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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Hunter rolls her eyes playfully as she kisses him back. "Riiiight... I don't see it." she said with an amused look while watching him. (@DrTrollinski)


Jenna smiles a bit as she puts her broom away. "It does look nicer and yeah I suppose we do." she said in amusement while looking at him and walking around before going over to where he's sitted. (@DrTrollinski
(brb, gotta go cut the grass.)
"She's only going to be 5? She is a big 4 year old... We are gonna have to get a party together. Let's get going, we can go find everyone will quick."
"Well. Once we're a thriving community, unless we've got a teacher here by then, you're first on the list for Kindergartners." He chuckled softly and hugged her, before leaning in and whispering into her ear. ".. If not, you'll be the teaching assistant." He chuckled. (@Soul OMU)


".. It's nice to have a place that's all away from everything else. Somewhere quiet, you know?" He said before taking a deep breath. ".. Carl showed me my room when I got to the house this morning. Christ, it's pretty awesome. I've got a double bed to myself like you do." He laughed a little and then looked at her. "You could come around and take a look at it for yourself later on, if you wanted to. The room, I mean." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


Carl held Tom's hand and walked with him. He knew for a fact that Alex and Hunter weren't going to be in bed any more, so he assumed that they were off getting breakfast at the diner. Doug and his family trailed beside them - he was holding the hands of both of his kids while walking along - they were all jaw-dropped by how good this town was so far, and when they saw people in the diner with empty plates in front of them, they only began to imagine what it was going to be like here. They could smell bacon and eggs. Fresh bacon and eggs. This was amazing, and Doug's stomach growled at the thought of a hot breakfast.

".. This place is amazing, guys..." Doug said in awe while he looked around. (@DrCompton, @Soul OMU)
Hunter smiles a bit in amusement as she kisses his cheek and slides out of her seat. "Maybe, but who knows. Maybe I'll figure out what I want to do.." She said while looking outside.


Jenna smiles a bit and laces her fingers behind her back as she stops in front of him. "Maybe I will. Who knows." She said while looking up at him.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
(Yeah, they are @DryPunishment, @Soul OMU


Eric's stomach grumbled a little. "You want to go get some breakfast? I've got a key to this place now. Found it behind the counter." He smiled. "I haven't eaten yet, so it'd be good if we could." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Tom walked in with the other family. "Hey, Alex... These people just rolled into town. I think they're safe, Red and I checked them over."
Alex looked away from Hunter and Caitlyn and then looked at Tom, and then at the new family that had arrived. He greeted them with a gentle smile, and Doug instantly felt more comfortable. He looked at Alex and pondered to himself about how someone so young had the ability to dictate a group in a town like this. For some reason he thought it'd be more fitting if Alex had a beard, but that could wait.

"Good morning." Alex said, Doug nodded at him and held out a hand.

".. Hi, Alex, right...? I'm Doug. This is my family--.. We just arrived here and--.. before I ask anything else, are you in charge here?" He asked, Alex chuckled warmly and then looked over towards the kitchen.

"I guess we can call it that." He laughed and walked over to the breakfast bar. "Hey, Chef! Four breakfasts, pal!" He called out; Chef called back in confirmation and then went straight to cooking; the family were amazed, but didn't comment on it. ".. I see you've met our father and my younger brother Carl, and you've met Scarlet, I assume." He smiled and then motioned his hand off to a table at the back. "Please. Go and sit down and I'll come over in just a sec - You look like you've had a rough ride, so take it easy for a minute." He said, Doug hesitantly nodded but then walked his family over to one of the back tables where they all sat down. Alex went up to Tom and spoke quietly to him. ".. Tom--.. Anything else I should know about these guys?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
"Doug is a mechanic by trade, dabbled a little as an electrician. He'll be useful, and he just wants what's best for his family... They seem like good people, I feel good about them. I already told them id have no problem killing him or his wife."
"It was very good. Just like before."

After a while some strangers went inside.

She waved and greeted them. Caitlyn also noticed the conversation Tom and Alex were having.

"Are they dangerous?"

She whispered and tugged on Tom's shirt.

@DrTrollinski @DrCompton
Alex frowned. ".. I... see..." He cleared his throat and nodded at him. ".. Okay, well... I'll go and talk to them a little more. I want to find out what they did during all of this shit as well." He said softly before patting Tom on the shoulder and turning around; he walked to the back table and then pulled a chair over to sit beside the booth they were in. He looked over everyone and put on the best friendly smile that he could manage. ".. Right. I've met Doug, why don't you introduce me to everyone else?" He said, Doug nodded.

