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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

Chel looked up to see Kaden sitting next to her and smiled a bit. It quickly faded as the dark thoughts consumed her mind again. "It's funny how I get attached to people so early. Even if they're a bad person." She covered her face with her hands and began to cry.
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Kaden furrows his eyebrows at her and loosely wraps and arm around her. "What bad people have you been getting attached to?" He asks softly, trying his best not to say anything wrong.
Chel sniffed and looked at him with a tear-stained face. "Probably every one you can think of." She replied harshly. She looked deep into his eyes, looking for something to prove that he isn't bad.
Kaden sighs before looking forward. "I stopped talking to people for a long time, I even went solo all because of something stupid I did." Holds the puzzle piece necklace and looks at it. "I'm an idiot-" I stopped talking just as the sound of loud frequent thuds came from the front door. I instantly assumed infected and stood up, grabbing my switch blade and edging towards the door.
Chel jumped at the sudden noise and grabbed her knife from her pocket. She stared at the location of the noise, and she got off the counter. She followed behind Kaden, being his backup.
Kaden turned the corner and glued his eyes onto the door, narrowing them as he listened in close. Who knows how many infected it could be. He leaned against the door, trying to see if he could hear how many were out there.

After obvious failure, he grabbed the doorknob and looked back at Chel, silently asking if she was ready.
Chel nodded back, feeling a lump in her throat. She held her knife in a guard position. She could hear something, but she didn't know what. She swallowed the lump in her throat and focused on the door in front of them.
He pulled the door back and jumped back, standing next to Chel. There only seemed to be three infected, so he took the situation with ease. He grabbed the first ones shoulder, driving his knife through its head causing it to fall lifelessly to the ground.
Chel jumped in, stabbing one's head and kicking it to the ground. The other came from her side and grabbed her shoulder. She screamed and she fell on the ground, knocking the wind out of her. She held the zombie back by shoving her knife in it's mouth horizontal. Chel grunted and yelped for help.
Kaden instantly acted, grabbing its shirt and pulling it off of her. He heard more shuffling, but focused more on the infected in front of him. He pushed the infected back a bit, then stabbed it a few times in the head before it dropped to the ground. He looked back at Chel and put a hand out to help her up, but heard more shuffling coming from behind him. He snapped his head around and saw four more infected pushing through the small doorway.
Chel quickly took his hand and got up. "Not to be pessimistic, but I think we gotta run." The infected growled at them and she looked at Kaden for an answer.
He looked back at them, then at Chel. He nodded and pushed her towards the hall. As they ran back a bit, the back door flew open, revealing another group of infected pushing their way through. Kaden lowly grunted and looked at the closet. "Don't hate me for this." Before you could answer he pushed you inside and took a chair, shoving it under the doorknob so you couldn't get out.
"Kaden!!" Chel screamed as she was pushed into a closet. She hit the door with her fists. "What the?! Open it!" She suddenly shivered as she noticed the closet was cold and dark. She covered her shoulders and pulled her hat on tighter. She leaned against the door. Her breath quickened because she had claustraphobia. She stopped herself so Kaden wouldn't be worried and covered her mouth.
All she could hear was grunting and loud thuds, but only an idiot couldn't assume that he was succeeding. The sounds of shuffling increased. "Shit." He said lowly. A few more thuds hit the ground, but this time there was a yelp afterwards. He groaned, and then mumbled once again, "shit!"
"Kaden!" She screamed and she hit the door with her shoulder. It stood still. She turned the knob back and forth. "You can't leave me here! What if you don't come back?" She immediately covered her mouth and stopped. You IMBECILE! She thought to herself as the groans and shuffling got louder.
Everything was completely silent other than the shuffling. There were no more thuds and not a single human sound, only the sound of the occasional low grunt from a walker or the shuffling of the infected's feet.
Chel began to choke on her tears. "No! NO NO NO NO! GET ME OUT OF HEAR! PLEASE! NO NO NO!" She couldn't hold back anymore, and she broke down crying. She let the tears run down and she covered her ears.
Suddenly, a few thuds sound from the other side of the door and he chair that was blocking the door is pulled off. "Hurry!" He yelled, sounding as if he was struggling to get the words out.
Chel quickly wiped the tears off and burst through the door. She ran a bit too far and hugged Kaden. She, embarrassed, ran upstairs. Hastily, she grabbed her backpack and ran back down the stairs. She joined Kaden again, hearing the growls of the infected behind them.
He felt dizzy and looked down at the many corpses he pilled up trying to save Chel. He looked back up at her and blinked. "We have to get out. Now." He held his knife steadily and walked towards the back door, but a few infected crept inside. "dammit!" He said, stepping back. He was out of energy and felt withdrawn, but it wasn't a usual withdraw. He looked at Chel, then a door that was cracked open and led to the basement. "Chel,"
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"I hate basements..." She said in advance and climbed down the stairs. At the end, a pile of bloody clothes were stacked. "Ew..." She commented and stepped over.
He shut the door behind them and followed her down the stairs. He saw the clothes and widened his eyes. "I hope its not hunters." He sighed. He hates hunters, they never want to reason with any survivors. They just go in for the kill because they assume that's the easiest way. He looked back up the stairs, then at Chel. He felt dizzy again, but tried not to pay much attention to it and leaned against the wall. "Are you okay, Chel? I'm sorry for putting you in the closet.."
Chel coughed. "Yeah... I'm just claustrophobic and I thought you were dead..." She sighed and began looking for an exit. Her lips felt dry but she didn't let it distract her.
He saw black fuzz start to take over his vision, and these symptoms weren't foreign to him. He grabbed onto the table, but quickly failed and slipped onto the ground. "Chel." He groaned, his eyes almost closing shut as he laid on his back, scrunching his face up in pain.
"Kaden?!" She yelled as she got by his side. "What the hell did you do?" She started to inspect his body for bites or scratches. None were visible. She reached into her backpack and found some water. There was barely any left, but she asked Kaden if he needed any.

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