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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Jenna smiles a bit while watching him. "You keep assuming im afraid of heights or something." She said as she looked down at him before jumping down, keeping an eye on her surrounds as she lands nearby him.
"Well, you can never be too careful. Last thing you need now is a broken leg, isn't it?" He said with a chuckle as he looked around the store. "This place is pretty neat." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
"You know how to play piano at all?" He asked softly. "I only know the notes. Never really played." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Tom nodded and looked toward Scarlet for a moment before heading to the swings with Carl. "Jump in bud." Once Carl was situated Tom gave him a gentle push with his one good arm. "Tuck you legs in when you come back then kick them out!"
"Oh, very fancy. Let's see how well you play. If I can find a music sheet book around here, I'll give it a go myself, as well." He grinned at her and leaned back against the counter. (@Soul OMU


"Okay!" He did as he said and tucked his legs in as he swung back, and then kicked them back out as he went forward. He laughed a little as he began to gain momentum. This was awesome. A day at the park with a nice family - this is all he could have asked for in such a broken world. Things finally seemed normal again. "Are you gonna' stay in the park with me?!" He asked him as he gently swung back and forth. (@DrCompton)
"No Carl, I was planning on leaving you alone, duh." Tom laughed a little to let the boy know he was joking. He continued to push Carl. " I can't do much so I might just let you play and watch you, okay pal "
He giggled when he realized it was a joke. At first he was a little worried, would you believe it. ".. Okay... That's fine. It'd be nice if there were other kids to play with, but I'll wait for Caitlyn." He looked over his shoulder and smiled at him before swinging himself back and forth once again. It was a nice day, and he could have done with some sunscreen, but he'd most likely be fine. (@DrCompton - My notifications are random for you, for some reason. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Tag me, please :) )


They neared the town of Argonne and they stopped on the hill that would have eventually lead into the town. They had an overall of the whole place, and the rumors were true. This place was untouched entirely. The man of the family didn't know what to think - it was incredible. He could see people walking around, and could also faintly see people sitting in a diner and eating together - they saw a park in the center of the town, and in that park they could see a man and a woman there, and what the man assumed to be a little boy playing on the swing. What in the world was going on? He was mind-blown, and they all looked friendly enough, so he decided to drive the car into the town hopefully without being noticed by anyone. He didn't want to get shot at yet. Did they finally find the safe haven they'd all been looking for? (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
He giggled when he realized it was a joke. At first he was a little worried, would you believe it. ".. Okay... That's fine. It'd be nice if there were other kids to play with, but I'll wait for Caitlyn." He looked over his shoulder and smiled at him before swinging himself back and forth once again. It was a nice day, and he could have done with some sunscreen, but he'd most likely be fine. (@Soul OMU

"Okay!" He did as he said and tucked his legs in as he swung back, and then kicked them back out as he went forward. He laughed a little as he began to gain momentum. This was awesome. A day at the park with a nice family - this is all he could have asked for in such a broken world. Things finally seemed normal again. "Are you gonna' stay in the park with me?!" He asked him as he gently swung back and forth. (@DrCompton)
Jenna smiles a bit as she starts to play, running her fingers over the keys softly and beautifully, humming softly as she plays.



Scarlet sitting on the bench watching Tom and Carl, waves a little to them before noticing the car and narrowing her eyes since she doesn't recognize it. "Hey Tom... We got company..." (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Very nice." Eric clapped a couple of times and then walked over and picked up some sheet music. "Alright, give me a shot at this. It's easy enough if you know the keys, you just need to be able to do it at the right speed." He said while flicking through the pages of the book. (@Soul OMU)
He sits down at the piano and then places the book down in the stand before clicking his fingers and taking a deep breath.


(@Soul OMU)


The man drove down to the park when he saw that there were people there, and when he got close he saw that they didn't seem hostile. Carl saw the car and instantly hopped up with a gasp before jumping off the swing and then sprinting to hide behind Tom; he hid behind him and hugged his legs while peeking around the side of them.

The car pulled up and the man slowly stepped out with his hands up in the air.

".. Hey! I--.. I'm friendly!" He called out to them. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Tom pulled his pistol out and kept it down, but was ready, "Who are you?" Tom keeps Carl behind him and watches the man carefully, looking into the van for anyone else. "Keep your hands in the air, and don't make any sudden moves or they'll be your last mister, you understand me?" Tom looked back at the man and stared at him. "God damn it, why is Carl here."
Jenna smiles a bit while listening, leaning nearby and closes her eyes a bit while listening to the music.


