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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

the doctor, still running had been using his white lab coat for days, months, who knows? somehow it's still spotless, maybe because it's the fact that he has been dodging zombies and hiding efficiently, he knows how to run but he can fight, he still had his colt revolver and can use it if necessary but preferred to use his knife and he killed a few zombies himself, he ran and ran hoping to find anybody...
Mykinkaiser said:
David David raises an eyebrow, "Actually, those types tend to be children in adult bodies who just want your attention," he replies over his shoulder to the emotionless man. He then switches his focus to the bush, "Oooooi, you in the bush. Come up and play with the rest of us," he calls.

@FireMaiden @NekoQueen49 @Supermegabrenda2


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


@FireMaiden[/URL] @NekoQueen49 @Supermegabrenda2 @Mykinkaiser

(im off for today, bye.)


(Quick reminder becasue I like it: He has dem RAGING MUSCLEZ xD )

Ammax looked at the people who called him, his cold stare could be sending chills up someone's spine. He lifted his body slowly. The bear skin was attached to his armor, acting like a cape of some sort. He had the hood still flipped on, so you couldn't exactly make out his features from the nose up. You could see though, all the scars littering his face. You might have presumed he was a warrior.

He stepped foreward cautiosuly, hand near the longswords grip, hidden by the cape. His stance resembed an animal's, ready to attack at the given time. Quietly, he said.

"Who are you people?"

His voice was deep and gruff, as if he hadn't used it in years.
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(Quick reminder becasue I like it: He has dem RAGING MUSCLEZ xD )

Ammax looked at the people who called him, his cold stare could be sending chills up someone's spine. He lifted his body slowly. The bear skin was attached to his armor, acting like a cape of some sort. He had the hood still flipped on, so you couldn't exactly make out his features from the nose up. You could see though, all the scars littering his face. You might have presumed he was a warrior.

He stepped foreward cautiosuly, hand near the longswords grip, hidden by the cape. His stance resembed an animal's, ready to attack at the given time. Quietly, he said.

"Who are you people?"

His voice was deep and gruff, as if he hadn't used it in years.
Lilly looked the man over. "Why are you wearing armour?" She asked. It was a bit odd seeing on how it made no due and was heavy and hot. Her uniform was the same, but it was still cloth. She took another long inhale and exhale.
"holy shit... its a knight." Ky blurted out unable to catch and stop himself from saying what had first popped into his head on the dude's appearance. Ky's eyes had filled now, with confusion and slight wonder. His face and body stayed lifeless, losing the ability to express emotion except for his eyes was still annoying from time to time in situations such as this.

@FireMaiden @NekoQueen49 @Supermegabrenda2 @Mykinkaiser

(sorry for the cursing, if any of you don't like it.)
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FireMaiden said:
Lilly looked the man over. "Why are you wearing armour?" She asked. It was a bit odd seeing on how it made no due and was heavy and hot. Her uniform was the same, but it was still cloth. She took another long inhale and exhale.
@FireMaiden[/URL] @NekoQueen49 @Supermegabrenda2 @Mykinkaiser (sorry for the cursing, if any of you don't like it.)


(His face is almost like this)


Ammax looked at the woman, noting none of them had armor on.

"Why arent you?" He crossed his arms.

"There are bears in these woods." He shook his bear skin cape. "And there are bad people too. Very, bad people."

He reached for his hood and pulled it back. His brown locks were brushed backwards, and he had a little stubble on his chin.. His cold, electric blue eyes gazed over them. He looked at the boy that had spoken.

He chuckled lightly, and his hand dropped from his sword. He had both hands hanging down now.

"I guess you could call me a knight. Im a warrior. I used to fight for peoples entretainment."

His light smile soon disapeared, his face going back to being the expressionless and cold thing it always was. He tightened his cape around his neck. He then crossed his arms again, and his muscles tensed.
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Supermegabrenda2 said:


(His face is almost like this)


Ammax looked at the woman, noting none of them had armor on.

"Why arent you?" He crossed his arms.

"There are bears in these woods." He shook his bear skin cape. "And there are bad people too. Very, bad people."

