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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)

She spun around in the chair. "Give me half a second." Kicking shut a disk drive and rebooting a few things resulted in the gentle clicking and beeps of Hadrian's AI system coming back online. "Now, why did you let him in exactly?" Corliss's voice sounded tired and annoyed.

"Can't you see he's hurt? I don't care if he's an enemy, this is my territory, and you two are going to play nice until this blows over. Speaking of blowing over, what was up with that landing? We're still an hour by ship away from our intended place. I can tell your flying skills still suck." Hadrian's voice was smooth with a hint of amusement, her tone was half snark half tease and all fun. "Now, Wrath was it? How can I assist you?"

"Damn it Hadrian, do we really have to take care of this guy? Playing with the monsters is more fun than that." Corliss whined.

"You hush now, if you want to do something useful go and set up the firing system, the people out there are going to get slaughtered." Hadrian snapped.
Clint fires dangerously close to the ship, eliminating a large cross between a bear, wolf, demon, and human. He then turns his sword back into a sword. Three shots left.
Lilly looks around,her theory most likely was false,but at least the number of monsters was declining. To make sure,Lilly looks around and sees nothing,which means the monsters were just stupid and they weren't cannonfodder.
Clint looks at the remaining three monsters. All of them are big, two trolls and something resembling a flaming wolf. "I'll leave one of the trolls for someone else to fight, but I want the dire wolf and one of the trolls." He calls this out, surrounded by carcasses of other monsters. "But I'm not killing both trolls unless absolutely necessary." He's completely relaxed, the now-bloodstained sword resting on his shoulder. As the three charge at him, he eyes them up, identifying each monster's weak points. The back of the trolls' knees would cripple them, and the base of their skulls would kill them. Clint calls this information out to whoever would listen. What he doesn't say is that there are no obvious weak points for the dire wolf, meaning that he'll have to hit it until it dies.
The static of Hadrian's speakers bristled for a second before Corliss' voice came up, echoing slightly. "Alright, Hadrian told me to man the guns, and while I don't like listening to orders she's better at the helping people thing and I'm better at shooting things." Two guns wheeled out of a hidden compartment and aimed for the bigger troll on the left. "These damn bullets cost a fortune, so I'll be taking one third of the profits from selling their hides." This was a very unfair statement, as so many of the monsters had been marred and bashed to bits, so only a few of the hides would be useful anyway.

A single shot to the troll's shoulder and another to the base of it's neck made it drop like a rock. "Bull's eye. You better treat that dire wolf well, you'd be amazed what some people will pay for that thing alive on the black market." Corliss warned, her voice was tinged with longing, selling live monsters was illegal, making it difficult to find the right clients, but when you did you could make a fortune off of them. The rich people of the world liked to keep them as pets, or sometimes as livestock.
Wrath smirked at Grief's obvious agitation over Hadrian letting him into the ship. That alone made him feel much better, though it still did not make up for this entire debacle. Grief was having a little too much fun manning the guns and Hadrian had brought up a display of what was happening outside the ship. There were only three monst- scratch that, Grief just blew away one of the lumbering hulks. Two monsters left. Clint looked confident as he strolled towards the last two, swinging that huge chunk of iron he called a sword. It seemed everything was in hand, but he spotted that smaller woman from earlier with the frying pan jumping up and down and yelling out something.

"Hadrian my friend, are you able to pick up audio from the would be cook over there?" Wrath asked of the AI. After a moment he could hear a tiny voice that matched the girl on the screen shouting about a bigger monster coming. Wrath felt his stomach turn to lead, the girl may be right. It did indeed feel like something was driving these monsters on. Monsters are not stupid creatures, they would not keep throwing themselves into the meat grinder like this normally. "Hadrian, scan for any larger lifesigns please. There may be a something else heading our way. What do you need me to do to get you up and flying again? We may need to get out of here fast!"
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"My landing gear is totally gone, and I need a new spark plug. To fix the landing gear someone will have to work on it from outside, and even Corliss could only do it in half an hour minimum, I can do fast, but without my wheels we're not getting off the ground."

"If someone hadn't set off her alarms we wouldn't be in this mess, and if someone had just given me the damn parts when I asked for them I wouldn't still be here." Corliss chimed in as she crawled around the main area. "I don't have any of the parts I need."

"Which is indeed your fault, if you hadn't left in such a rush we could have re-orientated my navigation system, gotten me a new spark plug, and a full body check up but, nooooo Miss Corliss is too hyper-active to sit in one place for more than three days!" Hadrian's voice was haughty as she flipped through the diagnostic check for any other problems beside the landing gear.