Scarlet narrows her eyes as she stands near Carl and Tom, has two pistols in her boots, watching him carefully. "It's hard to trust people these days you get me partner...?" she said while watching him closely. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. Whoa, whoa..." He held his hands higher. ".. My--.. My names Douglas... Douglas Wright... I've... I've got my family with me. My wife, my son, and my daughter..." He took a shaky deep breath and then looked at Carl for a moment. ".. I'm--.. I'm guessin' that you're a father yourself... I--.. Our last settlement got ruined, some--.. Some creatures tore the place to pieces." He looked saddened. ".. We've got enough food for a couple of days--.. We've barely got anything left, buddy... If we aren't welcome here, we'll leave, but--.. I'd appreciate the hospitality if you can offer it, I... If not for me, just for my kids. We've been through a lot." He gulped, his hands were shaking and his eyes were wide. (@Soul OMU)
"Have them all come out, slowly. If I see anyone else you didn't tell me about, Im killing them. Understand? So one more time, you, your wife, your son, and you daugher, thats it?" Tom watched the man carefully. He trusted Scarlet would have his back, but he was still worried about Carl. He was ready to kill the man if he made a wrong move.
"That's all of them, yeah... I'm a man of my word, sir... I promise..." He said as he slowly turned around and kept his hands raised. He slowly lowered one hand and opened up the driver's side door and leaned in halfway. He was heard talking to the passengers, but nothing was audible. Slowly, his wife stepped out and walked over to stand beside him, nervously peering off at the three people in the park. After that, the two children climbed out and quickly rushed to their father to hide behind him. They didn't look all that much older than Carl, at most a couple of years, if that. ".. This is everyone. I promise." He choked as he put his hands on his kids' shoulders and held them close.

Carl seemed scared and clung tightly to Tom, but he was intrigued by the sight of other children. It had been so long since he'd seen any other than Caitlyn. (@Soul OMU)
".. Most I've ever needed is my forty-four... The colony we were part of had good protection until last night..." He sighed and slowly reached behind his back. ".. I'll place it on the ground, nice and slow, okay...?" He said, keeping his eyes locked onto Tom's and Scarlet's as he slowly pulled the gun out by the barrel. He gradually unloaded the chamber and dropped all of the bullets into his pocket. He then lightly threw the gun towards them and stood back up. ".. I took the bullets out... we mean you no harm." He said softly. The little girl stood behind him began sobbing as she buried her face into his back. They couldn't hear her, but based on her how her body jumped every couple of seconds it was pretty obvious. (@Soul OMU)
Tom shook his head. "Doug Right?" Tom shift a little and relaxed then looked at Scarlet, "Come on." Tom put the gun away, "Two kids a wife? He ain't lyin'. Come on over.." Tom put his arm behind Carl, "This is my son, Carl... He's 5. Im Tom." Tom watched them carefully. He recognized the look Doug had, the way the kids stayed behind him. He was father, just like Tom was, and he was looking out for his own, which Tom respected. @Soul OMU @DrTrollinski
".. Yeah, that's the name..." He said, he was about to step forward when he noticed that his daughter was crying. ".. One sec, buddy..." He said softly. He turned around and crouched down in front of her. ".. Don't be upset, sweetheart--.. It's okay now. They were just doin' some checks, okay?" He smiled at her and gently wiped some tears from her cheeks before standing up and slowly walking over to him; he shook Tom's hand, the Scarlet's, and then shook Carl's as well. "Nice to meet the three of you... You know me... This is my son, Chris... He recently turned seven." He said as he patted the blonde-haired boy on the head. ".. This is my daughter, Ashley. She recently turned seven as well - they're twins." He gave a gentle smile and then looked at the blonde-haired woman that stood behind him; he pulled her to his side with the kids and then smiled for a moment. ".. And this is my wife, Debora." He added. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Tom looks at Scarlet for a moment and frowns, "Red, come on, introduce yourself." He looks at the kids, "You mind letting them all go play while we talk Doug? The playground is clear... the whole town is, electricity, running water, HOT water. Im not sure why its all like this, we just got here yesterday ourselves. Thereare only two people who didn't come in our group, a farmer and a chef. I dont now their names."

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