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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Adelaide stepped forwards and knotted her hands together. She has never been good with words, especially in serious situations, but it seemed to say nothing. "Matty and I were not the closest in the group, but I did consider him a friend." She paused and glanced around at the group. "He was so brave and strong. More than that though he was patient, kind and understanding. Matty lived a life of honour and he died so others could continue living and nobody could ask for a more honourable death. Matty, thank you for everything. You will be missed."
Alex listened to her and then gave a nod and smile at her once she was done. He then looked at Eric and nodded to him as well - Eric had one of his guitars with him at his side. He squeezed Jenna's hand before he stood up and then dragged a chair to the front of the crematorium where everyone could see him. He glanced around for a few moments and then took a deep breath. ".. Like I promised, I'll be playing a song in memory of Matty - Usually, you'd expect something really depressing for a funeral, but Matty always played calm and peaceful music that was generally quite uplifting, so..." He started gently strumming his guitar. "This is a song I learned quite a while ago. It's sort of a song about life and appreciating those little things, which is what Matty did." He said, he then started playing and singing a song:



(@october_rain, @Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)

(Anyone want to post to move this on? :) )
(I uhh...don't really know what to post aside from the generic stuff. Apologies, Trollinski-senpai)
(I'll post, in that case.)

Once Eric was done and got his applause, Alex went back up and fired the cremation unit up - the smell it produced as Matty's body was burnt up was quite vile, but it wasn't vomit-inducing. His body was slowly turned to ashes and Alex had the horrible displeasure of putting it all into an urn. Once it was all sealed up, he took a breather and then walked over to Caitlyn, setting the urn down on her lap. He crouched in front of her and took hold of one of her hands. ".. I think Matty would want you to keep hold of that. This way, he'll always be with you, no matter what." He smiled at her and gently ran his thumb over the top of her tiny hand. He looked around the room at everyone else and took a deep breath. ".. You can all head to your homes, if you'd like. You all deserve the rest after the effort you've put in today." He smiled. (@october_rain, @Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
"Cool...I think? I'll always have some of Matty with me now."

You'd think she would be a little freaked out. Nope,that was cool.

"Which house is ours,Alex?"

Tom picked Carl up with his one good arm and held him, "Lets go big guy. You coming with us Eric?" He looked at Eric as he packed up his guitar and watched him for a moment, "It'll probably do you some good to sleep in a real bed." He grinned a little and headed towards the door.
Carl held onto Tom and set his head down on his shoulder. He was tired, but he was looking forward to a hot bath and being tucked into bed. Eric nodded at him and rose up. "Yeah, I'll come along and say goodnight - I promised Jenna I'd stay at her place tonight, seeing as she's a bit worried about the first night, that's all." He smiled at him and then went to his side. "Lead the way." He said as he walked out with them. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
"Okay. I like baths..."

She herself was a little tired as she had a full tummy.

She had both of her hands busy holding the urn and the monkey.
Tom looks at Eric for a moment as he walks out with both boys leading them to their house, "Where are they staying, and is Scarlet okay with you staying over?" He raised a brow and looked at Eric as they walked away from the group.
"I assume they're being close to us. I promised Jenna that we'd be neighbors." He chuckled a little and looked upon the house once they reached it. He was excited. ".. I'll ask Scarlet in a little while. I'll say goodnight here first." He smiled and then looked around the house they walked into. It was modest, but it was somewhat like the house he'd lived in before. A spacious living room, simpler kitchen, dining room - it was nice.

"I wanna' have a hot bath, daddy!" Carl yelled in excitement as he squirmed out of his arms and dropped down onto the floor, looking around in amazement. This place was awesome! They were back in a real house! He ran over and flicked the light of the hallway on - It worked! "Oh, cool!" He hopped on the spot. "This place is gonna' be so great!" He added. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
"It's amazing!" She whispered.

Blame the sleepiness,but this house was the portrayal of perfection right there. What more could she ask for? A hot meal,an upcoming warm bath and this marvelous house? If it wasn't for Matty's death this would've been the best day ever.