"Of course... This is my wife, Debora, and these are our two children, Chris and Ashley." He smiled, Alex nodded and shook the hands of all of them. The kids were shy, but they did it anyway.

"Okay... How did you find us, exactly? We're quite far out." He said.

".. Yeah, I know... We knew that there were people here because of a note that, I assume someone in your group left at a mall in Wisconsin... in our old colony, someone went up your way and said they saw some people there, so I guess that was you guys." He said, Alex nodded. ".. The note was to a teacher, I think... My someone named Eric?" He asked, Alex nodded once again with a gentle frown.

"Eric's another one of my younger brothers. He's fourteen."

"Right... but... we read it and it said that there was power and gas here, at first we thought it was too good to be true, but we had nowhere else to go... We got here and met your father, and here we are now." He explained, Alex smiled once again and nodded at him.

".. What did you do during all of this? I mean, before and during your time with the colony, what happened? And what colony?" Alex questioned, Doug held his wife's hand and looked at Alex.

"We traveled a lot before we met our group... First place we went to was Wellington, in Ohio... We didn't like that place, and they wouldn't let us in because we had kids." He said, Alex frowned. That was very unusual indeed. The kids looked saddened at the talk of it, but brightened up a little bit when they saw Alex smiling at them.

".. That's insane... People can be strange in situations like this."

"Yeah. Then we found some people at Minocqua... We were there for the past few months, but last night the place got torn to pieces by some creatures... I don't know what the hell they were, but they were like dogs, had some huge teeth, black eyes, claws, and they didn't even look like they had skin." He explained. Alex shivered, he'd seen these before as well. It was a gruesome thought, but there was nothing they could do about it.

".. We've seen them as well. Back at the mall we lost a good friend of ours to one of those things, almost killed my brother and his friend as well." He sighed, Doug just nodded slightly at him, unsure of what to say from there on. Soon enough Chef came zipping out of the kitchen door with four plates of sausages, bacon, eggs, and beans; when they were put down in front of the family they were jaw-dropped. Doug looked up to Alex for approval to start tucking in and Alex nodded. They all tore into the breakfast with knives and forks, and Alex just watched them - it made him feel so much better about life to make people feel this happy. (@Soul OMU)
Tom watched Alex talk, then looked at Caitlyn, "no sweetheart." Tom smiled, "Alex and I would never let anyone dangerous come up to you or Carl... They have a couple of kids close to your age so you four can all hang gout and play together." Tom then looked at big children , "stay here and eat breakfast I'll be back." Tom left quickly and walked back to the park, toward the family's car to look for any other stuff.
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Carl had already had yogurt, but he was still hungry so he went into the kitchen and asked Chef for a plate of food; Chef gave him what he asked for and he rushed back to a table to sit down and tuck in. Yummy. Bacon, sausages, and eggs - some of his favorite foods all thrown onto one plate. Incredible. He was going to do as Tom asked and wait for him right there.


Upon arriving at the car and checking inside, Tom didn't find anything else of interest - the only thing this family had was their 'few days of supplies' which turned out to only be three cans of beans and one large bottle of water. Clearly this family didn't intend to be eating much, but that certainly couldn't feed a family of four for more than two days. They had a suitcase in the back which had their clothes and some of the kids' toys in there, but there was nothing else. (@DrCompton)


The family tore through their food faster than fast. They were done within minutes, and Doug looked so relaxed now. He looked up at Alex and smiled.

".. I don't know what to say, Alex..."

"You don't have to say anything... Seeing as Tom trusts you, I'll trust you, and as you're a family, I highly doubt that anything you've said is a lie. We have plenty of houses free here, so in a while I'll have someone show you where one is. You can be on the same street as all of us, just for the safety of things... We've got quite a few four-bedroom houses, and three-bedroom ones. You can have whichever's best for you." He smiled at him and Doug smiled back, but he looked quite saddened. It was the happy kind of sad, though.

".. It's hard to believe we're going to be in a house again. A real house with real house features... It's just--.. It's amazing..." Doug put one arm around his son and pulled him close to his side.

