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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

She looked in the mirror and gasped.

"It's so pretty! Thank you,Hunter!"

@Soul OMU
"Thanks!" He ripped the jar open and stuffed several jawbreakers into his bag, and with that, he was done. The bag was near enough full, but he put the lid back on the jar and then smiled up at them both. ".. Okay... My bag's full now." He pulled out a gummy snake and shoved it into his mouth, giving a muffled giggle as he began chewing it. "We can go home now." He mumbled - they could only just tell what he was saying. He was going to be holding his candy and eating it all the way back, happy as can be. This really was turning out to be a good life after all. Things weren't so bad, in his mind. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Okay, that's fine." Eric said, his eyes shot around in nervousness. Something didn't feel quite right here. There was the same rotten meat smell, but it had a tinge of something else to it and he wasn't quite sure what it was. He couldn't hear much movement, aside from maybe some shuffling in one of the back rooms - probably just some walkers, or something. ".. Grab the rest and let's go." He urged as calmly as he could. He waited for her to finish gathering it all and then sped off towards the exit of the building. (@Soul OMU)


"Beautiful. Just like Hunter herself." He smiled as he crouched down next to Caitlyn and planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Aw. She looked so fragile and cute. He smiled, hoping that she wouldn't get too upset when it came to Matty's cremation. ".. Me and Hunter will be going out soon, little one... When we get back we'll be having Matty's funeral, so you can sit and play for a while while we're gone, if you want." He said to her. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
Scarlet looks at him. "I-im fine.. Let's go now.." She said while heading out of the store.


Hunter blushes a bit at the comment before shaking her head slightly. "Yeah... We should wait for the others to get back."


Jenna nods and quickly puts them in her bag and pulls it over her shoulder as she starts to follow him, looking around worriedly as she follows him.

"It's okay. I can play here..."

She sighed and hugged the monkey.

@Soul OMU
Tom frowned a little grabbing his own bag. "Carl, go walk with Scarlet, hold her hand while we walk, my hand is full, sorry bud." He walked with Carl out of the store, following after Scarlet. He hoped he hadn't upset her with his casual flirting.
".. Okay, daddy." He took Scarlet's hand in happiness and walked out of the store with her, letting her lead him on to wherever they was going. He was too focused on candy to focus on which way they came. He continuously looked over his shoulder to make sure Tom was still there - this was sort of like the days he and his mother used to walk home from school, as well as meeting Eric and Alex on the way - she'd bring him some type of candy - never this much - and then they'd walk home together. It was nice, and to be reminded of something so nice made him both happy and sad, but happy more than anything. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah, we will." He smiled at Hunter and stood up, gently pecking her on the lips. He looked back down at Caitlyn. "Carl should be back soon, so he'll play with you when he gets back." He smiled at her. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)


He was quick to make sure that they got back in the car and sped off. Of course he kept to his gentleman ways and helped her into the car first, but after that it was pedal-to-the-metal and driving away as quick as he could. He didn't like that place one bit. "I think there was something in there. There was a weird smell, and it wasn't rotting bodies - it was like rotting meat, but--.. different." He said, shrugging in slightly anxiousness. (@Soul OMU) 
(I'm an idiot. I tagged Soul twice in one -.- I've fixed that now, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Okay, daddy." He took Scarlet's hand in happiness and walked out of the store with her, letting her lead him on to wherever they was going. He was too focused on candy to focus on which way they came. He continuously looked over his shoulder to make sure Tom was still there - this was sort of like the days he and his mother used to walk home with school, as well as meeting Eric and Alex on the way - she'd bring him some type of candy - never this much - and then they'd walk home together. It was nice, and to be reminded of something so nice made him both happy and sad, but happy more than anything. (@Soul OMU)

"Yeah, we will." He smiled at Hunter and stood up, gently pecking her on the lips. He looked back down at Caitlyn. "Carl should be back soon, so he'll play with you when he gets back." He smiled at her. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)


He was quick to make sure that they got back in the car and sped off. Of course he kept to his gentleman ways and helped her into the car first, but after that it was pedal-to-the-metal and driving away as quick as he could. He didn't like that place one bit. "I think there was something in there. There was a weird smell, and it wasn't rotting bodies - it was like rotting meat, but--.. different." He said, shrugging in slightly anxiousness. (@Soul OMU) 
(I'm an idiot. I tagged Soul twice in one -.- I've fixed that now, @DrCompton)
Scarlet holds his hand lightly as they walk out of the store, keeping an eye out for danger as they walk. She glanced at Tom then looked back at Carl. "So what's your favourite candy?" She asked while walking with him.


