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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"It was a, let me see here. What are the ones that grab the animal by the foot and drags them up into a tree? Because it was that one." he told him, not able to thing of the name at that moment.

(@DrTrollinski )
"A tree spring noose trap? A rope snare sort of thing?" He asked, slowly rising back up to his feet. "Well. We've narrowed down that they're hostile." He said, sighing. "And we've narrowed down that there's obviously more than just the couple of them." He rubbed the back of his head while he shook it. "I don't know if they'll attack the colony as a whole, but I know for a fact that it'll attack small groups. Now, about the trap, is there any way that we can make it more efficient?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Not that I can think of. There are traps there were designed to kill, and those that'll just leave the thing to starve. Either way, they'll die in the end. We can bait the traps, however, make them want to get near it. And if it wraps around their neck, it'll either snap or suffocate."
"That sounds like a plan. We need to narrow down where these big fuckers are coming from, though. We know for a fact they don't live in water, they're quite primitive so they could be in some sort of hole somewhere, either than or they've got a nest in some place nearby. If we can sort of figure out what way they come in from, we can send more of a flurry of traps over in that direction to hopefully catch some of them." He explained, scratching his chin a little. "But right now, I don't see a sign of any more. They might be nocturnal, for all we know." He added. (@Beowulf)
Scarlet lightly strokes Carl's hair as he rests his head on her thigh. "Now now... No need to be sad... Hey... Come on..." She said while petting his hair.


Hunter looking around, looks worried but determined. "Who knows... But we have to be very cautious... We have no idea if anyone is here or not..." She said softly. (@DrTrollinski)
"Slow down, one thing at a time. Before we go and hunt them down, we need to protect ourselves first. Set up plenty of traps everywhere and increase the night guards would be a good first step I think." he replied as he looked at the tracks. Even he couldn't see more, that meant they could be sneaky when they felt like it.
".. Mhm. We put some people up on the roofs so they can study any movement these things make. All of the people that take your classes know how to make traps like that?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


As he drove onto mainstreet, there was still no signs of people or the undead. It was clean, almost as if this place was untouched - there was that look in the area that showed that the infection had hit here at some point. The only thing they could hear was music blaring out loud from 'Ed's Diner' at the bottom of mainstreet. It was Italian Classical. Someone was here. Alex looked over at Hunter and raised an eyebrow. "I think there's someone in the diner." He said.(@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit and ruffles his hair. "Yeah... We just gotta wait and see.." She said softly as she looked ahead.


Hunter looks at him. "...yeah... We move with caution then and if their hostile... Then we take them out of we can't reason..." She said while watching him. (@DrTrollinski)
"Most of them do, without getting caught in it themselves anyway. And the others aren't to far behind. I can have them going at it when we get back if I have to." said Connor. Looked like his teachings would do some more good.

DrTrollinski said:
About five or so minutes later there was the loud flushing of a toilet and Eric came back out after washing his hands. He gave a half-smile and sat down opposite her once again, his skin the slightest bit pale. He looked a little bit ill, but overall he wasn't looking like death. (@Soul OMU)

He nodded and continued driving onward before pulling into a parking space outside of Ed's Diner. He turned the car engine off, grabbed his rifle, climbed out, and then walked around to the other side of the car to help Hunter out as well. He held his rifle at the ready while he slowly approached the diner door and gently pushed it open. As soon as they pushed it open the music was much louder, and alongside the music, a male voice was singing along to it in pure Italian from within the kitchen. Alex looked at Hunter and frowned. This was really fucking weird. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah. You get as many people as you can out here, armed, and working on traps - leave the kids out of it, though. The younger ones, at least. In the meantime, I'll go and allocate some more guards to sit on the roofs tonight as well as offer more of a patrol around the town. None of them go outside the safety of our gates after sundown unless it's absolutely necessary... You should get people out here now, it's only early, but I don't want to take any risks." He said. He paused for a moment "Are we at an agreement?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
DrTrollinski said:
He nodded and continued driving onward before pulling into a parking space outside of Ed's Diner. He turned the car engine off, grabbed his rifle, climbed out, and then walked around to the other side of the car to help Hunter out as well. He held his rifle at the ready while he slowly approached the diner door and gently pushed it open. As soon as they pushed it open the music was much louder, and alongside the music, a male voice was singing along to it in pure Italian from within the kitchen. Alex looked at Hunter and frowned. This was really fucking weird. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah. You get as many people as you can out here, armed, and working on traps - leave the kids out of it, though. The younger ones, at least. In the meantime, I'll go and allocate some more guards to sit on the roofs tonight as well as offer more of a patrol around the town. None of them go outside the safety of our gates after sundown unless it's absolutely necessary... You should get people out here now, it's only early, but I don't want to take any risks." He said. He paused for a moment "Are we at an agreement?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Hunter slowly follows him, her hand on her machete as she sticks close to him. As they entered the diner, the music was much louder and she gave a half shrug to Alex as they slowly made their way to the kitchen door.


