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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)

Rene gives a small sweet smile and a simple nod to answer the man. Perhaps it is stupid do put yourself out there and go along with everything. Most people would enjoy staying put and safe behind the walls, but for this girl it is different. It isn't just for the adventure or to get her hands dirty but rather there was something else pulling the girl to get out there. Maybe there is more for her to do a better purpose. If the man is offering she will gladly take it.

Hearing him explain what exactly his dog is she turns and looks to the creature. With a slight grin she quickly says "Now now I wouldn't call him a monster"
"And yet we still call the human-type monsters monsters." Clint keeps walking. "Like my grandma or my mother." Kaine trots happily beside him.
"I don't know if hiding is hole can really be considered winning" Wrath said and glanced around the room. "No matter how fancy that hole is."

"You say there is not enough information but you recognized the place in my photograph. That means you know where the base is and that is the only place we will find more intel. Even Hadrian said she didn't have any information on the project so you can't just sit here and wait for it to magically appear" Wrath sighed, fighting with Corliss was just exausting. "And magic does not work like that just to let you know."

One way or another he was going to get out of here. He moved over to the glass walls and felt their smooth surface. He could probably break them with enough force but it wouldn't be easy and he was sure Corliss would be on him before he could break through. An upset woman would just make a bad situation worse. "You don't need to care or understand why I am dead set on this. You just need to know I need to see it done."
Corliss shook her head, rolling her eyes. " You don't get it, do you?" She held up one finger. "One, I recognise the place from memory, that doesn't mean I know how to get there. Two, Hadrian is not all knowing, that's why she an AI so that she can learn. Three, I know that's not how magic works, my father tried to teach me but failed, well he failed a lot but that's expected of him. Anyway, four, of course I don't need to care or understand why you do anything, but I like to. That's the beauty of having pets, you learn about their motivations and interests, then you exploit them. There is nothing you could say or do that would make me leave my gorgeous house after a ten hour trip here into a world that has my name and face labelled as a fugitive."

She grabbed his arm pulling him away from the glass. "Don't even think about trying to break it, it's reinforced against the weight of the sea, do you really think you could break it that easily?"
"All the pressure from the water if focused onto a single point...." Wrath said but allowed Corliss to drag him away from the glass. It was not a very good plan anyways. Even if he did survive, chances are Corliss would not unless she got into the ship right away. He only wished she would just let him get out of here. He had enough of being caged and he was not about to be trapped in this place for weeks and weeks while the world passed him by. He could already feel the walls pressing in on him and his breath becoming uneven.

"If you recognize it from memory we just have to check all the places your visited with your father. How many trips could you possibly have taken with him when you were a kid?" Wrath said, pulling his arm out of Corliss's grasp and waggled a finger in her face. "You could try to exploit me but that will be a bit more of a challenge than you can pull off!"
She stopped in her tracks. "I don't remember a lot of my father, most of my childhood was lessons and more lessons. He always hoped I'd take his place as general. Unfortunately my favourite teacher was an ex-assassin, so I took a much more interesting career path." She glanced back at him, noting his discomfort. "Are you sure you don't want to go and explore or something, I'm going to fiddle with Hadrian's software. I don't want to have babysit and work. Go find someplace to play by yourself."

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