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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

AIEe said:
He looked at Lilly, then at Chel. "You don't understand, Chelsea. I'm never going to be the same again, its just not possible." He spoke calmly, almost as if he'd been telling himself that for a while. He believed his words more than anything else, he believed that he was broken and he believed that he wasn't fixable.
"And you mister. Everyone has felt the way you have at some point or another. I know I have. Heart crushing guilt and regret, the feeling of totally worthlessness. You can push trough, I've seen so many people do it, people who were worse off than you. You can get better," she glared, tapping his chest.
He leaned against the counter again and sighed. "I should've been the one who died two months back." He said in almost a whisper. He knew what he was referencing, but he wasn't sure if the others did.
"I should've died my fist deployment to Afghanistan," Lilly said, a memory flashed." So, what happened two months ago? You did say you would explain, so explain,"
Chel covered her ears harder, but it was inevitable. She'd have to listen to them talk. I wasn't even supposed to be born... She remembered but shook it out of her mind.
"Back two months ago," he reached for the necklace around his neck, but once he realized it was gone he let his hand fall to his side. "It was just me and my sister. We were just traveling the world, not needing anyone else but each other." He smiled a bit at the memory, but it quickly faded. "She was my everything, she was the only reason I got out of bed and the only reason I ate. She was always bickering at me about being too thin, even when we were short on supply. She's a lot like Chelsea, now that I think of it." He looked down.

"The military came and took us to their camp, saying it was 'protocol' and everything they were doing was 'required' and that we'd be 'safer' with them. We, being our ignorant selves, went with them. They took us to some form of a lab, claiming that they were to do a few tests on us." he stopped, looking down at his leg.
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"You were bitten, right? I heard a rumor about a boy who wouldn't change." Lilly say, placing a hand on Chel's shoulder. "Please, go on,"
"If I sing along, a little fucking louder, to happy song, I'll be alright." Chel sung quietly over and over, not wanting to listen.
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"Yeah. I was bitten only moments before the military came and got me and my sister and brought us in. They thought it was the most interesting thing they'd ever heard of. So interesting, that they had a thirst for more. So, they decided to purposely get my sister infected to see if her results would be the same." I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw. "Obviously, t-they weren't."
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"A voice in my head says I'm better off dead. We give it all that we've got, and it still doesn't count..." Chel murmured and started humming.
AIEe said:
"Yeah. I was bitten only moments before the military came and got me and my sister and brought us in. They thought it was the most interesting thing they'd ever heard of. So interesting, that they had a thirst for more. So, they decided to purposely get my sister infected to see if her results would be the same." I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw. "Obviously, t-they weren't."
Lilly's heart dropped. "I'm sorry about your sister," she choked. "When this all started I had to kill my mom and little bro--" she stopped herself, "My son," she trailed off. She glanced at Chel, and then back at Kaden.
"Excuse me..." Chel got up from her seat and a chord dangled from her sweatshirt. She was listening to music. She climbed out the window and onto the roof and started singing the songs on her MP3 player.
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He watched Chel walk out, wondering if he should follow her. He decided to finish first. "B-but thats the thing, That wasn't the end, no. They had the nerve to hit me over the head while I was sleeping and take me in. They did tests on me without my consent, tests that could have killed me. They even tried to perform surgery and kill me for the possibility at a cure. And more recently, they tried, no, they almost killed Chel. Then, they locked me in a cage like an animal and threatened to chop me to bits." He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think again.
"Calm down, Kaden, take it slow. Well find who did this and we'll take them out, I promise," Lilly said, trying to keep her voice steady. Her own rage was boiling again, she gripped her fist, and lit another cigarette. "Well make them pay for what they did."
He closed his eyes and dropped his bag on the floor. "I'm-" He stopped himself and looked at his hands for a moment, "I-I'm tired. I don't think Chel wants to talk to me right now, can you get her to come down? I haven't slept in days and I really think I should start sleeping again. At least for tonight I should." He gave her sincere eyes.
"Sure thing, go upstairs and look for a bedroom. And don't you dare think about leaving, il, knkw," Lilly said, before climbing up on the roof. She climbed over to where Chel was, and sta next to her. "Are you ok?"

