janice, smiling at Chef.

Janice gets up and heads towards the back room, setting her backpack on the floor, pulling out a blanket from it, see then lies on the floor putting the blanket on top of her, dozing off to sleep.
Delaney stilled, not jumping- but instead, stiffening up ready for something to jump out of her. Her lips drew into a thin line as she ran through the possibilities of what that could've been; it didn't sound like walker or human, necessarily- Possibly a mountain lion, or a bobcat... Didn't they live up here? She had never been out of Kansas before this, so she didn't exactly know what to think it could be; it hadn't been long enough for any creatures to do a full 180 and mutate into anything but animals, that'd be crazy talk. She then reached for her gun, stomach full and only now beginning to feel nauseous; with this sudden threat coming to them. "Brad." She hissed, not wanting to make any quick movements or loud sounds, "What in God's name was that?" Her brows drew together in worry, her eyes immediately darting to where they'd boarded the place up; and suddenly it didn't seem like it had been enforced enough, and the dog didn't seem like it was trained enough, and neither she or Brad seemed in the optimal condition to fight. They had it so well, and she was only just reminded things might not be such a clear path to their own utopia after all.

@DryPunishment, I'm going to have the dramatic Nick-West reuniting happen like at dusk the following day (or like just when dawn breaks), so then we can both RP and it'll be freakin awesome. o-o and more Tina development with her handlessness, as well as Levi becoming mama-bear again. All the character development, omg, it's going to happen. We're almost at 400 pages this RP... *-*... We need some nice feels after the shitstorm that went on with Wellington)
Brad ran and grabbed his rifle and then went to the boarded up area with Delaney as well, peeking out of a small crack in the window between the boards to try and get a look at what was out there. There was nothing in sight. Just the pitch black nighttime and an eerie layer of fog that coated the forest. ".. I don't know... That didn't sound like no deer, though..." He said softly as he moved his head around to try and get a better look. There was nothing just yet. ".. If we stay quiet, chances are whatever it was will just bypass us. Like a bear, or something... if you don't bother it, it won't bother you..." He whispered. He continued watching for a little while longer and then he saw it - all the color emptied from his face. It was maybe ten or so feet away from the cabin. It was a body of just pure muscle and tendons with barely any skin covering it up - it was grotesque and large, like a human-wolf hybrid. Whatever it was walked on all fours in a very strange kind of way. The teeth were huge and gruesomely displayed, and the claws were probably around three inches long. It had a human-like face, but no nose. It sported a pair of hideous, pearl-black eyes. Whatever it was didn't look friendly. Brad was practically shaking while he watched it.


".. What in the name of all things holy is that thing...?" Brad asked in a terrified whisper as he watched the creature patrol around the surrounding area. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

Delaney went still, her breath catching in her throat; she had absolutely no idea which hole that thing crawled out of, but it looked like the hellish mutation caused from some sort of f-ed up science experiment. It wasn't even human! She suddenly felt the world get a lot scarier, and even Brad wasn't a solace; she could only look to God and ask what sort of monster this was. She stayed as still as possible, proving herself to be someone who, while scared out of her wits, was able to stay as quiet as a mouse. Looking to Brad, she shook her head, motioning for him to be silent; watching this creature made her want to turn the gun on herself, there was no way they'd be able to take this thing down. This added a whole other layer to her hectic life; as if seeing her friends and family walking around trying to maul her face wasn't bad enough.

".. I don't know what we're going to do... We've never took one of these on before, so we don't know its weaknesses..." He whispered in an almost inaudible voice. The creature looked around for a few moments and tilted its head up towards the air, almost as if it was smelling for something. Soon enough its head shot back down. It had seen something. A deer walked out from behind a tree and stared at this creature blankly for a few moments. It was unaware of what was about to happen, but before it could even react, the creature pounced forward and took it to the ground - it used its horrific claws to cut into its body and then tear it clean in half; their was a shriek from the deer as it done so, and as soon as Brad saw so much as an inch of flesh rip, he hugged Delaney tight and made sure her face was hidden in his chest. This was a nightmare. What the fuck was this thing, and why had they never seen it before? Have other survivors seen this sort of thing yet? Can it be killed? Is it impervious to bullets or does it have a weak spot? So many questions went around Brad's head, but all of them were unanswered. He just held Delaney close and sat there watching the creature's gruesome way of eating its pray. It was literally taking whole bites of either half of the deer. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"Well I ain't got a plan right now. Give me a second." he shouted back, firing at anything that moved in those shadows. What to do now was beyond him, he was at a lost. The only thing he could think of doing was fire at them. But look how good that did so far. He had a debt to these men, those that stayed with him.

