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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"I don't know. I suppose it's the mental value behind it." He chucked and shrugged as he got up and walked over towards the door. "We should do this more often." He joked with a laugh. "I'll see you later in day, Jenna. Thanks for having me over, and all that - Let me know if you need anything." He said to her, he then went out of her room and downstairs to the kitchen where he found Scarlet. ".. Hey, Scarlet--.. Thanks for letting me stay over. I just promised Jenna, that's all." He said with a smile. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit as she closes her eyes and leans back, soaking in the warm water.


Scarlet looks at him. "Good morning Eric. And it's fine, Jenna talked to me about it to make sure it was alright... And I trust her... I also trust you because... You saved her life." She said while looking through the fridge and cupboards. (@DrTrollinski)
".. I wouldn't call it that... I just took initiative." He smiled and shrugged. "We sort of saved each other that night - I'm glad you trust me nonetheless." He said. ".. By the way, I'm sorry if I've been acting weird around you... I'm just--.. I get like that with new people." He said. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet nods a bit. "It's alright. Some people take some time to get use to. I think you actually avoided that with Jenna since you two were in the misted of a brutal fight."
"Yeah... We sort of just became friends straight after that." He chuckled. "I'm like that with some people. If I share an experience with someone, they're easier to trust, I guess." He reached up and gently rubbed the back of his head with a quaint smile. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit and looks outside. "I suppose that's true..." She said while sighing a bit. "Anyways see you Eric." She said while continuing to look through the fridge and cupboards.
".. Yeah, see you later, Scarlet..." He smiled and then walked out. He went outside and when he was half way to the house he felt his stomach ache and a pain shot through his body. Okay. That was bad. He ran into the house and instantly dashed upstairs - Carl looked at him from the kitchen and called for him but he was ignored. Eric ran into the bathroom and locked the door - thank god. A locked door, no stalls, good toilet paper, and hopefully some privacy until someone came knocking. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Tom heard the commotion and assume it was Eric being sick again. He sighed, they'd have to go to the local store, see if they had anything to help the poor kid out. Tom finished his yogurt and threw it away. He walked around the house and looked at all the rooms. It was all different durng the day. He found a bookshelf filled with various DVDs, "Holy shit."
Eric was pretty bad. He sighed once he was done and then cleaned up and flushed the toilet. He didn't know what was going on, but he felt considerably better to how he was feeling last night. He scrubbed his hands with some hot water and then threw some water on his face as well; he left the bathroom and went downstairs and saw Carl sitting at the table finishing off some yogurt, and also saw Tom in the living room looking at something on a bookshelf in there - there was a big flatscreen TV - it wasn't any movie theater, but it was something. The room was nice with leather couches and both blinds and curtains covering the bay windows of the house. It was a nice room, nonetheless, and sort of took him back home. He went over and collapsed onto the couch with a sigh. ".. Good morning, dad..." Eric murmured. The couch was comfy, far better than the chairs they had at the pizza parlor. (@DrCompton)
"Morning bud. You alright?" He looks at Eric. He sits down on the other couch and sat down. "Oh man, these are awesome. Carl and I were going to the park a little later. Think Jenna and Scarlet would wnat to come? And how was last night? Make any memories?" Tom laughed a little.
"Eh... I'll live, my stomach's still a bit off, but it's not as bad as yesterday, no way." He said with a soft sigh. He smiled. ".. Yeah, I'm sure they'd go to the park with you - I might tag along if I feel up to it." He said, he looked out of the window and then lied down on the couch as Tom spoke; he laughed at his second question. ".. Heh, no, dad... We didn't get up to anything. The most exciting thing I did last night was take a shower in her bathroom." He paused for a moment. ".. And no, that wasn't a euphemism." He joked before laughing a little. "It was a little awkward this morning, though. When we woke up, I was pretty much lying on top of her - don't ask how." He sighed in shyness and shrugged. (@DryPunishment - You here, bro?) 
(@october_rain - If you can give some opening RP with one of my characters (Chef or Alex, preferably). I'll carry things on from there - It'd be a little strange if Alex came running down the road in his underwear to your house, to be honest :P )
(Sorry, at school and without my Ipod.)