He reached for his hood and pulled it back. His brown locks were brushed backwards, and he had a little stubble on his chin.. His cold, electric blue eyes gazed over them. He looked at the boy that had spoken.

He chuckled lightly, and his hand dropped from his sword. He had both hands hanging down now.

"I guess you could call me a knight. Im a warrior. I used to fight for peoples entretainment."

His light smile soo disapeared, his face going back to being the expressionless and cold thing it always was.
"I'm wearing my military uniform. The other people are wearing what they can find. It's loud, gets hot, and is heavy. Useful for protection, but not much else if you get caught up in a horde or surrounded by people who can aim at joints and your head," Lilly said, tapping the ash off her cigarette
FireMaiden said:
"I'm wearing my military uniform. The other people are wearing what they can find. It's loud, gets hot, and is heavy. Useful for protection, but not much else if you get caught up in a horde or surrounded by people who can aim at joints and your head," Lilly said, tapping the ash off her cigarette
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(His face is almost like this)


Ammax looked at the woman, noting none of them had armor on.

"Why arent you?" He crossed his arms.

"There are bears in these woods." He shook his bear skin cape. "And there are bad people too. Very, bad people."

He reached for his hood and pulled it back. His brown locks were brushed backwards, and he had a little stubble on his chin.. His cold, electric blue eyes gazed over them. He looked at the boy that had spoken.

He chuckled lightly, and his hand dropped from his sword. He had both hands hanging down now.

"I guess you could call me a knight. Im a warrior. I used to fight for peoples entretainment."

His light smile soon disapeared, his face going back to being the expressionless and cold thing it always was. He tightened his cape around his neck. He then crossed his arms again, and his muscles tensed.
Ky stayed silent and a dark look flashed quickly across his eyes at the mention of military. After what he'd been through at their hands, it was a natural reaction and Ky didn't know if he'd ever lose that particular habit.
FireMaiden said:
"I'm wearing my military uniform. The other people are wearing what they can find. It's loud, gets hot, and is heavy. Useful for protection, but not much else if you get caught up in a horde or surrounded by people who can aim at joints and your head," Lilly said, tapping the ash off her cigarette
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Ky stayed silent and a dark look flashed quickly across his eyes at the mention of military. After what he'd been through at their hands, it was a natural reaction and Ky didn't know if he'd ever lose that particular habit.



Ammax nodded.
"You have a point. I use this armor for running in the woods, and if I ever get encircled, I have this baby." He pulled out his longsword from his back. It was long, and had a curved blade. It looked very sharp, and probably made for spinning.

"It is made for slide-n-dicing." You notice there was a little dried blood on the blade as he put it back.
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax nodded.
"You have a point. I use this armor for running in the woods, and if I ever get encircled, I have this baby." He pulled out his longsword from his back. It was long, and had a curved blade. It looked very sharp, and probably made for spinning.

"It is made for slide-n-dicing." You notice there was a little dried blood on the blade as he put it back.
"We're you like, a fan of fantasy games?" Lilly questioned, looking around to make sure that no horde had shown up yet.
FireMaiden said:
"We're you like, a fan of fantasy games?" Lilly questioned, looking around to make sure that no horde had shown up yet.


Ammax smirked.

"As I have stated before, lady, I was a warrior for people entretainment."

He looked up at them

"Would you mind if I remove my armor?"
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FireMaiden said:
"We're you like, a fan of fantasy games?" Lilly questioned, looking around to make sure that no horde had shown up yet.
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax smirked.

"As I have stated before, lady, I was a warrior for people entretainment."

He looked up at them

"Would you mind if I remove my armor?"
"fantasy games?" being born after the outbreak, Ky had no way of knowing about most things from before... aside from what he'd gathered from the few books he'd read.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"fantasy games?" being born after the outbreak, Ky had no way of knowing about most things from before... aside from what he'd gathered from the few books he'd read.



Ammax looker at the boy.

"Yes, fantasy games. They were games that went on in a made up place, a magical place."

He smiled.

"I supose you have never seen one?"
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax smirked.

"As I have stated before, lady, I was a warrior for people entretainment."

He looked up at them

"Would you mind if I remove my armor?"
"Go ahead."

