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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

Lucy felt slightly shocked when the door opened to reveal a boy, but quickly recovered. "Stan!" She cried gleefully. "I never thought I'd see you again! How are you, how are the children?" She greeted him like they were old friends. "Or do you not have children? Was that Walter? I could never remember, you two look so much alike, being twins and all!"

@Shiro kurogane
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NekoQueen49 said:
Lucy felt slightly shocked when the door opened to reveal a boy, but quickly recovered. "Stan!" She cried gleefully. "I never thought I'd see you again! How are you, how are the children?" She greeted him like they were old friends. "Or do you not have children? Was that Walter? I could never remember, you two look so much alike, being twins and all!"
@Shiro kurogane
Ky simply stood by while he was hugged by the strange girl. "um... i don't know you and my name isn't Stan. My name is Subject# 003... or it was before Valkyrie gave me the name Ky." He said pulling free from the hugging girl. "and i don't and never did have any family." Ky added.
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"im not this Stan you keep speaking of and there is no one with you." Ky eyes were the olny way one could see he was annoyed. while his face stayed like a lifeless doll.


David generally didn't go to places people (living ones) might gather but he had to make an exception this time because he was in need of some supplies. Upon entering town he heard several gunshots. Gunshots meant people and people meant possible supplies. Following that reasoning David began to walk towards the place where he had heard the shots, pulling his shield off his back and holding it on his left arm. This shield, a heavily modified ballistic riot shield, is one of the projects that contributed to getting David kicked out of college. The shield, for starters was heavily reinforced, to the point that it could take limited armor-piercing fire. It also has a heavy-duty retractable spike on the bottom allowing David to plant it into the ground for better stability. Furthermore, the front of the shield is studded with small, pyramidal half-inch spikes. Finally, the shield has a device on the right side that David can lock his shotgun’s pump into and thus rack the entire gun back and forth in order to pump it one-handed.

Upon reaching the area he had heard the shots from David sees a figure carrying someone else run into a building with a horde in pursuit. David carefully skirts around the horde and enters the building from another angle. Once inside he replaces his shield onto his back and grabs his axe as he begins to check each room for either infected or hostile survivors. Eventually he comes across a room with a girl sitting on a couch inside. As he's about to walk inside an infected from another room shambles out and, seeing David, tries to grab him. David proceeds to kick the infected in the chest before it could get ahold of him, sending it tumbling into the room. He follows this up by casually walking in and crushing its skull under his boot. David then looks over at the girl in such a manner that would make it hard to tell if he's hostile or otherwise.

@AIEe @UnknownRolePlayer


Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm

Mossberg 500

Fire Axe

Knife 1

Knife 2


"Stan! How dare you! Jeffery is right there," she said in a mock whisper. "I am so sorry," she told her delusion, sniffling a little. She wiped away some of the tears that started to form in her dark blue eyes.

"Stan is being mean again today, isn't he?" Came the quiet voice.

"I guess he is... But don't mind him, he's probably cranky for some reason."

@Shiro kurogane
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"im. am. not.... forget it. i have a feeling your not gonna listen away." Ky said with eyes showing his annoyance. "how did you get here anyways? a horde past through about an hour ago and im not being mean." He exited fully out of the doorway and looked around to ensure infected weren't still in the store.

"Infected? Ya'mean my dolls? They were being mean, so I broke them. Haha! That'll teach 'em! Stay in the corner where you belong!" She glared at the space past Ky until an unexpected sob tore from her throat. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I want my dollies back!"

"You killed them. You're not getting them back."

"I'm still hungry," Jeffery reminded her in an annoyed tone.

She perked up at that. "Oh, Jeffy's still hungry."

@Shiro kurogane
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CALLA said:
"fine." she left the room and after a few minutes came back with a blanket opening she walked over to hack and placed it on top of him. "goodnight " she slowly left the room making sure blade was out leaving the door open .
Hachi opened his eyes sometime later and got up check on Delphi. After seeing that she was still sleeping at the moment, Hachi went back to the main room of the overly large house and practiced with the new knives in order to get used to them.

NekoQueen49 said:
"Infected? Ya'mean my dolls? They were being mean, so I broke them. Haha! That'll teach 'em! Stay in the corner where you belong!" She glared at the space past Ky until an unexpected sob tore from her throat. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I want my dollies back!"
"You killed them. You're not getting them back."

"I'm still hungry," Jeffery reminded her in an annoyed tone.

She perked up at that. "Oh, Jeffy's still hungry."

@Shiro kurogane
Ky was caught off guard by the sudden cry and what the girl had said about killing her dolls. Ky came to the conclusion the this girl was literally mental. Ky's eyes again showed the emotion he'd lost the ability to express any other way except through his eyes and found a energy bar and held it out to the girl. "here." he stated simply.
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He sighed, looking around. "First, lets go find a house nearby or something." He fixed her in his arms and carried her down the street. "Then, maybe i'll think about telling you." He smirked. @midnightrose
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(Ok, I just read a whole bunch and knows what's going on I'll just jump in)

"Fuuukkkkkkk," Lilly groaned once finding herself alone. She must've woken up and though the group was leaving cause she had her back and weapons. She then noticed that no, she was still in the same city. Then it hit her, she had left to go do a few things. "Well, while I'm put here, I guess I can check to make sure there's nobody around," she muttered. Looking down she, she noticed her beloved picture had fallen out of her pocket. She picked it up, dusted it off, put it back in her pocket and began to walk.
She took the bar happily. "Thank you, Stan," she said before ripping off the wrapper and biting into it eagerly. "Jeffery's happy now," she smiled, patting her stomach. "Aren't you, Jeffy?"


At that, she turned to Ky again. "Is anyone else with you? I'd be sad to find out Elsie didn't make it."

@Shiro kurogane
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He playfully rolled his eyes and walked up to a nearby house. He lightly tapped his elbow on the door. After there was no sound he pulled the door open and stepped inside.
"Because this house is closer and its not like we cant catch up with them later." He walked inside the living room of the couch and sat her down on it. "And If I am going to tell you anything, which I never said I would, I don't want an audience." He sat down at the chair acrossed from her.
Megan leans on an arm on her good leg. "Now tell me you wouldn't drag me to a house if you doing want to tell me anything. Now please tell."
He chewed on his bottom lip, thinking. "I-its uh, its complicated..?" He tried to say something to get her to give up on the subject. He feared that the truth may be too unbelievable.
NekoQueen49 said:
She took the bar happily. "Thank you, Stan," she said before ripping off the wrapper and biting into it eagerly. "Jeffery's happy now," she smiled, patting her stomach. "Aren't you, Jeffy?"

At that, she turned to Ky again. "Is anyone else with you? I'd be sad to find out Elsie didn't make it."

@Shiro kurogane
"well there was someone named Lilly here earlier, but i have no clue where she or the rest of the group are at the moment." Ky answered still not understanding who the people the girl was talking about were supposed to be.

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