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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"As soon as sundown hits, you're all to go to the positions I've assigned to you." Dominic said to them, continuing to watch Conner's team do their duties. Conner had been a really big help - these lessons seemed to be essential, and it was lucky that he'd been teaching them leading up to now. He was grateful that this was going to at least stop some of the town from being torn to pieces. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
Alex went full-speed ahead towards the town of Woodruff. Once they were away from where they apparently ran something over, he felt a little bit more comfortable. The only problem was that it started pouring with rain when they were halfway back. ".. Rain... It's been a while since we've seen this." He said softly, then there was a loud rumble of thunder and a bolt of lighting that looked like it could have been seen from miles away. (@Soul OMU)

"Hm. Who knows." He said playfully, his heart was still beating like crazy. Like, really heavy. It felt like it was about to jump out of his chest, but for some reason it was a good feeling as well. He laughed a little and then looked towards the door. "I think I found a bottle of lemonade in that house we checked a while ago. Feel like sharing that before someone else gets their hands on it?" He asked with a smile. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter looks around as she gets out. "...Rain..." She said softly and sighed softly while running a hand through her hair.


Jenna smiles a bit and pulls back. "Sure thing." She said as she stepped away from him, the moment gone now.

DrCompton said:
Tom stares at her, "What about you, Red? You lonely and bored?" He smiles a little, " or am I alone in that category?" He scratched his jaw. "Cause it's more fun to have company , you know?"
Scarlet looks at him and puts a hand on his beard/stumble. "Sometimes... But I guess I remind myself that I should wait until this is over... But I remind myself again that you never know what might happen..."
(They're only half way back. Unless she's diving out of a moving car.)

".. Yeah... And some thunder. Let's hope it's not too loud back where everyone else. Carl hates thunder." He said, sighing a little. "I've been more scared of lighting than thunder, but I like the sound of rainfall." He smiled and looked ahead on the soaked road. The air was coated by falling water that made it hard to see - he flicked the fog-lights on. (@Soul OMU)


Eric smiled at her and then lead her out of the room and into the pizza parlor where they left the supplies they found; when Eric saw Tom sitting there he smiled. It was nice to see him after being gone for so long. He walked up and patted him on the shoulder. "Hey. I haven't seen you today." He gave a gentle hug to Tom and then looked at Scarlet. "Morning." He nodded at her. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
(wow I am the asshole of this RP)

Levi didn't react to Braum, instead he observed the little girl; who seemed entertained by the man's antics, but not comforted because she wasn't dumb- there was someone suffering down the hallway. They were already on a time crunch, but this seriously put things on hold. The man glanced to the tall European, unimpressed by it; more interested in the fact he was in charge of amputating Tina's arm- How could he be so cheerful when he was going to perform something that could kill her, if not horribly maim her. Then this child- this couldn't be the first tragedy she'd witnessed, not by the way she was latched onto a man who resembled her in no way, shape, or form. Not when she didn't seem to have any real ties to anyone but to herself. It disturbed him, but his thoughts went back to Nick and Tina. They were probably in the vicinity of Wellington's running water; no one he'd seen was exceptionally dirty, except West and Braum after the night before. Levi didn't exactly pride himself on his appearance as of late; his hair was waving, his skin dusted, his glasses a tad fogged, and he was long overdue for a shower in his personal opinion. Dried blood was on the corners of his shirt, from Tina or Nick- He wasn't sure. When the moustached man went to Tina's room, West came from Nick's.

The farm boy was distressed, that was easy enough to see; his eyes wide and his hands shaking a bit. Levi could've given some words of advice, but without knowing the situation he felt it'd be useless. Insensitive. West went after Braum, assuming they had some sort of plan, and then left; bringing one of the able-bodied members of their group with him, giving Levi a look that held both apprehension and a tinge of rage. As though Levi had let the cat out of the bag into a whole other dimension of screwed up; but, he'd be thanking him if the other two came out of this alive. Levi assumed they were on some sort of regular scavenging and hunting schedule, gearing up to leave; he'd be doing the same. Before they left, he mentioned where his car had been left; surely still stocked up with plenty of items they could find some use for. West forced a smile, saying he'd stop by if he found the time; concerned as to how Levi got out of the most dangerous parts unscathed.

