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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Not like that... The chest's only going to make 'em bleed more." He said, sighing. He walked up to the boy and sunk the blade of his katana into his head. The body went still. He did the same to the girl and then pulled away, wiping the blood off on the dirtied bed sheets. He looked at her again and then gave a sigh, nodding his head backwards towards the door. "Come on." He said softly, followed by walking out and helping her check out the rest of the rooms. In the nightstand of the master bedroom they found a small snub-nosed revolver, fully loaded. That was all that was good up here. "Okay, let's go check the kitchen. The place is clear." He said. "Just the canned stuff and the dried stuff." He added as he turned back towards the stairs. (@Soul OMU)


".. We'll get used to it, Hunter... Don't worry. I'm not a pro, but I'm good enough because of Carl." He smiled. "Hell, you do alright with Carl, so I'm sure you'll do fine with her." He added reassuringly. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Not like that... The chest's only going to make 'em bleed more." He said, sighing. He walked up to the boy and sunk the blade of his katana into his head. The body went still. He did the same to the girl and then pulled away, wiping the blood off on the dirtied bed sheets. He looked at her again and then gave a sigh, nodding his head backwards towards the door. "Come on." He said softly, followed by walking out and helping her check out the rest of the rooms. In the nightstand of the master bedroom they found a small snub-nosed revolver, fully loaded. That was all that was good up here. "Okay, let's go check the kitchen. The place is clear." He said. "Just the canned stuff and the dried stuff." He added as he turned back towards the stairs. (@Soul OMU)

".. We'll get used to it, Hunter... Don't worry. I'm not a pro, but I'm good enough because of Carl." He smiled. "Hell, you do alright with Carl, so I'm sure you'll do fine with her." He added reassuringly. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna takes her knife out and wipes the blood off. "They're already dead thought... Aw well, let's go then." She said as she followed him downstairs once more to check out the kitchen before looking around. "Ain't canned and dried stuff good enough since I doubt we will find anything fresh unless we grow it."


Hunter sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair. "Riley was so much better with kids..." She said and shook slightly while looking a tiny bit upset while holding his free hand with her own. (@DrTrollinski)
"Alright bub. Wanna join us for some beans Scarlett? I think you and I can split a can and no one will care." He stood, taking Carls hand
"Exactly." He smirked as he threw the cupboards of one side open and then stepped aside. "You search this side of the kitchen, I'll search the other." He smiled at her and wandered off to the other side of the kitchen to pull some of the cupboards open. He began pulling out any canned and dried goods that he could find and stuffing them into his back pack. (@Soul OMU)


".. You'll be fine, don't worry. I have faith, okay?" He smiled and kissed her, followed by helping her to her feet. "Let's get back, we don't want to worry people." He said, nodding towards the door. (@Soul OMU)


"Alex said somethin' about runnin' out of food, so that means we can all share so more people can eat, too!" He said thoughtfully, looking quite cheerful. ".. I think there's plates, 'cause we can't all eat outta' one can." He grinned as he squeezed Tom's hand. (@DrCompton)
".. But--.. Doesn't that mean we waste more food?" He asked, his head tilted to the side a little. ".. 'cause... If I don't eat it all and you eat more, that means--.. that means you eat more than everyone else, so... Doesn't that mean other people don't get food, too?" He asked, looking a little bit concerned and confused. He didn't want to be the reason that people went hungry. He knew what it was like when your stomach really started to rumble. It sucked, and it made you feel sick. He didn't want that happening to anyone else. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna nods and starts putting good canned food and dried food into her bag, going through th cupboards, grabbing what she can.


Hunter nods and gets up as she holds his hand and follows him back towards the mall.


Scarlet blinks. "We just brought more food on bud... We should be fine..." She said but shrugged slightly. (@DrCompton, @DrTrollinski)
"Plus, I meant you eat what you can, and Scarlet and I will split our own can. So you'll be full and we can be full, and we will only use two cans for three people." He rustled the hair of the young boy.
"Hm..." He thought about it for a moment and leaned against Tom while they walked. He wasn't sure what to think of it - he wanted Eric and Alex to eat overall. He was always scared when Eric went out, and today he was aware that he went out with Jenna. That's a thing everyone who was around Carl enough noticed after a while. He was observant. Very observant. He noticed the details that some other people may have missed, and of course that impacted the way he thought about things - he always thought about the 'ifs and buts', and Tom could easily see that due to the amount of time he spent with him. Carl could see... just about anything. He knew how much Alex liked Hunter, and he had a sneaky suspicion that Eric liked Jenna. Personally, he liked everyone. There wasn't anyone here he 'didn't like' - there was just some he wasn't as close to as others. For example, he liked Tom the day he arrived - he was playful, and he was nice to him, whereas others weren't like that to the same extent. Oh well. He liked Scarlet as well - she seemed to agree with him quite a bit, which he liked. Perhaps he'd found a new person he could spend time with? ".. Maybe... I guess it won't be bad if we have two... and I'm pretty hungry, too." He said, giving a soft smile up at them both. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


