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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

(That's fine. Thank you for the warning ^_^ @Shiro kurogane )

"I read a lot of people are, though I didn't know why. I do feel like I'm going to fall, and I might be scared for my death... But... I don't mind it. More, I find it exhilarating." It's real. A real fear. A fear of death. A fear of something that actually exists.

(Ugh! How dare you have Taco Bell! jk, but I am jelly. @WhyNotRP )
(Haha, well, thank you for the thought in any case. I still have spaghetti I can eat... Which I should probably eat now seeing as how I'm hungry. But I'm really lazy xD )
(That's a strange combination... But coming from me, that's hypocrisy. Word of warning, never eat cereal, hard boiled eggs and soda around approximately the same time.)
"i guess most people were and that makes sense. but, i probably wouldn't mind death." Ky looked below him and then looked back to the slightly cloudy sky. "but that also doesn't mean i'd die without a fight." he pulled out a small scope he'd found before and looked through it into the direction the horde had gone.

"no, not really. unless you count broken down cars covered in vegetation as 'something'." Ky said standing to stretch. "welp, i guess im gonna go back inside." he said already climbing down the ladder. "you can come back inside whenever you want." He called to Lucy.

@NekoQueen49 (i gtg for a few, bbl.)

She stayed for a short time, examining the things that lumbered forward. It was almost pitying, how they seemed to have no will of their own. Did they feel it at all? The weight of their actions, of their existence? Their dead, milky eyes showed the answer. They were dead, resurrected by an unknown force. Why? Well, that was the real question, wasn't it? No one seemed to have an answer. Or at least she didn't. She hadn't meet any people other than Ky.

Did he wonder why he was the way he was? Why he was, in part, infected by this disease?

Lucy and Ky were so similar, yet so different. If the world was different, he would have been normal, would have an attempt at a normal life. But she would have been stuck in the same place she was before it all began. Drowning. Drowning in it all. She wouldn't have had a chance. But maybe this was her chance. At this point, the gods ruling over fate gave her chance to experience the outside world. Why? Well, that was another question she didn't have the answer to.

In the end, you would get no where if you spent life pondering over what ifs.

In the end, she came down from the roof and reentered the building. Maybe it was time for rest. For sleep and the nightmares to invade.

@Shiro kurogane
Chel felt her body stiffen. She felt as if somebody was watching her. She saw two forms come out; a zombie and a human. The human pushed it in and killed it in front of her. He then stared at her.She knew she couldn't mess with him.

"Who are you?" She questioned, looking back at him.

UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel felt her body stiffen. She felt as if somebody was watching her. She saw two forms come out; a zombie and a human. The human pushed it in and killed it in front of her. He then stared at her.She knew she couldn't mess with him.
"Who are you?" She questioned, looking back at him.


"Your knight in shining armor," David says sarcastically, a mocking grin spreading across his face. He turns towards her and rests his axe on his shoulder, "So, who are you?" he asks, "And more importantly, got any supplies?"


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


Chel felt some anger building up.

"You think I'll let you take my supplies?" She laughed, and she got comfy in her seat. She stared up at him, more like glared at him. She gritted her teeth with her mouth closed.

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((Sorry for the late reply, something big just happened and I wasn't able to reply. I can talk now...probably))

He smiled at her. "So, anything else you'd like to know about me doll face?" He asked, raising one eyebrow at her.
(Loud screaming is heard across the globe as I reliaze that I didn't get notifications for anything that has happened with enough the last few pages. Plz fill me in on what happened)
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