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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(Thanks. Let me know when you're back :) )

It was actually two hours more before they reached Minneapolis, but they got there in the end after doing a stop for fuel at a halfway point. The streets were crammed with the undead, so they needed to be quick if they were going to be checking any stores. Kendrick drove around them, through them, and over them when he needed to, and Daniel remained clung to Dominic in horror. He hadn't seen these hideous things for four months, so they were bound to scare him.

"Hell... We'll have to go to a more quiet part of town if we want to get into a surplus store." Kendrick stated as he swerved around the bodies that were shambling towards them. (@Beowulf)
"Cheezits and rice." Connor said, keeping it appropriate. He expected some walkers shambling around, but not this many. If they found any surplus store, they would probably have to be fast about getting what they needed.

"Hell. I'm takin' a detour." He said, he took a sharp turn off down one street and then sped right down it, knocking down walking bodies as he went on. He eventually came into a side of town where the consistency of the dead was a little lower than the other parts. His and Dominic's eyes scanned the streets as they drove through them, looking carefully for anything that said 'surplus'. A few minutes went on without them seeing anything of interest, and then suddenly, bam, there it was.

"There!" Dominic yelled as he pointed to the left side of the street. Kendrick swerved the car around and sped to the store where he parked up outside of it.

"We need to make a move right now. Let's get inside and close it off, hopefully we'll be left undisturbed if we do that." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Hurry then." he said and got out of the car. Jogging through the door, running more like it, he ushered the others through. "Kendrick, help me move this." he said once they were all in and grabbed one of the shelves.

"Hold on. We can't shoot while we're here or we'll just lure more in." He said. He ran over to the area where machetes and knives were kept and made sure that Dominic and Daniel came with him. He put a 15-inch machete in Daniel's hand alongside a holster for it. Ironically, this particular blade was called a Zombie Slasher. That's what it was branded as, at least, and on the side of it, 'Z-Slasher' was written. He handed another machete to Dominic with the holster - it was the Gator Gerber Machete. Then he grabbed one more for himself - a USA Ontario Machete. This was the biggest one there. He grabbed a few smaller ones and shoved them into his belt, and then ran over to help Conner. "A'ight. Move out." He said. (@Beowulf)
"We aren't gonna shoot, just going to keep these ones out." he said before moving the shelf, grunting a little in the process. Once done, he wasted no time and looked over what was there. Boots, perfect. Grabbing several pairs of those of various sizes, he moves on to some first aide kits. "Grab some warm clothes. It get's chilly in the mountains from what I remember from the T.V."

Dominic knew what to look for on that side of things. He ran over and grabbed several pairs of pro-fleece gloves, as well as several pairs of tactical gloves as well. A lot of the stuff on the shelves hadn't been emptied, surprisingly. This must have been one of the few stores that people died trying to get to. At most, a couple of people had been in here and taken what they needed.

Dominic tossed all of the gloves into a plastic bag that he got from behind the counter. He then went and got some camo fleece caps and camo fleece scarfs, just in case. ".. Daniel--.. We're going to need a bigger bag. Look behind the counter for one of the stronger bags, okay?"

"Okay!" He nipped off behind the counter and dug through everything there, eventually he found one of the large, high-strength stitched bags and ran back to Dominic to give it to him. Daniel then went off around the store and looked about for a minute - he found a kid-sized camo backpack and smiled as he picked it up and put it on, then he looked around for anything else of use. He grabbed a few of the larger backpacks, of which were Alice Packs and one duffel bag, and then went and dropped them at Conner and Kendrick's feet - they'd certainly come in useful, that's for sure. Dominic was getting socks as well, as well as some boot polish for the military-style boots that Conner had picked up. He got some foot powder in case any of them got athlete's foot, or something, which was more than possible if they were going to be wearing these. Dominic stuffed a series of hats into the larger bag, alongside camo clothing for all of them, and some cold-weather jackets.

Daniel was stuffing cool stuff like compasses and flashlights into his bag without realizing the actual importance of them. This was just awesome in this store. He grabbed some of the canteens with the camo covers, some wool blankets that looked really cozy, a totally awesome mess kit so they could cook food - this was all turning out to be a real camping trip after all. Dominic grabbed three three-man tent bags and some water purification tablets, but Daniel was still going at it. He had sleeping bags for them all over his shoulders, and he was struggling to carry it all but was managing just fine. For now. He grabbed some mosquito spray as well, because he knew how irritating those things were during the summer.

