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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

He slowly slid down the wall behind him and curled up on the floor; he held the baby in front of him and began sobbing. They were quiet sobs, almost inaudible, he didn't want to wake the baby so he'd learned to cry silently. He held the newborn in a close and shielding manner and rested as much of his eyeline possible in the infant's shoulder. He'd given in. He was sick of fighting to stay alive now - the only reason he lived was for this little baby that everyone mistook for his brother. It was his sister's newborn baby, and he was the uncle of it - he was the last member of his family that was left alive. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan slowly walked over to the kid and looked down at the baby. Johnathan had felt this kids pain. He crouched down next to him and started to talk. But what could he say? He rested his hand on the kids shoulder, hoping to get through to him. "I know what it's like to carry the burden of something like this. But.... You don't have to go through this alone. I'll help you. Just... Come with me." He stood up and held out a hand to the kid.
He quickly wiped his eyes with one hand and then looked up at Johnathan before giving a curt nod. He took hold of his hand and used him to pull himself to his feet. ".. I need to grab some stuff... help yourself to the medicine. Bring it all along if you can carry it." He said quietly before walking into the back room and picking up a baby carrier and gently fitting the newborn inside; he made him nice and snug and then slung it over his back. This way he could carry him with ease; he picked up a machete from the ground and then another small bag that he stuffed the baby formula, food, and water into, he then went and rejoined Johnathan. ".. I'm good to go. I'll wait for you." He whispered. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan smiled and took his backpack of his back. He unzipped it and put as much medicine as he could in it. "Morphine, painkillers, NyQuil. Okay were good to go." He picked up his 44. Magnum and put it in his waistband. He pulled his Winchester from between the door and opened it. He turned around and signaled for the kid to follow him. From there, Johnathan tried to stay undetected and keep the kids safe.
The kid followed him and stuck close to his side, his Gator Gerber Machete held at his side. He had a sheath for it attached to his belt.


".. I'm Mark, by the way... The little one's name is Cole." He muttered, his eyes running across the streets very carefully as they walked onward. He wasn't used to going out on the street. Whenever he did, Cole had to come with him as he was the only carer he had - whenever he went out with him, he was extra careful to make sure that the baby didn't get hurt. Being with someone else for once was an absolute privilege. (@AvidElmV2)
"Nice to meet you Mark. I'm Johnathan." Johnathan offered to push the carriage a couple of times to give Mark a break. Mostly he did this because they encountered a walker every once and a while and Johnathan didn't need to waste bullets and attract more. Five minutes afterwards, they stood at the front door of an apartment complex. Johnathan opened the door and let Mark in first before walking in and closing the door. They walked up two flights of stairs until they made it to room 24. When they walked in, Maria was eating a can of beans.
The only reason Mark had the baby's carriage with him was to haul the supplies he needed to bring with him. The baby was in the carrier strapped to his back - this way if they needed to run, it'd be quick and he could just go for it. He walked into the apartment and unstrapped the carrier from his back, followed by taking Cole out of it. He sat down on the couch, still sort of lost on what to say. The baby was still fast asleep, so he gently set him down on the couch and then covered him over with his jacket, followed by tucking one side of it underneath him to make sure that he couldn't roll off the couch. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan walks into the kitchen and starts to cook some Pork N'Beans in the oven, which is really just a stone camp fire Johnathan kept in case they needed warm up they're food. After the food was warm enough, John extinguished the fire and gave Mark some beans.