Levi's attention turned back to Nick's situation; whatever it may be. He knew that this farm boy meant well, but doubted he really knew as much as he acted. He probably misinterpreted whatever happened because of the shock. The man hadn't stayed more than a minute, and Levi went to investigate on his own. Opening the door, he found Nick lying in bed; entangled with sheets, dirtied from his body. It was disgusting; he had to fix it. Adjusting his large-framed glasses, Levi gently shook Nick; who woke up with a jolt, eyes unfocused as he tried to decipher where he was. "We found you on the street." Levi bluntly stated, before Nick even had the chance to panic. "Tina is in another room. We need to get you cleaned up, because no one here has tried to do anything to help you just yet." It was a tad abrasive, even Levi would admit. Purposely leaving out who the group members were- on the slim chance Nick couldn't recall who had saved him. The man was sweaty still, his skin crusted in dirt and blood, and his hair hung in disheveled spikes down his gaunt face. "Can you get up and do it yourself, or do you need me to-" Levi sarcastically hissed, immediately getting a croaked 'no'. He still chaperoned the man over to the bathroom, giving a look to anyone who gave him one. Levi was like the mother hen now, setting up everything as Nick stood hugging himself and shaking. "Your limp's gotten worse. Nick." Levi disapproved, you could almost say he was concerned for them.


Delaney nodded, "I don't think much teaching is gonna be needed." She patted the dog, watching Brad take the game to go make breakfast. She didn't follow him, instead stopping to stare out at the terrain. Hopefully her feet wouldn't fail her now, give in before she got to the finish line. Survivor's euphoria hit her, because she had made it to a 'safe' place. They told her there was no such thing as a real 'safe place', but this was pretty damn close to it. The only real problem up here would be when other people found it, or when people came up here and died on their way. Honestly, this place was the calm before the storm; and she could only hope she could have an easy remainder of her pregnancy. Having a baby in this new world seemed like the biggest disaster, she couldn't imagine how many other new mothers were out there. At the statistics before this shitstorm, she knew she wasn't nearly the only person suffering life's blessings.

Tom smiled at Scarlet, then looked up at Eric "Hey Pal. How was your run this morning?" Tom scooted over to make room for the boy, he looked over at Scarlet, "We'll have to keep talking about this a little later." He smiled a little, and then looked back at Eric, "Where is Jenna? I thought she was with you?" He raised a brow and looked around for the other girl.
DrTrollinski said:
(They're only half way back. Unless she's diving out of a moving car.)
".. Yeah... And some thunder. Let's hope it's not too loud back where everyone else. Carl hates thunder." He said, sighing a little. "I've been more scared of lighting than thunder, but I like the sound of rainfall." He smiled and looked ahead on the soaked road. The air was coated by falling water that made it hard to see - he flicked the fog-lights on. (@Soul OMU)


Eric smiled at her and then lead her out of the room and into the pizza parlor where they left the supplies they found; when Eric saw Tom sitting there he smiled. It was nice to see him after being gone for so long. He walked up and patted him on the shoulder. "Hey. I haven't seen you today." He gave a gentle hug to Tom and then looked at Scarlet. "Morning." He nodded at her. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
( xD damn it okay.)

Hunter yawns a bit and closes her eyes, letting the rainfall lol her to sleep.


Jenna follows him out of the room and down to the pizza parlor. "I'm here." She said and smiled and waved a bit. "Hey Auntie... How are you?" She said and sits by her.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
He took the rabbit off to the small kitchen area to skin and gut it. He kept the legs and began cooking them with the wood-burning stove for the dog, and he had the main and leanest cuts of meat for himself and Delaney. He sort of baked the rabbit to the point where it was nice and tender but also a bit crispy. It was decent work, in spite of what he had at his disposal. He took the cooked legs out the front and put them on the ground for the dog, followed by going back inside and plating up the other meat for himself and Delaney. He walked outside to find her and then handed her one of the plates, smiling. "Not very often we eat like this, is it?" He said, grinning as he bit into some of the rabbit on his plate. (@Soul OMU)
"We'll save some for Carl, so make it five cups." He smiled at her with a nod as he unscrewed the cap of the bottle. (@Soul OMU)
"Do not fear! Braum is here!"


"Greetings,Viva...I am Braum. Nice to meet you!"

Now that's a name she hadn't been called in a looooong long time.

"You...you know me?"

The man nodded.

"Wow...Nice mustache by the way."

Braum's face had gotten a little more serious.

"I think you know that you cannot continue with the arm like that...I need to chop away the rotten flesh and clean the wound...then stitch it. I hope you have trust in Braum."

"Uhmm...I don't...What's up with your accent?"

"Please do not change the subject..." He said in an american accent. "You cannot stay like that forever. Your arm needs to be cleaned and stitched."

"I know...I just...I'm not sure I'm...ah fuck it. Cut it!"

The big man started cleaning his axe with a disinfectant.

"It will only take a minute..."

Tina revealed her wound. It started to get worse so Braum quickly put a piece of cloth tightly around her forearm so the blood won't come rushing.

