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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel felt the bullets whiz past her. Her heart quickened, and her heart raced. She kept her stare on him and held her hands together. Not a word came from her mouth.

David holds his hand not holding the gun up to his ear, "What was that? You might want to speak up. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be this nice and patient you see," David says in a sarcastic tone, though it does have a hard edge to it.


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


"Is there any cards?" She asked, looking around the edges of the bed as if some were going to magically appear. "We could play Go Fish or poker... But then there isn't any candy to bet with so we couldn't do that... We usually played with board games, so I don't know anything that we could play without them."

@FireMaiden @Shiro kurogane
Chel felt a lump in her throat. She sat still, testing his patience. She wondered how much longer he could stand. I shouldn't be doing this... I'm going to be killed... She closed her eyes.

UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel felt a lump in her throat. She sat still, testing his patience. She wondered how much longer he could stand. I shouldn't be doing this... I'm going to be killed... She closed her eyes.

"Three... two..." David counts down, an air of finality in his voice. If he gets to one without a response he is fully prepared to shoot the girl in front of him without a second thought, and he won't lose any sleep over it either.


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


Chel gulped, her throat felt terrible.

"There is a convenient store not too far from here..." She whispered. She hoped her group was gone by now. Her conscience felt terrible. Her hands started to tremble.

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UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel gulped, her throat felt terrible.
"There is a convenient store not too far from here..." She whispered. She hoped her group was gone by now. Her conscience felt terrible. Her hands started to tremble.


David smiles sweetly, though it ends up looking terrifying, "See? That wasn't so hard was it? Now where exactly is not too far from here?"


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


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Ky Looked around with Lucy for cards, but since he himself didn't know looked at Lilly. Who of the three of them, would be the most likely to know. "candy? whats that?" Ky had only been allowed military rations that were to be honest were tasteless.

@NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden
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"Well, I guess your gonna find out," Lilly smirked, looking trough the aisles. She found bags of Hersheys, Sour patch kids, and a few other sweets like mini Twix and kitkats. "I hope you aren't allergic to anything," she muttered tossing the bags down where they were gonna play.

@Shiro kurogane @NekoQueen49
Shocked, Lucy abandoned her search, and turned to Ky. "You don't know what candy is? It's sweet treats you sometimes get for being good. When I was younger, Dr. Kin, my child psychologist, used give me lollipops at the end of our sessions." She grinned as she looked down at the candy Lilly offered.

@Shiro kurogane
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Ky gave Lilly and Lucy a questioning look that had entered his eyes. "unfortunately, i don't know." he was looking at Lucy when he answered. "only thing i could eat were the same tasteless rations the military eats."

@FireMaiden @NekoQueen49
Ky's eye flicked between Lucy and the piece of candy that said KitKat on the wrapper. Opening the small bit of chocolate, Ky popped it into his mouth and after second of hesitation to determine if he liked it or not. His eyes filled with a look that said it was surprisingly good.

@NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden
Lucy smiled at Ky's pleased look and picked up her own chocolaty snack. It was even sweeter than she was used to but after a moment of adjustment, she found she didn't mind it. "Do you like sweet things, Ms. Lilly?"

That bastard... Chel thought angrily. She pointed behind her.

"There's some woods behind us. Walk next to it for some time and you'll find it." She gritted her teeth as she whispered that. She put her hand in her pocket. Inside was a knife.

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UnknownRolePlayer said:
That bastard... Chel thought angrily. She pointed behind her.
"There's some woods behind us. Walk next to it for some time and you'll find it." She gritted her teeth as she whispered that. She put her hand in her pocket. Inside was a knife.


"Much obliged," David says with mock courteousness, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He then turns and goes to the door, pausing just before he left, "Have a nice life," he says before exiting. David holsters his pistol and pulls his shotgun off off his pack, following the girl's directions until he reaches the convenience store. He walks up to the door and tries it, finding it barred. David knocks on the door with the butt of his shotgun, fully intending to break down the door if no one answers soon.

@Shiro kurogane @NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


Chel wrapped her hand around the knife once he left. She locked the door and barricaded it. Don't ever come back. She retorted to him in her mind. Once finished being angry, she sighed and looked around the room. She saw nothing of interest.

"Kaden?" She yelled, desperate for entertainment.


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