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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

Lilly kissed the photo of the little blond boy. "Happy 7th birthday Matthew," she whispered. She could almost hear him reply happy birthday mommy! She smiled at the memory.
"Seriously you two?" Lilly asked, looking up from the photo. She stuck it back in her pocket, and stood up. She grabed her bat, "I'll be back soon."
Ky wondered around the store and eventually found a back exit. Pushing it open, he looked out and saw nothing. So he stepped outside and started wondering around outside the building. He saw an infected passing by a few feet away from him. Ky made his way to it. He knew and was taught self-defense, various weapon handling and how to fight. He wouldn't be able to kill it unarmed.... at least not while it could use it's legs. Upon getting closer to the infected, Ky slammed his foot in an arcing kick into the infected's knees and heard the crack of a already rotting bone.

The infected tried to stand but it legs had been in bad shape before Ky had just broke them. Son standing was an impossible feat for the infected now. Ky quickly followed through with breaking the thing's arms so they couldn't be used either. After taking a moment to ensure the infected could no longer use it's broken arms and legs. Ky looked into it's eyes and saw nothing. These infected were different from the ones he'd seen at the base. The infected there still had a faint light of humanity in them. Whereas this one had nothing in it's eyes. This served to confirm what Ky had been suspecting for awhile now.

The researchers who raised his as an object were not just researching a cure. He'd heard the whispered brief conversations and despite not hearing every word. Ky had gotten the gist of it. They were researching a cure.. but also something else. Ky smashed his foot down onto the infected's head and crushed the skull. As he moved back to the back exit of the store, he dragged his foot in the snow to clean it of the blackened blood.

His eyes showed fear at what he'd just done. While his face and body still remained like a lifeless doll. "i can't be that easy to kill... can it?" Ky didn't know what to make of his first infected kill.
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Lilly walked a little ways down and came across two infected. The swung and took one down and stabbed the other. She continued walkin and came across three more withen a few yards of the last ones. "What the shit biscuit?" She asked after taking them down. Then she saw it, out in the distance a hkrde. "Fuck." She ran back, and opened the door. "We have a slight problem," Lilly said a but nervously
Ky reentered the building to hear Lilly saying something about a problem. He didn't say anything, just looked in her direction for her to tell everyone what the problem was.
"Um, well, there's a horde." Lilly stated. "We might want to move to the back. Also Ky? Where are you? Never mind there you are,"
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"So you think moving to the back is gonna help?" Megan lifted her head. "Leave me behind. I'm injured and I slow you guys down."
"Moving to the back will reduce out chances of being noticed, and no waay, I'm not being responsible for anymore deaths!" Lilly said. "Jace, get Mag to the back, me and Ky will get food, I guess for now Chel will have to fend for her self." Lilly commanded, going into sergeant mode.
Ky looked to the injured girl who wanted to be left behind and his eyes had the look of someone with something to say. But without being spoken to he was conditioned to not speak until either spoken to or told to speak.

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