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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Carl scooped the rest of his ravioli into his mouth and quickly gulped it down, followed by looking at Hunter and smiling. ".. It was okay, I got up early to go to the bathroom, but daddy came and waited for me so it was okay." He smiled at her and then looked at Tom. "I am! I gotta' put some clothes on first..." He said - he was still in his socks and PJ's. "Can you come and wait for me?" He asked, looking between Tom and Scarlet a few times. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


Eric went to the canned food section and found a little bit of everything. They sure had hit the jackpot today. He filled the rest of the bag with food and then stuffed a couple of more cans into the pocket of his hoodie. He didn't want to leave anything behind, after all. He walked around for a little while longer until he found some bars of chocolate. He picked up four and stuffed them into his pocket before walking back to the exit to wait for Jenna. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah let's go." Tom took Carls hand and walked with him and scarlet to his clothes. "Hurry and change, Scarlet and I will be right here, ok?" Tom smiled at Carl then looked at Scarlet.
"Okay!" He shot off to throw some clothes on. He wanted to look nice, but casual. He slipped on some jeans and a little red t-shirt with a collar - perfect! He shoved his sneakers on and then went through Alex's bag to find the cologne he used. He giggled quietly to himself as he sprayed a little of it on himself and then sprung up to sprint back out to Tom and Scarlet. He was only gone five minutes, but he looked a little bit more clean and lively than before. He took hold of both of their hands without hesitation and smiled. "I'm ready. Let's go!" He said, grinning. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
Carl scooped the rest of his ravioli into his mouth and quickly gulped it down, followed by looking at Hunter and smiling. ".. It was okay, I got up early to go to the bathroom, but daddy came and waited for me so it was okay." He smiled at her and then looked at Tom. "I am! I gotta' put some clothes on first..." He said - he was still in his socks and PJ's. "Can you come and wait for me?" He asked, looking between Tom and Scarlet a few times. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

Eric went to the canned food section and found a little bit of everything. They sure had hit the jackpot today. He filled the rest of the bag with food and then stuffed a couple of more cans into the pocket of his hoodie. He didn't want to leave anything behind, after all. He walked around for a little while longer until he found some bars of chocolate. He picked up four and stuffed them into his pocket before walking back to the exit to wait for Jenna. (@Soul OMU)
DrCompton said:
"Yeah let's go." Tom took Carls hand and walked with him and scarlet to his clothes. "Hurry and change, Scarlet and I will be right here, ok?" Tom smiled at Carl then looked at Scarlet.
Scarlet smiles a bit and nods. "Of course we'll wait for you." She said as she walked with them back to the mattress store so he could go change and blinks in surprise as he takes her hand and smiles. "Alright alright."


Jenna managed to find a whole case of water bottles, starts putting them in her bag when she hears something, stops what she's doing and looks around slowly; trying to find the source of the noise. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
This was awesome. Carl just couldn't wait to go on a walk - it was a thing he only got to do when things were normal out there. It was nice that some normality was finally coming back for him - he liked Scarlet, and he loved Tom like a father. This was going well so far - he had two really nice people who seemed to have time for him at his sides, and now they were going to hang out together. He was thrilled! He'd put on quite a bit of cologne, so he had a very masculine smell to him. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton - Won't progress too far in this until DrC replies. Don't want to leave him behind)


Eric didn't hear anything. He looked down at his watch for a moment and then leaned against the wall beside the door, slowly running his eyes over the whole store. He noticed that some of the shutters on the windows were down, so, with nothing better to do, he went and lifted them up to let some light in on the building. (@Soul OMU)
Levi didn't sleep well, once they'd gotten back to the farm house the group invited him to at least stay the night. He occupied the couch, hardly sleeping more than a couple hours; something he had come to cherish in this day. Usually, he didn't have a good night's rest; he had to wake up and check the doors and windows, then he had to clean the counters and the floors. God forbid he heard something, he would stay up on the small chance whoever went on watch wasn't trustworthy. He got the best sleep with Nick on watch, after he had stayed up a couple nights to spy on the younger man; just to see if he was doing his job. Essentially, by the time they got back; both Tina and Nick were out, and he was nearly in disbelief they had escaped without more injuries. Of course, they were absolutely filthy; only having their faces washclothed a bit before being checked out a bit. Tina was the problem for now as far as her hand went, the skin already giving off a putrid scent; infection a possibility considering the means she used to cut it off. Unlike Nick would've done, they agreed to wait for her to wake up to choose what to do with it; trying their best to clean the area, but it seemed rather futile.