"Don't make me take out your disk again." Corliss called while digging through a drawer, filled to the brim with bits of wire and spare parts.
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"You don't tell me what to do." Clint dispatches the other troll quickly, moving on to the dire wolf. Clint whistles, a high-pitched whistle, there's a flicker of movement in the shadows of the building. "This is a flam dire wolf, I know it's gonna be extra valuable." He glances back at the ship. "And I'm the one who's gonna sell it." The flaming wolf leaps at him, Clint raises his sword and barely deflects it. "Heavier tha I expected." He grunts. "Now, be a good dog. Sit." As he says this. Clint slams the dire wolf into the ground with the flat of his blade.
"Thirty minutes" Wrath mumbled to himself and began to slowly pat down his own body, rolling his shoulders and wrists in their sockets. To Hadrian and Grief he would seem an odd sight indeed. After a moment he relaxed, none of this joints were damaged and his fatigue from using his 'spells' and fighting earlier was beginning to wear off. He could probably do it, but it would take everything he had for a ship this size.

"I don't know if I can lift you for thirty minutes Hadrian. So your little miss will have to work faster than that" Wrath said cryptically as he slipped out the door leading outside.
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"Don't call me little miss!" Corliss yelled after him before pulling out a spidery looking mechanism of steel and wires. "Gotcha, alright then, we need to roll to fly, we need a spark to fly too." She thought out loud as she undid the mess of wires. "Hadrian, patch me into the mainframe please."

"Corliss, are you going to-" Hadrian's voice was cut off as the banging sound of metal on metal echoed throughout the ship, Corliss had opened one of the floor compartments and dropped into it. "I'm not messing with your core data, I'm just tricking your hard drive to think that you have functioning landing gear. Your system will start the protocols for take off while I patch up the landing gear."

She then dropped out of the ship and crawled under to start cleaning and cutting dead wires off the mangled landing gear, as she worked on it and struggled to make too short wires to fix and mismatching poles to behave Hadrian's fan started to turn. "We still need a spark plug, how are you going to fix that?"

Corliss pointed to Wrath without looking at him. "Ask the mage, shouldn't he be able to create a temporary spark? That's all you really need, your back up operator's could handle a twenty minute flight without a functioning spark plug as long as you have the initial one that gets you into the air."
"Good dog." Clint smiles as he continues to smack the dire wolf around with the flat of his blade. "If I don't have to kill you, I think I'll keep you. If I do have to kill you, I'll either sell your hide or ad it to my coat." He gives the beast a good whack into a wall. "What should I name you, though...?"
Wrath tossed a bag back into the ship without a word. Who wouldn't carry around spare parts when scavenging? He never expected they would be used to repair a ship, but more than once Wrath had been able to salvage ground vehicles. Did Grief hate him because she thought he was a mage? True he could use a bit of magic but it was more a manipulation of his body than true magic. Wrath shook his head and headed outside and under the ship. The landing gear was indeed a mess though even Wrath could repair this if he had enough time.... and if he didn't have to literally LIFT the ship.

Wrath did his best to find the center of mass and placed his hand on the cool metal hull. "I'll try not to drop you" he said and closed his eyes, feeling his body and more specifically the limits place upon the muscles so they would not tear each other apart. "Ardebit Clare" Wrath chanted and felt his entire body brimming with a burning energy. With a loud yell Wrath lifted. At first nothing moves then stubbornly, little by little, the ship rose into the air until it was about 3 feet off the ground.

"GET.......IT......FIXED... QUICK!" Wrath grunted out as he tried to steady his breathing, this was going to be even tougher than he thought.
"I'm almost there, I've cleared away the dead bits, and with these," She grabbed the bag and rummaged through whistling, some of these things were pretty valuable. "I can do a patch and repair, it'll be ugly but it'll get where we want to go." She tried to quickly replace any of the essential bits of the landing gear, Wrath had a great collection of parts, but nothing to fit Hadrian. "You can create a temporary spark, right?" Corliss demanded. "Hadrian's unique, they don't even make her type anymore, so unless you can make the spark we've got a problem." She tumbled and swore. "Be careful!"

"Corliss, this man is literally carrying me, could you please shut up for a second?" Hadrian snapped. "If you would bother learning a few simple spells you could take care of the spark."