A few minutes later, Eric had his bag half full of dried stuff and canned foods. He turned back to Jenna with a laugh as he pulled one last item out of the cupboard. Thick golden syrup. Awesome. "Hey, Jenna, check this out..." He grinned while looking at it, when she turned he showed it to her. "You like this stuff?" He asked as he popped the cap off of it. (@Soul OMU)


Alex took Hunter's hand and lead her into the mall once again. He took her up to the room where everyone slept and then sat down on his bed with her, hugging her. He soon lied down with his arm around her body - he felt groggy and sick from all the alcohol withdrawal. He took a deep breath and looked at her. ".. You want any breakfast today?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
"Hm..." He thought about it for a moment and leaned against Tom while they walked. He wasn't sure what to think of it - he wanted Eric and Alex to eat overall. He was always scared when Eric went out, and today he was aware that he went out with Jenna. That's a thing everyone who was around Carl enough noticed after a while. He was observant. Very observant. He noticed the details that some other people may have missed, and of course that impacted the way he thought about things - he always thought about the 'ifs and buts', and Tom could easily see that due to the amount of time he spent with him. Carl could see... just about anything. He knew how much Alex liked Hunter, and he had a sneaky suspicion that Eric liked Jenna. Personally, he liked everyone. There wasn't anyone here he 'didn't like' - there was just some he wasn't as close to as others. For example, he liked Tom the day he arrived - he was playful, and he was nice to him, whereas others weren't like that to the same extent. Oh well. He liked Scarlet as well - she seemed to agree with him quite a bit, which he liked. Perhaps he'd found a new person he could spend time with? ".. Maybe... I guess it won't be bad if we have two... and I'm pretty hungry, too." He said, giving a soft smile up at them both. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

A few minutes later, Eric had his bag half full of dried stuff and canned foods. He turned back to Jenna with a laugh as he pulled one last item out of the cupboard. Thick golden syrup. Awesome. "Hey, Jenna, check this out..." He grinned while looking at it, when she turned he showed it to her. "You like this stuff?" He asked as he popped the cap off of it. (@Soul OMU)


Alex took Hunter's hand and lead her into the mall once again. He took her up to the room where everyone slept and then sat down on his bed with her, hugging her. He soon lied down with his arm around her body - he felt groggy and sick from all the alcohol withdrawal. He took a deep breath and looked at her. ".. You want any breakfast today?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit. "Besides your a growing boy and need all the nutrient you can eat." She said as she sat went to the food supply room.


Jenna raises a brow as she makes her way over. "Hm? Syrup? I mean yeah I like it an all but it's good only on pancakes..." She said softly while looking at him then the bottle.


Hunter blinks in surprise at the movement but lays down with him, resting her head on his chest slightly. "I'm fine for now... I'll eat later... If I'm hungry." She said softly while lightly tracing circles. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
(No problem.)
Alex sighed and took a deep breath. "Okay... Let's go..." He said to Caitlyn while holding the book under his arm. He carried her off to the toy store and told her to wait while he went into the storage. He came back a couple of minutes later with a stuffed monkey toy and crouched down before her, handing it to her. "This is for you. It's a gift for being such a big girl during all this." He smiled at her. (@DryPunishment)
DrTrollinski said:
(She's running away because she was drunk and got laid?)

"Good. First place we're hitting is the biggest house on the street and then we'll make our way down." He smiled at her. "We stick together, try and stay quiet, and we make sure we grab everything we can before leaving. Food and water are the essentials, obviously." He explained. "Sound like a plan?" He asked.


When Alex and Caitlyn left the toy store he caught a glimpse of Hunter walking out. He frowned and sent Caitlyn off to the mattress store before going to follow her. When he got to the door he saw her entering a separate building opposite. (@Soul OMU)
He smiled shyly at her. It made him happy to think that he was maybe going to be as tall and strong as Tom soon. Well. He thought it was soon, when realistically it was going to be years before that happened. He tugged on Tom's hand when she separated from them. "Let's go wait in the pizza place for her to come back." He smiled at him. (@DrCompton, @Soul OMU)


"Awwwww... Come on, you're tellin' me you've never eaten it straight up? Right now, you really want to miss that chance?" He asked. He opened his mouth, dropped his head back, and then held the bottle high above his mouth and squeezed a large line of it into his mouth - the cap didn't connect with his tongue or lips - it was all clean. He laughed after he did it and gave a light murmur of joy. "Come on, you want some?" He asked as he shook the bottle a little from side to side.


"Same here. I feel too... sick to eat, to be honest." He sighed a little and then looked over at Caitlyn who was sat on her bed. "Hey, Caitlyn! Come over here, sweetheart!" He called out. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
She took the stuffed monkey and played with it for,a,while.

She looked at the monkey and said.

"I'm gonna name you Matty 2!"

