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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(@DryPunishment - She's going to be four on her birthday, right? I recommend that you change that to five, especially with the way she talks and the mannerisms she has.)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Fever, diarrhea, fatigue, occasional dizziness and drowsiness... The usual stuff." He sighed and pulled the handle of the suitcases out so that he could begin to drag them whenever Tom was ready to leave. (@DrCompton)
(Don't want this to get lost a few pages back. I'll keep it here for whenever you can answer. @DrCompton)
Alex came back to the pizza parlor where everyone was meant to be meeting. They weren't back just yet, but he saw Caitlyn sitting there. She didn't look as happy as she did before, so he went over and crouched down beside her chair and gently set a hand down on her knee. ".. Hey, Cait... You okay...? You look upset." He said to her, sighing a little. (@DryPunishment)
Tom looked at Eric, "Yeah, if you need me to pull over or anything just let me know, we'll make it work okay?" He rolled a couple of suitcases over to where they kept their stuff with Eric. "Anything else you wanna talk about pal?" He scratched his jaw and started to throw in what little thing Tom owned into the suitcase, then looked at Carl's clothes and started to fold them and put them into the suitcase as well.
".. I--.. Yeah... There's one thing..." He said, clearing his throat as he began loading his own stuff and clothes into his suitcase. ".. If there's power in this place like Alex said... When I'm over this illness, and you know, we've made sure that the place is cool... Do you think we could--.. Do you think we could hang out? You know, not like going out on scavenging runs, but... Like... Hang out at some place in town, do something fun." He asked, a little hesitantly - regardless, he still put on a smile. He was asking for a sort of father-son moment, blatantly, and after everything they'd all been through it was no surprise that he wanted something like that. (@DrCompton)
"Yeah. Once we get settled in, you and I can sit down and have a drink or two. Hows that sound?" Tom grinned and finished packing Carl's clothes, "Or would you have something else in mind? I was thinking about getting a small movie thing set up for everyone, maybe you could help me with that huh?" Tom looked at Eric.
".. Heh, a drink would be good. That'd be a good laugh, I bet." He smiled at him and zipped up his suitcase. ".. And about the movie, think, if there's power, we might even be able to get a whole movie theater functional, eh? Now that would be awesome." He chuckled faintly and looked at him, his eyes glistening for a moment as he stood the suitcase up. (@Soul OMU)
Tom watched him, then they rolled their stuff back toward the cars, getting ready to load their stuff. "Yeah... As soon as we get settled you and I can do something, just the two of us. Alright?" He smiled as they got closer to the doors.
"That's a good thing. The less trouble we run in to, the better. Everyone should be loading up soon enough, so be ready to make a move. If you want, I can take watch if you want to go and get your stuff packed." He offered. (@Soul OMU)


"Dibs on the Range Rover." Eric smirked as he nodded towards a Navy Blue Range Rover that was in the parking lot. "There's enough room in that for all of us and our stuff." He smiled as he began walking towards it. (@DrCompton)

(Short time-skip after your next responses.)
"Okay." Tom follows Eric and helps him load up their stuff. He looks over at Scarlet, "Eric, I'll be right back." He walks over to Scarlet, "You and Jenna taking your own car?" He raised a brow, he had though they'd be rolling together, but he wasn't entirely sure what the plan was, just that they were leaving together.
(*saluts* here and ready sir!)

Scarlet glances at them. "Well you heard Alex, it's me... You, your boys and Jenna." She said while hopping out of the moving truck and over to her own truck.
It was around late afternoon by the time everyone was ready to leave. It was already coming into the afternoon anyway, so they didn't waste too much time. They got Matty's body into the truck and made sure he was secure and locked up tight before they went on with anything else.

Once Scarlet and Tom returned something snapped into Eric's mind. "Shit, forgot something. Bear with me - I'll be right back." He held up a hand as he bounced on the spot for a moment and then dashed off inside the mall. A few minutes later he returned with four guitars slung over his shoulders; one was his own, and the others were his favorites from what Hunter set up for him. He carefully placed them all down in the back of the truck and then went back to the Range Rover and hopped into one of the back seats. He assumed that Carl would sit in the middle of him and Jenna.

Alex took watch and allowed Hunter and Jenna to go and pack their stuff. Once that was done, he did one last perimeter check and then went and found the kids; he got Caitlyn into the back of the car that Hunter was in, and then went back inside to find Carl. Carl needed to pee, typically, so Alex quickly took him to the restroom and then brought him to the car that Tom and his small group were in. Carl climbed over Jenna and sat between her and Eric, smiling at Scarlet and Tom in the front. Alex waited for everyone else to load up into their vehicles and then honked the horn of his own car before driving out of the parking lot. Carl stared out of the window once the car they were in began following Alex's - He was going to miss the mall, in a way. It had nice stores there with toys and other cool stuff. It was still raining, but the mall was out of sight within only five minutes - the sun was on the verge of going down, and it was a peaceful afternoon.

".. How long is it 'til we get there?" Carl asked softly, yawning. They had quite long way to go still. (@Soul OMU, @october_rain, @Soul OMU)
Jenna looked at Carl. "Probably not for awhile bud... If your tired you can rest and we'll wake you when we get there mkay?" She said and smiled slightly as Scarlet drove the Range Rover, following behind Alex since Tom can drive with his arm.


Hunter nods and yawns a bit. "Yeah... I'm fine... Don't worry about me alright Al? I'm fine..." She said and stroked his cheek.

".. Is it gonna' be dark before we get there?" He asked in slight worry. ".. I don't like going out in the dark..." He said, his eyes wide.


".. Good, good. How you feeling now?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)

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