"We need to go. Get over here, son!" He yelled to Daniel, whom of which stomped over to them very slowly with all the stuff he was carrying. (@Beowulf)
Grabbing another of the many things Daniel was carrying, Connor walked over to the door with the shelf in front of it. "We're going to have to be fast about this. Unless we can find a back door, this is the only way out. Dominic and Daniel will go first, the Kendrick, and finally me. Dominic, once you get to the car, start it, and leave without me if you have to. I can handle these rotten bags of flesh by myself."

(@DrTrollinski )
James was helping himself to the contents of an outdoors shop, when he heard a car. Shit... Better hide, might be hostile he thought to himself as he went into the store's back room, hiding from the potential attackers. When he closed the door, he hid behind a set of shelves in an office, and hoped they didn't look too hard in here.

As they went through, he heard one of them talking - "We need to go. Get over here, son!"

Son? He thought, hostiles don't usually keep kids around...

Fuck it. I'll go armed.

Wielding his shotgun with his right hand, he opened the door to the shop floor with his left. Sure enough, there were a few people - three adults, and a kid overloaded with gear he was grabbing.

James raised his shotgun slightly, not pointing at them but close enough to it that he could bring it up in an instant to shoot.

Pointing at the man who'd spoken to his kid, he called to him.

"Hey, you! You guys aren't hostiles, are you?"
Adelaide finished her meal and coffee. "Thanks again, Chef. It was delicious." She smiled at the Chef. With a final wave over her shoulder she exited the kitchen. Nearly, if not already, everybody was crowded together in the diner, along with a few new ones. A small family with only two kids. Carl and Cait must be happy about that. Adelaide didn't bother checking with Alex or anybody else to see if they were safe. If they weren't they wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the group. (@DrTrollinski )
"No one leaves. Let's go!" Kendrick pushed through the door with his machete at the ready and ran to the back of the car. He popped the trunk and threw his stuff in. "Everyone, get your stuff in the back and get in the car!" He yelled at them. Daniel only had his backpack after Conner took the other stuff, so he instantly dived into the back with it and curled up to hide from the undead.

Dominic instantly heard the man's voice call for them. 'For fuck sakes.' He thought to himself, he turned and looked at him and bounced his shoulders. The dead were pouring in now, so it was time that they got a move on. "Now's not the time to determine whether or not we're hostile, is it? No! We're fine! Get in the car or leave! We can't stick around!" He yelled at him before running to the back and also throwing his stuff in. He was going to wait for Conner, so he pulled out his machete and held it at the ready to cover him from the dead. (@october_rain)
Manhattan, New York

Johnathan watches as corpses shamble around, looking for the next unlucky survivor to devour. The whole time he hears a moaning behind him, but he is not alarmed. He knows that it is just he suffering sister. He turns around and watches her roll around in pain and agony on the dirty, beaten down mattress that they sleep on now. He sighs and walks up to her. Johnathan sits down next to her and starts to ruffle her hair.

"The virus is back?" He says to her with extreme concern. Her reply is a simple nod. He stands up and walks over to something that looks like a kitchen and goes into a mini fridge, searching the trays on the side and bottom. He then pulls out a bottle filled with a red liquid and takes the top off of it and pouring some of it into a little cup. He puts as much as he could into it before the bottle runs out. He puts it back into the fridge and sits back down next to Maria. he sits her up and pours the liquid into her mouth. "Drink up." She tries to spit it out but Johnathan closes her mouth shut. "You have to drink it or you won't feel any better."She finally swallows it and lays back down. Johnathan stands up and walks out of their apartment complex, leaving Maria to sleep. He walks down the stairs to the 1st floor and opens the door walking out into the harsh, cold, world that they now live in.
(Avid, quick question about that red liquid. What is that? I think we may need to talk about the virus a little before we move on, because there may be some issues behind that. For now :P @AvidElmV2)
And Connor followed swiftly after, diving into the back seat with Daniel, after he threw his stuff in the back of course. "Make up your minds now. He didn't shoot us, so he isn't a bandit. But we didn't grab enough for him either. Let him in or not, we got to make it quick."