Maria stared at Mark in absolute confusion the whole time.
Mark was just sitting there in silence for a while, but he was happy to get some warm food. ".. Thank you." He muttered, he ate it all in a matter of minutes and then went over to place the plate in the sink - he went over to the couch again and sat down, followed by gently stroking the infant's face with one finger. It stirred, but made some babyish noises as it wriggled in his sleep. Mark soon looked up at Maria after a short while and nodded to her. ".. Hi..." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria doesn't say anything to Mark. She just stares at him in shock. She turns to Johnathan with a look that only he can read. What is this kid doing here!? Johnathan takes up Maria's empty plate and puts it in the sink, starting to wash the dishes. "Because he needs us, Maria. I couldn't have just let him there!" She rolls her eyes and walks into the opposite room. Johnathan shakes his head and turns to Mark. "Sorry about her. She can be a handful."
".. It's fine. I'm the same way." He sighed a little and then looked down at the infant child again. He sometimes had sleepless nights because of this kid, and it wasn't because of the crying. He was too worried to sleep - he was worried he'd wake up and Cole would be dead, and that's the last thing he ever wanted to happen. In fact, that would be the last thing to happen. Without this baby, he'd have nothing left to live for. ".. Have you been in this apartment for the whole four months that this has been going on?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)
"Nah. This is our first month here. We move to a different place next week. If you want you could stay with us." James finished up the dishes and went to sit down next Mark. Johnathan watches the infants every movement.
Mark thought for a moment as he picked up the infant and held him in his arms, giving a weak smile as he peered down at his little face. ".. I sure would appreciate it, but I can go out alone if you think I'll get in the way." He offered. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan patted Mark on the back. "Hey! If I didn't let people come with me if they got in my way, I would have gotten rid of Maria in the first place!" Johnathan laughed at little at his own joke.
He smiled a little and felt a little bit more uplifted. He didn't know that he was suffering from depression himself, but he tried not to think about it. He still had something to live for, and that was more than just the little infant that was in his arms, but he had someone else that he could trust as well, and that meant quite a lot to him. He looked up at Johnathan after a while and gave a half-smile. ".. Thank you." He said softly. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan smiled right back. "No problem kid."He stood up and was about to go check on Maria but stopped midway there. He turned to Mark. "Hey... Mark. If you want, you can help me look for a new place to stay. I mean, we could let Maria take care of Cole. If your okay with that..."
".. I--.." He paused and looked down at the sweet-faced little infant and took a worried deep breath. ".. I don't know--.. Would--.. Would she take care of him? I don't like leaving him alone." He admitted in concern. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria had the door crept open a bit. Enough for her to listen to the whole conversation. She opened the door and stepped into the room. "I'll take care of him...." Johnathan turned to Maria then back to Mark. "There's your answer." Johnathan saw that Mark was still concerned. "Kid. Don't worry, you can trust us." Maria walked closer to Mark. She kneeled down next to him and watched Cole.
".. You--.. You can hold him, if you want." He slowly reached out and offered her the infant. ".. He's only about a month old, so he won't do too much right now." He gave the faintest of smiles, but he felt more relieved that he was getting away from the fear of letting the baby go away from his side for a little while. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria picks up Cole, careful to make sure he doesn't wake up.

Johnathan smiles and wraps his arm around Mark. "Cole's gonna be fine, Mark." Johnathan grabbed Maria's shovel and walked out of the apartment complex, walked down the stairs and walked out onto the street. Once they got there, Johnathan pulled his magnum from his waistband in held it in his right, while holding the shovel in the left. He turned to Mark and nodded. "Okay, so were looking for a working car or a place to stay. I would prefer the working car. New York's starting to get on my last nerve."
Before John came close he pointed something out to Maria. ".. Diapers, bottles, formula, wipes, and powder's all in the carriage if you need it." He said to her; as they were leaving he made sure that John locked the door, and then he followed him. Hesitantly, but surely. ".. There's plenty of working cars in New York... the people I traveled with before they died told me about getting cars to work. It damages them, but it makes them work nonetheless. They'll run for a good while, providing you keep 'em stocked up with fuel." He explained as he walked alongside him, his machete drawn and at the ready. (@AvidElmV2)
"Great! That's great! But... Now we need to find a car. How about we check Time Square? There has to be a couple of cars there." He says this all while trying to stay undetected.
"Lead the way, man. It ain't too far from here, from what I know." He shrugged and gripped his machete tighter while his eyes scanned the streets around them - it was all very quiet. Too quiet. He didn't like it, and if he ever came close to an area that was like this when he was with Cole, he'd be quick to turn around, but this time it was time to man up. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan slowly walks to Times Square, having to stop a few times to let small group s of zombies pass by. When they finally got there, Johnathan was paralyzed to a horrendous sight: hundreds of corpses shambled around Times Square. Most were busy eating corpses that had been reduced to bones while others were trying to find something to eat... and couple of them spotted Johnathan and Mark. "Uhhh, uhh, uuh..." Johnathan grabbed Mark by the arm and started to retreat.
"Look." He pointed to an alleyway and forced them to turn off into it. "We'll go to the other end of this and look for a car. If we see one, we'll make a run for it, check if it's unlocked, and then we'll be good to go." He said as he lead him further down. They were hidden by the shadows in this alley, thankfully, and once they reached the bottom they had a clear view of the street. ".. See any cars?" He whispered. (@AvidElmV2)

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