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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Oh come here,you big baby..."

She came in and hugged him. Being the fearless girl that she is ,Caitlyn shielded him.

(@DrTrollinski I wanna see what happens in about 20 years with this. Hah!)

Tom smiled at Scarlet as the two walked toward where they had last left Carl. "So back to earlier." He looked at her face for a moment, then looked straight, "I mean... I think you and I would make a good post apocalyptic couple, plus... You and I dont exactly have many options. Unless you're really apart of some larger group sent to infiltrate us." He shrugged a little.
Carl didn't like being called that. He now just covered his face with his hands and dropped the monkey back onto the mattress. He let her hug him, but he didn't move once she did. He was going to keep on crying until the thunder stopped, or until someone found a way to calm him down. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
DrCompton said:
Tom smiled at Scarlet as the two walked toward where they had last left Carl. "So back to earlier." He looked at her face for a moment, then looked straight, "I mean... I think you and I would make a good post apocalyptic couple, plus... You and I dont exactly have many options. Unless you're really apart of some larger group sent to infiltrate us." He shrugged a little.
Scarlet walking with Tom and glances at him. "Who says im looking hotshot?" She said with an amused grin while looking ahead slightly. "And no, I'm not from some group... Only and always has been me and Jenna."
Tom blushed a little, "Well I mean, I... Er. Im not saying you're looking, Im just sayin' that Im.. here." he sighed, "Damn it Im bad at this. You get me all flustered." Tom looked at Scarlet, "I just.. I mean, Carl has taken a liking to you... I wouldn't be surprise if he accidentally calls you mom some time in the next few weeks...." He scratches his head.
DrCompton said:
Tom blushed a little, "Well I mean, I... Er. Im not saying you're looking, Im just sayin' that Im.. here." he sighed, "Damn it Im bad at this. You get me all flustered." Tom looked at Scarlet, "I just.. I mean, Carl has taken a liking to you... I wouldn't be surprise if he accidentally calls you mom some time in the next few weeks...." He scratches his head.
Scarlet smiles a bit while looking down slightly. "I don't think I'm good enough to be called that... Seeing us I doubt his brother would appreciate that..." She said while running a hand through her hair. "I can see he tries to get along with me but I haven't been here as long as you do it wouldn't be right..."
Another clap of thunder rumbled from the skies above and Carl gave out a loud cry this time. He turned and hugged Caitlyn like there was no tomorrow and hid his face. When would this be over?! This was too much to even cope with. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


".. Excuse me a minute." Eric said to Jenna as he pushed himself up from his seat and wandered off into the Men's Restroom. Again. (@Soul OMU)


"Hey, Hunt... We're almost back." He gently nudged her shoulder and smiled. "Thunder and rain's heavy, but I'm sure if we make a run for it we won't get too wet." He chuckled softly while driving onward. (@Soul OMU)
Tom shrugs, "I mean, ultimately, its up to you I guess." Tom sees the Mattress store and walks in, "It'd be nice though, it have a little family? Even its a little fake." He looked around, "Carl?" Tom didn't see him right away with Caitlyn, "You see him, Red?"
Jenna blinks slightly and sighs as she stays seated and sips her lemonade, trying to figure out what's up with him.


Hunter fast asleep, leaning against her door slightly. (@DrTrollinski)


Scarlet nods and tilts her head towards Caitlyn's bed. "Over there... I'll stay here..." She said as she clicked her tongue.
Levi could hear the sounds of Tina, and when Nick looked surprised he merely just pointed to the small farmhouse shower. "You need that more than she needs you right now." With that, he returned with towels and then left the bathroom; waiting outside the closed door until he heard the shower come on. Once that was done, he felt as though he should tell Braum off; hacking up someones arm inside of a bedroom, for one, and then doing it in the vicinity of a child. Shaking his head, he came down the stairs; his stress starting to bubble up with these people around, doing all sorts of things they shouldn't be. He wasn't reminded of anything pleasant, the entire house made him ill to his stomach; and now that Nick and Tina were returned to the home, he didn't exactly see a reason to stick around. Something was keeping him from it, he had to know that they'd be able to make it.

When Braum left Tina's room, he merely stared empty daggers at the man; with a face that could kill. He held cleaning supplies, and went into the room; immediately cleaning it in a nearly obsessive manner. He did not look to Tina, just mentioning that she looked awful and should shower after Nick. People could probably see that this man wasn't exactly extroverted, or on their side; he seemed neutral on the scale of good and bad. In fact, West must have not brought him because he didn't trust him. It seemed no one did, but he didn't exactly blame them; he had proven himself to be solely logical in his tactics to these people. Once he had gotten everything tidied up, as he'd already done in Nick's room, he stopped to look at Tina. Before she could say anything he tossed her a small bottle of medication; painkillers. He didn't say anything, just left the room and ambled elsewhere.