Connor had little sleep as well. The men that had followed him and died for it had haunted him firthe rest of the night. Not to mention the occasional panicked rush to places that were startig to buckle under the onslaught. "What did you call us in here for." he said tiredly after flopping down onto one of the old armchairs.
"I called you in here last night to make sure that we were safe. If I had lost either of you, I don't know how much more worse off we'd be..." Dominic muttered. He set Daniel down on the couch so that he could lie down and then covered him over with a blanket. He sighed a little and flicked some hair from his face with his index finger. ".. Kendrick, can you go and check on everyone?" He asked, Kendrick jolted out of his sleep and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah." He stuttered, followed by dashing out of the room and outside. Dominic looked at Conner and took a deep breath. ".. I don't get where it all went wrong, I just--.. Jesus Christ... People are scared, Conner. Like. Really scared - and sometimes, scared people are dangerous. What if they try and blame this on us?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"I'll take the blame. They were my traps they got past, not yours." he said tiredly, rubbing his eyes and trying his best to stay awake. "The only plus about this night will be that I should be able to find out where the majority of those things came from. s o b's are going to have a rougher time tomorrow."

"It's not your fault... These things are smarter than we realized, evidently." He murmured as he scratched the stubble on his chin. Soon enough Kendrick charged back in through the door, looking rather panicked.

"You need to get out here." He said in a quiet yell. Dominic looked at Conner and nodded before picking Daniel up in his arms.

".. Conner, go see what's going on. I'll be with you in a second." He said before wandering off down a hallway and into Daniel's room where he set him down in bed and covered him over. (@october_rain - You here?)
When Adelaide woke up it was nearly ten thirty, much later than she had been able to sleep on any other day in the past few months. With a smile she rolled over and threw her arm over the side of the bed. After a minute of searching she felt the rough fabric of her backpack. She pulled it up onto the bed and took out a shirt and a pair of pants. Adelaide changed quickly into the jeans and t-shirt, before making her way to the kitchen, careful to avoid stepping on any of the clutter. She opened the fridge door. A rancid smell of rotting produce and meats, and spoiled dairies filled the kitchen. "Oh god!" Adelaide exclaimed and slammed the fridge door shut. That would most definitely have to be dealt with later. With a shake of her head she pulled on her boots and made her way to the diner. Adelaide walked to the kitchen and peeked her head through the door. "Chef? You here?" (@DrTrollinski )
"I'm always here, my dear." He called back to her as he turned away from the sink and near enough slid over towards her. "Good morning. May I offer you some breakfast?" He asked her with a gentle smile - he was still wearing his apron and his hat. This guy looked healthy enough, but judging by the fact that he never left the kitchen, people could just assume that he never slept. He most likely had a room above the diner, though. (@october_rain) 
(I'll add onto that, Beowulf)

When Conner and Kendrick arrived downstairs, they saw two cars speed out of the town, with a few others beginning to follow behind them. It was mostly the families that were packing stuff into the cars and getting ready to leave. It looked as if last night's events were far too much for any of them to cope with - a lot of the people there had young children, so being scared for them just came natural. (@Beowulf)
Adelaide smiled thankfully. "Please. If you don't mind." Her stomach growled in agreement. With so much on her mind the night before, she did not eat with the others. It didn't seem so bad at the time, but she was definitely feeling her choice now. Adelaide still wasn't completely sure about the chef and the farmer, who has yet to make an appearance, but figured that the Chef couldn't be dangerous. After all, nobody was poisoned the night before so she felt almost safe. "How was your night?" She asked the man while leaning back against the counter. (@DrTrollinski )
"I'm going." he said and got up, exagerating how much effort it took. Walking outside, he goes and has a look at what was so exciting. Upon seeing that it was people leaving, he couldn't exactly blame them for doing so. But either way, it hurt him.

He grabbed a cut of pork from one of the industrial fridges and then put it into a grinder to mince it up. "My night was just fine, as usual. It gets very quiet in this town at night, as you've probably noticed, but that's something you get used to after a while." He smiled gently and began molding the minced meat into sausages with his hands once he was done mincing it up. While he was in the middle of all this he got some eggs from the fridge, some tomatoes, and a few slices of raw bacon. He prepped a few frying pans and then looked at her - there was a coffee machine outside of the door, but also one inside the kitchen. "Please, help yourself to some coffee, if you so desire. The farmer seems to have quite a large stash of it, but I've never known where he got it all. He's quite a mysterious person." He smiled and nodded at it. (@october_rain) 

DrTrollinski said:
When Conner and Kendrick arrived downstairs, they saw two cars speed out of the town, with a few others beginning to follow behind them. It was mostly the families that were packing stuff into the cars and getting ready to leave. It looked as if last night's events were far too much for any of them to cope with - a lot of the people there had young children, so being scared for them just came natural. (@Beowulf)

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