Jenna finished the can of beans and washed it out slightly as she walked out of the pizza parlor, debating to go check on Eric or just float about and wait for him to come to her.

The radio was on the counter that was beside the kitchen door. It was a CD player, actually, the thing was that it was plugged in. Usually Alex would have ignored this, but that's the crazy thing - this place had power. He reached over and quickly flicked it off, and the singing slowly subsided. Alex made sure that Hunter quickly backed up to the front of the counter with him while they waited as heavy footsteps walked towards them. Soon enough the door swung open and quite a large man in a chef's outfit popped out with a kitchen knife in hand - the kitchen knife was covered in little green bits, clearly showing that he'd been cutting some sort of ingredient. Fresh vegetables or herbs? What the hell was going on in this town? He set the knife down and then looked at them both, instantly smiling.

"Ah... Hello! It's nice to see some new faces in Ed's Diner. What can I do for you?" He smiled at them. Alex slowly looked to Hunter and gave a discreet shrug. He didn't know what to say because this guy was very friendly and 'cheerful'. (@Soul OMU)


Once Eric noticed she was gone he followed her out and went up to her. ".. Hey, sorry about that... Just not feeling too good, that's all." He gave a half smile at her once she stopped, he then leaned against the barrier wall that was on the edge of the second floor landing they were walking along. (@Soul OMU)
"We are agreed." Connor said as he began to walk back to the colony. Reaching it, he begins to shout out names and what they would grab. Of course they asked questions, but his only answer was "We are going to protect the colony."

DrTrollinski said:
The radio was on the counter that was beside the kitchen door. It was a CD player, actually, the thing was that it was plugged in. Usually Alex would have ignored this, but that's the crazy thing - this place had power. He reached over and quickly flicked it off, and the singing slowly subsided. Alex made sure that Hunter quickly backed up to the front of the counter with him while they waited as heavy footsteps walked towards them. Soon enough the door swung open and quite a large man in a chef's outfit popped out with a kitchen knife in hand - the kitchen knife was covered in little green bits, clearly showing that he'd been cutting some sort of ingredient. Fresh vegetables or herbs? What the hell was going on in this town? He set the knife down and then looked at them both, instantly smiling.
"Ah... Hello! It's nice to see some new faces in Ed's Diner. What can I do for you?" He smiled at them. Alex slowly looked to Hunter and gave a discreet shrug. He didn't know what to say because this guy was very friendly and 'cheerful'. (@Soul OMU)


Once Eric noticed she was gone he followed her out and went up to her. ".. Hey, sorry about that... Just not feeling too good, that's all." He gave a half smile at her once she stopped, he then leaned against the barrier wall that was on the edge of the second floor landing they were walking along. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter stood behind Alex and the counter. "Uh hi..." She said slowly while keeping her eyes on him. "We couldn't help but over hear your music as we were passing by..." She said softly.


Jenna smiles back a bit. "Alright... Well I hope you feel better." She said as she walked with him on the second floor.