Tom walked Carl upstairs to the bathroom and started the tub, "Wait for it to fill up and get hot then turn it off and get in, I need to talk to Eric for a minute okay bud?" He rustled Carl's hair, "And Im gonna look to see if there are any supplies in the house, like shampoo." He walked out and walked to Eric. "So... you and Jenna, Im cool with whatever, you're a grown man. But no sex unless you got condoms okay? And check the experation date, I dont want a grandchild any time soon."
Jenna and Scarlet outside talking, Jenna telling Scarlet about Eric staying over.

Hunter walks in slowly. "...I guess it isn't so bad..." She said softly while looking around.
"Now. Let's go get your bath ready." Alex muttered. He carried Caitlyn upstairs and into the bathroom where he flicked the light on and started filling the tub with hot water. He put the lid of the toilet down and then sat her down on it, followed by running his eyes across her. "You do look tired, little one. You want a bedtime story tonight?" He asked her, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb. (@DryPunishment)


".. Hah." Eric cleared his throat in light shock and embarrassment. ".. I've only just met her, dad--.. Don't worry. Even if we do end up doing that, I'll be careful, I promise... I'm just going over there tonight to comfort her, nothing more for all I know." He chuckled a little and smiled, followed by leaning forward and hugging him for a moment. ".. Don't worry about me. Anyway, Carl's waiting for his bath, so go get his shampoo and once he's in bed I'll come and say goodnight." He pulled away while playfully punching his shoulder and smiling at him.

Carl waited for the tub to fill up and then put some cold water in it to make it a comfortable temperature, then he slowly but surely took off all of his clothes and carefully slipped into the bath. It was so nice. He sighed in amazement and relief when his skin hit the warm water - was this even real? He spotted a bottle of bubble bath on the side and then emptied some into the water, then he shook his arm about for a minute under the water to bubble it up. Awesome. (@DrCompton)
Tom walked back in with shampoo and a cup. He washed the cup out in the sink quickly, then sat down and smiled at Carl, "That looks nice, Im a little jealous!" He laughed and and started to wash Carl.
He giggled. ".. It's really nice and warm." He said softly as he looked around the bathroom and then at Tom. This was so nice. He was praying that things could stay like this forever. He let Tom wash his body and then lied back in the water so that Tom could wash his hair, of which had begun to gather up a fair amount of grime over the past while. It was nice to lie back in the water and relax while he got his hair washed in warm water. ".. I'm glad I'm in the house with you and Eric, daddy... It's gonna' be better like this..." He smiled thoughtfully at him. (@DrCompton

DrTrollinski said:
He giggled. ".. It's really nice and warm." He said softly as he looked around the bathroom and then at Tom. This was so nice. He was praying that things could stay like this forever. He let Tom wash his body and then lied back in the water so that Tom could wash his hair, of which had begun to gather up a fair amount of grime over the past while. It was nice to lie back in the water and relax while he got his hair washed in warm water. ".. I'm glad I'm in the house with you and Eric, daddy... It's gonna' be better like this..." He smiled thoughtfully at him. (@DrCompton)
"Yeah Pal. Its gonna be a real fun time, maybe we can trick Jenna and Scarlet into moving in with us too some time." He winked, "That way we wont make this house a mess, because Im awful about messes." He sits back up against the counter and watches Carl. "Those nuggets were good huh?"
"Oh yeah, they were real good." He grinned and sat up; he leaned forward and rested his chin on the side of the bathtub while looking up at Tom with a simple smile. ".. I hope Chef has more of 'em, I could eat those every night. They're really good." He took a deep and relaxed breath. He had a sort of glow in his eyes, a glow that Tom had never seen before - it just flaunted how much more happy he was now that life was starting to go back to normal. Carl splashed one arm around in the water and then looked out across the bathroom again. ".. It's nice that we're gonna' have a real bathroom now... The ones at the mall were all weird 'cause the stalls had like--.. like... they were open at the bottom, and people could look under and see you." He furrowed his brow when he thought back to it, but then shook it off and smiled again. ".. The toilets were kinda high up, too, so it was harder for me to sit on 'em." He laughed softly and then inspected the bathroom again, but then something else sprung to mind when he looked towards the door. ".. What room's gonna' be my one?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
"Pick. I figure we'll share a room anyways, just throw two mattresses in there to sleep on since it'll probably be just the two of us for awhile, and I dont want you to wake up in the dark alone." Tom smiled and watched Carl, he looked so happy, which just made Tom more happy, even though he was still nervous of this town, he would accept itfor now, for Carl.
"Okay!" He grinned and then sprung up like a dolphin out of the water and jumped onto the bathroom floor. He shivered as the breeze struck his wet body, so he quickly ripped a nearby towel over to him and wrapped himself up in it. Such a shame. He could have stayed in the warm water all night, but the time had to come where he needed to sleep. He kept the towel wrapped tightly around himself while he looked at Tom and then at the door. ".. I think you put my PJ's in the bag... I hope you did." He smiled and giggled a little. It would have been funny at the time if they'd forgotten them, but then that would be rather irritating in the long run; he went to Tom's side and used one hand to tug on his sleeve, and the other to hold his towel in place. "We'll work as a team... You can go get my pajamas, and I'll get dry..." He paused for a moment. ".. I gotta' use the bathroom anyway." He ushered him out of the bathroom before he could even say anything more - he was certainly very excited about a simple bedtime routine, but then again, this routine was unknown to him for nearly half a year. Once Tom had left he shut the door and locked it up - this was nice, a bathroom in a home with a toilet that was more accessible for him, enough toilet paper that didn't feel like sandpaper, and a working light. What could be better?