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"fantasy games?" being born after the outbreak, Ky had no way of knowing about most things from before... aside from what he'd gathered from the few books he'd read.

"Fantasy was a genre of game. Board games, Video games, stuff like that. You could play as warriors, rouges, mages, the list goes on. You could also play as differnt races, like elves and halflings. You also playin a time period with cool creatures like dragons. Probably one of the best game genres every."
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax looker at the boy.

"Yes, fantasy games. They were games that went on in a made up place, a magical place."

He smiled.

"I supose you have never seen one?"
FireMaiden said:
"Go ahead."
"Fantasy was a genre of game. Board games, Video games, stuff like that. You could play as warriors, rouges, mages, the list goes on. You could also play as differnt races, like elves and halflings. You also playin a time period with cool creatures like dragons. Probably one of the best game genres every."
Ky blinked not fully understanding, but getting the gist of what they were describing... despite not knowing what elves, dragons or what halflings were supposed to be. This caused more questions to bubble up, but Ky didn't voice them.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Ky blinked not fully understanding, but getting the gist of what they were describing... despite not knowing what elves, dragons or what halflings were supposed to be. This caused more questions to bubble up, but Ky didn't voice them.

Lilly stopped, "Oh, well if you dont know what fantasy is, ok. So dragons are basically giant fire breathing lizards, nromally having wings. Elves are a type of people who are normally tall and good with a bow and aerow. Halflings...I'm not to sure. My brother would talk about his dungeons and dragons character being a halfling all the time. I never played though."
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FireMaiden said:
"Go ahead."
"Fantasy was a genre of game. Board games, Video games, stuff like that. You could play as warriors, rouges, mages, the list goes on. You could also play as differnt races, like elves and halflings. You also playin a time period with cool creatures like dragons. Probably one of the best game genres every."


Ammax nodded as he removed his chest plate, a torn up shirt underneath. Through the tears, you could see scars of all shapes and sized littering his chest and abdomen.

He cringed as he removed his arm plate, a big, bloody bandage covering his arm.

He soon had all his armor removed, and took out a large burlap sack, and placed his armor inside.

His sword hung from a hook-like thing on his shirt, and you could now see a smaller sword on his waist, and a dagger on his right side.

He grinned. "The best game was adventure games. Ypu got to explore huge maps."​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax nodded as he removed his chest plate, a torn up shirt underneath. Through the tears, you could see scars of all shapes and sized littering his chest and abdomen.

He cringed as he removed his arm plate, a big, bloody bandage covering his arm.

He soon had all his armor removed, and took out a large burlap sack, and placed his armor inside.

His sword hung from a hook-like thing on his shirt, and you could now see a smaller sword on his waist, and a dagger on his right side.

He grinned. "The best game was adventure games. Ypu got to explore huge maps."​
"Fantasy and Adventure combined were the game I normally played. Along with first person shooters and horror games."
FireMaiden said:
Lilly stopped, "Oh, well if you dont know what fantasy is, ok. So dragons are basically giant fire breathing lizards with wings. Elves are a type of people who are normally tall and good with a bow and aerow. Halflings...I'm not to sure. My brother would talk about his dungeons and dragons character being a halfling all the time. I never played though."
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax nodded as he removed his chest plate, a torn up shirt underneath. Through the tears, you could see scars of all shapes and sized littering his chest and abdomen.

He cringed as he removed his arm plate, a big, bloody bandage covering his arm.

He soon had all his armor removed, and took out a large burlap sack, and placed his armor inside.

His sword hung from a hook-like thing on his shirt, and you could now see a smaller sword on his waist, and a dagger on his right side.

He grinned. "The best game was adventure games. Ypu got to explore huge maps."​
"hm..." Ky was trying to imagine a lizard with wings breathing fire. Unfortunately, the only lizards he knew of were the every day small ones and ended up with a metal picture of a small gecko with wings and spewing tiny puffs of flame.
FireMaiden said:
"Fantasy and Adventure combined were the game I normally played. Along with first person shooters and horror games."



He looked at them.

"Can I stick around with you guys? A hurt prey is an easy kill for a bear." He chuckled.

(gtg be back later)​
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