Hunter smiles a bit and decides to change, goes over to her mattress and grabs some clean clothes to throw on.


Jenna gets in and starts going through their stuff again. "I know what you mean... I feel like something was watching us but I don't know.." She said softly.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. Hmm..." Carl thought for a moment, still holding her hand in a fairly tight but also gentle manner. He had 'kid hands' - they were so soft and gentle, and they just seemed like they'd break if you held them too strongly. "I dunno. I guess the gummy snakes 'cause they've got all different flavors." He grinned and held the bag out towards her. "You wanna' try one? They're real good." He offered. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


Alex followed her and spoke quietly to her while she was getting dressed. ".. Hunter... Matty's journal said that it's Caitlyn's birthday in three days... We need to organize something. She's been through a lot and we can't let her down." He stated, giving a gentle sigh as he looked over at Caitlyn for a moment. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)


"There probably was something watching us, Jenna. It's a good thing neither of us went in there alone - You know that feeling you get? Like, you're so worried and anxious that you feel like you're about to shit your pants? Yeah, it was that kinda' feeling I was getting." He chuckled softly under his breath, he was semi-serious, though. They weren't too far away from the mall now. (@Soul OMU)


(@Beowulf - Nothing's happened on your side. We skipped to the next day, and Dominic came to wake Conner up at around eight o'clock because he wanted to see the monster that he killed and he didn't know where Conner had moved it to. You can take it from there.)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Hmm..." Carl thought for a moment, still holding her hand in a fairly tight but also gentle manner. He had 'kid hands' - they were so soft and gentle, and they just seemed like they'd break if you held them too strongly. "I dunno. I guess the gummy snakes 'cause they've got all different flavors." He grinned and held the bag out towards her. "You wanna' try one? They're real good." He offered. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

Alex followed her and spoke quietly to her while she was getting dressed. ".. Hunter... Matty's journal said that it's Caitlyn's birthday in three days... We need to organize something. She's been through a lot and we can't let her down." He stated, giving a gentle sigh as he looked over at Caitlyn for a moment. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)


"There probably was something watching us, Jenna. It's a good thing neither of us went in there alone - You know that feeling you get? Like, you're so worried and anxious that you feel like you're about to shit your pants? Yeah, it was that kinda' feeling I was getting." He chuckled softly under his breath, he was semi-serious, though. They weren't too far away from the mall now. (@Soul OMU)


(@Beowulf - Nothing's happened on your side. We skipped to the next day, and Dominic came to wake Conner up at around eight o'clock because he wanted to see the monster that he killed and he didn't know where Conner had moved it to. You can take it from there.)
Scarlet holding his hand carefully and looks at him as he offers her a gummy worm. "...I suppose I could.." She said and took a worm and ate it, making a slight face at the taste of sugar since she hadn't had any in a long time.(pure sugar)


Hunter listening and thinks. "Alright... I think I might have an idea if I can get the things I need... They probably have what I need here in the mall."


Jenna sighs and nods. "Yeah... I'm glad you came in with me... I felt like there was bugs all over my skin but obviously there wasn't because it was just the feeling I get when I think someone is watching me but I can't see them.."

(@DrCompton, @DrTrollinski)
Blearily waking up, Connor's brain just managed to register the shouting. "Wha do you want?" he asked. Realizing what the question was, he says "I had it buried domewhere in the woods. Told them to burry it deep. I might be able to lead you to it, doubt very much they didn't leave a trail. Let me get ready first."

(@DrTrollinski )
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"See? They're really good. My mommy used to bring me candy like gummy snakes and jawbreakers on Fridays when school was over." He smiled warmly at her and kept hold of her hand while bring the bag back to his side and walking along with her. He looked over his shoulder for a moment and smiled at Tom. "Do you wanna' try a gummy snake too, daddy?" He asked him, making sure that he was walking carefully while he was looking behind him. This caused him to slow down a little. (@Soul OMU)


"If you're planning on making a cake, I wouldn't recommend it. We need eggs and milk for that. We have powdered milk, but no eggs. We could always check around for some eggs when we head out to that little town. There's probably some farm areas nearby, providing that all the livestock hasn't been eaten yet." He chuckled but then realized how dark it sounded. "We'll see, right?" He said to her, putting on a smile. (@Soul OMU)


