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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Skyler smiles slightly and looks at the ground. The house was nice. This was definitely the perfect house for her. She stands up and walks out of it, heading towards the moving truck to grab her things.
"I'm alright, yeah." He smiled and put an arm around her shoulders, followed by leaning his head against hers. ".. The kids really seem to like it here. The chef didn't poison any of us, so that's a good start." He chuckled softly and nuzzled his face against hers a little. (@Soul OMU)
Tom looks at Carl and smiles, "Yeah Pal, we're gonna stay here." He looked at Alex and Hunter, then around at all the others. "I have a feeling we're gonna be around for a long time pal."
Hunter smiles a bit as she rests her head against his. "I suppose that is a good thing..." She said while leaning against him.

Scarlet and Jenna talking while sitting in a booth nearby.
He grinned in happiness. "Great!" He hugged him tight. ".. It's gonna' be awesome, 'cause we're gonna' be safe here and there's gonna' be nice food for us all here, too." He smiled and rested his head against Tom's side, closing his eyes for a moment. (@Soul OMU)
Tom steals another nugget and eats it, his tummy growled at the warm food that wasn't beans, and his mouth was watered, "Oh my goodness." He sighed.
Eric was sitting beside Jenna while Scarlet was opposite them. He was tucking into his soup - it was made with fresh chicken, potatoes, and carrots - he was really enjoying it, and all the color had returned to his face now that he'd finally had some proper food put into his stomach. He was almost done with it. Alex walked over to the table and sat down beside Scarlet and then looked around. ".. Scarlet, Jenna... How you settling in now? Seeing as Eric's not poisoned, I'd say we're off to a good start... You two feeling a little more positive about this place?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


Another one sprung up out of the darkness and dragged another man down. They all backed away from the edge; one man even pissed himself in complete fear. He was useless now. He was completely struck by fear and shock and couldn't even lift his gun. His eyes were wide with terror.

"We can't stay up here, Conner!" One man screamed as he sprayed in the direction that the creature dragged the man off to. (@Beowulf)


Carl watched him take it and then smiled. He was glad that Tom was eating as well - this was getting to be a decent enough night out at a diner, just like things were before with his other father. Sometimes his dad would take him swimming or to arcades after school, mostly on Fridays, and on the way home they'd stop by at restaurants and eat together. Carl picked up his fork and then divided the food on the plate in half. There were two groups of french fries, chicken nuggets, beans, and one slice of bacon on each side. ".. You can have that side, daddy." He pointed at the side closest to Tom and then took another fork from the holder to place in front of him. "I'm only little, so I don't need to eat it all - I ate a lotta' candy anyway, so it's okay." He smiled thoughtfully at him. He probably wouldn't finish all this himself anyway. (@DrCompton)
Tom shook his head, "How about you eat what you can, and I'll take the rest okay pal? Im not gonna eat any of your food, so go ahead and chow down." He rustled Carl's head, "But I appreciate the offer."
He smiled. "Okay." He shoved a couple more chicken nuggets into his mouth after dipping them in the ketchup and quickly chewed them up. He didn't want this night to end - it was awesome. He heard Alex talking about something earlier on which sounded quite nice - he hated getting cold sponge-baths from Tom at the mall; even though he liked being clean, it was so uncomfortable to be washed down in freezing cold water like that, especially in the winter months - sometimes it was Alex or Eric that did it for him, but regardless of who it was, he still ended up crying whenever it was done. ".. Daddy--.." He murmured while shoving some fries into his mouth and quickly swallowing them down. "Alex said somethin' about havin' a hot bath later. Can I have a hot bath when we get to our house, too?" He asked with a hopeful smile. A hot bath sounded very appealing. (@DrCompton)
"Okay... What about you, Jenna?" He asked. He looked at her and saw how blank she looked for a moment and then reached forward and gently tapped her shoulder. (@Soul OMU)
"It sure is fine..." Eric spooned the rest of his soup into his mouth and then gently set a hand down on Jenna's shoulder while looking at Alex. ".. I ain't dead from the food, and I can tell you right now it made me feel a lot better than I was feeling before we get here... If the rest of this place turns out to be as good as it's been tonight, I'd say we're in for a good time." He smiled. Alex nodded and smiled at him.