"AH! Be gentle..."

"I am...Just...think of a nice place..."

He grabbed her forearm and placed his axe above a little further from her wrist.

"You might want to look away..."

"Can you-"

Braum hacked away the bad flesh.


He quickly got the disinfectant and started cleaning the remaining bad bits. All this in the calmest way. It caused Tina incredible pain.

"SHIT! ARGH! It hurts so fucking bad!"

With a quick movement he grabbed some of the excess skin around the edges and stitched them.

Tina's face was quickly overrun by tears and she gritted her teeth. At times she would scream profanities at Braum or just in general.

He did not mind as he knew she was in pain. Braum remained silent and focused on the arm.

He was done.

Eric took the cups and carefully filled all but one with some lemonade. He pushed two over to Jenna and Scarlet while he kept the other two for himself and Tom. "Now, I can't believe we actually found this, but let's enjoy it while we can." He looked around them all and smiled, but then flinched when there was suddenly a loud burst of thunder. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)


Alex and Hunter were almost back down. Perhaps another five minutes away or so. The rain was now much heavier and the thunder was ruthlessly booming across the whole county. (@Soul OMU)
Tom looked up at the Thunder clap, "Man, that was pretty loud. We might have to go check on the little ones in a minute anyways... In fact, grab another cup for Caitlyn, Id hate for her to feel like we dont care about her considering who she just lost." He frowned a little, then sipped at the lemonade, "Oh man thats good." He looks at Scarlet and smiles, "Hey, Eric, you see any hardware stores that might have a generator of some sort?" He raised a brow. @Soul OMU
Eric stood up and wandered off to fetch another cup. ".. Uh... It's further towards the center of town. That reminds me... On the way back, me and Jenna stopped in this general store..." He placed the cup down on the table and sighed. "There was a weird smell coming from it. Like, it wasn't the rotting meat from the meat counter, or a dead body--.. It was... something else..." He said, shuddering a little. ".. I'm tempted to go back and check it out, but I'd really rather not without a few extra people there with me - All in good time." He said, sitting down beside Tom once again. "Plus... I think I'm getting sick with something. I'm not sure--.. My stomach was just a bit upset a little while ago, that's all. Might have ate something bad." He said with a shrug as he sipped his lemonade.

There was a louder eruption of thunder that echoed across the sky. "Christ--.. That's right on top of us, pretty much." He chuckled a little. ".. I hope Carl's sleeping through it - He hates thunder, so I think it'll be a good idea to check on them, yeah." He said in agreement, looking around. ".. Let's hope Alex and Hunter get back soon. They've been gone a while now." He said. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Carl was in no good mood. In fact, he was crying. The thunder completely terrified him. He was curled up on the spot, but his sobs were silent while his fast-flowing tears poured down his face. ".. I'm scared..." He whimpered to her, quickly wiping his eyes. (@DryPunishment)
Tom jumped a little at the clap, "Yeah.. Im gonna go check on them. Let me out Eric.. I'll bring them back, hopefully the lemonade and candy will make them not upset, huh?" He smiled a little, "Wanna.. uh Come, Red?" Tom blushed a little. He felt like a middle schooler again, asking a girl on a date. Some date this would be, walking across a mall to get to small children.
"Why are you scared?" She said.

Caitlyn got up and approached him with her monkey.

"If you want I can let you play with Matty!"

She wasn't afraid of the thunders and she liked the sound the rain makes.

Eric stood up to let him out and then sat back down once he'd left. He was unsure on what to say. He felt discreetly uncomfortable with Scarlet for some reason. He wasn't friendly enough with her to trust her. Oh, I wonder how he'll react when he finds out that the others agreed that she was part of their family.

He did his best, though, and didn't make it obvious that he wasn't very trusting. He answered any questions she had and did his best to keep up conversation, and he'd put on a smile occasionally, so that way it was near enough impossible for anyone to tell that he wasn't comfortable there. The only way someone could tell was if they knew him well enough, and seeing as Scarlet and Jenna hadn't even known him for a full 24 hours yet, they wouldn't be able to see anything out of the ordinary. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment, @DrCompton)
She looked confused at him.

Of course she would jump a little and laugh,but considering Carl's mood she tried not to.

"It's not scary!"

Carl didn't say anything. He just shook his head frantically and kept a tight grip on the monkey. His head was bowed and he was still crying - right now he needed someone big and strong to sweep in and hug him and shield him from the 'dangerous' thunder. He hated this. He wanted it to just stop so he could go back to being happy again - he wanted to be happy and eat his candy, and maybe share it with Eric and the others. (@DryPunishment)

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