Adelaide nodded. "I would be happy to." She agreed with a smile. She turned to the family and took a few steps towards the table. "When you are done eating and ready to go just let me know. I'll be over there." Adelaide walked over to an empty table and took a seat. Her eyes scanned the pen marks and carvings in the table. Most only said unoriginal things like,"Jay wuz here" or "K+N=TOGETHER 4EVER". She wondered where Jay, 'K', and 'N' were now. She wondered if K and N were still together somewhere. A small part of her didn't believe that it was entirely possible, but most of her hoped that it was. Love was one of the few things that even an apocalypse couldn't take from the living. (@DrTrollinski )
"Whatever. Get in! Front seat!" Kendrick yelled at the man. He waited for the man to get into the car and then instantly sped off down the street. He wanted to get straight out of the city. He was speeding towards wherever the nearest exit was, but he needed to make sure he kept heading West. ".. That was close, man..." He said, taking a deep breath. (@october_rain)


(@AvidElmV2 - LOL. Okay, that's fine xD Post some more story-building posts seeing as you're quite far out from every other group, then I'll introduce an NPC character for you so we can RP together :) )
Johnathan runs from building to building, alleyway to alleyway, trying to stay out of the line of sight of any wandering walkers. He was looking for a pharmacy he had seen a few days back. Maria had been suffering from the flu for a week and he had run out of medicine. He needed to find something for her. He ran into the pharmacy and put his Winchester through the doors bars to make sure no one got in.
As soon as he broke in through the pharmacy, things seemed untouched in there, almost like it had been kept clean by someone. Other than that, there was the medicine counter that still had all different sorts of pills and bottles of medicine in them. As soon as he got close, he heard a click from the back room where the pharmacists would mix medicines and prepare prescriptions. Upon looking up, there was a kid there. A pre-teenage kid, maybe thirteen years old. In one hand he held a gun:


The said gun was aimed right at him. It was loaded, and the safety was off. In the boy's free arm there was a baby, seemingly newborn if not very close to it. It appeared to be a baby boy and he was sleeping soundly under the warm cover of a little blue blanket. The boy was only dressed in a dirty t-shirt and some dark blue jeans and some sneakers, and his brown hair was greasy with sweat and also had some grime in it here and there. He didn't say anything to Johnathan. Not a word. He just stared at him. (@AvidElmV2)
Adelaide glanced up at the man and smiled. "Of course. I didn't realize you guys were already finished. I'm sorry about that." She stood from the table and made her way to the door. Adelaide held the door open for the family and closed it behind them once they were through. "May I ask what your names are?" (@DrTrollinski )

(Be back in about an hour.. maybe less)
"Of course... My name's Douglas, or Doug. This is my wife Debora, and these are my two kids, Chris and Ashley. They're twins, if you couldn't tell." He smiled at her and walked alongside her. The kids and the wife were staying quiet, and now it looked like it was only Doug doing the talking. "What's your name?" He asked. (@october_rain)
Johnathan froze up when he saw the rows of untouched pills and bottles. He mouthed the words Thank God. Then he heard the click and looked up. He immediately pulled out his 44. Magnum and slowly put it on the ground before raising his hands in a 'I Surrender' fashion. "Put. The gun. Down. I'm not here to hurt you, I just need medicine."
".. Do I look like I can afford to hand everything over to you?" He asked in a shaky whisper. He slowly lowered the gun and tucked it into a holster that was on his hip. ".. I'm sorry." He choked. He looked down at the tiny baby in his arms and took a deep breath. When Johnathan looked around the store he couldn't see anyone who served as the parents here. There was nothing - there was a bathroom at the back, and in the room the boy came from there was a box that seemed to be filled with a few cans of food, a couple of large bottles of water, and two boxes of powdered baby formula. (@AvidElmV2)


DrTrollinski said:
Brad hadn't seen any more of those creatures during the night, but he made sure that himself, Delaney, and the dog were locked away in the bedroom. Brad held Delaney close in the bed with one arm while he held his revolver in his free hand, just in case. He wanted her to get some sleep, because if she didn't, the pregnancy would start to weight her down - the last thing she needed when the baby was getting close was some sort of illness to rid her from getting out of bed. Brad wanted her strong, and he knew he could take one sleepless night - he'd done it plenty of times before, once for three nights in a row. When the morning came around he knew that whatever was out there had gone, so he'd managed to sleep for the past hour or so. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
(@TheHarlequinnCat - I've pulled this out for you so it's easier to find when you have the chance to reply.)
James slowly lowered his hands. He noticed this kid was all alone. No one was there to help him. He was alone with the huge responsibility of keeping his sibling safe. Just like me... James thought to himself. He lowered his head and nearly cried. There might not be another pharmacy with enough medicine to help Maria out. She had been like this for awhile. This wasn't just any normal virus .He looked back up to the kid, his eyes red and puffy. "Please.... There has to be something you can give me... My sister... She has a really really bad case of the flu.. And... I don't think she'll make it without something." He was begging by now.

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