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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

"i already said my name was Ky, several times." He replied with eyes that no longer showed annoyance but instead, acceptance for the fact that the girl would keep calling him whatever she wanted apparently. "now, whats your name?"

"i just kind ended up here after escaping the military and being lead here by Lilly." Ky told her "now your turn, spill. how did you get here."

@NekoQueen49 (its ok)
"Well, I was being a good girl in my home, and then my dolls let me free. And then I followed my dolls here," she replied with a blank voice, as if having a hard time recalling. She was frowning with the effort.

"You killed them."

"I did not!" She screamed towards the voice to her right. "It was the dolls fault. They didn't know what they were doing!"

@Shiro kurogane
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She reached and poked him. "You can tell me anything you know that right?. Here I'll make a deal with you. You tell me what youre gonna tell me and I'll tell you something."
He sighed, leaning back in his seat a bit. "I dont know.." he said hesitantly. "I dont think you'd take it too kindly."
Ky listened to lucky's stories of ending up here and didn't know how to console a mental girl. So he half hugged and half patted her shoulder awkwardly. This is what he'd seen people do to comfort others during his time at the military base and figured he'd try it on lucky to calm her down.

Lucy jolted at the feeling of Ky's hand on her shoulder. She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. A blank face with eyes full of feeling. She felt as though she might have meet him before, had she not recognized his features at all. It was just the type of face she was accustomed to, if not for his eyes. It was the face she had seen many times before on the more medicated patients. But it was his eyes that gave her hope. She had learned before that hope was silly thing. That resisting was a silly thing. Resisting against the doctors when inside the hospital, against her delusions after she had left. Was he resisting his medication? Against his treatment? Or was he another of her many delusions? It was possible. Hell, it was possible that everything was a delusion, that she was still in the hospital, just without her daily meds that held her darkness at bay at the cost of not being able to control the tics and tremors, feeling dizzy, and the episodes of nausea.

Could she resist it too? Perhaps it was possible for her if it was possible for him.

Was this a delusion too? Maybe that was the most infuriating part, the not knowing what was real or not... "Is this real?" She asked, more out of instinct maybe. Something she used to ask the doctors in the early days of being at the hospital.

@Shiro kurogane
He groaned, then leaned forward, looking her dead in the eye. "A...friend of mine new a friend of yours. They told me to take care of you." He said with a sigh as he leaned back in his seat.
Ky watched silently as he saw faint emotions running through Lucky's eyes. Some of the emotions that he'd seen in her eyes reflected what his own used to contain along with the various other test subjects. Ky's eyes changed again to show sorrow for the girl as she asked if this was real and seeing the spark of hope that would both brighten and fade at the same time made him want to help this person. "depends on what your referring to. If you mean im i real, then yes. If you mean is this... the current world and it state that its in now is real, then yes. but only you can decide fro yourself what is real and what isn't." He'd told the same words to a boy who had lost his mind during the experiments.

"I'm not good at deciding what's real and what isn't. But it I can touch you, then that usually means that you're real but... since I've left then that has been..." She stopped, looking at over at a shadow forming on the wall. "That's not real. It's been happening a lot more recently. It's worse now than before." Her lip twitched downward, trying to focus back on what she knew was real, on Ky.

@Shiro kurogane
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He closed his eyes for a moment. "N-nothing, nevermind." He stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. "I'll be right back." He said quickly. (Brb for 30minutes ishh)
"well then, just focus on me or ask me when you can't decide whats real. you'll return to reality eventually, so just take it slowly." Ky's eyes expressed the warm smile that his lifeless doll like self couldn't express otherwise. "just focus on the things that are real. but also don't force yourself. people have their reasons or stories on why or how they lost their perception of what was real." Ky was just repeating what he'd heard doctors tell the mental subjects. But his eyes that showed the warm smile also showed that he believed Lucky' would return to reality when she was ready.

His words sounded somehow familiar to her, maybe she heard something similar before but she couldn't tell where. However, it did bring her a strange feeling of hope, along with his warm eyes. She couldn't help but think how strange it was, how contrasting they were compared to the rest of his face.

She nodded and smiled in reply. "That sounds... okay... to me..." She said, still sounding slightly hesitant. But it was more hope than any one had ever given her before, having just shoved pills down her throat instead telling her what she needed to hear.

@Shiro kurogane
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Ky saw the spark of hope in Lucky's eyes and the smile in his own somehow managed to express a slightly bigger smile. Hearing the slight hesitation in her voice did faze the smile in his eyes. "don't worry, just come to me whenever you want and i'll help you as best i can." Ky walked into the store's backroom and pointed to a bed pile left over from one of the others in the group. "you can lay down if you want or join me in a walk outside for a few." he said now standing by the front door waiting for Lucky's reply instead of rudly leaving with hearing her answer.

(By the way, I notice you keep calling Lucky. Typo?)

"I think..." She started to say but paused. Should she go with him, the first grip on reality that she's met, or stay and ponder over her new revelation? She didn't trust herself as of yet, but she also didn't trust the outside. "I can come with you. Are you looking for your friends?" She asked, surprising herself that she remember that even in one of her episodes.

@Shiro kurogane
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Megan was more confused then ever. "Jace." She called after him. She slowly got off the couch and hopped after him. She hurt her leg a bit in the process.
(uh, oops. my bad... my phone keeps auto correcting Lucy to Lucky.)

"no, im not looking for them. They'll come back eventually anyways since most of the group's supplies are here." Ky said not mentioning that even if they didn't come back, that it wouldn't be the first time he's been alone. "besides, when i said 'walk' i meant just around the building since i don't really know this area too well and don't want to end up lost somewhere."

He turned around, still chewing on his bottom lip due to his nerves. "I-I was told not to tell you about anything, and now I did, and-" He stopped himself, running his fingers through his hair and sighing harshly. "Please, just go sit back down. I'm not leaving you." (backk @midnightrose )
"Hey hey hey." Megan said while grabbing his hands. "Its okay... Finish telling me please." She said softly while looking in his eyes.

(((Okayyyyy))) @WhyNotRP
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(I see :) )

"That makes sense..." she mumbled. "Are you worried about them though?" She knew in the beginning she was worried about her friends. Until they started to die, and she let herself be consumed by her schizophrenia. She grit her teeth, trying to push those memories away. Not now...

@Shiro kurogane
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