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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
"Yeah, really." He grinned at her and continued dancing around with her at a slow pace, his hands still gently holding her body. He had butterflies in his stomach just as much as he had a string of confidence and happiness running through him. It was weird. (Going to bed soon, so if at some point I stop replying it means I've passed out xD @Soul OMU)
Jenna laughs softly while smiling and slightly resting her forehead against his. Currently dancing around with him at a slow pace, following his lead, hands on his shoulders lightly.

(Alrighty~ :) )

He didn't even notice how close they were getting. He didn't really care too much; her red hair almost seemed to sparkle in the dim amount of light they had in the room. It was long and not trimmed, or at least it looked that way. Regardless, he liked it. His own hair was sort of mixing with her own; his had grown over time and was now medium length and loosely hanging. It was dark brown and sort of silky, seeing as Eric did his best to keep up his hygiene despite their being no showers in the mall. When he was literally so close that he near enough hear her heart keeping time he felt a gentle tingle travel up his body, his smile softening a little more. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
He didn't even notice how close they were getting. He didn't really care too much; her red hair almost seemed to sparkle in the dim amount of light they had in the room. It was long and not trimmed, or at least it looked that way. Regardless, he liked it. His own hair was sort of mixing with her own; his had grown over time and was now medium length and loosely hanging. It was dark brown and sort of silky, seeing as Eric did his best to keep up his hygiene despite their being no showers in the mall. When he was literally so close that he near enough hear her heart keeping time he felt a gentle tingle travel up his body, his smile softening a little more. (@Soul OMU)
(He near enough hear her heart keeping time? )

Jenna smiling brightly at him, her teeth were pearly white naturally, she lightly twirled a stray strand of his hair around her finger loose as they danced, she didn't seem to focus on anything else except his eyes which seemed to be glowing and lighting up just like his smile. She bit her lip slightly as she realized how loud her heart was beating at the moment and worried slightly if he could hear it as well. (@DrTrollinski)
Chris sighed for a second as he glimpsed around at the dim outlook of the base from the windows on the ragged HMMVW, it was a miracle it was a working one let alone. Sherry just watched as his brothers hopes went down the drain of possibly a military force being able to restore order in such a torn world. " Please, let these be survivors... " Chris said, lowering his head as his morale just dropped at a mental stand point. " It can't just be us, no way. " He said after.

Sherry glared straight at Chris for a second, then at Nate when he asked, and then coughed for a moment to interrupt him. " Well, little man, i think we may have found help. " She said towards the child, that was in the backseat. She then said to Nate. " Here you can listen to this, while we wait. " Sherry pulled out the Ipod, that she stole from Chris before he left for Afghanistan, then handed it to the boy.

The vehicle pulled near, and chris's eyes widened as the vehicle was flagged down by a few men in tactical gear and multicam uniforms. Chris stepped out, saying. " Stay here. " Chris slung his assault rifle across his chest as he approached the leading figure that stood without a rifle, glaring at the Corporal. The man was in his middle ages, he was obviously a veteran as well, he was a Sergeant First Class, and he looked like he has seen his fare share of hell. Chris, said out loud. " Sergeant.... Please tell me you got a smoke. " The Sergeant chuckled for a second as he reached for his right shoulder and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Red Cigarettes, and handed one to Chris, where he lit it. The Sergeant said to Chris. " Whats your outfit soldier. " Only to hear the response. " 325th Infantry, 82nd Airborne. " The Sergeant laughed for a second. " Damn son, you look like you been through all sorts of hell.... " Chris nodded his head and said. " Sergeant what happened. " The Sergeant took a quick brief look around and said as his smile disappeared. " Well. The Infection hit, but when we tried to reorganize, we were hit by a private force, who knows, if their government, foreign, they aren't military, but we just came from Fort Bragg, sent to rally what forces we can to at-least figure out something. " Chris face just dropped, the whole military was in disarray, most likely gone from the Sergeants face, it was grim.... Chris said. " So, either way our best bet is to go South to Bragg and link up with the rest of our forces? " The Sergeant responded. " Indeed Corporal, bring the two in the vehicle along, we can provide them with shelter, food, water. " Chris nodded his head. and ran back to the HMMVW as the Sergeant waved a hand signal. The men began to dissipate into their vehicles, and the engines began to roar as the convoy rolled out.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Scarlet sits down in the pizza parlor and sighs softly. "I would have... except... I had a miscarriage about 5 years ago and lost my baby girl... Sarah..." she said softly while looking quite sad but not showing it.