"You know I can't wield a single damn bit of magic, give me a second." Corliss dropped back into the captain's chair and turned the intercom back on. "Hey, I know you're playing with the dog, but could you give us a hand please? Just tell us where the parts that you kept are, and pray that they're close around here. If you're helpful I won't shoot the wolf; it'll be far more valuable when it's not blow to bits." She threatened.
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"All my parts," Clint calls back as he hits the wolf again, "...Are at my house. Which is a decent distance from here." He smacks the wolf away again. "A mile or two. At least."
Lilly had went across the battlefield and got the cart of food,which wasn't discovered by the monsters. She wheeled the food to the others,as a congratulatory meal.
Lilly wheeled the cart to Corliss's ship,then she Wrath. "Do you really need to carry that?If you need to hold that up for a while,let me stack some carcasses to hold it up." Lilly grabbed a monster carcass and started to drag it to the ship.
"Careful you don't poison yourself on that thing's spines or blood." Clint calls over to Lilly. "Judging by the fact you were cooking out here, you obviously don't know much about surviving out here." He bashes the dire wolf more, one smack sending it across the empty street.
"You may be right,I haven't...Never mind!" Lilly said,she had said to much,and as an attempt to stop conversation,she resumed stacking the corpses,at twice the speed.
"Some monsters have paralyzing poisons, if they enter your bloodstream it's like Tetanus but with more pain." Clint keeps beating on the dire wolf, something black and big also darting around, hitting it.
Lilly was glad that nobody asked anything,and she finished the pile. "You can let the ship down now" Lilly said,tapping on Wrath's shoulder. She walked back to the food cart,"Would anybody like some?" Lilly asked everyone.
Marvin sighed as she held a letter in her hands. "The united states army wants me again." She muttered to the air around her. "Transportation?" Her frown slipped and a small smile came to her face. "For once, my old bones don't want to walk all the way there." She chuckled, folding up the letter with her answer, but knowing they would come get her no matter what. When the U.S wabted something, they got it. No matter, she Helped them all the time. Hopefully this time she would get some action.
Clint slams the dire wolf into the ground one more time. Satisfied that he's beat up the beast enough, he observes it. The wolf's flames are dying out, revealing that it's actually only slightly larger than an average dire wolf. "Subdue." The form leaps onto the weakened wolf, revealing another dire wolf. It resembles a large, black timber wolf, with blazing eyes and wisps of shadow coming off of it.
Corliss rolled her eyes and switched on the targeting program, the shot was a bit tricky, but she wanted to make sure she got it dead right. She chuckled a bit at the pun. The program soon locked on; the angle was direct; right past his left calf, missing the black dire wolf by millimeters and into the beaten flame one's left eye. "Steady, Hadrian, we don't want to nick the black one."

"Systems are ready, is the silencer necessary?"

"No, anything within range is already here." Corliss took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

The bang of the bullet tore through the field, she had to grin. That was her favourite sound, the sound of something moving thirty three times faster than a cheetah, the feeling of the kickback running down the body of the gun, the subtle click of the hammer. It hit the wolf directly in it's eye, not even allowing for it to let out a whine of pain before the back of it's skull sprayed everywhere.

"Corliss, I just realised, perhaps firing was not effective in aiding Wrath, it is at the moment in quite a bit of pain from carrying me."

"Ah." Corliss murmured and called to Wrath. "Are you okay?"
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Veins stood out like iron on Wrath's arms as he put all his strength into keeping the ship airborne. The cook seemed to be trying to pile up corpses for him to set the ship on, but they would shift and flatten out after a few moments so that option was no good. He did appreciate the sentiment though. Just when he thought it could not get worse, the ship rocked as it fired out at the wolves. The shock brought Wrath down to one knee, thin cracks spread out around him on the ground like a spider's web. His breath came in ragged gasps as he tried to steady and center himself again.

"SERIOUSLY?!" He bellowed. He swore that woman was TRYING to get him killed. Next time Wrath would make HER carry an airship while he jumped up and down on top of it. He really wished someone would repair the landing gear sooner than later.
"Sorry, hey diagnostics came back, landing gear is good to go." Corliss said, cheerfully. "It's not like I weigh that much, all you're carrying is Hadrian and our supplies."

"Wrath, thanks so much for this, why don't you drop me and come on in." Hadrian's audio butted out Corliss, the door slowly creaked open. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I'm finishing the job, I'll drop him off somewhere along the way." Corliss said calmly. Hadrian, start up the nav system, we're out of here." She winced slightly as Hadrian's speakers whined. "Don't do that Hadrian."

"I'll do what I please with my own speakers." Hadrian replied haughtily.

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