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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Scarlet smiles a bit in amusement as she finishes her nugget. "Yeah, hopefully." She said as she sat back and stretched a bit.


Jenna nods slightly as she closes her eyes and yawns again into her free hand, still holding his left hand with her right one. "Yeah... I didn't sleep on the way here and was up early with you remember?" She said softly while leaning against him. (@DrTrollinski)
He gently caressed the upper part of her arm. "Yeah... the early mornings do that to you at first. Now that we're here, hopefully we'll get to sleep in a little later from now on." He smiled in thought and rested the side of his head against her own. ".. You want some coffee to wake you up, or something? We've still got that funeral to take care of, remember. I ain't a massive fan, but I'll join you on the coffee if you're up for it." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna says nothing as she moves closer a bit while leaning against him, eyes closed as she has her head against his shoulder, and holding his hand in her own. "...I'm not really a coffee person either..." She mumbled softly.
"Fair enough. What about tea?" He asked with a smile. "I'm sure that the chef's got some tea here, at least." He added. (@Soul OMU - This'll be my last post for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow!)
Jenna leaning against him while snuggling his side a bit. "...mm I guess so..." She said softly before sitting up. "...actually I should be fine hopefully if it is soon..." She said while rubbing her eye. (Night! @DrTrollinski)
"Yeah... I'd imagine that it'll be straight after we leave this place... Alex wants the kids to have a reasonably early night tonight. God knows that they need it." He sighed and pulled her closer a little more; he was still hugging her with the one arm, but just a little stronger. It felt good to be like this, to be the person someone like Jenna was close to but also seemed to rely on - that thought took away most of the pain that he had from this whole apocalypse. (@Soul OMU)

(I'll be skipping ahead at some point soon.) 

Brad had gone out earlier in the day with the dog to look for tonight's dinner. He managed to find something - it was a young wild boar. They didn't have anywhere to store the excess meat, but they'd eat well tonight without a doubt, especially when they served up some canned vegetables with that. Brad had just finished cooking the meat, and it was pretty much pulled pork - very succulent, nonetheless. The dog had the fatty and less appealing scraps, but you didn't catch him arguing one bit. They were sat in the living room on either armchair - Brad had pulled his chair closer to Delaney's so that he could be only a couple of feet away from her - this way he could talk to her, and such.

".. This is going well so far, isn't it?" He said to her, smiling as he ate a little bit of the pork. Before she could even respond, there was a very loud roaring how in the distance of the forest. Brad froze and slowly turned to look out of the window and into the pitch blackness that was the forest. Oreo was eating his food on a plate by the door, but as soon as the roar went off he instantly got up and dashed to Brad's side with his tail between his legs. He lied down on the floor and started shaking. ".. Okay. What the fuck was that...?" Brad muttered quietly as he set his plate down on the coffee table. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Tom watched Scarlet interact with Carl and smiled. He yawned, but waited patiently for Carl to finish up the rest of his food. He was looking forward to the shower he would have tonight. Tom stared at the wall blankly as he found himself thinking about the shower, and how good it would feel afer 4 months of only being able to wipe himself down.
Tom soon found the plate in front of him. There was quite a fair amount of food left for him to eat. Carl had said he was looking forward to having a hot bath later on, so Tom wasn't the only one indulging in that idea. Carl was snuggled up to him and hugging him tight - this was a very relaxed environment indeed. He didn't need to be on edge like he had been for the past months. ".. Daddy--.. Is Matty's funeral gonna' make everyone cry...? 'Cause I don't like it when people cry." He said simply. (@DryPunishment - Are you here? If so, I'll move things along shortly.)
Tom started to eat Carl's left overs and looked down, "Well, I'll try not to cry, for you bud." Tom probably wouldn't cry, he hadn't known Matty that well, so while he was upset they lost a member of their group, he wasn't overly upset about who they lost. He shrugged, "And I dont think Scarlet or Jenna will cry, but thats only because they didn't know Matty at all. But I cant speak for them."
(I am. But don't expect anything marvelous. I'm not really in the mood.)
".. Okay." He muttered softly with a light shrug. ".. I think Eric's gonna' sing a song there. I like it when Eric sings. He's a good singer." Carl said softly. He loved listening to Eric sing, or watching him play guitar. It was so heart-melting, and with some of the notes Eric could hit, it even left Carl wondering if even he could hit those notes himself - that applied more to the low notes, but he didn't know anything about how kids develop as they grow up, so he just kept on going and promised himself that one day he could accomplish that rough tone as well. Kinda' like Tom's voice, but maybe softer. Who knew. ".. After I have a bath tonight at our new home, can you come and tuck me into bed and read me a bedtime story? It's been forever since that happened." He grinned at him hopefully and snuggled up to him again. (@DryPunishment - Alright, no problem. I'll advance things onward soon.)
"Oh man, you know how bad I am at telling bedtime Stories Carl." Tom frowned a little, "I'll do my best okay?" He rustled Carl's hair but continued to eat. Everything had cooled down a little, but it didn't matter to Tom, it was still the best meal he had been able to eat since the start of all this craziness. It was delicious. Maybe he had judged Chef too quickly.
(Time to move on.)

