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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

"That smell... It smells like... Irony. Oh, irony." Chel joked. She leaned close to his ear. "Now she's going to be 'cared for'." She whispered and gave him a wink.
awoken by her dog nuzzling her face "Its to early , go away." shooing the dog away. the dog then barked which echoed through out the house . Delphi jolted up "SHHHHHH!" crossing her arms "Have you forgotten what happened earlier blade ?" blade whimpered, sighing delphi smiled and shuffled his hair "It's alright i'm sure he's a heavy sleeper." getting up she got dressed . wearing what she had worn earlier , opening the door to her room and heading down to the kitchen she sat down on the floor and took out a cloth making sure it was clean taking out a couple of apples she stared at them until her dog began nudging her leg "Oh sorry . . .you know what lets cut them up. uh wait i don't have a knife. ah lets go ask classified if he has one . " getting up delphi ran to his room " eh? he's not here i wonder where he went ?" sighing delphi began looking around the room "i'm sure he has one here ."

((welcome back)

@Shiro kurogane
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"Okay." He said to Lilly, then chuckled at what Chel said as he looked back at the two who were not too far behind.
"Should I sing an adventure song?" Chel suggested. She didn't want the walk to be boring, but she didn't want to attract infected either.
UnknownRolePlayer said:
"Should I sing an adventure song?" Chel suggested. She didn't want the walk to be boring, but she didn't want to attract infected either.
"No, I didn't survive a shot to the head to be here and die because I got bit by a dead guy."
"You little tease." He said, shaking his head. He huffed and looked back up at the others as he walked, giving her the silent treatment.
"I'll take the bite for ya." He said, shrugging. It took him a moment before he realized that Megan and Jason probably didn't understand what he meant.
Lilly soon spotted the store and ran over to it, the purple heart slapping against the metal lighter in he jacket pocket. "Hey! No one's home!"
Lilly raised an eyebrow. "Guess we're staying here tonight kids. One of us is gonna have a shit faced hangover tomorrow morning, and it's not gonna be me." Lilly smirked, and went inside sitting her bag down. "Just done eat any sweet stuff, it'll make the moring rough."
Kaden raised an eyebrow as he followed Lilly inside. He looked at Chel for a moment before pulling his bag off and setting it down.
"I remember the first night I was kicked out, my friend had this party. He challenged me to a drink off. I had... 10 or something like that. Once he had 6 He was done. I only felt a little dizzy by the 10th." Chel sat her stuff on the counter and went to find beer.
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"Honey, I was drinking beffort you were in highschool. Oh, and if this is a challenge, start with the hard stuff," Lilly smirked, and lit another cigarette. The next few hours were gonna be interesting.
Jace carried Megan inside and searched around for somewhere that she could lay. "Is there a mattress in here somewhere that you saw before?"
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