Dominic went back to the town and got every single guard that was available and took them too his office. With that, he got out a map of the town and began pinpointing where he wanted people stationed, he then lead them over to the window and showed them what was going on on Conner's side of things. (@Soul OMU)


"Indeed, indeed. Italian opera, truly beautiful." The man said with a smile. There was the sound of bubbling water and the man held up one hand. "One second." He said before jogging off into the kitchen and turning down the heat on the stove. Yeah. The gas lines were working as well. This must have been a dream. He soon came back and took a seat on the stool behind the counter, crossing his arms on it in front of them. A moment later he turned around and flicked the coffee machine on to heat the coffee in the jug. "I apologize if my music is loud. It helps me work - I've been waiting a long time for someone like you to arrive... All of the food I've been cooking as been going to waste." He smiled at them both, looking around. ".. It's a wonderful day... You don't look like any of the locals. Whereabouts are you from?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Dominic went back to the town and got every single guard that was available and took them too his office. With that, he got out a map of the town and began pinpointing where he wanted people stationed, he then lead them over to the window and showed them what was going on on Conner's side of things. (@Soul OMU)

"Indeed, indeed. Italian opera, truly beautiful." The man said with a smile. There was the sound of bubbling water and the man held up one hand. "One second." He said before jogging off into the kitchen and turning down the heat on the stove. Yeah. The gas lines were working as well. This must have been a dream. He soon came back and took a seat on the stool behind the counter, crossing his arms on it in front of them. A moment later he turned around and flicked the coffee machine on to heat the coffee in the jug. "I apologize if my music is loud. It helps me work - I've been waiting a long time for someone like you to arrive... All of the food I've been cooking as been going to waste." He smiled at them both, looking around. ".. It's a wonderful day... You don't look like any of the locals. Whereabouts are you from?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit. "Sure." She said as she followed after him. "And that would be bad if you did. Cuz then I'd have to run on my own to get you medicine." She said and gave him half a smile.


Hunter looks at Alex then at the chef. "Out of town... From Michigan..." She said softly while staying behind the counter and Alex.

"Heh, I'd be bleeding out my eyes and I'd still go out with you." He said, but then his eyes went a little wide. "That sounded kinda' strange. Sorry." He said quickly, his cheeks blushing a little bit as he pushed the door open to the room that had dozens of guitars stored in it. (@Soul OMU


"Yeah... I was born in raised in this state, but--.." He shuddered a little as the chef turned and stared at him with his big bug-like eyes. "But... We've all been staying in Woodruff since shit hit the fan." He explained, the chef smiled and nodded as he hopped up and poured them both a cup of coffee before placing the drinks down in front of them. "Well. Please, help yourself to the drinks. You've come a long way." He smiled. Alex was dumbfounded, he picked up the coffee cup and discreetly sniffed it - it smelt okay. He sipped it. It tasted strange because it had been so long since he'd had hot coffee, but soon it came back to him. He was lost for words. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Heh, I'd be bleeding out my eyes and I'd still go out with you." He said, but then his eyes went a little wide. "That sounded kinda' strange. Sorry." He said quickly, his cheeks blushing a little bit as he pushed the door open to the room that had dozens of guitars stored in it. (@Soul OMU

"Yeah... I was born in raised in this state, but--.." He shuddered a little as the chef turned and stared at him with his big bug-like eyes. "But... We've all been staying in Woodruff since shit hit the fan." He explained, the chef smiled and nodded as he hopped up and poured them both a cup of coffee before placing the drinks down in front of them. "Well. Please, help yourself to the drinks. You've come a long way." He smiled. Alex was dumbfounded, he picked up the coffee cup and discreetly sniffed it - it smelt okay. He sipped it. It tasted strange because it had been so long since he'd had hot coffee, but soon it came back to him. He was lost for words. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna laughs softly as she makes her way in, looking at all the guitars. "Wow... You got quite a collection here mate.." She said as she walked around.


Hunter blinks and lightly takes a cup and sips it lightly before putting it back down, not a coffee person but doesn't want to be rude.

(It's not very often I hear a redneck American say 'mate' :P )

"Yeah, Hunter actually put this together for me when I was in a bad way." He smiled at her and then walked over to his Western Guitar and picked it up, slinging the strap over his head and shoulders. "This guitar's my own. Had it for a few years now." He briefly strummed the guitar and then sat down on the chair. "Take a seat." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)


"I have to ask..." Alex started. ".. I've noticed you've got electricity, and--.. working gas... I hate to ask, but--.. How?" He asked. The chef looked at him and his smile only brightened.

