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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"You and Jenna do have a room at our house. Heck you've got two to choose from." Tom laughed anlittle, "but I do need to go shopping today, at least but some cleaning supplies."
DrTrollinski said:
"Good. If your house is dirty you can come and nap in my house, and you can nap on my bed if you want." He continued to swing from Scarlet and Tom's arms, but still looked at her and smiled warmly. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton

"Sure." He took the gun and unloaded it before placing it back down on the barricade. He smiled at her and then took a deep breath. "Good work, honey... You want to go and get some breakfast?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


(@DryPunishment - Everything alright? Also, Caitlyn's in the restaurant and Chef gave her breakfast if you're free to RP)
Scarlet smiles a bit while holding his hand and swinging him. "My house is fine Carl but thank for the offer, maybe I'll take it later." She said while swinging him.

Hunter smiles a bit and kisses his cheek. "Sure thing, let's go."
Alex took hold of Hunter's hand and then began walking her to the diner. Once they got inside they were met with a beautiful smell of fried food; he walked up and asked for two plates of breakfast from Chef and then walked Hunter over to sit at the table with him and Caitlyn - within a few more minutes, Chef brought out two plates of cooked skinless sausages, eggs, bacon, and tomatoes and placed them down in front of them both. (@Soul OMU)


"Okay. If you come to my house you can tell me bedtime stories 'cause daddy says he ain't good at tellin' stories." He said with a smile and shrug. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Yeah. It was kinda' awkward this morning - I didn't do that deliberately." He chuckled a little and continued walking alongside her. "Oh well, it happens, right?" He chuckled again. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Alex took hold of Hunter's hand and then began walking her to the diner. Once they got inside they were met with a beautiful smell of fried food; he walked up and asked for two plates of breakfast from Chef and then walked Hunter over to sit at the table with him and Caitlyn - within a few more minutes, Chef brought out two plates of cooked skinless sausages, eggs, bacon, and tomatoes and placed them down in front of them both. (@Soul OMU)

"Okay. If you come to my house you can tell me bedtime stories 'cause daddy says he ain't good at tellin' stories." He said with a smile and shrug. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Yeah. It was kinda' awkward this morning - I didn't do that deliberately." He chuckled a little and continued walking alongside her. "Oh well, it happens, right?" He chuckled again. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit as she holds his hand and walks with him to the dinner and follows him over to a table to sit at while thinking slightly before looking at the Chef and thanking him quietly.


Scarlet laughs softly and smiles a bit. "Alright, good to know." she said while swinging him high with Tom.


Jenna laughs softly and smiles a bit. "Of course it happens. I'm sure it's happened before and will probably happen again at some point." she said softly while walking with him.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton

DrTrollinski said:
(Welcome back. The posts that are awaiting your attention can be seen on the previous page :) )
(I know darling, I gotcha.)
".. Get that food down you. You didn't eat at all last night when we were here." He smiled at Hunter and tucked into his own breakfast. (@Soul OMU)


Eric and Jenna were a little more separated from the others, but they were still close nonetheless - at Jenna's statement he tried to resist the urge to make a joke. If it was one of his guy friends, he'd make some bad sexual pun about 'being on top of someone', but that wasn't going to look very attractive at all, was it? No, no. He was looking to impress her, and he certainly wouldn't do it that way.

"If you want, we could walk around town together in a while, see if there's anything interesting." He offered, smiling at her. (@Soul OMU)
Tom saw the park, "good, I'm not crazy." It was a smaller, wooden park, but it was very nice a surprisingly clean. "I had a park like this back home, that was where I lost my--" Tom stopped himself and looked at Carl and blushed, "key... Yeah my keys."
Carl looked at him. He could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't telling the truth, and Eric knew what he was talking about right away. Regardless, Carl hugged his leg for a moment and then looked off at the park. His face lit up with a smile. It was one of those good old classical parks - a little tiny building in the corner that was the Men and Women's restrooms, and on either edge of the park there was a wooden bench where the parents would presumably sit. ".. Daddy, can you push me on the swing?" He asked with a grin as he looked up at him. (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Get that food down you. You didn't eat at all last night when we were here." He smiled at Hunter and tucked into his own breakfast. (@Soul OMU)

Eric and Jenna were a little more separated from the others, but they were still close nonetheless - at Jenna's statement he tried to resist the urge to make a joke. If it was one of his guy friends, he'd make some bad sexual pun about 'being on top of someone', but that wasn't going to look very attractive at all, was it? No, no. He was looking to impress her, and he certainly wouldn't do it that way.