"Same here. I'm glad you were with me in there. That crawly feeling you get is really weird, but I've been getting that every time I go up onto the roof. A few months back I was shot in the arm by an arrow - some crazy dude that somehow got onto the roof. You see the fucked up supply chopper up there? Some psycho climbed up and cut the fuel lines so the pilot couldn't leave. He's still with us, but the poor guy left behind a family in some bunker somewhere." He said, sighing and looking around as he neared the mall. He took the turn at the end of the street and they were now only around fifty feet from it. (@Soul OMU


"They buried it?" Dominic called. He sighed a little and rubbed his forehead. "Alright, just take me to where you first saw it. I'll take a look around there." He added. (@Beowulf)
"Of course they did, I told them to. Should I have hung it up for all to see or left it out for a child to stumble across it? And I didn't know if it would decide to come back." All but the last couple words were muffeled by various degrees thanks to him being in the house and putting some different clothes on. "Well then, best get going, we've wasted enough daylight as it is." And off he went to the gate the others probably went out of the night before, found the trail, and led him to the obvious burial sight.

DrTrollinski said:
"See? They're really good. My mommy used to bring me candy like gummy snakes and jawbreakers on Fridays when school was over." He smiled warmly at her and kept hold of her hand while bring the bag back to his side and walking along with her. He looked over his shoulder for a moment and smiled at Tom. "Do you wanna' try a gummy snake too, daddy?" He asked him, making sure that he was walking carefully while he was looking behind him. This caused him to slow down a little. (@Soul OMU)

"If you're planning on making a cake, I wouldn't recommend it. We need eggs and milk for that. We have powdered milk, but no eggs. We could always check around for some eggs when we head out to that little town. There's probably some farm areas nearby, providing that all the livestock hasn't been eaten yet." He chuckled but then realized how dark it sounded. "We'll see, right?" He said to her, putting on a smile. (@Soul OMU)


"Same here. I'm glad you were with me in there. That crawly feeling you get is really weird, but I've been getting that every time I go up onto the roof. A few months back I was shot in the arm by an arrow - some crazy dude that somehow got onto the roof. You see the fucked up supply chopper up there? Some psycho climbed up and cut the fuel lines so the pilot couldn't leave. He's still with us, but the poor guy left behind a family in some bunker somewhere." He said, sighing and looking around as he neared the mall. He took the turn at the end of the street and they were now only around fifty feet from it. (@Soul OMU


"They buried it?" Dominic called. He sighed a little and rubbed his forehead. "Alright, just take me to where you first saw it. I'll take a look around there." He added. (@Beowulf)
Scarlet slows down with Carl, eating her gummy worm slightly.


Hunter looks at him. "I meant decorations." She said while grinning a bit as she pecked his cheek.


Jenna listening and sighs. "That sucks and wow... You guys face some crazy shit.." She said while looking ahead. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Tom caught up to the two of them, "Uh sure. Scarlet, this is going to sound weird, but can you feed.. me." He blushed a little. His hurt arm was in a sling, and he couldn't lift it, and his other hand had two heavy bags in it, and he couldn't and didn't want to lift that one.
Carl giggled a little and stopped, turning around to face Tom while holding the bag up to Scarlet. "You're gonna' look like a baby." He said in a playful tone, he meant no harm in the comment, but he wore a big humored grin on his face. (@Soul OMU)


"Oh, haha." Alex laughed a little. "My bad... Yeah, decorations would be nice. We should get her presents from the storage room in the toy store - half the stuff back there ain't even on the shelves." He said, smiling. (@Soul OMU)


"Too right we do. You're probably the best thing that's happened to us over the past few months." He said with a warm smile. It sounded more flirtatious than it did an acknowledgement, but Eric didn't really realize that. Overall, he intended for it to be a compliment. The car stopped outside the mall. (@Soul OMU)


"Wasted daylight? It's eight o'clock, Conner. We've got plenty of time." He said as he walked to the burial site. "I'm not digging this up. Where did you run into this thing, anyway? There might be something to see there." He said. (@Beowulf)
Tom bit down on the gummy and pulled it into his mouth, "Thanks." He lookd down shyly afterwards, then up at Carl, "Shut up you!" He laughed a little and playully kicked the boy in the butt. "Come, lets get back inside and share our goodies withe veryone else."
DrTrollinski said:
Carl giggled a little and stopped, turning around to face Tom while holding the bag up to Scarlet. "You're gonna' look like a baby." He said in a playful tone, he meant no harm in the comment, but he wore a big humored grin on his face. (@Soul OMU)