It was morning, and it was almost too nice out for him to believe what had happened the night before. When his wandering hands found his glasses, set on the side table, he came to find that everyone seemed rather tense in the house; but not in a high-alert, let's-go-kill-some-zombies way. This was why he hated groups; they all had needs and it was always selfishness blocking out reason. He could hardly believe these people survived so long; the old man needed a cane to walk, the woman could lose a few pounds, the little girl was absolutely tiny and the two men looked as though they'd be better off eloping in the night. Levi stood, wondering how late he had actually slept in; he didn't know what time they'd gotten back, or what time it even was now. He came to the kitchen to see West pacing, mussing his wavy brown hair and clearly trying to come up with a plan.

Nick awoke with a pulsing in his head, but the world around him was warm and the sheets fresh. He didn't exactly smell too great; considering he was coated in filth and grime, but his face felt clean and his clothes changed. Actually, more or less, he was missing his shirt, shoes, and socks; luckily, still having his pants on. Groggily, he pushed himself up; rubbing his face and suppressing a groan as his entire body screamed for him to stay still. At the foot of the bed sat the little girl West always had trailing in his shadow, her massive eyes focused on him. She had always been incredibly shy, just peering out enough to get a good look at people; trying to make sense of some sort of a twisted world. Nick had never taken the time to get close to her, but she always considered him a friend solely because he was West's right-hand man. Suddenly he felt his heart beating rapidly, having to clutch his pained chest just to endure the severity of it; first off, where was Tina? Secondly, where was he? Third, why was she here? Nick found that his breathing hadn't been regular, in fact he couldn't control it; the world was caving in on him because he was in a white room bursting with light and the scent of pine and he had no idea how he got there, unless it was Wellington's true colors? The little girl scampered off, just as he felt tears bud in his eyes as his breathing became more mangled and his hands shook; trembling as he held onto himself, wondering why his heart was ready to burst and his thoughts couldn't stay straight. His vision blacked again and he faded out.

Levi had been talking quietly when the child came scurrying in, wearing stretchy jeans, rain boots, and what looked like one of West's plaid shirts; he guessed she either outgrew her winter clothes, or had dirtied them too much for proper use. She tugged on his pants, face distraught; and Levi noticed that West resembled the authoritative figure, indistinguishable as older brother or father, in his opinion. When West ran off, he was left watching this small child; who awkwardly looked to him, trying to figure him out. "Do you know where.." He paused, looking for words she would understand, "The new girl is?" He figured West would handle Nick, there wasn't much other they could do than wait. The child nodded, tiptoeing her way down the hall to a spare room; they had it locked, just in case Tina turned, but West had stayed up nearly all night to make sure she didn't. Levi knew he couldn't get in until they figured out what to do; it was a miracle someone got into Nick's room, he thought that maybe this little girl was more a trickster than he thought. "How did you open the other door?" He asked, trying to keep his low tone pleasant and level. She looked away, shrugging as she hid a mischievous smile. Levi couldn't help but find amusement in this, Tina would like her.

@DryPunishment (our charries need to freakin bathe like wow. They nast.)


Delaney nodded her head, getting out of bed and doing another stretch; her achy back becoming duller as she got accustomed to being up and at it. "What's on the agenda today? Do we need to hunt?.." She looked around the room, "Maybe we could teach the dog to be a hunting dog or a guard dog if it comes back." She grinned, "Teach it to aim for the brain." She chuckled at her own idea; albeit not a very good one, because it would probably end up killing strangers who were alive.

"I don't know. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but we'll see..." He said as he looked into the smoked out fireplace. He smiled and looked around. ".. I bet this place is great in the summer in particular. In the winter it's going to be heaven, though. These places are great against the cold." He chuckled a little and looked around. ".. Whoever made this place must have been good at was he was doin' - Hell, coulda' even been my great grandfather. I heard he was great at this kinda' stuff, never got to see it for myself, though." He shrugged and smiled at her, looking around once again. He laughed briefly at her comment. "Who knows. We'll have to wait and see, won't we?" He smiled and then leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning the room. A couple of minutes later he heard a scratching at the front door. He got up and slowly opened it up, only for Oreo to walk back in - in his mouth he held a brown, dead rabbit - it was fairly big, but not huge - it was enough for the three of them, at least. Oreo trotted over to sit in front of the fireplace and then looked off at Brad and Delaney, panting while his tail wagged. He dropped the rabbit onto the floor in front of them. ".. Well. That's breakfast." Brad said while rubbing his head in amazement; he leaned forward and patted the dog on the head. "Good boy." He chuckled in praise. The dog closed its eyes but its tail wagged even more - this dog seemed to have a lot of heart. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Tom smiled and started to walk with the two. He was happy for the first time since his wife and baby were killed. He blinked a littke and squeezed Carls hand a little and smiled at Scarlet. He was happy with this makeshift family. "Let me grab my pistol, okay?"
Braum was outside sharpening his axe,mainly for the newcomer's hand. He took some time to realize...it was Viva.