"Shit... Sorry..." Tom sat across from Scarlet and watched her. "I lost my wife and baby a few days after all this started to... uh... bandits." He shrugged a little, "Carl and Eric both have helped me out, but Im not sure if they realize how much they mean to me.. Like, I mean, they know I love them, and would kill for them... But if I lost them? I'd probably spiral back to how I was when I first got here." He looked down, "But.. I hope Im not being offensive or anything Red, but maybe its better Sarah wasn't in this hell? You know? Carl is innocent now, but there will come a time where he has to kill a man, not an infected person or thing, but a man who is looking to take what belongs to Carl, whether its a supplies or a person." He looked out into the empty mall and frowned, "Christ, Im getting upset thinking about this." He rubbed his face, "Favorite book? Whats your favorite book?"
DrTrollinski said:
(heard* Sorry. I was on my phone.)
His chocolate eyes were wide but relaxed as he stared into hers. It wasn't the creepy sort of staring, though. It was the more passionate and caring sort of stare. His hand that was holding her body went down a little in a gentle stroke while he took a turn in direction and continued leading her around. ".. What can I say...? You have some moves..." He complimented in a gentle and quiet tone, his head still against hers. (@Soul OMU)


Nate took the iPod from her and turned it on. His father had one of these that he played games on, so he knew how to use it just fine. He put one of the buds into his ear and then went through some of the songs, smiling as he listened to them on low volume while he waited for Chris to return. He'd met plenty of soldiers before because of his father - sometimes they'd come back to their house for some drinks and a chat - he'd often talk to them quite late into the evening about what they did and why it was 'the best job ever' - Nate wanted to be in the military when he was older because of his father, but now, after everything he'd seen from it - he was scared by that thought. He changed his mind to be a police officer, or something. He wasn't particularly worried about these people they'd ran in to. He was just a but scared for Chris' sake. (@Rifleman)
DrCompton said:
"Shit... Sorry..." Tom sat across from Scarlet and watched her. "I lost my wife and baby a few days after all this started to... uh... bandits." He shrugged a little, "Carl and Eric both have helped me out, but Im not sure if they realize how much they mean to me.. Like, I mean, they know I love them, and would kill for them... But if I lost them? I'd probably spiral back to how I was when I first got here." He looked down, "But.. I hope Im not being offensive or anything Red, but maybe its better Sarah wasn't in this hell? You know? Carl is innocent now, but there will come a time where he has to kill a man, not an infected person or thing, but a man who is looking to take what belongs to Carl, whether its a supplies or a person." He looked out into the empty mall and frowned, "Christ, Im getting upset thinking about this." He rubbed his face, "Favorite book? Whats your favorite book?"
(It's fine)

Jenna smiles a bit while dancing with him. "I have some moves? huh? Well that's good to hear." she said while resting her hands on his shoulders, humming softly as they spin and twirl, moving about the room with him. "I'm glad I have such a wonderful partner..." she said with a gentle look and bright smile on her face.


Scarlet sighs softly and sits back while running a hand through her haie. "My favourite book... Pride and Prejude." she said while looking ahead slightly before looking at Tom. "So.. know where Eric and Jenna are?" she asked while looking at him and raising a brow. "What about you? your faovrite book?" she asked while watching Tom.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. I still can't get over how maazin that place was... with a place like that, I think the kids are going to get to be kids again, and Jenna and Eric will get to be teenagers instead of mass survivors that look over their shoulder every ten seconds." Alex said, smiling at Hunter for a moment while he sped the car up in the slightest. (@Soul OMU