In the shower, Nick felt the water wasn't quite hot enough to be relaxing; but it was enough to get the job done. His hair was disgusting, taking a full five minutes to clean out; the floor under him running copper and black from the grime caked on his body. The scratches down his back stung, but they weren't deep enough to need stitches or even bandages; it was best he let them breathe anyways. Whatever else had been worthy of bandages and stitches had healed over in the time he stayed in Wellington's jail. He noticed he had lost body mass, in such a short amount of time. He had lost his slight gut, his ribs prominent when he took a deep breath, and his muscles didn't have as much bulk to them; even if they were still there. Being inside took away the tan he had to his skin, he looked yellowish and sickly. Nick scrubbed his skin with the body wash, then again with the soap; leaving his body with the gentle smell of vanilla and lavender. It took a while to scrub everything off, his entire body going a shade lighter; but the bruises under his eyes were disgustingly strong, and the prominence of his cheekbones and collarbone was growing. Nick would admit it, he looked nothing like his former self; his hair falling out under the water, cut into a disconnected punk style because he nearly went to the hanging tree on day three of Wellington's capture. They were going to shave his head and either burn him or gut him like game. Shivers ran down his spine, and he finished up in the shower; wrapping himself in towels as he crept out of the bathroom. Avoiding any people, he slipped his head into a few rooms before seeing some of West's clothes strewn about a duffel bag. Stalking in, he shut and locked the door; putting on clean clothes. Luckily, he knew the man's methods well enough to know if something was folded- it was clean, if it was on the floor; it wasn't necessarily, but he planned on wearing it again before washing it. Being close enough in size, switching clothes was no problem; dark khaki-like pants and a thin long-sleeved shirt. He put his boots back on, not minding that he left a trail of filth behind him; honestly, West was far more prepared for the apocalypse. He must've gotten lucky on a few raids, able to take Wellington's supplies from what it looked like. Nick felt almost naked without his hat, rubbing his head; he felt the hair growing back, but it was still very strange. To see himself in the mirror as well, he looked younger now that he was thinner, his hair wilder, and his eyes more prominent. He hated it.

(I forgot to tag you in my post, @TheHarlequinnCat. Hold on.) 

DrTrollinski said:
He took the rabbit off to the small kitchen area to skin and gut it. He kept the legs and began cooking them with the wood-burning stove for the dog, and he had the main and leanest cuts of meat for himself and Delaney. He sort of baked the rabbit to the point where it was nice and tender but also a bit crispy. It was decent work, in spite of what he had at his disposal. He took the cooked legs out the front and put them on the ground for the dog, followed by going back inside and plating up the other meat for himself and Delaney. He walked outside to find her and then handed her one of the plates, smiling. "Not very often we eat like this, is it?" He said, grinning as he bit into some of the rabbit on his plate. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
(Oops. No I didn't. :/ @TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney chuckled, taking a bite of her share before admitting, "I used to feel so guilty eating meat. Like, this little animal ain't done nothing to get itself eaten, right?" She smiled forlornly, "Mason was a big fan of game; and I had to admit, it was too damn good to not eat!" She took another bite, complimenting his cooking skills; before saying she'd make dinner, if he'd like.

@DrTrollinski (what did you want to happen with them? :) )
Tom looked at Scarlet for a moment, he shrugged, and walked toward the crying boy, "Hey you two." He knelt down by Carl and Caitlyn, "We've got some lemonade for you guys if you wanna join us in the pizza parlor. Its gotta be better than hanging out in here by yourselves, right?" He rubbed Carl's back trying to calm him, "Plus we've got some candy stashed away over here too!"
Carl looked up at him with big puppy eyes that were filled with tears right before springing at him and curling his arms around him. He broke out into desperate sobs. The thunder had never been this bad before, and usually he could get over it with a little bit of comfort - not this time. "The roof's gonna' fall down!" He cried out, clinging onto him like paper to superglue. (@Soul OMU)


Alex and Hunter pulled up outside. Alex reached over and gently nudged her on the shoulder. "Hunter, wake up... We're back." He mumbled quietly. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Carl looked up at him with big puppy eyes that were filled with tears right before springing at him and curling his arms around him. He broke out into desperate sobs. The thunder had never been this bad before, and usually he could get over it with a little bit of comfort - not this time. "The roof's gonna' fall down!" He cried out, clinging onto him like paper to superglue. (@Soul OMU)

Alex and Hunter pulled up outside. Alex reached over and gently nudged her on the shoulder. "Hunter, wake up... We're back." He mumbled quietly. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna sipping her lemonade lightly. "...its fine.." She said softly while focusing on her cup.