"If you want, we could walk around town together in a while, see if there's anything interesting." He offered, smiling at her. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter bites her lip as she slowly starts to eat some food, looking down.


Jenna smiles a bit as she looks at him. "Sure thing. Sounds great." she said while walking with him, walking with her hands laced behind her back, humming slightly.


Scarlet goes and sits down on a bench as she looks around at the park, heard what he said and knows what he meant but doesn't say a word about it. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. You okay, Hunter...?" Alex asked as he shoved some of one of his eggs into his mouth and chewed it. God, this was delicious. (@Soul OMU)


"Cool.." He smiled and then looked around. It was a nice day - the sun was beating down and he felt so safe and warm. The only thing they needed now was ice cream, lots and lots of ice cream. "We could check and see if there's a music store anywhere. See if we can find some guitars and harmonicas." He chuckled softly. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blinks and looks up at him. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she asked while taking another bite slowly.


Jenna smiles a bit as she walks with him and laughs softly. "Maybe we will, but Harmonicas are hard to come by while Guitars... Not so much.. Anyways let's go!" she said as she headed off with him into town. (@DrTrollinski)
"You just look a little... on-edge, that's all." Alex shrugged at her and continued eating. He noticed how slow she was eating and sighed through a smile. ".. There's nothing wrong with the food. You know that, right?" He said with a gentle chuckle. (@Soul OMU)


"Eh..." He walked alongside her. "They're not really hard to come by, it's just that a lot of them are expensive, and a lot of people don't like paying a lot of money for a bar of metal, you know what I mean?" He laughed softly as he scanned the streets of the quiet little country town. "You know... I bet that one day, we could have this place really lift off the ground, don't you think?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter blinks and puts her fork down. "I know that. And I'm not on edge!" she huffed while crossing her arms and turning away slightly.


Jenna shrugs slightly while walking alongside him. "Well where I was they were... And maybe, I dunno.." she said while looking around at the town slowly, observing everything the way it is and trying to picture the future. (@DrTrollinski)
"Awww... Hunter, don't be like that... I wasn't trying to offend, I'm just worried, that's all..." He sighed and looked down at his food, seeming slightly offended by how she had reacted to his concern. (@Soul OMU)


"It'd be cool. We could have my dad working in the hospital, and I think Alex and Scarlet would make a good team at the gun store, seeing as Scarlet's military and Alex used to go to the shooting range with my dad all the time... Me and you could work the music store, we'd have Chef there for the diner, and... Hell, I don't know. We'd need police officers and firemen, but that's only if we make it big." He grinned and continued walking onward. The streets in this area were dead, as if no one had ever set foot on them - there wasn't even a stain from where birds had been flying overhead and 'dropped bombs' on the sidewalk - there was no chewing gum stuck to the paving, and there was no mess left behind from stray animals. It was incredible. The music store was in sight now. A quaint little place with wide windows on either side of the door - signs on the windows said things like 'Guitars, Violins, and Pianos' or 'Guitar tuning and re-stringing here!'. (@Soul OMU) 

DrTrollinski said:
Carl looked at him. He could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't telling the truth, and Eric knew what he was talking about right away. Regardless, Carl hugged his leg for a moment and then looked off at the park. His face lit up with a smile. It was one of those good old classical parks - a little tiny building in the corner that was the Men and Women's restrooms, and on either edge of the park there was a wooden bench where the parents would presumably sit. ".. Daddy, can you push me on the swing?" He asked with a grin as he looked up at him. (@DrCompton)
Hunter sighs and puts her hand on his. "I-im sorry for snapping... It's just... I'm fine... I just have trust issues about new people and especially moving to a new place..." She said softly while running a hand through her hair.