Whenever Tom got back, he had to wait outside a locked door for a couple of minutes until a toilet flushed and Carl washed his hands, but Carl soon unlocked it to let him in. He was all clean and all dry, aside from his hair that was still a little damp, but he'd done a decent enough job. (@DrCompton

DrTrollinski said:
"Okay!" He grinned and then sprung up like a dolphin out of the water and jumped onto the bathroom floor. He shivered as the breeze struck his wet body, so he quickly ripped a nearby towel over to him and wrapped himself up in it. Such a shame. He could have stayed in the warm water all night, but the time had to come where he needed to sleep. He kept the towel wrapped tightly around himself while he looked at Tom and then at the door. ".. I think you put my PJ's in the bag... I hope you did." He smiled and giggled a little. It would have been funny at the time if they'd forgotten them, but then that would be rather irritating in the long run; he went to Tom's side and used one hand to tug on his sleeve, and the other to hold his towel in place. "We'll work as a team... You can go get my pajamas, and I'll get dry..." He paused for a moment. ".. I gotta' use the bathroom anyway." He ushered him out of the bathroom before he could even say anything more - he was certainly very excited about a simple bedtime routine, but then again, this routine was unknown to him for nearly half a year. Once Tom had left he shut the door and locked it up - this was nice, a bathroom in a home with a toilet that was more accessible for him, enough toilet paper that didn't feel like sandpaper, and a working light. What could be better?
Whenever Tom got back, he had to wait outside a locked door for a couple of minutes until a toilet flushed and Carl washed his hands, but Carl soon unlocked it to let him in. He was all clean and all dry, aside from his hair that was still a little damp, but he'd done a decent enough job. (@DrCompton)
"If you can think of a better place to be that will still be a help, then go to it. I'll stay right here and show these things what an old man can do." Taking another arrow and nocking it, his mutters more words into his beard, mostly cusses and what not. "Comon you over glorified dogs!" he shouted into the darkness.

"We can't leave you!" One man yelled as he ducked down and aimed the rifle into the darkness. The others soon joined him, but the one who was completely terrified and torn ran away and fled to the nearest building to lock himself away. He'd been almost driven insane by what had gone on tonight. The men who remained were the ones who had come to like Conner through the lessons that they attended. They saw him as vital to the survival of the town, so there was no way that they were abandoning him. They stood strong and looked death in the eye, all because they were loyal. ".. We need to try and outsmart them!" Another man yelled as he fired a bullet randomly into the forest. This caused a bit of a ruckus and some shrieks were heard bouncing around the forest. (@Beowulf)

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