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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Skyler nods her head. "I can help with that." She says softly. "And it's.. Different... I don't know. It's nice to finally be somewhere where the water is working and the power is on. But... Why is the place seemingly untouched?" She questions, looking over at him. She had noticed that there was virtually no blood on the ground when they got here, and the buildings seemed untouched. (@DrTrollinski)
".. I don't know. When me and Hunter came here this morning, Chef said that all of the people that lived here before locked up their homes and up and left once everything went to shit. We are in the middle of nowhere, and if there's no people here to die, that means no blood, and I doubt people are going to travel this far out for a can of beans. It's weird, but I guess we're fortunate, in a way." He looked around again and took a deep breath. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler bites her lower lip, thinking. "But surely those things have been through here? I mean yeah, everyone left. But that doesn't mean that those things haven't been through here. They could have at least been walking through. And they have large gaping wounds. They would have left blood stains." She says. "Unless of course, they watch the perimeters. Make sure they don't get in." (@DrTrollinski)
Seeing that some of them mustered their resolve, Connor was satisfied with his work and sat back down wearily. Hopefully, those things wouldn't get past the traps, but you could never be cautious, hence the guards. If only he could talk with the others, but silence was needed now. Who knows how well these things could hear.
".. I'm guessing as much. I haven't met the farmer yet, but the chef doesn't seem all so sure on the story of this place. Hell, I'm not even aware if he's sure of himself. We'll have to speak to the farmer at some point and find out what really went on here. I'm guessing nothing bad goes on, because we'd all be dead right now if that was the case, and the food I ate here earlier this morning would have been poisoned. Which it wasn't. This place seems genuine enough - I mean, there's plenty of other towns that are in the same sort of direction of this place, and if the guys here didn't make any noise or show any signs that they were living here, there's no way the dead would have been lured here." He stated, rubbing his stubble-covered chin with one hand. (@Aryn Harris)


And speak of the devil, one of the traps was heard going off. It was one of the falling traps. A harsh and high-pitched shriek of pain was heard but it eventually died out, followed by that a series of roars and howls were heard in the forest and the men instantly flinched and raised their rifles to look into the darkness. Some of them were shaking, others remained calm but completely struck by adrenaline and the aspiration to survive this night. (@Beowulf)
Skyler nods her head. "Yeah, you're probably right. Though I'm trained to always be suspicious. So until it's proved otherwise, I'm going to assume this place is too good to be true." She says with a slight laugh.
".. But... Imagine if this place was true, Skyler..." Alex smiled at the thought and shook his head. ".. The kids would have such a nice and safe place to grow up. Easily defensible. Fresh food being grown, livestock, power, gas, water... It'd make life just--.. It'd make it incredible." He gave an excited sigh and then glanced around for a moment more. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler smiles softly. "It would be a great place to live if it were true. Trust me I know. I lived in places with little or none of those things. If nothing bad happens for the next few days, I'll lower my suspicions." She says, still smiling.
".. I think we all will... I'm just happy that we'll have a place for the night... The idea of what can happen is just so relaxing. Later on, I'll make sure Caitlyn has a hot bath for the first time in forever, gets comfortable in some PJ's, and then gets nice and snuggled up in an actual bed." He smiled and then took a deep breath. ".. It'll be nice. Carl would like the same thing, but I'll leave Tom to take care of that." He added. ".. It's funny--.. I don't really know what Eric and Carl view me as any more." He took a sigh and looked a little saddened. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler places a soothing hand on his back. "I'm sure they still think of you as their older brother. You guys may have lost your parents and friends, but right now all the family you have is each other. Who could forget that?" She asks, giving him a crooked smile. (@DrTrollinski)
".. No, no--.. We're not the only family we have. All of you guys are... Eric and Carl both call Tom 'dad' - I'm living in a separate house with Hunter. It's gonna' be weird. It's almost going to feel like we never knew each other, isn't it?" He ran his eyes up to look at her. (@Aryn Harris)
Adelaide stepped into the diner and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what was being cooked, but it did smell delicious. Despite this, she did not crave for the warm meal being made. Her only thoughts seemed to hang on the promise of running water and a shower. An actual shower. Giving yourself a sponge bath over a sink was not the same at all. It would be so nice to feel clean again.

