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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
He engaged in the hug and set his head on her shoulder for a few moments, smiling. This was nice. It was like a hug that Hunter or Adelaide with give him, or maybe even Tom, but it seemed to mean a lot when it was coming from Jenna. Once he pulled away from her he shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to be playing a more cheerful song, though... It's what he would have wanted." He smiled a little. (@Soul OMU)

A few minutes later the chef came back with two plates with knives and forks. Bacon and eggs were on the plate. It was real bacon, they were real eggs. There was no poison lacing them from what he could see - Alex looked at the chef but then instantly tucked in. The salty taste of the fried bacon. Oh, it was so, so good. He couldn't believe it. His worries instantly melted away. This was just incredible. He grinned at Hunter and shook his head in disbelief, completely lost for words. The others needed to see this place. This was incredible! The chef sat down again and merely watched them. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit as she pulls back. "Of course...do you know what else he likes?" She asked while walking around the room slightly while thinking.


Hunter bites lip slightly as she looks at the food as she looks at Alex and starts to eat slowly. (@DrTrollinski)
".. I don't know. I'm going to play a basic arrangement from a video game I played once. It's a really peaceful guitar piece. The composer's great - Matty was a man of many genres, to be honest... It's hard to tell what sort of music he liked. I know he liked anything that had a nice gentle tune, and he liked the blues as well." He shrugged and smiled at her as he walked towards the door. "What sort of stuff did you do for fun over the past four months?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


"Question." Alex said, half way into his breakfast. ".. We have a group. A group with young children... I--.. I hate to ask, but would they be welcome to come here? There's quite a few of us, but we'd earn our keep... We'd build walls around this place, I can assure you." He said to the chef. The chef opened up his arms and tilted his head to the side for a few moments before relaxing his body again.

".. Of course, of course... There's not very many people here that are going to vote against that, are there?" He chuckled softly. "It'd be nice to have some people around here for once." The chef said. "By the way, you can call me 'Chef'." He added.

"Of course..." Alex sighed. "But... Thank you..." He said as he scooped the last of his egg into his mouth.

"Mhm... I'd hate to see you go to waste. You've got a lot more energy in you than I do, I can assure you of that." He laughed as he went back into the kitchen. "I'll see you soon!" He called from inside, Alex finished off his breakfast, placed his knife and fork on his plate, and then turned to grin at Hunter.

"What do you think? This could really mean something for us. This place could be perfect!" He said. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. I don't know. I'm going to play a basic arrangement from a video game I played once. It's a really peaceful guitar piece. The composer's great - Matty was a man of many genres, to be honest... It's hard to tell what sort of music he liked. I know he liked anything that had a nice gentle tune, and he liked the blues as well." He shrugged and smiled at her as he walked towards the door. "What sort of stuff did you do for fun over the past four months?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)

"Question." Alex said, half way into his breakfast. ".. We have a group. A group with young children... I--.. I hate to ask, but would they be welcome to come here? There's quite a few of us, but we'd earn our keep... We'd build walls around this place, I can assure you." He said to the chef. The chef opened up his arms and tilted his head to the side for a few moments before relaxing his body again.

".. Of course, of course... There's not very many people here that are going to vote against that, are there?" He chuckled softly. "It'd be nice to have some people around here for once." The chef said. "By the way, you can call me 'Chef'." He added.

"Of course..." Alex sighed. "But... Thank you..." He said as he scooped the last of his egg into his mouth.

"Mhm... I'd hate to see you go to waste. You've got a lot more energy in you than I do, I can assure you of that." He laughed as he went back into the kitchen. "I'll see you soon!" He called from inside, Alex finished off his breakfast, placed his knife and fork on his plate, and then turned to grin at Hunter.

"What do you think? This could really mean something for us. This place could be perfect!" He said. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna listening as she sits down and smiles. "Hm... Well let's see... I mostly played my harmonica, sang or read." She said softly while leaning back.


