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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Nick was already downstairs, leg all braced up in a manner not too different from Mad Max's; he looked a tad disheartened. But when Tina came down, looking all better; her clothes hanging awkwardly off her, but fitting well enough to stay on, he seemed to force a small smile. Levi wasn't anywhere near them, in fact, he was probably upstairs if not outside trying to tidy something. It didn't take an idiot to know he wasn't liking the circumstances they were given, Nick could see just why he was better without groups; without lives at stake, without the burden being on him. Nick now knew West was actually here, he had pictured this moment so many times in his dreams but now that it was here he couldn't do it. He knew he'd be disappointed, actually seeing his face again only to see he loved someone new. Or maybe West wouldn't actually care anymore, he'd shrug and comment 'Nick, you asshole' and reprimand him for getting 'lost' in the first place. Even though West wouldn't be home till sunset, or around then, he still felt like he could puke out the butterflies in his stomach.

@DryPunishment (this post is filler. Not gonna lie; I just don't know if there's gonna be a timeskip, or like wut is goin on xDDD)
Tom smiled at Eric, "Eric and Jenna sittin' in a tree." Tom patted Eric on the back, "Well, its good you and her are hitting it off pal. I wont lie, Im trying to hit on her aunt, Scarlet, but uh... Im awful at it. Thankfully Carl here, as been helping me a little bit by being adorable." He rubbed Carl's head and snacked on some candy.
Eric didn't say anything at first, but eventually smiled shyly. ".. Yeah--.. Maybe I like her. I mean--.. Yeah, she's the first person I've met that's my age since all this happened--.. and... she's nice." He smiled simply and then picked up a little bit of candy and ate it.

"Yeah--.." Carl giggled. ".. Scarlet's gonna' be our new mommy." He added. Eric choked on his candy at that moment and looked mortified for a second. That wasn't good. He didn't like the sound of that one bit. He slowly looked at Carl and then forced a broken smile.

".. That's--.. That's great, buddy..." He gently patted him on the head and then turned away to look at the opposite empty side of the table. (@DrCompton)
Tom saw the look. "Carl, you and Caitlyn stay here, Eric and I need to talk, we're gonna go right over there, okay?" Tom got up and looked at Eric, "Come on." He walked away from the table, to the opposite side of the parlor. If they talked quietly, the two younger ones wouldn't hear them.
Jenna goes up to the roof, thinking, leaning against the side of the door but isn't in the rain. "...why are things so complicated..." "Well that's how life works hun..." Said a voice behind her which turned out to be her aunt. Jenna looks at her and goes over. "...but why?" "Well... No one really knows... But anyways... Doll... There's something I should tell you..." She said and lightly wrung her hands. "...your parents wanted you to have this on your 16th birthday... But I figured that you should have it now..." She said and took out a small box. "I know it's not your birthday for another week but... Happy birthday darling..." She said and Jenna took the box.


Hunter slowly starts to wake and yawns, she rubs her eye and sits up while holding Alex's jacket slightly which slid into her lap slightly.

"I saw that look... Whats up?" Tom was quiet and calm, he wasn't hostile towards Eric, "You and Scarlet already not getting along or something Pal?" Tom frowned a little, "Cause I mean... Im here to listen to your side of anything too you know that? Even if Scarlet an I became.... whatever... I'd still be here or you." Tom put his good hand on Eric's shoulder.
"It's not that we don't get along--.. I just..." He sighed and bowed his head. ".. I'm just not good with new people, and all the talk of you--.. and her being the new 'mommy', I mean... Jesus... Things would change, and I don't think it'd be a good kind of change. I don't know why. I just have the feeling that if all of that goes ahead, me and Carl will end up being alone again." He sighed, his voice started shaking towards the end but he tried his best to keep the emotion bottled up. (@DrCompton)
"What!? No! No. Why would I give up you and Carl?" Tom looked upset that Eric even thought that he would do that. "Hell, Hunter and Alex went out today to find a group of houses we could put together, like a small neighborhood or something... You'd be more than welcome to stay with Scarlet and I, I assume Carl would... Hell, by then you and Jenna might need a house of your own. You're the one who's supposed to find someone to love and leave the house... Christ listen to me, I can barely talk to Scarlet and Im talking about sharing a house with her." Tom sighed, "Look, the point is Eric, I will never leave you, or Carl. I love both of you."
Eric sighed and flew forward, quickly holding him in a tight hug with the side of his head pressed against his chest. ".. I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass..." He whimpered, holding him tight. ".. I'm just scared, that's all... Like, I love you too, and you know I do... God forbid, I'd probably be dead or very close to it if it wasn't for you, and I don't even know where Carl would be..." He whispered. Some tears broke out of his eyes and streamed down his face. ".. I'm not ready to be out there and alone just yet, dad... I'm not old enough to be left alone to push through life. I want what I had before... A family, even if Alex isn't there, I want Carl and myself to have a nice family - the best family we've had since all of this started is you, or I'm not ready to give that up yet." He blurted. He was trying to resist the urge to cry right now. The tears were flowing, but he wasn't fully crying just yet. Just hugging Tom tight. (@DrCompton)
Tom returned the hug, blinking back tears of his own, "Im not going anywhere bud, unless you and Carl are with me. I like Scarlet, but that wont change how I feel about you or Carl alright?" Tom smiled a little, he never thought he'd have a family like this again, but he'd stop the world, or die trying, if these two brothers asked him too
Hunter slowly gets out of bed and feels her head spin a bit before sitting back down, puts a hand to her head slightly, trying to steady herself.