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"Alright, let's go." He walked with Carl into the pizza place and sat down, waiting for Scarlet. Tom looked at Carl. "What do you think of Scarlet? She seems nice." Good god you idiot, do you have a crush on this woman?
"Uh-huh... She's nice." He smiled at him from his side and leaned against him, gently kicking the bottom of the booth couch with the back of his feet. "She thinks I should do more stuff, like when you were showin' me that stuff, she said I should do stuff more to learn." He grinned and snuggled up to him. ".. She kinda' treats me like my mommy did, but... I dunno', she's just different than her." He shrugged and kept a soft smile on his face before he yawned a little. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
DrTrollinski said:
He smiled shyly at her. It made him happy to think that he was maybe going to be as tall and strong as Tom soon. Well. He thought it was soon, when realistically it was going to be years before that happened. He tugged on Tom's hand when she separated from them. "Let's go wait in the pizza place for her to come back." He smiled at him. (@Soul OMU)

"Awwwww... Come on, you're tellin' me you've never eaten it straight up? Right now, you really want to miss that chance?" He asked. He opened his mouth, dropped his head back, and then held the bottle high above his mouth and squeezed a large line of it into his mouth - the cap didn't connect with his tongue or lips - it was all clean. He laughed after he did it and gave a light murmur of joy. "Come on, you want some?" He asked as he shook the bottle a little from side to side.


"Same here. I feel too... sick to eat, to be honest." He sighed a little and then looked over at Caitlyn who was sat on her bed. "Hey, Caitlyn! Come over here, sweetheart!" He called out. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
DrCompton said:
"Alright, let's go." He walked with Carl into the pizza place and sat down, waiting for Scarlet. Tom looked at Carl. "What do you think of Scarlet? She seems nice." Good god you idiot, do you have a crush on this woman?
Scarlet going through the food, looking for something good for Carl, already got the can of beans for her and Tom, smiles a bit as she finds a good can of ravioli for Carl, makes her way over to the pizza place where Tom and Carl are, also grabbed some water. "Here we are, breakfast." She said with a small smile and placed the can of ravioli's down after getting the lid off and did the same for the can of beans.


Jenna blinks a bit and gives him an odd look. "I suppose so... But isn't it pure sugar if you drink it straight up...?" She said while taking the bottle lightly.


Hunter sits up a bit and looks at Caitlyn, watching the young girl, her eyes soften a bit.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton, @DryPunishment)
"Mhm...I like the monkey."

She kept hugging it. Dissappointingly the monkey couldn't play the sax,but it was allright.

She sat next to them and just watched.

"Were you ok last night? I heard bashing and fighting. Were you wrestling?"

@Soul OMU
"Ravioli! I am so jealous of you big guy!" He makes room so Scarlet can sit on the other side of Carl, "where are you from Scarlet?" He looked at her
Carl looked at it for a moment. Oh my god. Pasta and Meat!

"Oh, cool! I love ravioli!" He grinned at her and instantly picked up a spoon to tuck into it. He didn't care that it was cold. It had been too long since he'd eaten something like this. "Thanks!" He said after swallowing a mouthful of maybe four ravioli pieces. He wore the biggest grin of all time - Where had this woman been for the past four months?! He continued eating while also looking up at the two while he did so, listening to conversation. He was eating way too fast, though. He'd make himself sick if he kept going on that way. (@Soul OMU)


"Uh, yeah, that's the best thing about it." He grinned at her and winked. "After a late night and early rise, it'll do you good to have some pure sugar." He chuckled a little and nodded at her. (@Soul OMU


"That's good." He smiled. He went red at her question. "Uh--.. We were just--.." He cleared his throat. "We were... Moving... Furniture...? Yeah. Moving furniture. It was hard work." He said, putting on the best smile he could without cringing. This was so awkward. He had to change the subject. "Have you--.. Have you figured out a name for the monkey yet?" He asked. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit at Carl and sits by him since Tom had moved over slightly before taking a spoonful of beans to eat slightly before passing him the can and giving her time to answer his question. "Bloomington, Indiana. Also Carl bud, slow down or you'll make yourself sick hun." She said while watching the young boy.


Jenna snorts slightly but tips the bottle to let some of the syrup come out and into her mouth like he did, she wrinkled her nose since the syrup was like molasses and moves quite slowly before reaching her tongue.


Hunter went a bit red as well and hid her face behind her hair slightly but kept her eyes slightly on the young girl. (@DryPunishment)
Carl looked at her. ".. Sorry..." He smiled shyly and decided to start eating a little more slowly. This was nice. It was like the real world again. He used to chill out with his parents on the 'cool side' of the table whenever they went out to diners and such - not all the time, but sometimes. This took him back - it was a nostalgia-trip and a half right there. It made him happy to think about. ".. This is really good. Thanks for gettin' me nice food." He said to her. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)


"You can't deny. After four months of rarely having something, that was like eating a Michelin-star dish, wasn't it?" He asked, grinning as he slung the bag over his shoulder and sunk his hands into his pockets. (@Soul OMU)


Alex chuckled. "Why don't you just call him Matty? I think that'd be better." He shrugged and smiled at her. (@DryPunishment)

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