Hunter yawns slightly as she slowly wakes and rubs her eye. "Hm...?" (@DrTrollinski)
Tom wraps his arm around Carl and lifts him up, "Caitlyn wanna come with us? We've got some lemonade and Candy in the other store." He walked toward Scarlet holding Carl, "See? You're telling me you dont want to add all this to your plate of responsibilities?" Tom winked and smiled a little, "Just kidding." @Soul OMU @DryPunishment
"Sure,Tommy! I'd love to!"

She looked at Carl and asked him if she could get her monkey back. Of course she would let him keep the monkey for a while if he wanted.

@DrTrollinski @DrCompton
".. If we ever get to move into houses like Alex said, y'know... If we find a town decent enough..." He sipped his drink and looked out of the window at the rain for a moment. "It's going to be pretty cool... We'll have the town to go about, and if people ain't sharing they'll most likely get a house of their own. I think it'd be awesome to own a house to yourself at our age, but I'll probably have to be in the same house as Carl, seeing as Alex and Hunter will be in another one doing..." He shuddered. "Something." He said softly, chuckling a little thereafter. "You got any ideas of who you want to share with? Or are you going to be a lone wolf?" He asked, a joking grin on his face. (@Soul OMU)


"We're back at the mall." Alex repeated, pulling her coat over her shoulders and then slipping his own one on. "We'll have to make a run for the door, or we'll get soaked out here." He said as he unlocked the car doors. (@Soul OMU)


Carl handed the monkey back to her and then went back to hugging Tom, flinching heavily whenever a clap of thunder occurred. He was happy that he was sat in the safety of his arms - he was tempted to get a hug from Scarlet as well, but he hadn't gotten close enough with her yet for her to be the new model that he runs to when he's scared. In fact, no matter what, that role may always belong to Tom regardless. Who knows.

"I--. I-I want lemonade and candy..." Carl whimpered quietly to him. (@DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
Jenna sighs slightly and runs a hand through a hair, a habit she got from Hunter already. "I don't know... To be honest... I haven't got a clue.." She said softly while looking down.


Scarlet leaning back, arms crossed as she sighs and moves off, decides to wander the mall on her own, thinking deeply.


Hunter nods as she gets up and gets out, starts running to the mall, covering herself as much as she can
Alex trailed right behind her and helped her unblock the door, followed by scrambling into the mall and locking the door once again. Perfect. They were in a warmer sort of area now. He looked at her and then flicked some of the water away from his hair, followed by gently wiping some of the rain away from her face. He looked around and took a deep breath, sighing a little. "What a day - In this weather, we can't have Matty's funeral, because even burial would be too hard." He sighed once again. "We'll have to figure something out, but in the meantime, I'll go and tell the others about what we found..." He said, he was about to walk away but then turned back to her. ".. And Hunter... are you okay? You seem a little... I don't know. You seem very anxious today." He stated. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah, regardless of where we're living, I'll make sure we're neighbors, at least." He grinned at her and then sipped his lemonade, his cheeks shaded lightly in pink. ".. I can't wait to go there, personally... It'll be like having a normal life again if it was stable enough." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Tom walked with the whimpering boy and the small girl toward the pizza parlor. "Hey Eric, we're back. Caitlyn, go snuggle up by Jenna." Tom sat Carl down on Eric's side and slide them both in, and grabbed some candy, "Here you go you two." He laid the candy out for bout Carl and Caitlyn

@Soul OMU @DryPunishment
Well you fucking left us...

She thought to herself. But he also brought these guys to save them. Tina took the painkillers and then headed for the bathroom.

She knocked on the door a few times.

"Nick...you there? Who are these people?"


After he was done with Tina's arm,Braum went outside to chop some wood. He didn't use his axe this time though,just a normal one.

The man started whistling a tune. It sounded foreign.

The would need the wood to make a fire in the chimney and for similar uses. He would also sometimes take some of the wooden planks and make some figures out of them or to work on some crazy thing he had in mind.

Near the chopping block stood an improvised forge. On the anvil there were some shivs and a few knife blades. They looked rough,but they also were reliable.


"Oh boy candy!"

She looked excited. Caitlyn extended her right hand to recieve the candies

@DrTrollinski @DrCompton @TheHarlequinnCat

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