After she walked out, he glanced at the front door. He took one step towards it, then stepped back. Even if he really really wanted to, he couldn't do it. He cant leave them, he's just now starting to understand that. He sighed and picked up his backpack and walking towards the stairs. He climbed up them and walked into the bedroom with a single bed in it. He threw his bag down onto the floor next to the bed and threw his shirt off onto the side, then laid down on the bed and turned on his side, closing his eyes. ((goodnight <3))
Hachi walked aimlessly leaving behind the temporary base that was the office building. With his hood on his cloak pulled over his head, any onlookers would think he's some kind of bandit. In the distance, were a group of people walking his way. Hachi knew they were people because infected don't talk. When the group of six heavily armed men spotted him. They shouted for him to stop and put his hand up. Naturally, Hachi ignored this and continued his steady pace towards the armed men. One of the men stepped forwards and shot inches in front of Hachi's foot. This caused him to pause and stare at the men.

"We said to stop and put your hands up, You deaf bastard." The man who'd fired the warning shoot threatened.

"And you people obviously couldn't take the hint of screw you." Hachi retorted in a bored voice. "now that i've answered you, can you leave?"

The man chuckled evilly. "Sure, you can go... if you want to go to the afterlife. now. put. your. hands. up." The man was clearly pissed from Hachi's disrespect.

"Well as fun as that would be, why should i listen to you? How do i know you're not bandits?" Hachi still had his bored tone of voice.

"alright, we gave you a chance. now we do this my way." The man hadn't even finished his own sentence before firing a shot into Hachi's foot. "still think we're screwing around?"

Hachi didn't even flinch nor falter for the bullet due to his high pain tolerance. But he'd still need to patch it up before he lost too much blood or it could be fatal. "No, now i think you and your friends are pricks." Hachi said leaning down and pulling out bandages he'd looted from what he thought to be dead military personnel.

"oh? looks like you got yourself a pretty good set of bandages. Where did a sewer rat like you get a standard issue first aid bandages from?" The man stood over Hachi with a pistol aimed at him. "Its also rare to see you survivors with a gun. did you steal that too?" The man glanced at his men who had formed a circle around Hachi so he couldn't try running off.

"If your gonna kill me, just do it. If not, im going to walk away." Hachi stood back up from patching up his wound to look the man in the eyes. "Or i can kill you and your guys. Sure you six might get some shot off, but even then i won't be the one dying here."

"..." The man was silent for a moment. He didn't like the sudden dangerous feeling coming from Hachi. But he refused to let his men think him a pushover. "fine" the man lowered his gun. "but you will come with us back to the base."

"and, if i say no?" Hachi questioned, daring the six men to give him a reason to kill them. Yeah, he'd no doubt get hurt and maybe shot multiple times. But Hachi had survived worse in his days of professional king.

"the-" a radio sounded and the man spoke to someone on the receiving end and reported their patrol yielded nothing unusual. He also told them of finding Hachi and after the man exchanged heated words with the radio, he looked at Hachi annoyed.
"good news rat, we've been told to return and to let you go. Now get outta here."

Hachi tilted his head in confusion.
"why is the military out here?" He wondered while walking away. Ignoring it, Hachi ventured farther on and reached an abandoned house with a towering tree a few feet from it and covered in snow. "better than nothing" He thought walking to the tree and climbing it. After getting comfortable, Hachi covered himself with some of the branches snow. Sure it was cold but it was better than sleeping with nothing. Normally he'd have secured the house, but at the moment his foot needed to heal and he was far too tired to check the house.
(*stereotypical class guy with a monocle and a top hat* quite welcome, my good sir! i tip my hat to you @AIEe

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