Hunter sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair. "I don't know...I just... I don't know I have a bad feeling still... We don't know what are in these buildings..." She said softly and thinking deeply. (@DrTrollinski)
"Fair enough." He leaned onto the railing. "Most the time during the summer I'd have Carl run in and jump all over me at about eight o'clock. He'd drag me to help him get changed into his swimming gear, and then he'd force me to go into the pool to swim with him. It was a killer sometimes, but most the time it was pretty good. Other than that, I had my guitar." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


"You want to go check out a few of the buildings? Hunter, this is the best place we've found so far. Gas and electric, which means hot water and lights. Let's go and check a few houses and maybe--.." He looked out of the diner window. "And the firestation. Once that's done, we'll make the decision on whether or not we stay, eh?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Fair enough." He leaned onto the railing. "Most the time during the summer I'd have Carl run in and jump all over me at about eight o'clock. He'd drag me to help him get changed into his swimming gear, and then he'd force me to go into the pool to swim with him. It was a killer sometimes, but most the time it was pretty good. Other than that, I had my guitar." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)

"You want to go check out a few of the buildings? Hunter, this is the best place we've found so far. Gas and electric, which means hot water and lights. Let's go and check a few houses and maybe--.." He looked out of the diner window. "And the firestation. Once that's done, we'll make the decision on whether or not we stay, eh?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna looking around, looking at him. "I'd also do some dancing..." She said while looking a bit embarrassed as she rubs the back of her head.


Hunter sighs slightly. "But how long will it last...? And let's go then..." She said as she pushed the plate of almost untouched food away and got up and walked out of the restaurant. (@DrTrollinski)
"Dancing, eh?" He said, a little awkwardly. ".. What sort of style?" He asked in an attempt to create conversation out of it. (@Soul OMU)


"It'll be permanent if we hold the place down right. Hunter. The kids won't have to be sponge-cleaned with cold water any more - they can have hot baths and be tucked into their own beds, and they'd wake up the next morning to a hot breakfast that's more than just beans." He chuckled in happiness at the thought of that. It was nice. He walked her to the nearest two-story house and then gently pushed the door open. There were no bad smells, no movement - it was a normal household that looked like it had just been cleaned and put up for sale. ".. I say we give it a shot. It'd give us a far better lifestyle than what we have now." He smiled as he looked around the house (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Dancing, eh?" He said, a little awkwardly. ".. What sort of style?" He asked in an attempt to create conversation out of it. (@Soul OMU)

"It'll be permanent if we hold the place down right. Hunter. The kids won't have to be sponge-cleaned with cold water any more - they can have hot baths and be tucked into their own beds, and they'd wake up the next morning to a hot breakfast that's more than just beans." He chuckled in happiness at the thought of that. It was nice. He walked her to the nearest two-story house and then gently pushed the door open. There were no bad smells, no movement - it was a normal household that looked like it had just been cleaned and put up for sale. ".. I say we give it a shot. It'd give us a far better lifestyle than what we have now." He smiled as he looked around the house (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit in amusement. "Ballroom." She said while kicking her feet slightly while sitting on a box. "However I never had a partner so..."


Hunter says nothing while meaning into the house to look around, checking every nook and cranky. "...still... Something just don't feel right... Riley told me what her assaulter looked like..." She said while focusing on the area. "We don't know about the guy who owns the farm or about the guy who turned on the power and such... At all... What if there dangerous?"

Tom watches Scarlet and Carl, scratching his jaw as he does so. "A family huh? Thats a nice thought, huh?" he frowned a little and leaned back against a wall. "So, Red, wahts your favorite movie? Maybe we can rig something up and have a movie date before we become a family huh?" He winked a little and pulled out more twizzlers.
"You know what, I think thats what I'll spend my time doing, I'll go gather some stuff up, and try to make a small movie theater for us." He got up with a grunt. "Little guy is asleep, wanna help? It'll be better having three hands." he winked.
"The guy who turned the stuff on is gone. The farmer's probably some old dude, so I doubt he's the rapist. He's not going to travel miles out from home to rape a girl and then come back, trust me." He said, sighing. "Look, this place is fine. Why don't we go back and tell the others and see what they think?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


(Uhm. No he isn't.)