Jenna's eyes watered slightly as she hugged Scarlet. "...it's beautiful..." She said as she hugged her tightly. Scarlet nods slightly as she held her. "...it was your mothers..." She said while closing her eyes to hide her tears. "Anyways... Let's see it on ya." She undoes the clasp and puts it around Jenna's neck before smiling as a few tears fall. "...you look gorgeous Jen... Anyways... I'm going to go lay down... You can come down or stay here..." She said as she headed down. Jenna touches the pendant lightly before following her.
".. I know, I know--.." He sniffled, holding him tight. ".. I just hope we find something other than this place." He chuckled a little and then looked around the pizza parlor, a tear still occasionally falling from either of his eyes. His arms still restricted Tom's body, and he was put at reassurance with what he said. That didn't mean he was more trusting, but he was more certain on things. ".. I'm sorry... I just hope you get that it's not easy for me to trust people sometimes... Some parts of the past were a little rough, and that's why." He sighed a little. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @october_rain, @Vyork Ashfin, @TheHarlequinnCat)
Skyler looks up and begins to walk towards the pizza parlor. When she gets there she takes a seat and runs her fingers through her hair.
Jenna and Scarlet hear him and look at each other before heading to the pizza parlor.

Hunter currently sitting on her bed with her head between her hands, trying to get her head to stop spinning.
Adelaide followed Alex's voice to the pizza parlor. While waiting for everyone else to arrive, she opened the large book that she was carrying and flipped through the pages. It was an old health information book. Although it wasn't the most interesting thing to read, it had information on most diseases within it's pages and how to properly handle sickness, and injuries. Adelaide wanted to learn as much as she could. If she couldn't be a fighter then she would make herself the best damn medic this apocalyptic world could ask for - besides actual health professionals who survived the last few months. (@DrTrollinski )
Skyler gives a small grin. "I say we go." She says. "It sounds like the safest bet. I mean we're running low on food." She adds, and looks around, wanting to know what everybody else thinks.
Every cell in Adelaide's body screamed Yes! A safe place. Safe from the undead: safe from starvation: safe from scavengers. Maybe nobody else needed to die. But there was also the danger's to think about. This place that Alex talks about may not be so safe after all. Maybe going there would lead everybody to their death. But if they stayed they would starve to death anyways. It was worth the chance. "I think we should go." Adelaid's hands knotted together in her lap and she stared down at her shoes. "But we should have the funeral for Matty first." (@Soul OMU @Aryn Harris )
".. If we get out there today... I guarantee that we can have his funeral there and then, but in this rain, we don't have a chance of a cremation in this town." Alex said with a soft sigh as he sat down on one of the chairs. (@october_rain)
Adelaide nodded. "I know what you mean, but funerals have always seemed so... intimate." She paused and looked back up at the group. "Matty was our friend. It just seems strange to hold his funeral with a bunch of strangers. At least that's what I think, but if you believe it's really best for everybody to go now then we should." (@DrTrollinski )
".. There's two people at this town. They're not invited. Matty was more than just a friend to us - He was family. Family to me, you, and everyone else here - he did a lot for us, and maybe even saved Eric and Jenna from being torn to pieces." He sighed a little. "He wanted to be cremated. And he wanted half of his ashes thrown into the Colorado river at some point... We can't do that right now, but the least we can do is send him off." He gently rubbed the side of his head. (@october_rain)

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