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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End


Given the circumstances anyone would be a little weirded out by this.

Surely the Chef loved his job so much that he couldn't let go,right?

(@DrTrollinski What's the catch?)
Soon enough the chef came out with another dish and placed it down in front of Alex. Alex smiled. It was two large sausages with potatoes, carrots, and peas - there was some gravy that must have been made from the juices of the meat that the chef had cooked - regardless, it looked good. He instantly began tucking in. It was a taste of home. The warm times of when he and his brothers and his parents would sit around the dinner every night to eat and relax and to talk about the day's events. It was nice, and this brought him back. He ran his eyes up to look at Caitlyn after a little while - he smiled in thought. He may have lost the life he once had, but Caitlyn was barely old enough to have experienced something on such a large scale. The least he could do was make sure that she had the privilege to have a life like that - it's what every kid deserved.

"Have you got any idea what you want for your birthday...?" He asked her in an attempt to start some conversation. It was her birthday in two days, and he hoped that things would be alright here for it. (@DryPunishment - you'll have to wait and see whether or not there's a catch.)
(Jesus. Standby. Might take me a while xD ) 

DrTrollinski said:
And speak of the devil, one of the traps was heard going off. It was one of the falling traps. A harsh and high-pitched shriek of pain was heard but it eventually died out, followed by that a series of roars and howls were heard in the forest and the men instantly flinched and raised their rifles to look into the darkness. Some of them were shaking, others remained calm but completely struck by adrenaline and the aspiration to survive this night. (@Beowulf)
Chris chuckled for a second as he felt a tight grasp on his shoulder. The barricaded cement walls bristled with spotlights, and barbed wire. The military base was well defended against an incursion from the outside. The sign on the outside of the gate labeled, Fort Bragg North Carolina. A giant steel gate lay infront of the armored vehicles that await entry, as a pattern of clunking is heard. The door began to shift and open as multiple guards looked over at the armored convoy. Sherry looked at him, then removed her hand from his shoulder then looked at Nate. " Safe finally. " The vehicles began to roll into the base, as they drove by multiple M1A2 Abrams with field modifications to fight the infection. Platoons of men running to maintain their physical endurance. The once airborne base was probably the last hope of the US Army maybe the military as a whole. The vehicles drove to a rally point and halted as the men began to dismount. Chris looked around as he was approached by a man tall, but skinny in feature, bearing the rank of an officer, a captain. " Corporal. " Chris opened his arm up with a salute. " Sir? " The captain glared into his eyes, he was in his late 20s. " Follow me, I'll explain the situation. " The corporal began to walk next to the Captain along the sidewalk. The captains voice began to echo. " The military is in disarray, as you see here, this is the last base, and probably the only base on the east coast. The military scuttled most of their vehicles inorder to conserve the fuel supplies we have left. Most of the reserves in the country are in control by gangs, rioters, and well... " The captain sighed for a second. " Im going to be silent here with you corporal, theres an enemy occupying force here, and they hit our communications, as soon as the infection hit. We rely on short range radios, and this Force, seems private by the equipment they use.... " The captain sighed as he stopped himself. " Corporal, I dont know who you are, or if I can trust you, but judging by the look on your face, your a man who has done enough, let alone see enough. I need every last man... " Chris turned to him and laughed. " Sir, if i can and will, I will fight." Chris felt his ego just expand as the Captain lent out his hand and said. " Well you have just been recruited into Task Force Delta. " Task Force Delta was a force made for recon, and interdiction of enemy supplies. The squad did have a high morality rate against mutated infections, but their operations at delaying PMC and rebels, have had major successes at maintaining the security of the base. It was mirrored of Delta Force.

Chris smiled for a second as he gripped the Captains hand, saying. " One condition sir, I have a young child, and a sister who was a cadet at West Point. " Chris sighed as he said outloud to him. " She has a pretty shot, but her temper and her use of brute force instead, sets her back. I request that she joins me, and the child, will need protection while im out on missions. " The captain looked into his eyes. " Doable... Welcome to the squad, son. " Chris shook his hand again as he stepped away back to the vehicle.
Nate looked at him and leaned in to the front of the car, leaning on Chris' shoulder as he looked around. ".. What's gonna' happen, Chris?" He asked in a quiet tone. He was still in his PJ's from the night before, and the blanket was still in the back of the car for him to snuggle up under if he wanted to. He knew that they were in the presence of one of, if not the only surviving military squad in the country. Everyone else had evacuated and gone with their families unless they were confident in their work. Something that, sadly, Nathan's father was good with. (@Rifleman
(@Beowulf - The post is above)
Chris looked at Nate. " I promise, you will be safe here. " He let out a slight smile as he rubbed his hand in his hair. Sherry looked at Chris, and said. " What happened. " Chris sighed. " Going back out soon.... Been assigned, I know your too stubborn to say no, so, your coming with me. " Sherry sighed for a second, but she thought about Nate. She was concerned for him. " We cant leave him here alone... " Chris looked at her, responding quickly. " The captain said he would have him looked after, if we joined up. " The question was, where now.... A soldier, female, private first class (Npc can you please to help with Nate. ) approached the group as Chris got out of the hmmvw, she was young, their age, judging by her look, she may have had a brush or two with combat, but nothing serious.
However the force has a high mortality rate especially against infections and the guys in black (PMCs?) Cause even though they are well equipped they dont have the support of helicopters or other various aircraft like real tier 1 operators
That being said, most of the tier one operators are killed and they are now resorting to the most valuable men, often ones who spent long periods of time in the field. Thats how i saw it anyways
The woman marched over and then peered into the car, looking across them all and then softly smiling once she saw Nate. Nate reminded her of her brother when he was younger, but that was a long time ago. She looked at Chris, and then at Sherry, and then back to Christ again. ".. Evening, Corporal. How can I be of service?" She asked in a soft tone as she linked her hands behind her back. (@Rifleman)
Cursing how he couldn't speak, he got up and nocked an arrow. They were close, and they sure as a snow flake melting in hell were mad.