A little while later once everyone was done with their food and drinks, they said goodbye to Chef after he pointed them in the direction of the crematorium in the town. It was connected to the cemetery, and we all know what the cemeteries in small country towns are like: Creepy as fuck. Regardless, they had lights and one hell of a big incinerator with a tray that looked like something you'd usually bake a pizza on. Despite that, they got Matty's body and kept him wrapped in the sheets and placed him in the cremation chamber and shut the door up - it hadn't been fired up just yet, seeing as they were going to do all of the speeches beforehand. Alex stood by the chamber and looked over everyone else who were sitting in the room a mere five or so feet away - this was going to be a proper funeral, wasn't it? Oh god.

".. Okay--.. Before we do anything else I'd like to say a few words... Our friend Matty died so that two people..." He looked over at Eric and Jenna - Eric was sat with her and discreetly holding her hand still. ".. Eric came out with me a few nights ago to find Hunter. That's how we met Scarlet and Jenna, and when some..." He waved his hands around and looked flustered for a moment. "Creature... Decided to attack Eric and Jenna and chased them into a building, it was Matty that had followed behind it and pretty much saved them. Two lives were saved because of him, and that's enough for me to call him a hero... When he wasn't doing anything like that, he'd always try to lift the mood by playing the sax or the guitar." He chuckled softly. ".. He may be gone, but he won't be forgotten... I don't have anything else to say..." He walked over and crouched beside Caitlyn. He knew she'd get upset at some point during this. ".. Do you want to say anything, sweetheart?" He asked in a gentle whisper. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @october_rain)
She nodded and got up.

"Matty always cheered me up and made me happy whenever I was sad. Since his arm hurt all the time he spent a lot of time with me.

Before he...passed away he told me that he is going to find my parents,but a few weeks ago he told me that they also died. I didn't understand what he meant,but now I do. He also said that we shouldn't feel sorry that he left and...-"

She appeared as if she had something more to say,but didn't continue.

Caitlyn looked down at the monkey.

"I loved Matty. I hope he's better now."
Alex had a broken smile tug at his face and he sat down beside her; he gently sat Caitlyn on his lap and hugged her close with both arms while bowing his head to whisper to her. ".. That was beautiful, Caitlyn... Matty would be proud, I'm sure." He managed to force a better smile, but he still held onto her seeing as it felt like the mood had depleted in here just a little. ".. At least we can move on now, hm...? He'll always be in our hearts." He choked. He looked up after a moment and glanced around the room. "Anyone else?" He called out. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU, @october_rain, @Aryn Harris)
Hunter listening and closes her eyes with a soft sigh as she hangs back, not saying anything or moving much.

Jenna bites her lip slightly while holding Eric's hand lightly but discreetly.

Scarlet watching while standing nearby, listening.
(The character she had with this group didn't get much major involvement. I'm not sure what you mean, to be honest.)
(For the Nick,Tina side. It's been getting no attention lately )

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