".. Yeah, me too." Eric muttered with a gentle smile. The ballroom dance had gone onto more of a 'whatever you want' sort of dance, with Jenna's hands on his shoulders and his hands on either side of her body, just above her hips. This was definitely better than sitting on his bed and daydreaming in boredom. (@Soul OMU)
"Eric and Jenna? No I haven't seen them all morning... Maybe they're uh... Out. Erica a good kid, smart." Tom smiled, then frowned, "I just hope the teenagers don't become parents too quickly." He sighed. "Teenagers get all the fun huh?"
Tom and Scarlet could have faintly heard Eric playing guitar and signing earlier on, so it was clear that they were here somewhere. Most likely in the room with all the guitars, as that's where Eric spent a lot of his time. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. I still can't get over how maazin that place was... with a place like that, I think the kids are going to get to be kids again, and Jenna and Eric will get to be teenagers instead of mass survivors that look over their shoulder every ten seconds." Alex said, smiling at Hunter for a moment while he sped the car up in the slightest. (@Soul OMU

".. Yeah, me too." Eric muttered with a gentle smile. The ballroom dance had gone onto more of a 'whatever you want' sort of dance, with Jenna's hands on his shoulders and his hands on either side of her body, just above her hips. This was definitely better than sitting on his bed and daydreaming in boredom. (@Soul OMU)
DrCompton said:
"Eric and Jenna? No I haven't seen them all morning... Maybe they're uh... Out. Erica a good kid, smart." Tom smiled, then frowned, "I just hope the teenagers don't become parents too quickly." He sighed. "Teenagers get all the fun huh?"
Hunter looking outside the window, lost in her thoughts. "...It just seems... too good to be true..." she said softly with a sigh. "...watch the road!" she said as something lumbered into their path. (@DrTrollinski)


Jenna smiles as she takes one of his free hands and uses it to twirl herself, her hair follows her like a ribbon in the wind, it seems to shimmer and flicker like flames. "This is... really nice and has been... quite wonderful."



Scarlet looking at him. "Well.. who says they get all the fun... a' she said andticed how you look at me Mr. Tom." she said and smiled a bit in amusument.

(I'm going to assume Scarlet didn't have a ministroke then.)

Tom blushed, "Uh... I mean... You're attractive, and I mean, it's been awhile I... Shit you got me stumbling over my words again..."
".. We'll have to wait and see." He said, but he screeched to a halt when something wandered into the road. "Shit!" He yelled as he gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tight while the car slid to a stopping point. (@Soul OMU)


He twirled her back by lightly tugging on her hand so that she came back and fluttered back into his arms. That's better - he liked this, they should do it more often. He looked back into her eyes and smiled, his face still close to hers. He nodded at her. "It has, it has." He said softly. (@Soul OMU)
(Sorry I was typing it super fast!)

Scarlet smiles a bit and laughs. "So you have a thing for redheads hm partner?" She said while looking at him with her sky blue eyes.


Hunter panting slightly, eyes wide as she puts a hand on her chest. "Oh my god..." She said while shaking a bit.


Jenna blinks in surprise as she comes rushing back into Eric's arms before smiling brightly and looking deeply in his deep chocolate eyes. "I wouldn't mind doing this again... With you." She said softly while dancing with him.

(@DrCompton, @DrTrollinski)
"Jesus--.. What the hell was that? I'm not getting out of the car. I say we just drive..." Alex rubbed the back of his head with one hand and took a shaky deep breath. (@Soul OMU)


".. Me either. I'd like that. Hopefully we can get some music next time." He smiled at her while looking into her eyes. God. His heart was pounding so heavily that he could feel it travelling through his body. He didn't know why he felt like that, but he just... He didn't know what he was feeling. He'd never felt it before. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter narrows her eyes and sighs as she unbuckles her belt and opens the door.


Jenna smiles while resting her forehead against his and looking in his eyes, her eyes were a mixture of green and Hazel, they seemed to shimmer and change like the autumn leaves. "I'm not sure if any of my school dances were ever like this... But I guess I'm glad I got this moment with you..." She said and bluahed a bit in embarrassment at her own words.