"Ah... A kind man stopped by in town and went down below." He pointed at the floor. "He got everything working again, I don't know how... But he told me of a rumor." He said, crossing his arms and looking around for a moment as he leaned in closer to the two of them. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
(It's not very often I hear a redneck American say 'mate' :P )
"Yeah, Hunter actually put this together for me when I was in a bad way." He smiled at her and then walked over to his Western Guitar and picked it up, slinging the strap over his head and shoulders. "This guitar's my own. Had it for a few years now." He briefly strummed the guitar and then sat down on the chair. "Take a seat." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)


"I have to ask..." Alex started. ".. I've noticed you've got electricity, and--.. working gas... I hate to ask, but--.. How?" He asked. The chef looked at him and his smile only brightened.

"Ah... A kind man stopped by in town and went down below." He pointed at the floor. "He got everything working again, I don't know how... But he told me of a rumor." He said, crossing his arms and looking around for a moment as he leaned in closer to the two of them. (@Soul OMU)

Jenna smiles a bit. "Wow... Awesome." She said as she sits down in front of him.


Hunter watching him, leaning back, sipping her coffee slowly.

(Check PM's, Soul. I messaged you in regards to something.)


"Just like I promised. Somewhere Only We Know." He smiled at her and began retuning the guitar. He had golden fingers when it came to tuning the guitar, and a golden tongue when it came to singing. He retuned it so quickly, and so fluently, almost as if the guitar spoke to him while he was doing it. Just by the way he tuned by ear was enough to know that he'd been playing guitar for such a long amount of time. After a short amount of time he took a deep breath - he rarely got shy when performing, but this time he did for some reason. He blushed when he started picking at the guitar.



When he sung the song, he managed to sing it in a way that was almost spot on to the song. Near enough identical to how the original artist sung it. He could hit both the low notes and the high notes with ease, and he closed his eyes while he sang and strummed and picked at the guitar. The song sort of reminded him of Jenna and him, in a way - she was the only friend he had here that was the same age as him, which was nice. The song actually brought on a bit of emotion, but he managed to hold that off until the end where he finished it off and slowly put the guitar down. He quickly wiped the little build up of tears from his eyes and put on a smile while doing so. "Christ, that song's strong." He said, blurting out a single laugh. (@Soul OMU) 
(Ah-ah-ah. It all remains secret for now, people ;) )

Alex shuddered when he heard the news. He was lost for words. Was that really what happened here? Was there other places like this, or was this just the one-off? What happened to the man that the chef was talking about? He didn't know. He reached across and gripped Hunter's hand with his free one, squeezing it tight in worry. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
(Check PM's, Soul. I messaged you in regards to something.)

"Just like I promised. Somewhere Only We Know." He smiled at her and began retuning the guitar. He had golden fingers when it came to tuning the guitar, and a golden tongue when it came to singing. He retuned it so quickly, and so fluently, almost as if the guitar spoke to him while he was doing it. Just by the way he tuned by ear was enough to know that he'd been playing guitar for such a long amount of time. After a short amount of time he took a deep breath - he rarely got shy when performing, but this time he did for some reason. He blushed when he started picking at the guitar.



When he sung the song, he managed to sing it in a way that was almost spot on to the song. Near enough identical to how the original artist sung it. He could hit both the low notes and the high notes with ease, and he closed his eyes while he sang and strummed and picked at the guitar. The song sort of reminded him of Jenna and him, in a way - she was the only friend he had here that was the same age as him, which was nice. The song actually brought on a bit of emotion, but he managed to hold that off until the end where he finished it off and slowly put the guitar down. He quickly wiped the little build up of tears from his eyes and put on a smile while doing so. "Christ, that song's strong." He said, blurting out a single laugh. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit and claps her hands swiftly. "Oh that was fantastic!" She said and stood up while smiling, tearing up slightly. (@DrTrollinski
Hunter holding his hand lightly as she looks ahead, worried slightly as she squeezed his hand tightly.
".. I try." He gave a weak smile at her and then took a deep breath. ".. I'll teach you how to play once we have some free time." He said, nodding at her. "Hope you liked it. I'll be doing a song at Matty's funeral later today." He added with a nod. (@Soul OMU)


"But--.." Alex's voice was shaking. He cleared his throat. "What happened to the man?"