(@DrTrollinski, going to be gone for a bit. Sorry it's short, in a rush.)
Chris glimpsed over to the girl and said hesitantly. " I need a place to live, for us three, and I need someone to care for this child while out on missions. " Sherry opened the HMMVW door and sat in the back next to Nate and held him. She didnt want him to feel lonely...
A loud shriek was heard as one propelled out of the darkness and flew up at the roof of one of the buildings. It sucked that the buildings were so low. A man expressed a high-pitched scream as a hand covered in claws wrapped around his foot and pulled him down; the other men jumped in terror and instantly began shooting in the direction of the incident. There was no noise heard apart from the cracking of bones and the sound of a body being dragged away. Five guards remained. (@Beowulf)


Nathan hugged Sherry. It was nice to get some attention - he liked that Chris and Sherry were nice to him, but he would have liked the chance to have a little more interaction with them over the last couple of days. That would have been nicer for him - he needed some more support and attention seeing as he'd only just lost his parents. The girl looked in at Nate after the door was opened.

"Hello there, sweetheart." She smiled and then looked back to Chris. ".. Where would you like me to take him?" She asked. (@Rifleman)
"Keep on your toes! They have the advantage here!" Connor yelled, all stealth forgotten. They knew they were there, why bother now. He kept his eyes firmly on the forest, searching for any tell tale signs of a nasty.

The sounds of crunching bones only got louder. Those things were tearing that man apart and sharing him out between themselves. The noise was sickening, and the other men were absolutely terrified.

Daniel had instantly gone to hide under his bed once he was done in the bathroom. He took a flashlight with him and made sure his blankets were piled at any open end of the bed. That was at the foot of the bed, the head of it, and the right side of it that wasn't against the wall. Now he was lying on the carpet with his head on a pillow he'd dragged under there with him - it was almost like a little fortress, but he felt that now he was in a place like this, nothing was going to harm him. He had the flashlight on and set down on the floor beside him while he listened to the screams and the gunshots. He was just as terrified as everyone else, but he was happy that he was hidden away with a bright light.

A piece of a body was launched up onto the roof beside Conner. It was an arm, mangled and chewed with half of the flesh missing from it. These things were trying to taunt them now. (@Beowulf

DrTrollinski said:
The sounds of crunching bones only got louder. Those things were tearing that man apart and sharing him out between themselves. The noise was sickening, and the other men were absolutely terrified.
Daniel had instantly gone to hide under his bed once he was done in the bathroom. He took a flashlight with him and made sure his blankets were piled at any open end of the bed. That was at the foot of the bed, the head of it, and the right side of it that wasn't against the wall. Now he was lying on the carpet with his head on a pillow he'd dragged under there with him - it was almost like a little fortress, but he felt that now he was in a place like this, nothing was going to harm him. He had the flashlight on and set down on the floor beside him while he listened to the screams and the gunshots. He was just as terrified as everyone else, but he was happy that he was hidden away with a bright light.

A piece of a body was launched up onto the roof beside Conner. It was an arm, mangled and chewed with half of the flesh missing from it. These things were trying to taunt them now. (@Beowulf)
He fired an arrow in the direction the arm came from, not sure of if it even hit. These things were smart, taunting them like that. It also was a good terror tactic, and it worked on him. But he didn't let his fear show, he had to remain brave. "Move to the far side of your roof. Make them come for you. Make sure you get them in the head, you'll only slow them down otherwise."

Scarlet and Jenna come into the diner and sit down while Hunter is looking at the stars. She told them she would be inside in a minute and that she needed the air. Eventually she slowly made her way inside and sat down. (@DrTrollinski)
Tom put his arm around Carl as the young boy ate. He looked up at Chef, then down at the food, studying it carefully to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Tom took a chicken nugget and popped it into his mouth, and winked at Carl, "This is pretty friggin' awesome, huh Carl?" Tom smiled and rustled the boy's hair.
"It is awesome!" He shoved some fries into his mouth and gulped them down as quick as he could. This was incredible. It was like heaven had found a place on earth, and they'd walked right into it. "Can we stay here, daddy? Please can we stay here forever and ever?!" He asked with a grin as he dipped some bacon in the tomato sauce and then ate it. (@Soul OMU)

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