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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Adelaide smiled. "That's good to hear, Buddy." She said softly and adjusted the strap of her backpack. "I'm just going to be in the booth over there. Come get me if you need something." She pointed to a booth in the back corner. (@DrTrollinski )
Carl looked over there and saw that the bathrooms were also at the back as well. That was convenient. He looked around for Tom who would usually take him to the restroom and wait for him, but then he realized that he'd gone out earlier. He wriggled in his seat a little but then stood up with Adelaide. ".. I've--.. I've gotta' go bathroom anyway..." He gulped quietly. He didn't really want to go alone. ".. Is--.. Is daddy here?" He asked in worry. Adelaide had seen over the months at the mall how Carl had gotten Tom up in the middle of the night so he could be escorted to the restroom, so it was obvious what his problem was now. There was still Alex sat at one of the back booths despite Skyler leaving, so that could be an alternative for Carl. (@october_rain) 
".. I'll be staying here and keeping watch until Tom gets back, Sky. Holler if you need anything, though. I'll come running." He winked jokingly at her and smiled. (@Aryn Harris)
"Yeah I'm sure you will. You're too out of shape to come fast enough though." She jokes and walks out of the building. She sighs softly and walks down the street, glancing at all of the houses. She looks at the house that seems to be the smallest and walks into it.
Adelaide pursed her lips gently and looked around. "Not right now. He'll be back soon." She looked back down at Carl and realized that maybe soon wasn't close enough. She held a hand out to the small boy. "Do you want me to go with you?" (@DrTrollinski )
"Uhm..." He reached up and hesitantly took hold of her hand. ".. You can wait outside--.. 'cause girls ain't allowed to come in the boys' bathroom..." He stated in a shy and matter-of-factly sort of way. He'd learned that from his teachers in kindergarten. Some of his friends that he had there had learned that the hard way, but seeing as Carl had always been such a well-behaved kid, he never broke the rules anyway. Plus, he couldn't imagine why someone would want to go into the 'other' restroom. That sounded kinda' gross to him. (@october_rain)
Adelaide smirked and nodded her head. "Alright." She steered him between the tables and in the direction of the restrooms. As she reached the large wooden door she opened it with her left hand and released Carl's hand. "I'll be just out here. Let me know if you need anything, okay?" (@DrTrollinski )
"Okay... Thank you." He squeaked as he walked in thorough the door and then made sure it was closed behind him. Everything in here was a little dusty, but the urinals had an automatic flush feature, thankfully, so they were at least clean. He walked over and looked under the doors of the four stalls in here to make sure that no one was in any of them. Okay, it was just him in here and he'd flicked the light on when he came in. Things could be worse. He was more comfortable this way. He had the whole restroom to himself and he had a pair of jeans on that had a simple zip. He didn't want to miss his food being brought out, so he quickly went to the nearest urinal and did what he had to do.

Despite being alone he still felt nervous. In kindergarten it was a different story seeing as no one seemed to care what was going on or who you did, but he noticed that in public restrooms like this one, people seemed a little more 'attentive'. Once he was done a minute later, he flushed the urinal and then went and washed his hands as quickly as he could, followed by putting them under the hand dryer. Awesome. The rushing hot air travelled up his arms and sent his hair all over the place, but his hands dried, at least. He walked back out and quietly creaked the door open before given a shy smile up at Adelaide. (@october_rain)
Adelaide leaned against the wall and tapped her foot as she waited for Carl to finish his business. Humming an old song to herself she took off her backpack and tossed it lightly onto the bench of a booth next to the restroom. Adelaide turned when Carl opened the door and smiled. "Better?" She asked. (@DrTrollinski )
"Uh-huh... Thanks for waitin' for me." He said with a smile. ".. Can I have a drink? I'm kinda' thirsty and the chef never gave me one..." He said softly as he looked around the diner again. He still couldn't get over it. This place was perfect. (@october_rain)
Adelaide nodded her head. "Of course you can. What do you want?" She glanced towards the kitchen, wondering where they kept drinks and hoping the Chef wouldn't mind the 'newcomers' helping themselves. (@DrTrollinski )
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".. Uhm--.. I dunno... Maybe apple juice, if there's any here." He smiled warmly and stuck close to her side. As much as he liked this place, he wasn't entirely comfortable with people going off on their own just yet. (@october_rain)
Adelaide slipped across the room to the counter and checked quickly behind it, looking for a mini fridge with drinks. There was not any behind the counter and so she moved onto the kitchen, holding the door open for Carl. ''Excuse me. Do you have any apple juice?" She asked the chef. The chef turned slightly and pointed to a large silver refrigerator with his spatula. "Thank you."