The numbers suddenly took a large dent. Two more men were swiped away from the roof. The numbers were down to four, including Conner, but then there were some shivering screams that came from elsewhere. The killings here were all a distraction.

"They're in through the gates!" A man's voice was heard screaming from below, but his voice soon cut out. The streets below them were suddenly filled with panicked screams, and the sounds of continuous gunfire rained down on this once peaceful little colony. What the hell had gone wrong? (@Beowulf)
"Protect them!" he shouted, fiercely wanting to protect his adopted family. "Off the roofes! They have done us any good so far. Me and another looking front. Check the streets and shoot anything ugly." he demanded rapid fire, getting off the roof himself. How did they get past the traps so easily?
The three remaining men scrambled down from the roof and started gunning at anything that wasn't human. Some of them got through, but they were quick to be gunned down by any other forces the colony had. Eventually, after ten minutes of shooting, these horrific creatures were dead and the town was silent, all silent aside from the sound of screaming women and crying children. Some men were crying as well, but those things were gone. For now. The colony had a lot of casualties. Probably around ten people.

"Alright everyone! Get inside right now!" Kendrick yelled as he paced around the blood-soaked streets. People instantly dispersed and disappeared into the surrounding buildings. Kendrick approached Conner and sighed. "It's a fuckin' bloodbath, man... I don't know how many we lost." He bowed his head for a moment. "You hurt?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"I can't feel anything right now. You know I will tomorrow. I lost two for sure. Fucking things taunted us with an arm." he said in disgust. Now he wanted to find their nest. And all the tracks they left will certainly help to point them in the right direction. "They might not be done. Set the survivers up inside this time. We might be able to catch them off guard if we lure them in."

After the funeral ended Adelaide followed the group back to the middle of town. With a smile she noticed that nobody claimed the small house she noticed earlier in the day, not that it surprised her. It seemed that she was the only one living on her own and it was the perfect size for one person. The thought of living completely on her own sent a nervous tingle up Adelaide's spine. Never had she even had her own bedroom before all of this happened, let alone an entire house. With a nervous breath she stepped into the house and did a quick inspection. Whoever lived here previously had kept the home in good shape, but had acquired a large amount of clutter. She would have to deal with that tomorrow.

Adelaide yawned into her hand as she made her way to the bathroom. She pulled a towel and a pair of pajamas from her bag and set them on the counter on the sink before hopping into the shower. As soon as the warm water touched her body she sighed in satisfaction. This is the moment she's been waiting for since they got to town. She didn't have any shampoo with her and so she used some of the soap. It wasn't the best, but it was something. After nearly half an hour Adelaide finally felt ready to leave the shower. She felt cleaner than she had in months, a feeling she so desperately missed. Adelaide dried herself off with the towel and changed into her undergarments while eyeing down the rest of the clothes. With a smile and shake of her head Adelaide pushed the clothes back into her backpack.
Who needs clothes when you live alone? She thought to herself. Living on my own is going to be nice. Adelaide found the bedroom and snuggled beneath the covers, hoping beyond anything else that tomorrow nobody would try to wake her. That is not what she would call a pleasant awakening.
DrTrollinski said:
Carl quickly threw on the pajamas and jumped on the spot in excitement. This was just great. He ran to the bathroom door and knocked on it a couple of times. ".. I'm gonna' go choose a room and wait for you there, daddy!" He called out. Tom could tell just by his voice that he was wearing a huge grin on his face - Carl pretty much pounced off down the hallway to the room that was second-closest to the end and looked inside. No, no... This was far more suited for Eric, although he liked the blue paint. He prayed that the next room along would have blue walls as well. He ran inside and scanned across it. Plain. Amazing. Blue walls, blue curtains, a bookshelf with different kinds of books, a whole box full of toy cars in the corner, and a bed that had pillow cases and sheets with spaceships on them. This was perfect for him! Hell, this room was designed for him, without a doubt - he thought a word of thanks in his head to whatever boy had this room before, and thanked him for leaving it in such good shape. He left the light on and ran over and sprung into bed, his teddy bear in his arms. He curled up under the covers and grinned while scanning the room and waiting for Tom to get back. The only part he didn't really like about this room was the closet in the corner, that was kind of spooky, so he'd get Tom to check that once he got back. (@DrCompton)
(Doc, man... Where you at? D: @DrCompton)
Tom walked into the room and pulled the blankets over Carl and shoved his hands under the young boy so the blanket hugged him tightly. "Snug as a bug, huh?" Tom sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Carl, his hand softly petting the young boys face. "You think you can fall asleep while I go take a shower?"

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