Jenna smiles a bit and laughs softly. "You really have thought about this quite a bit didn't you?" She said while walking up to the music store to look around.
".. It's fine..." He gave a half smile and set a hand down on her own, gently squeezing it. ".. We'll get on just fine here, I promise.. Just let me know if you have any problems and I'll see what I can do, okay? Don't bottle it up. Talk to me." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


He tried the door but it was locked. ".. Hm... Okay. We'll have to find another way in." He said with a shrug; he grabbed her shoulder and tugged her gently towards the alleyway beside it. "We'll look for another way in." He released her arm and ran forward into it, looking around. ".. Time to bring out the inner runner." He chuckled and ran forward to jump up onto a dumpster against the building beside the music store; he scrambled up onto the roof of the said building from the dumpster and then lied down on top of it, peering down at Jenna. Most of the buildings on this street only had ground-levels, so this was easy enough. He reached down with an open hand. "I'll help you up - we should be able to get in through the roof." He said. (@Soul OMU) 

DrTrollinski said:
".. We went to Washington on a road trip. We traveled right across the country to get there - we stayed in a pretty cool hotel. We went camping a bunch of times, too." Daniel proclaimed with a smile. Kendrick nodded and carried on driving.
"When I was your age we could never afford to go anywhere - I never had a family of my own, either, so I never went to many exciting places. I don't recall ever leaving Wisconsin." Kendrick said with a slightly disappointed chuckle. "I guess this'll be my first time. I'm kinda' glad it's with you guys." He said, shrugging. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
".. It's fine..." He gave a half smile and set a hand down on her own, gently squeezing it. ".. We'll get on just fine here, I promise.. Just let me know if you have any problems and I'll see what I can do, okay? Don't bottle it up. Talk to me." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)

He tried the door but it was locked. ".. Hm... Okay. We'll have to find another way in." He said with a shrug; he grabbed her shoulder and tugged her gently towards the alleyway beside it. "We'll look for another way in." He released her arm and ran forward into it, looking around. ".. Time to bring out the inner runner." He chuckled and ran forward to jump up onto a dumpster against the building beside the music store; he scrambled up onto the roof of the said building from the dumpster and then lied down on top of it, peering down at Jenna. Most of the buildings on this street only had ground-levels, so this was easy enough. He reached down with an open hand. "I'll help you up - we should be able to get in through the roof." He said. (@Soul OMU) 
Hunter holding his hand and squeezes his hand back gently while rubbing her thumb over his knuckles. "I will..." she said softly while looking at him. "I promise..." she said softly while pecking his cheek.


Jenna smiles a bit as she starts racing over and jumping up while grabbing his hand and pulls herself up a bit but needs him to help her pull her up the rest of the way as she helps him by moving her feet against the wall. (@DrTrollinski)
Eric groaned as he pulled her up, but due to his strength it wasn't that much of a struggle to do so. He helped her up and then stood up to look over at the roof of the music store. "There. Easy." He smiled at her and then took a few steps back before running forward and hopping onto the roof - he landed smoothly and then spun around to look at Jenna, holding both his hands out. ".. A short jump, but I'm here just in case." He said to her. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric groaned as he pulled her up, but due to his strength it wasn't that much of a struggle to do so. He helped her up and then stood up to look over at the roof of the music store. "There. Easy." He smiled at her and then took a few steps back before running forward and hopping onto the roof - he landed smoothly and then spun around to look at Jenna, holding both his hands out. ".. A short jump, but I'm here just in case." He said to her. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit as she gets up slowly before stretching a bit and looking over at him. "Oh my how kind of you." She said and grinned before running forward and leaping over with ease before coming to a stop in front of him, quite close to him actually. (@DrTrollinski)
He took hold of her hands in worry anyway, but then nodded and smiled at her before slowly releasing them. ".. Nice." He complimented, then he walked over to one of the skylight windows and tried it - it opened up with ease. "Heh, I don't see the point in locking the doors if you're going to leave these unlocked, but whatever." He said; he lowered himself down into the window and then swung off of the frame of the roof - he dropped down with a thud onto the floor, but then stood up straight after bending his legs and placing his hand on the ground on impact. He looked up and took one step back. "I'll be waiting, Jenna! If you fall, I'll catch you, okay?!" He yelled up to her with a chuckle. (@Soul OMU)

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