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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

He stared into her eyes for a moment, searching for anything that could calm him down. He bit deeper into his lip, then stepped back and shook his head. "N-no, I shouldn't have said anything. She didn't want to you to find out, and now you've found out,"

"if i had to say... no. but only because i've been here only about a day and haven't talked to most of the group, aside from Valkyrie and Lilly. i never had friends growing up as a test subject at the military base. I was born to an infected mother who had turned during childbirth and have partial immunity to the virus." Ky said showing the bite mark on his wrist. "the researcher's forced me to get bitten and as a result i didn't turn due to my partial immunity, but i did lose the ability to express emotion except through my eyes and can no longer feel pain even if my bones were to be broken. my hair also changed from blond to black and my green eyes were originally blue." Ky's habit of being to open from being conditioned to not withhold secrets from the military staff was showing again.

Megan sighed then looked down. "I'm not doing this anymore. Fine don't tell me. I'm going back to the group." She sighed again the slowly made her way to the front door
"It was your mom." He spat out, instantly regretting it. He ran a hand over his face nervously, hoping that she hadn't heard what he said.
Megan stopped but didn't turn around. "My moms dead." She spat. She looked back at him. "How? How does everyone somehow know my mom but me. I know she died of cancer when I was young."
"I-I didn't? I don't think I ever personally met her, but someone else did. She told me to watch over you, but before all of this happened I never took it seriously." He shrugged, leaning against the wall. "Someone sent me a letter, explaining it and giving me a picture of you so i'd know what you'd look like. It seemed creepy, so I never really tried to find you. They gave me a location that you'd be closest to, so one day I decided to come around." He chewed on his lip again, hoping she wouldn't leave.
Lucy's face went blank from the depth of how much she didn't understand. Infected...? Bitten? Deep down, yes, she always kind of understood after her friends turned into living, dead faced dolls after being bitten by her other dolls. She always sort of understood but in order to survive she only ignored the obvious. It was a disease. A horrible, hideous disease. The part of her that was still struggling to accept it all, that was still insane wanted to ask, "So you're part doll?" But she knew, well she kind of knew, that that wasn't true. For the most part, she supposed.

Instead, understanding the loneliness of not being normal, reached out to him. "I can be your friend then," she offered.

@Shiro kurogane
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"Why you out of all people?" She ran her hands over her face. After a minute of thinking she went on a full rampage. She completely forgot about her leg and started attacking things in the house.
"Ouch, okay. That hurt." He shook his head and stepped forward. "Stop, okay? I don't know why either, but wrecking this place and drawing attention to ourselves wont help, alright? I've tried my best to get on your good side so that you could trust me, and i'm not sure if you even do, but you have to believe me on this one." He stepped closer to her, blocking her way from breaking the next thing she was reaching for. "please."
Ky's eyes brighten with another smile at Lucy's offer of being his friend. "thanks." He said. "but, you were already my friend from the moment you decided to trust me with part of your background." the smile in Ky's eyes warmed again. Turning back to the door, he pushed it open and set off on his walk around the outside of the store building and waiting a bit for Lucy to join him if she still wanted.

Megan sighed and grabbed him. She was out of breath and her leg was in some major pain. "I do trust you its just I went through years of pains and shit and now I hear about this? It just makes me upset."
He smiled and nodded. "I just don't want you to hurt yourself. When I showed up and was supposed to be protecting you, you had a shot leg. That kind of made me feel like I had just started my job and I was already failing." He put his hands on her shoulders and sat her down on the couch that had some random broken pieces from things she had broken on it. "So, ya know, at least try to make this easier for me." He sat down next to her, throwing his bag in front of him on the floor.
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"I only got shot because I was doing my job of protecting others. So you're my babysitter now huh?" She asked trying to make things better. "I'm sorry about my rampage."
He shook his head and turned to look at her. "Its fine, we all have our moments." He quoted, smiling. "And i'll be your baby sitter if you're into that kind of stuff." He said with a smirk, raising an eyebrow and sending her an over exaggerated wink.
"Quit stealing my words." She said playfully. "Trying to get in my pants now huh?" She said with an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk.
"No!" He said, making a fake offended tone of voice. "What do you think I am? A man whore? psh, never." He said, chuckling after he spoke.
Ky walked an even and steady pace that wasn't to slow but also not too fast. "thats why i said part of your past." he replied. "i can tell theres more but i figure if you will tell when you felt like it. im an overly observant person."

He looked at her and shrugged. "yeah yeah, I know. So, what should we do? I'm bored and don't feel like carrying you halfway across the country at the moment." He arched his back, slacking his posture a bit.
"Well, since we barely know each other, lets get to know each other." He turned towards her, fixing his posture and straightening out his back. "Ask me anything." He said with a confident smile, his hands resting behind his head.
Lucy couldn't help but laugh softly at that while walking alongside him, her pace faster than his to keep up with longer legs. "Somehow, I don't doubt it. You seem like you're a wise person. But... truth be told, there isn't much to tell. I was put in a hospital at a young age because I couldn't control my schizophrenia and sometimes ended up hurting people because of it. I grew up there. It was all ever really knew until the doll- I mean, the infected? I don't know what to call them now," she sighed. "Anyway," she continued, "when they came, it seemed as though the staff had former notice because one day, most of them were gone. There were a few still there, but those left too. The last one, Dr. Priose, most likely, just unlocked all the doors and let us patients loose. Some might have found it be cruel, but if he hadn't, we would have starved to death anyway, so I viewed as giving us a fighting chance."

@Shiro kurogane
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"okay ummm." she put on a fake thinking face." honestly share what you want with me because there are things I'm not sure If I should share with you yet so you decide on what you want to tell me."

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