"Oh, haha." Alex laughed a little. "My bad... Yeah, decorations would be nice. We should get her presents from the storage room in the toy store - half the stuff back there ain't even on the shelves." He said, smiling. (@Soul OMU)


"Too right we do. You're probably the best thing that's happened to us over the past few months." He said with a warm smile. It sounded more flirtatious than it did an acknowledgement, but Eric didn't really realize that. Overall, he intended for it to be a compliment. The car stopped outside the mall. (@Soul OMU)


"Wasted daylight? It's eight o'clock, Conner. We've got plenty of time." He said as he walked to the burial site. "I'm not digging this up. Where did you run into this thing, anyway? There might be something to see there." He said. (@Beowulf)
Hunter smiles a bit. "Exactly! You don't need a cake to celebrate a birthday." She said and looked at him happily.


Jenna blinks in surprise at his words and smiles a bit. "Ah well shoot... You gotta thank Hunter for coming over to talk to us." She said and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.


Scarlet walks ahead, blushing a bit as she focuses ahead.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Carl burst into laughter as he took Scarlet's hand again and continued walking. It had only been a short walk to get here, but after a late night and an early rise, little Carl was starting to feel the walk getting to him a little bit. He began to slow down to the point where Scarlet was nearly dragging him along. ".. I'm tired... how far is it?" He asked softly. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"Will do." He smiled and hopped out of the car, followed by walking around to open the door for her. "That was a good first run." He smiled as he walked in with her and went towards the stairs. "We'll have some breakfast now. I'm starved - That's kind of the rule, we don't eat before we go out because of cramps and stuff. If we needed to run after we just ate we'd be screwed." He chuckled softly and walked into the pizza place with her. (@Soul OMU)


"But every kid loves a birthday cake, don't they?" He grinned at her. "You never know what we'll find when we check that town out today, so let's just wait and see." He said, he looked towards the door and saw Eric and Jenna walk by beside each other while talking, he smiled and looked back at her. "Those two are back, so we'll go out soon enough." (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
Carl burst into laughter as he took Scarlet's hand again and continued walking. It had only been a short walk to get here, but after a late night and an early rise, little Carl was starting to feel the walk getting to him a little bit. He began to slow down to the point where Scarlet was nearly dragging him along. ".. I'm tired... how far is it?" He asked softly. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

"Will do." He smiled and hopped out of the car, followed by walking around to open the door for her. "That was a good first run." He smiled as he walked in with her and went towards the stairs. "We'll have some breakfast now. I'm starved - That's kind of the rule, we don't eat before we go out because of cramps and stuff. If we needed to run after we just ate we'd be screwed." He chuckled softly and walked into the pizza place with her. (@Soul OMU)


"But every kid loves a birthday cake, don't they?" He grinned at her. "You never know what we'll find when we check that town out today, so let's just wait and see." He said, he looked towards the door and saw Eric and Jenna walk by beside each other while talking, he smiled and looked back at her. "Those two are back, so we'll go out soon enough." (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet carefully scoops up the tired boy. "Looks like someone needs a nap when they get back.. And not much further hun... I'll carry you." She said as she put him on her back lightly.


Jenna smiles a bit as she heads in with him. "I suppose that does make sense and is quite true. Never know what you might run into." She said and grinned before putting her bag down once in the pizza parlor.


Hunter smiles a bit and stretches. "Alright, I'm going to go change now before we go." She said as she heads to the bathroom to change. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
He held the bag tightly in his hand while he wrapped his arms around Scarlet's neck and rested his head on her back, taking a yawn. ".. I dunno... I'll be okay, but my legs hurt." He muttered in a nearby whimper. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


He sat down and began to dig through the bag of food. He pulled out a can of Frank and Beans and placed it down. "How's this?" He asked, smiling as he looked across at her. "This is some golden stuff right here. Not only do you get more beans in your apocalyptic diet, but you get mini sausages as well." He joked, chuckling a little as he opened it up and handed her a fork. (@Soul OMU)


"Sure." He smiled at her as she walked off and then sat down on her bed to wait for her to return. (@Soul OMU)
Tom smiled at the sight of Scarlet carrying Carl. "We're almost there bud, when we get back you can take a nap. I'll hide your candy so no one gets any alright?" Tom winked and the Mall came into view, "There's home sweet home." Tom smiled at Scarlet, "Thanks for coming with us, Red."

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