The chef looked at him blankly for a moment. ".. I don't know. He stayed in town for a couple of days. After that, he just vanished. I never saw him again after that." He said, Alex looked at Hunter for a moment and then looked back to the chef.

"What about all the people that lived here? Why are their no bodies? Why are you sitting here serving us hot coffee and cooking food in the kitchen? Just what the fuck is going on here?!" He asked, looking a little angry and upset. The chef just smiled.

"They all packed up and left as soon as the infection got remotely close to here. I told them it was nothing to worry about, and I was right." He smiled. "That didn't stop them, though. The place I get all of the food from is from a small farm just outside of this town. The man there breeds numerous animals on his land - he provides me with milk, eggs, cow, pig, chicken, lamb, vegetables... It's just us here. You really should stick around. The houses here are very nice, you know. They just don't look it on the outside." He chuckled a little and looked between them both. "Give me another moment." He said as he disappeared back into the kitchen. Alex looked at Hunter.

".. Hunter... I don't know--.. This place is so--.. It's so great but it's so fucking weird at the same time." He panicked, taking a shaky deep breath and covering his eyes with one hand. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. I try." He gave a weak smile at her and then took a deep breath. ".. I'll teach you how to play once we have some free time." He said, nodding at her. "Hope you liked it. I'll be doing a song at Matty's funeral later today." He added with a nod. (@Soul OMU)

"But--.." Alex's voice was shaking. He cleared his throat. "What happened to the man?"

The chef looked at him blankly for a moment. ".. I don't know. He stayed in town for a couple of days. After that, he just vanished. I never saw him again after that." He said, Alex looked at Hunter for a moment and then looked back to the chef.

"What about all the people that lived here? Why are their no bodies? Why are you sitting here serving us hot coffee and cooking food in the kitchen? Just what the fuck is going on here?!" He asked, looking a little angry and upset. The chef just smiled.

"They all packed up and left as soon as the infection got remotely close to here. I told them it was nothing to worry about, and I was right." He smiled. "That didn't stop them, though. The place I get all of the food from is from a small farm just outside of this town. The man there breeds numerous animals on his land - he provides me with milk, eggs, cow, pig, chicken, lamb, vegetables... It's just us here. You really should stick around. The houses here are very nice, you know. They just don't look it on the outside." He chuckled a little and looked between them both. "Give me another moment." He said as he disappeared back into the kitchen. Alex looked at Hunter.

".. Hunter... I don't know--.. This place is so--.. It's so great but it's so fucking weird at the same time." He panicked, taking a shaky deep breath and covering his eyes with one hand. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna walks over and hugs him. "Hey... You'll be fine... I know you can do it." She said softly as she pulls back to look at him and smiles at him.


Hunter leans over and kisses his hand while looking at him. "Hey... We'll get through this okay..?" She said softly while holding his free hand within hers. (@DrTrollinski)
He engaged in the hug and set his head on her shoulder for a few moments, smiling. This was nice. It was like a hug that Hunter or Adelaide with give him, or maybe even Tom, but it seemed to mean a lot when it was coming from Jenna. Once he pulled away from her he shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to be playing a more cheerful song, though... It's what he would have wanted." He smiled a little. (@Soul OMU)


A few minutes later the chef came back with two plates with knives and forks. Bacon and eggs were on the plate. It was real bacon, they were real eggs. There was no poison lacing them from what he could see - Alex looked at the chef but then instantly tucked in. The salty taste of the fried bacon. Oh, it was so, so good. He couldn't believe it. His worries instantly melted away. This was just incredible. He grinned at Hunter and shook his head in disbelief, completely lost for words. The others needed to see this place. This was incredible! The chef sat down again and merely watched them. (@Soul OMU)

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