Adelaide opened the fridge doors and quickly found the large container of apple juice. She closed the fridge with her foot and grabbed a clean cup from a nearby counter. "How much do you want?" (@DrTrollinski )
".. A whole cup, please." He smiled up at her. He inspected the juice for a moment. It wasn't in a labelled bottle like most of the apple juice he used to drink was. Hm. Odd. It must have been freshly squeezed, but he didn't know that one bit. (@october_rain)
(Alright guys. Last post and I'm off to bed!) Skyler looks around the house, exploring it. It had two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It had a decent sized kitchen and living room also. She smiles and nods her head, "This is the perfect place for me." She says, and sits down on the floor.
Tom walks back into the diner and looks around, "Where is Carl?" He looked at the others for an answer. Tom felt his heart start to beat a little faster but his face kept a clam demeanor
"Over here!" Carl waved at him from over by the breakfast bar. He had a glass of apple juice in his hand; he was happy to see Tom again and looked somewhat excited when he waved at him. (@october_rain)
Tom walked toward Carl and smiled, "They're already giving you beer huh?" Tom laughed a little and rustled his hair, "What's for dinner?"
"I dunno' yet. Somethin' with bacon." He grinned happily and then dragged Tom over to a booth at the back of the diner; he sat down and waited for Tom to sit opposite him. He sipped the apple juice and smiled. ".. It's apple juice. And it's cold! I haven't had cold juice for a long time." He smiled warmly and then looked around. Speak of the devil. Chef came back through the kitchen door with a tray in his hands; he went to Eric's table and put the soup down in front of him, then he went to Caitlyn's table - Alex had gotten up and gone to sit with her - and put a plate of chicken nuggets, fries, beans, and a bowl of homemade tomato sauce down in front of her. Then he came to Carl and Tom's table. Carl was ecstatic. He grinned as the large man approached and then finally put down the same dish as what Caitlyn had, but as an extra, there were three slices of bacon on the plate as well. Carl was too happy and mindblown to even say thank you, so he just looked at him and remained jaw-dropped while he gave a nod. He grabbed a knife and fork from a little holder that was on the table - it's funny. The cutlery and all the the tables didn't have a spec of dust on them - it was evident that Chef had been cleaning this place.

The nuggets were fried in breadcrumbs, so they were crunchy, succulent, and hot. That was the main part. Hot food. Carl looked at Tom and grinned. ".. Daddy, look!" He said, still completely overcome by what he had been served. (@DryPunishment)
"Thank you, mister Chef!"

She looked at the nuggets and fries amazed for a few seconds. Was this even real?

First they find these houses and now hot food? And apple juice. Actual apple juice. Was this heaven?

(@DrTrollinski Sorry I took a nap,earlier. School makes me too tired.)
".. There you go, little one." Alex smiled at her. "How does that look? Good, eh?" He asked. "Eat up. All yours." He added. (@DryPunishment)
"Really? Thank you,Alex!"

She took the nuggets and fries and put them in the tomato sauce. They tasted perfect.

She didn't have nuggets and fries for a long time. This felt like paradise. Caitlyn was slowly painting Picasso's works on her face with the sauce.

(@DrTrollinski I would also request that we take it slower,cause I'm a dick and homework ain't gonna do itself)
He watched her and laughed. It was nice to see her so happy for a change. She looked so much warmer and relaxed in comparison to before. He reached out and gently patted her head as she ate. "Once we've had Matty's funeral, we'll get to our new home, we'll get you in a nice hot bath and then I'll tuck you into a proper bed after that. How's that sound?" He asked her with a smile. (@DryPunishment)

(Sure. That's fine. Just reply when you can :) )
"That sounds great."

It just kept getting better. Hot meal,hot bath and a proper bed? Just like the one she had at home? Probably. She'd hope it would last forever.

DrTrollinski said:
"I dunno' yet. Somethin' with bacon." He grinned happily and then dragged Tom over to a booth at the back of the diner; he sat down and waited for Tom to sit opposite him. He sipped the apple juice and smiled. ".. It's apple juice. And it's cold! I haven't had cold juice for a long time." He smiled warmly and then looked around. Speak of the devil. Chef came back through the kitchen door with a tray in his hands; he went to Eric's table and put the soup down in front of him, then he went to Caitlyn's table - Alex had gotten up and gone to sit with her - and put a plate of chicken nuggets, fries, beans, and a bowl of homemade tomato sauce down in front of her. Then he came to Carl and Tom's table. Carl was ecstatic. He grinned as the large man approached and then finally put down the same dish as what Caitlyn had, but as an extra, there were three slices of bacon on the plate as well. Carl was too happy and mindblown to even say thank you, so he just looked at him and remained jaw-dropped while he gave a nod. He grabbed a knife and fork from a little holder that was on the table - it's funny. The cutlery and all the the tables didn't have a spec of dust on them - it was evident that Chef had been cleaning this place.
The nuggets were fried in breadcrumbs, so they were crunchy, succulent, and hot. That was the main part. Hot food. Carl looked at Tom and grinned. ".. Daddy, look!" He said, still completely overcome by what he had been served. (@DryPunishment)

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