Adelaide walked across the room to where Cait and Carl sat by themselves. "Hey kiddos. What are you doing over here on your own?" A smile crept across her face and she punched Carl on the shoulder playfully. "I would have thought you two would be a bit young for dating already. We're gonna have to keep an eye on you two troublemakers." (@DryPunishment )
"No. It's going to feel exactly like how it would if you went off to college, got married, had kids. It's not going to be weird. It's a little thing called life. You guys have known each other since you were born. You may be living in separate houses, but you're brothers. It'll never feel weird."
Carl giggled softly. "It's not a date!" He said playfully, grinning. ".. Alex told us to wait here, 'cause the Chef's makin' us food and Alex wanted to go talk to people." He said, Carl looked up at the light for a moment and looked away when it hurt his eyes. Electric-produced light. He'd forgotten what that had looked like - it was amazing to see it again after all this time. ".. Do you like it here, Adelaide?" Carl asked with a soft smile. (@october_rain)


".. Heh, I hope not... If this place proves to be safe... I know that we'll live on together, or I hope so at least..." He paused for a moment. "It's funny that you say that about college... I would have been going there in about a year's time if all of this didn't happen... The person I was going to miss most was Carl." He chuckled. "It's understandable, I hope. I was always there to help him out and he always made everyone smile no matter what - Christ, the only bad memories I have of him was when he was younger and I had to babysit some nights. I had to wipe his ass for him and all that..." He covered his face with both hands and laughed momentarily. ".. Oh, the good old days." He said. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler laughs. "I understand. I missed my brother when I joined the military. He gave me that teddy bear that I gave to Carl when I first met you guys, to keep me safe. I guess it worked." She says softly.
"He's still got that, you know. It's in his backpack, as far as I know... Yeah. I guess it did work for ya'." He smiled. "It's worked for us as well." He reached over and gently nudged her shoulder, winking briefly. (@Aryn Harris)
Adelaide stopped and thought about that for a moment. It was definitely beautiful and this was their chance for a fresh start. It would also be nice to not have to worry about the infected marching into your living space at every second. However, it was also terrifying in it's ways. She was unsure of how the town managed to stay so empty with only two people and even now there was no guarantee of safety, but in the end, the small chances of danger seemed small in comparison. "Yeah, Carl. I think I do." She brushed his hair back out of his face. "What do you think of it so far?" (@DrTrollinski )
Skyler chuckles softly and nods slowly. "You're right. It did work for us." She laughs and leans back in her seat. She runs her fingers through her hair again.
He smiled at her. ".. We're gonna' be gettin' cooked food. Like, real cooked food!" He said in amazement. "And all the houses are kinda' nice, so we're gonna' get to live in houses again and do other cool stuff, so I think this place is awesome!" He bounced in his chair once and then grinned at her. (@october_rain)


He smiled at her but then looked around. ".. You got anything planned to say at Matty's cremation? I'm hoping Eric's alright by then. He wants to play a song for us in memory of him, and I think it'd tear him up a bit if he wasn't well enough to do it." He said. (@Aryn Harris)
".. I don't think a lot of people did. Matty was a very reserved guy - I wouldn't let it get to you. Today's the day we pay our respects, and I think my mind rests easy enough knowing that he'll get his due." He smiled. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler nods her head. "Yeah." She murmurs and looks over at him. "What time are we gonna do it?" She asks, bouncing her leg p and down.
".. I don't know. Once everyone's eaten and settled down. That's the best time for it, especially with the kids - You know what kids get like if they're running around on empty stomachs. They end off going into tantrums and all that, end up tugging on your leg and begging you to go home, either that or they lie on the floor and you have to drag 'em along to wherever you're going. I'd rather them be a little happier before we burn a body, if you understand." He said, sighing a little. (@Aryn Harris)
Skyler nods her head in agreement. "You're probably right." She says, standing up. "I think I'm going to go for a walk... I get antsy just sitting around."
"Sure. You should go and choose a house that you want to stay in. Most of them are free, as far as I'm aware." He smiled at her and gave a nod as she stood up. (@Aryn Harris)

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