"I know. We thought the same thing yesterday when we got here... Trust me... you'll all be happy here. You can start living again now that you're here, and when we get the chance I want to put up a wall around the outer perimeter, just in case. There's none of the undead for miles, but you can never be too careful." He explained, Doug nodded in agreement.
Jenna smiles a bit. "Sure, food sounds great right about now." She said as she headed to the door and opened it before stepping out.


Scarlet sits down in a booth on her own while thinking, lacing her hands in front of her face.

Hunter glances at her and goes over to her. "You alright?" Scarlet blinks and looks at her. "Huh? Yeah.."
Eric smiled and walked out with her and then locked the store up once he walked out. He walked alongside her to head to the diner, but he walked at a casual speed. He was in no rush. ".. What you going to ask for? I'd like to ask for pancakes, but I suppose we'll take whatever's going." He shrugged and smiled. (@Soul OMU)


Carl saw Scarlet sitting alone. He was also alone and eating his breakfast, so he figured he'd get up and go and join her. He walked over to her carrying his plate of food and sat down opposite her - he ate a bit of one of his eggs but then smiled at her. ".. Hi, Scarlet..." He muttered in a somewhat shy manner. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit and thinks while they walk. "I don't know what I want to be honest..." She said while walking with him and looks at him. "I guess I'll have whatever you get."


Scarlet smiles a bit. "Hey Sugar, what's up buttercup?" She said while looking at him and ruffling his hair a bit.
Eric saw the new family that had arrived and cleared his throat. He wasn't going to acknowledge them just yet. He leaned forward onto the breakfast bar and then looked at Chef. ".. Hey--.. Can we get two plates of whatever's going?" He asked, Chef simply smiled and nodded and the poured them two cups of coffee without even asking if they wanted that or not. Eric shrugged and took it anyway, just to be polite. Chef disappeared off into the kitchen and began cooking some more breakfasts. This guy was kind of strange. It was like he didn't even want a break from any of the cooking and cleaning that he did.

Eric walked over with Jenna to a booth at the front of the restaurant and sat down opposite her, taking a deep breath. ".. You see the new people?" He asked in a whisper. (@Soul OMU)


He grinned as she ruffled his hair. He closed his eyes but opened them again when she stopped. ".. Nothin'..." He said, smiling. ".. I just saw you sittin' alone so I came to sit with you." He said simply. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric saw the new family that had arrived and cleared his throat. He wasn't going to acknowledge them just yet. He leaned forward onto the breakfast bar and then looked at Chef. ".. Hey--.. Can we get two plates of whatever's going?" He asked, Chef simply smiled and nodded and the poured them two cups of coffee without even asking if they wanted that or not. Eric shrugged and took it anyway, just to be polite. Chef disappeared off into the kitchen and began cooking some more breakfasts. This guy was kind of strange. It was like he didn't even want a break from any of the cooking and cleaning that he did.
Eric walked over with Jenna to a booth at the front of the restaurant and sat down opposite her, taking a deep breath. ".. You see the new people?" He asked in a whisper. (@Soul OMU)


He grinned as she ruffled his hair. He closed his eyes but opened them again when she stopped. ".. Nothin'..." He said, smiling. ".. I just saw you sittin' alone so I came to sit with you." He said simply. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna nods as she sits across from him. "Of course I did." She said while whispering and sipping her coffee slowly despite her not liking coffee.


Scarlet smiles a bit. "Well that's mighty kind of you Sugar. But you don't have to sit with me if you don't want." She said while looking at him.
(Soul, how come you haven't got the little 'online' emblem in your avatar? That's going to be really confusing :/ )

".. Looks like a family... Hell--.. I bet they got a surprise when they arrived here, didn't they?" He smiled for a moment. Chef came out of the kitchen and gave Eric and Jenna plates of sausages, beans, bacon, and eggs. Eric thanked him and began eating. ".. I wonder if more people will show up." He said. (@Soul OMU)


"Nuh-uh... It's okay. I was sittin' by myself anyway, so I wanted to come and talk." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)
Tom came back into the diner and walked over and sat with Carl and Scarlet, stealing a piece of Carls bacon as he sat down
"Heeeeeeeey...." Carl said in a playful but accusing way as Tom took the bacon from his plate. He grinned at him and hugged him, but then went back to eating. ".. Are you gonna' get breakfast too, daddy?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
Tom schools his head, "I'm fine pal." He looked over at Scarlet and raised a brow, "You okay Scarlet?" Tom rustles Carls hair as he watched her

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