Alex sighed and shook his head as he grabbed his rifle and slowly climbed out of the car after her, the rifle at the ready. He kept it aimed at the area where the thing had been hit, just in case. (@Soul OMU)


".. I never went to a school dance... But--.. after that, I'd definitely reconsider... only if it was with you, of course." He chuckled under his breath and smiled at her, his own cheeks blushing a little in shyness. He wanted to take a few deep breaths, but that would just kill the mood. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Alex sighed and shook his head as he grabbed his rifle and slowly climbed out of the car after her, the rifle at the ready. He kept it aimed at the area where the thing had been hit, just in case. (@Soul OMU)

".. I never went to a school dance... But--.. after that, I'd definitely reconsider... only if it was with you, of course." He chuckled under his breath and smiled at her, his own cheeks blushing a little in shyness. He wanted to take a few deep breaths, but that would just kill the mood. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter carefully looks under the car. "...I don't see anything..." She said while looking confused and back up Alex.


Jenna blushes a bit brighter. "M-me? You flatter me too much..." She said softly while breaking eye contact to hide behind her bangs.

"Yeah...." He blushed a little, "I've always been a sucker for red heads, especially ones with blue eyes that just steal your soul." He grinned. "That with the fact that I haven't had a female close to my age here the whole Time... It all adds up."
DrCompton said:
"Yeah...." He blushed a little, "I've always been a sucker for red heads, especially ones with blue eyes that just steal your soul." He grinned. "That with the fact that I haven't had a female close to my age here the whole Time... It all adds up."
Scarlet smiles a bit in amusement and looks down a bit. "Ahh... So your lonely and bored huh?" She said as she looked up again and flicked her bangs out of her eyes.

"Then let's get out of here." He said, he went over to her and ushered her back into the passenger seat, followed by going to the driver's side and climbing in. Once they were in he quickly locked all of the doors and sighed. "I'm not liking this. Let's just go." He said, followed by starting up the car engine. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah, you." He chuckled when she hid behind her hair. He reached forward and gently flicked it aside and tucked it behind her ear. He smiled at her. "We'll have to make sure I do that more often so you can get used to it, that way you won't hide behind your hair." He grinned in a soft but joking manner as he gave a gentle wink at her. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Then let's get out of here." He said, he went over to her and ushered her back into the passenger seat, followed by going to the driver's side and climbing in. Once they were in he quickly locked all of the doors and sighed. "I'm not liking this. Let's just go." He said, followed by starting up the car engine. (@Soul OMU)

"Yeah, you." He chuckled when she hid behind her hair. He reached forward and gently flicked it aside and tucked it behind her ear. He smiled at her. "We'll have to make sure I do that more often so you can get used to it, that way you won't hide behind your hair." He grinned in a soft but joking manner as he gave a gentle wink at her. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter gets back in the truck, trying to shake the bad feeling she's been having and sighs softly while sitting back in her seat.


Jenna blushes a bit more. "D-do we now?" She said while looking shy and embarrassed.
Tom stares at her, "What about you, Red? You lonely and bored?" He smiles a little, " or am I alone in that category?" He scratched his jaw. "Cause it's more fun to have company , you know?"
Alex went full-speed ahead towards the town of Woodruff. Once they were away from where they apparently ran something over, he felt a little bit more comfortable. The only problem was that it started pouring with rain when they were halfway back. ".. Rain... It's been a while since we've seen this." He said softly, then there was a loud rumble of thunder and a bolt of lighting that looked like it could have been seen from miles away. (@Soul OMU)


"Hm. Who knows." He said playfully, his heart was still beating like crazy. Like, really heavy. It felt like it was about to jump out of his chest, but for some reason it was a good feeling as well. He laughed a little and then looked towards the door. "I think I found a bottle of lemonade in that house we checked a while ago. Feel like sharing that before someone else gets their hands on it?" He asked with a smile. (@Soul OMU)
In the woods, all of Connor's cleasses were either setting up various types of traps or standing guard nearby someone who was making a trap. It was quite the impressive variety. Pitfall, oversized snares, spring traps, deadfall, you named it and odds where it was there. They did ask questions more persistently, and Connor did answer a little more. "The colony is in danger. These'll protect it."

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