".. There's no power here..." Carl yawned as he hugged Scarlet's leg a little and kept his eyes closed. It wasn't going to be long before he was drifted off anyway. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Well--.. If you wanted to try it, I'll be your partner." Eric offered shakily. (@Soul OMU) 
(The next message you can RP him as being asleep. That's fine with me. I sort of got a little left behind on the posts last time and I was like "shit shit shit no no no" :P )

DrTrollinski said:
"The guy who turned the stuff on is gone. The farmer's probably some old dude, so I doubt he's the rapist. He's not going to travel miles out from home to rape a girl and then come back, trust me." He said, sighing. "Look, this place is fine. Why don't we go back and tell the others and see what they think?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)

(Uhm. No he isn't.)

".. There's no power here..." Carl yawned as he hugged Scarlet's leg a little and kept his eyes closed. It wasn't going to be long before he was drifted off anyway. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Well--.. If you wanted to try it, I'll be your partner." Eric offered shakily. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter sighs softly while walking with him. "Your right... But who knows... Anyways let's check the next few houses..." She said as she left the house swiftly, looking around.


Scarlet lightly stroking his hair, sitting down with Carl. "Well maybe the new place will have some." She said and smiled at him.


Jenna blinks and looks at him. "Really? You mean it?" She said and smiled.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Sure." He said, he lead her into the next few houses and they turned up the same results. They were all fine. Not a scratch to them, all nicely decorated, all perfect. No blood, no guts, no bodies, and no danger- better yet, everything in them worked, which was just fantastic. The houses were all lockable, and a lot of the houses had door keys under the doormats on the front porch, clearly a notion made by the previous owners before they left town. This place was stable, and it'd be easy to fortify. ".. What do you think? We need a house that's got at least three bedrooms as Caitlyn's going to be staying with us." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


".. Mm..." Carl was drained. He was on his path to sleep without a doubt in mind. ".. It'll be nice... and you won't have to be sad about your old family--. because--.." He paused and gave a long yawn. ".. 'cause we're all gonna' be a family instead..." A soft smile tugged at his lips before he settled down entirely after placing the bag of candy down by the side of his bed. Within a few minutes he was fast asleep. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Of course I mean it. You've done me some favors over the past couple of days. I'd be happy to - hey, it's something new as well. I might enjoy it." He winked at her and smiled. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Sure." He said, he lead her into the next few houses and they turned up the same results. They were all fine. Not a scratch to them, all nicely decorated, all perfect. No blood, no guts, no bodies, and no danger- better yet, everything in them worked, which was just fantastic. The houses were all lockable, and a lot of the houses had door keys under the doormats on the front porch, clearly a notion made by the previous owners before they left town. This place was stable, and it'd be easy to fortify. ".. What do you think? We need a house that's got at least three bedrooms as Caitlyn's going to be staying with us." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)

".. Mm..." Carl was drained. He was on his path to sleep without a doubt in mind. ".. It'll be nice... and you won't have to be sad about your old family--. because--.." He paused and gave a long yawn. ".. 'cause we're all gonna' be a family instead..." A soft smile tugged at his lips before he settled down entirely after placing the bag of candy down by the side of his bed. Within a few minutes he was fast asleep. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Of course I mean it. You've done me some favors over the past couple of days. I'd be happy to - hey, it's something new as well. I might enjoy it." He winked at her and smiled. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter sighs softly as they find nothing, doesn't know why she's so against this. "...I suppose it would be alright..." She said softly while looking unsure.


Scarlet sighs softly and smiles a bit as he falls asleep, stroking his hair still. "Yeah... Maybe..." She said softly while carefully moving the boy off her leg and hiding the bag of candy for him.