His mp3 playernplaylist being almost full of her recordings and mash-ups. He was excited and also a bit scared.

This guy was gonna chop off some more of her wound. Also clean it and stitch it up.

He was silent for most of the time after they rescued Nick and Tina.

The man started humming an old folk song in his warm voice.


Tina darted up and looked around. What was this place? A nice little log cabin in the middle of nowhere?

She looked out the window. They weren't in the middle of nowhere,but it was nowhere-ish enough.

Suddenly pain struck her.

"Aaaagh! Fuck! Nick! Where are you?"

Tina looked at her hand and immediately felt nauseous again. It was smelly and it looked terryfing.


Braum heard the screams of displeasure and the four letter word he'd not like to use.

But it meant she wasn't turning. It meant she survived. It immediately gave him some hope.

He finished sharpening his axe and went back inside.

The man entered the kitchen through the back door.

"Good morning...today is good day, no?"

Braum's voice turned into an even warmer tone and a very loveable accent.

He breathed in and out with a big smile on his face,slightly hidden by his stylish mustache.

"She woke up, I see."


(To give you an example,of how he sounds like when he puts on the accent.)


(Ignore the guy's name and mustache please I totally did not rip him off)
".. Okay, daddy..." Carl replied. It made Carl feel all fuzzy whenever he called him 'daddy' - He didn't know why, it was just so special to him. He was told that he only ever got one father and one mother, but right now, it seemed like there wasn't so much truth behind that after all. When they were just outside and waiting for Tom, Carl looked around the forest that rested opposite them; he didn't like the forest - the only time he'd ever go in there is if he had Tom and a couple of other people with him beforehand. He moved up closer to Scarlet and leaned against her leg, a little nervous about the forest - he knew that that was where the savages lived, so he didn't want to take any risks. (@Soul OMU) 
(Let's try and speed this walk along a little bit if possible. I have to go soon and I don't want to make it awkward by leaving Carl as a mute :c) 
Alex sighed and slid a can of beans over to Caitlyn while reaching past Hunter and gently patting her on the head. "Eat up, big girl. You need to keep your strength up." He smiled at her and then pulled a can of his own closer, looking at it for a moment. He'd save it for a while until Hunter decided that she wanted some as well. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
".. Okay, daddy..." Carl replied. It made Carl feel all fuzzy whenever he called him 'daddy' - He didn't know why, it was just so special to him. He was told that he only ever got one father and one mother, but right now, it seemed like there wasn't so much truth behind that after all. When they were just outside and waiting for Tom, Carl looked around the forest that rested opposite them; he didn't like the forest - the only time he'd ever go in there is if he had Tom and a couple of other people with him beforehand. He moved up closer to Scarlet and leaned against her leg, a little nervous about the forest - he knew that that was where the savages lived, so he didn't want to take any risks. (@Soul OMU) 
(Let's try and speed this walk along a little bit if possible. I have to go soon and I don't want to make it awkward by leaving Carl as a mute :c) 
Alex sighed and slid a can of beans over to Caitlyn while reaching past Hunter and gently patting her on the head. "Eat up, big girl. You need to keep your strength up." He smiled at her and then pulled a can of his own closer, looking at it for a moment. He'd save it for a while until Hunter decided that she wanted some as well. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
Scarlet nods as she waits with Carl, lightly putting her hand on his head as they wait.


Hunter smiles a bit while sitting back and watching, looks up at the ceiling slightly as she thinks.


Jenna walking around making her way back quietly and carefully, got quite a bit of water.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
".. You can't go into that forest over there..." Carl pointed off to it. "There's bad people there." He said as he hugged her legs with one arm. (@Soul OMU)


Eric looked off at her and smiled when he saw her approaching. What a relief. He was happy that she got back okay - he knew that she was capable, but for some reason he felt like it was his duty to keep her safe on the first day of the job. (@Soul OMU)
Tom walks out with his pistol tucked into his pants. "Alright... Let's avoid the forest, let's head that way." He leads the two toward the other side of the mall

Carl was relieved to see Tom back outside with them; he held onto one of Scarlet's hands and one of Tom's hands and began walking with them. The mood was nicer once they began to get away from the forest. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Scarlet lightly pets his head. "We won't pet... We'll walk around hear since it's safe." She said softly as she followed, her sniper on her back slightly while walking with them.


