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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

Ky saw Lucy to seemingly be sleeping. Walking back into the backroom where they had first met, he moved around some empty boxes so he could lay in a corner facing away from the doorway. Settling down, Ky laid down and fell into a half-sleep state where he was still awake enough to hear everything around him. He wondered where the rest of the group had gone to. Not that he disliked being alone with Lucy, but he figured the group would have to move locations eventually for more Supplies. Changing his mind, Ky moved to a spot where he could lay down but still be able to see where Lucy was incase something did end up happening.

Lucy found, in especially in her sleep, that her nightmares found her. At first, it was just her disturbed mind that haunted her, but these days she found new, fresher, more real nightmares to chose from. Her one true friend from the old world, groaning and stalking her, her body, a decaying, rotten corpse. Her grey hand reached out as if to grab Lucy. Lucy was warring against two instincts, to grab her friend, to hold her, to cry, and to destroy, to play with one of things she called her dolls. In the end, her hesitation only brought nothing except her old friend closer. Her fingers finally close enough to brush against her cheek, a hand with most of the fingernails missing and several fingers broken. All Lucy could do was cry as Elsie leaned in for a bite...

With a gasp, her eyes popped open, wildly searching for the dark things she had just seen. Instead, her eyes settled on Ky and his masklike face. In her delirium, she mildly wondered if he was actually wearing a mask. Lucy shook her head at the thought and sat up after the unsatisfactory rest.

@Shiro kurogane
(I shall jump in)

Lilly pushed the door open, the little bell dinged as the top of the door brushed up against it. The cold air and smell of smoke filled the small store as she walked in. "Hello? Anybody still here?"
Ky opened his eyes after hearing the bell of the store ring. He saw that Lilly had returned from wherever she'd been. He yawned a bit and stood to stretch and also saw Lucy was now awake, but judging by her face. It hadn't been a particularly good rest. "welcome back" Ky greeted Lilly.

@NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden
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@NekoQueen49[/URL] @FireMaiden
"Oh, hey kid. You alright? You look a little tired," Lilly said, putting out the cigarette. "Well, anyway, I found you a jacket while I was out. For some reason, I don't even rember what I was doing out there," she said, tossing the blue windbreaker to Ky. "So, where are the lovebirds? And the other ones too?"

@NekoQueen49 @Shiro kurogane
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Ky put on the jacket and saw Lucy looking at him with uncertainty. "well, tho two lovers went off somewhere and the one guy went to track down his." He said giving a bare minimum report since that was all he knew. Ky eyes apparently had given away his being tired. Sometimes he thought it was a pain to have eyes that displayed emotions like a open book unlike the rest of his face and body. "also, the is Lucy." Ky said moving to stand next to her.

@NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden
NekoQueen49 said:
Lucy waved shyly at the woman with a faint smile.
"Oh, hi there sweetheart. I'm Lilly, it nice to meet you," She said sweetly. She felt a little bad for smoking in here with another kid in the little store but quickly brushed it off. "So, any run in with the military while I was gone?" Lilly asked, crossing her arms.

@Shiro kurogane
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The Nothingness that entered Ky's eyes was the equivalent of a normal person's body stiffening. "no." He stated simply. "why?" Ky asked after a minute, his eyes were still full of nothingness and made his already lifeless doll-like face look somehow even more dead.

@FireMaiden @NekoQueen49
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The stiffness in Ky's eyes made Lucy wonder whether or not he was lying, however Lilly's response made it seem as though she knew why... Oh! Didn't Ky mention something about something happening to him through the military? Perhaps she was drawing too many similarities between the two of them. To forget who was the ones that were doing that to him...

But she was grateful, strangely, to hear the names of these strangers. As if she was getting to know them already. Even if it was a bit confusing. Ha, she was barely keeping up with the events that they experienced and she knew nothing about. Soon the gratefulness soured to loneliness.

In order to forget her feelings, she stared at the woman, Lilly. Her posture was relaxed but even she, someone who nothing of the outside, could see the stiffness that remained. It reminded her of her doctors, only even more... She couldn't put her finger on it. Like a mixture of doctor and patient.

@Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
"Anyway, while I was out, I found a radio with the number 336. My men are out there somewhere, and I know you aren't gonna like this, but we might have to pay them a vist," Lilly said, "but just in case Armada really is Meg's mom, we need to find the rest of the kids."

@Shiro kurogane @NekoQueen49
Ky's eyes changed to show disbelief. "that sounds like unlucky timing." He shifted his gaze to Lucy to see she was thinking about something before what looked like a momentary flash of loneliness entered and left her eyes. Ky looked at Lucy a moment longer and looked back to Lilly. "im not going. i didn't escape the military to risk being recaptured. besides, like i said when we first met. if any of your men state their official titles, i'll end up answering in kind out of habit and i don't want to go back to being called Subject#003 or 03 for short."

@NekoQueen49 @FireMaiden
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@NekoQueen49[/URL] @FireMaiden
"I'm a sergeant, those men lay a fucking finger on you, or anybody eles, I'll shoot them in the face," Lilly said smirking, "Besides, most of them don't answer with official titles, I was rarely ever called sergeant, more Lillian or Lilly," she said, opening a fresh pack of cigarettes and lighting one. "And all the info we need is still in my tent."
Lucy frowned at Ky. She could understand. She could completely understand. If there was a chance that she had to go back to that hospital, she wouldn't risk it.

"Whatever happens, I'm going where Ky goes."

Right as she said that, the whispers resumed. Another shadow stretched towards her and she glanced at it warily. You're not real, she tried to reassure herself. Yes, she needed to stay near Ky. Or she might break again.

@Shiro kurogane @FireMaiden
“I was warning you. You should get out of here… I might bust your face in.” Chel spat in raspy voice. She looked at this man with uncertainty. Can I trust him? Probably not… he’s being a douche…


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