Jenna smiles and walks up to him. "Usually the guy leads but I will since you don't know.." She said and put her hand on his shoulder and took his free hand in hers.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Trust me. I know this will be alright." He hugged her tight and gave her a nice kiss on the lips and then lead her back to where the car was parked. He helped her inside and then started up the engine to speed off back where they came from to get to the mall again. Wow. A place with no walkers, a farm with food, water, electricity, and gas. It was too good to be true - this place was going to hold a bright future for them, without a doubt. "You had a late night last night, you can get some sleep on the way back, if you want." He said to her, smiling a little. (@Soul OMU)


Carl stirred as he was moved off of her but didn't seem to care all that much once he was nice and snug under his blanket in his bed. Then he did the most super cute thing ever and started sucking his thumb while he was resting deep in his slumber. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Yeah, go ahead and lead me. I'm not as professional as you just yet." He smiled to show that he was only joking and meant no harm. He was nervous and his palms were a little bit sweaty, he was also brushing a little bit, but he braved through it and began following in her footsteps. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter hugs him back slightly and kisses him back lightly before letting him lead her to the car and help her in. "I'm fine... Don't worry about it..." she said softly while yawning a bit and looking out of the window, watching the scenery pass her by as they drive back towards Woodcuff. (@DrTrollinski)


Scarlet smiles a bit while looking and him and kissing his forehead lightly before getting up and leaving the mattress store so she wouldn't wake him as she talked to Tom. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)


Jenna smiles a bit as she starts to move while lightly pulling him along to follow her steps. "1 2 3, 1 2 3." she said softly as she started to move around the room carefully while leading him through the steps.

Tom followed her, "Im sure we can find a generator. Either here, or in a hardware store." He looked at Scarlet, "You had any kids before all this? You're good with Carl." He scratched his jaw, "Unless you dont wanna talk about it, cause I get that too, cause its a pretty shitty world." He looks around. "But if you ever wnna talk about anything, Im pretty easy to talk to."
Scarlet sits down in the pizza parlor and sighs softly. "I would have... except... I had a miscarriage about 5 years ago and lost my baby girl... Sarah..." she said softly while looking quite sad but not showing it.
About ten minutes into their car journey Alex pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. ".. I've gotta' piss real quick. Keep an eye out." He said before hopping out of the car and walking over off the side of the road and behind some bushes in a trench-like area on the side so he could quickly relieve himself. (@Soul OMU)


He continued following in her footsteps, his hands resting more gently on her body now while he looked into her eyes as they danced slowly around the room. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter bites lip but nods. "Alright..." she said and kept an eye out for any danger, narrowing her eyes slightly to see better. She held her machete tightly while focusing on the world around her.


Jenna smiles a bit while looking up at him, dancing with him, leading him still until he feels comfortable taking the lead. "Your a fast learner.." she said softly while smiling brighter.

A couple of minutes later Alex came back to the car and started driving again. "Sorry it took so long. Do you need to stop for anything? I've got some water in the back if you need a drink as well." He offered. (@Soul OMU)


Eric was just mesmerized; his face had gradually gotten closer to her own while they danced around but he didn't really notice that. It sort of went on quite smoothly when he took the lead. As much as he was a teenager, he was still technically a child as well - they both were, but that didn't mean they couldn't fall into the trap at some point. ".. I do try." He said softly with a gentle smile. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter shook her head as she loosened her grip on the machete. "No.. i'm fine..." she said softly while looking back out the window once more while getting lost in her thoughts. (@DrTrollinski)


Jenna smiles a bit while following his lead, she didn't seem to notice at all that his face had gotten closer to hers or she didn't mind at all since he was one of the only people she had gotten close to since she had been here, plus he was a boy of her age and wasn't bad on the eyes either especially since she had seen his back and had seen he had some muscle. "Oh really..?" she said and smiled brighter.

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"Yeah, really." He grinned at her and continued dancing around with her at a slow pace, his hands still gently holding her body. He had butterflies in his stomach just as much as he had a string of confidence and happiness running through him. It was weird. (Going to bed soon, so if at some point I stop replying it means I've passed out xD @Soul OMU)

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