Jenna makes her way over and smiles a bit. "I found a whole case of water bottles." She said as she stood in front of him while looking at him. "What about you?" (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Okay..." He smiles. "It'll be nice when we go to the town like Alex said, then Eric can live with us all in a house!" He said cheerfully. "Alex and Hunter get to live in another house though." He smiled and looked up at Tom. "Is that why they were movin' the furniture? So they can take it to a house?" He asked innocently. (@Soul OMU)


"Awesome. I've got stacks of food. Some good stuff, too." He smiled at her. "Good work. Let's get outta here." He said before turning and leading her to the car, he opened the door for her and then placed the bag on the floor in her foot area. "You can count what we got on the way back, if you're up for it." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Okay..." He smiles. "It'll be nice when we go to the town like Alex said, then Eric can live with us all in a house!" He said cheerfully. "Alex and Hunter get to live in another house though." He smiled and looked up at Tom. "Is that why they were movin' the furniture? So they can take it to a house?" He asked innocently. (@Soul OMU)

"Awesome. I've got stacks of food. Some good stuff, too." He smiled at her. "Good work. Let's get outta here." He said before turning and leading her to the car, he opened the door for her and then placed the bag on the floor in her foot area. "You can count what we got on the way back, if you're up for it." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet laughs softly and smiles. "It's possible bud. But there might be better furniture at the town." She said while walking with them, holding Carl's hand. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)


Jenna smiles at him and gets in. "Such a gentleman... Also sure I don't mind, it will give me something to do." She said as she starts going through the bag. (@DrTrollinski)
"Um.. No.. They were doing something else bud, something you won't have to worry about for a few more years, and when you're ready for it, you and I will have a private talk... Ok? But that's gonna be at least 10 years from now."
Carl was confused. Oh well, at least Tom was honest. "Can we find a candy store to get some candy and stuff? Please?" He pleaded and he squeezed both of their hands. (@Soul OMU, DrCompton)


"I try and be a gentleman, I just hope you don't mind my sense of humour." He chuckled softly under his breath and smiled at her. (@Soul OMU - last post tonight, guys. Remember that Carl's still there, so don't do anything ridiculous :) Try not to go way into the day, Ill be on to respond tomorrow morning :) Night!)
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DrTrollinski said:
Carl was confused. Oh well, at least Tom was honest. "Can we find a candy store to get some candy and stuff? Please?" He pleaded and he squeezed both of their hands. (@Soul OMU, DrCompton)

"I try and be a gentleman, I just hope you don't mind my sense of humour." He chuckled softly under his breath and smiled at her. (@Soul OMU - last post tonight, guys. Remember that Carl's still there, so don't do anything ridiculous :) Try to go way into the day, Ill be on to respond tomorrow morning :) Night!)
Scarlet smiles a bit as she looks at him. "Of course... But we have to be careful alright?" She said while walking with them.


Jenna smiles a bit. "I think I'll manage, I've gone this far haven't i?" She said and grinned at him while going through his bag as he drives. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton, Night darling! :) <3)
Tom knew where a nearby candy store was and headed that direction with Carl and Scarlet, "so, Red, you miss the military?"
Andrews Airforce Base, Maryland

The hmmvw came to a halting stop as Chris glared at the dim outlook of the base from the outside gates. There was a glimmer of hope, a convoy of military vehicles were inside the base at a refuel point but, there was no sign of visible movement near the vehicles. The gate was also wide open and looked like it was a trap. As for the rest of the base, the sight of bodies finally began to diminish as the military must of responded in some type of form. As there were none here... Or so Chris thought. A chilling thought ran up his spine, but he thought that the convoy, being the only running vehicles in the base could provide some sort of answers.

Sherry just stared while she sat on top of the hmmvw, glaring down the scope attached to the bolt action rifle, staring at the mess of looked like scuttled vehicles and jets massed on the airfield. Sherry began to yell.

" We got movement, 6 friendlies! Multi-cams, look like army! " The vehicle shifted as she vaulted off the vehicle, Chris staring at the gate, figuring this was his chance to get some answers he moved out immidiately to the vehicle fuel point.

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