"Carl and Caitlyn both like it here, so even if you guys are a bit skeptical, try and stay positive for them, eh?" He looked at Scarlet and Jenna and smiled. (@Soul OMU) 

DrTrollinski said:
He smiled. "Okay." He shoved a couple more chicken nuggets into his mouth after dipping them in the ketchup and quickly chewed them up. He didn't want this night to end - it was awesome. He heard Alex talking about something earlier on which sounded quite nice - he hated getting cold sponge-baths from Tom at the mall; even though he liked being clean, it was so uncomfortable to be washed down in freezing cold water like that, especially in the winter months - sometimes it was Alex or Eric that did it for him, but regardless of who it was, he still ended up crying whenever it was done. ".. Daddy--.." He murmured while shoving some fries into his mouth and quickly swallowing them down. "Alex said somethin' about havin' a hot bath later. Can I have a hot bath when we get to our house, too?" He asked with a hopeful smile. A hot bath sounded very appealing. (@DrCompton)
Scarlet sighs and nods. "I know... your right of course... We moved here for them." she said while nodding her head and sitting back slightly as Jenna looked at Eric. "I know that... I just... I dunno..." she said and sighed softly.
Alex went over and sat opposite Hunter again. He inspected her for a moment and then smiled. He wanted her to eat something, if not that then at least drink something, but he wasn't going to force her to do that. ".. It'll be nice to have a real bed to ourselves tonight, won't it?" He smiled.


"Trust me. We'll be neighbors, and most of us are probably all going to be on the same street anyway - If anything happens during the night, to any of us, the rest of us will be right there to jump in and help out." Eric smiled and then pushed the empty bowl to the center of the table. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blushes a bit and hides her face. "Did you have to say it like that?" She said while hiding her face in her hands partially.

Jenna sighs softly. "I know..." She said softly as she looks outside again, losing herself in her thoughts. Scarlet looks at her and sighs. "Have faith Jenna..."
Eric reached down under the table with his hand that was closest to Jenna and lightly gripped one of her own, he looked at her and gave a reassuring nod and smile. He just hoped that she'd get the impression that things would turn out to be okay, and even if they didn't, Eric would be there in sickness and in health to help out if she needed him to. He interlocked his fingers with her own and took a soft deep breath.


"Hey, you're the one who thought of it that way, not me." He chuckled softly under his breath and then hugged her with one arm, followed by leaning around and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. ".. I love you." He whispered gently. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric reached down under the table with his hand that was closest to Jenna and lightly gripped one of her own, he looked at her and gave a reassuring nod and smile. He just hoped that she'd get the impression that things would turn out to be okay, and even if they didn't, Eric would be there in sickness and in health to help out if she needed him to. He interlocked his fingers with her own and took a soft deep breath.

"Hey, you're the one who thought of it that way, not me." He chuckled softly under his breath and then hugged her with one arm, followed by leaning around and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. ".. I love you." He whispered gently. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna boushes a bit when she feels his hand take hers and lightly laces her fingers with his while giving his hand a light squeeze as she looks at him.

Scarlet left the table to go sit and talk with Carl, Caitlyn and Tom.


Hunter blushing a bit still as she leans against him and kisses him back lightky. "..I love you too." She whispered softly while smiling a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
(Caitlyn's on a separate table to them.)

Carl looked up at Scarlet and smiled. ".. Hi, Scarlet..." He muttered shyly as he shoved another chicken nugget into his mouth. He'd slowed down on his eating speed now, and he was just over half way through the meal that he had.


".. Trust me..." Eric looked her in the eyes. "Things will be fine, I promise... If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'll come and stay over at whatever house you take up tonight, just to make sure." He offered, giving a gentle smile thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles gently at him. "Hey Carl, good food?" She said while lacing her hands together while sitting back slightly while watching him.


Jenna bites her lip a bit while looking at him. "Promise...?" She said softly while holding his hand still under the table and against her thigh. (@DrTrollinski)
"It's really good! Do you wanna' try some?" He asked her with a smile as he gulped down the rest of his apple juice.


".. Promise." He smiled. ".. I'll sleep on the floor if I have to. Regardless, I'll be there, okay?" He said as he gently squeezed her hand and then looked at her up and down. He was glad that he could see her in the light. He was used to looking at everyone in the pitch black of night at this time of day, but thanks to the electricity they had here, that was no longer the case. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit. "I suppose so... Since you are offering." She said as she took a chicken nugget before biting it partially.


Jenna smiles a bit while holding his hand. "Hopefully you won't have to sleep on the floor... Who knows how dusty they might be. And I'm glad you will..." She said as she leaned back slightly and yawned a bit before resting her head on his shoulder tiredly. (@DrTrollinski)
".. See? It's good. Hopefully we can get more hot food like this, 'cause that'll be awesome." He grinned at her and then ate a few more fries and half of the last slice of bacon. He'd had enough. He slid the plate over to Tom and looked at him. ".. I'm full--.. you can have the rest, daddy..." He smiled at him. There were a few chicken nuggets left, half a handful of fries, a couple of spoonfuls of beans, and half a slice of bacon. It wasn't much, but it was definitely better than canned peaches. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Yeah, I'm hoping I won't have to either." He smiled. "If the bed in your room's big enough, hopefully you'll be alright with me crashing out there. After sleeping on a mattress on the floor for four months, I've been looking forward to sleeping in a good bed again." He chuckled a little and then looked around; when she leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder he decided that he'd take the chance. He lifted his arm and put it over her shoulders; he did it casually, and continued talking. ".. You tired?" He asked softly. (@Soul OMU)

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